VERNONIA ! Thursday, September 2i<, 1927 OLD JOHN’S CHANGE OF HEART Iic) by D J 11 Walsh.) JOHN BARKER, -Stingy John.* ns I lie was dubbed by the boys I of the neighborhood, sat on ttie J doorstep of I i L h ivy-covered Cdt- tnge. which had been made beautiful b<*rb Inside and out by the hands of &illy. his orphaned niece. That very day in a violent fit of rage he had caused her to leave the Ohly home she had ever known. Where she toad gone for shelter toe (fid not know, and, what was worse, toe had convinced himself that lie did not care. Bux tonight something was wrong, tie did not tiud his usual satisfaction tn counting his money and chuckling over ids bank balances and the rents so soon coining due. Perhaps his conscience was vaguely troubling hltn. A neighbor who had Jiist left had told him lu no uncer- fci-in words just what be thought of old John's treatment of Milly. “For love of money,” the neighbor had said, “you’ve sold yourself to the devil. He’ll soon be able to claim your sbul ’’’ And while old John bad openly flaunted him, he could not forbear a shudder. Try as he would toe could wot keep his thoughts from wander­ ing. Had he really sold his soul to the devil? Nt* could not keep Ids uUud from dwelling on Milly. In fancy he could hear the echo of her light footfall as she was wont to walk to »nd fro across the May bedrooms and hall, de- Hrhting in the little womanly tasks that seem so intricate t© a man. Rut old John's heart hardened ns he remembered bow she had deSled him when be forbade her to allow that young scapegoat of a teoy to ever cross tris threshold again. Never would a pottering musician inherit bls money If Milly didn’t have sense enough to marry a man of wealth then she sliouldn’t ever receive any of hLs thither than give up her lover the girl had chosen to go out In the world aod try to make her own Living until mwb a time as the man of her heart oould olaini her. Old John sat motionless, smoking Ns corncob pipe m'ooiUl.v. The lone Ituess of the little bbtise male hint reluctant to enter, though It was past the hour of bls bedtime. The hour, dragged Interminably. Au ominous silence prevailed Sud­ denly the nlr was rent by the shrill ary of a scrunch-owl. tJiat harbinger of evil tidings. T,he darkness seemed filled with horrible griuraulrig faces. Another gust of wind caune around the corner of the house, endlug in a long drawn out, almost human sob The grim figure rtf the old man stirred uneasilyy. Faintly in the wind the sound of a voice singing was borne to him. A voice of exquisite pathos arid beauty. Old John peered nervously Into the shadows, and then rose stUJy and en­ tered Ute house. No sooner had he lighted the old- fashioned lamp tliun there was the sound of feet outside and a loud rap on the door. With ahuffifag. hesitating steps be started to answer the summeus. but when at last Ids nervous tigers found the latch and opened tire door be drew back in terror. Without stood a majestic, terrible figure. To old John's benumbed fac­ ulties It was neither ntdn nor beast— rantbtoe less than the devil himself! The figure stood about 6 feet 2, clothed in scarlet from head to foot; W>rd-leokLi>2 little red horns nrot-r"d- ef the large hotels that NOT PROFITABLE I I yields of many poorly fed cows could be Lbcreneed as much as 50 per cant tfrrougb Improved feeding, sa^s Dr. W. B. Nevens, assistant chief to dairy oattie feediag at ttie college of agriculture, UlUversfty of Illinois. In a tew eases the yield has been nearly doubled, he said. “When the mUk yield of a cow or s head is increased through better teed lag, tile profits ellnb much more rap idly th'aa the cost of the extra teed. I d fact, many uonpaj^ng herds have been put on a profitable basis sknply through more liberal feeding af a ra­ tion better tutted te milk production “Investlgatlo ■ «i a matter -I * «t 'rtns tv >nt -h 5B as lha Tir, . •■ <1 f, hct’*» ve., f jy bring^i 'fits, while raising bett.'i c> * » 4 »<-reral years.’ 0v< •feeding Is C jiuewj Error in Handling C ’.'f “O ’erfeedlug," says C. II. E< ••». chief of the dairy husbandry division of the Mlunesotu t'olleyte of Agriciil ture. "is probably the most comnieli can -e of lack of success In nil-ug calves, It Is a mlsluke to assume thui because the cream has Urea removed the < alf needs more milk or An u.‘ cause the calf Is net dblug wAl U Is net gettieg eeuugh »Ufc nard simuld be a lowed te g»rge iuidt A x’-r’d rule s always to keep Itie cWtT a little buig'y. Some prevtaiea iuw4 b- math f»r aaaktag csrkwhi that rw.-b ani.n 11 gets its share aad wo mure A satis ’ntSory plan is 1» Ue tba enlves la Hl. all st.isithiuns dnriac Uu, feed fag. Each caLf Uben gets Its |»riy>eu amount aud caoast faterfare wlfa the feeding ef others. "U'JtlSr natWtU candlUeus. Oe <*>U take: its milk faequoatlf aaM a» isuall quantities. When Led Sy tesad. two feedings a day k> tAe row -< w p.-aetiva amt -lAsalai rare w«.ns tiiiit would no. n ensure up to the stnndard so fa as up ta-dnte dairy b.rns go. d eeonomieallg. “Inside" Information » •_ - - w-rf». w is not always given sufficiei t thought. Serve something < runci y like toast or browned crumbs tn j scalloped dish, something sof,, s a white sauce or custard som >- tiling crisp and fresh, like lettui a r cold slaw, to give var ety .u texture. For variety in flavor some foods should be bland or mild, like potatoes or bread; some should have a pronounced flavor, as in the case of rare steak, roast lamb, har', or cheese, or some of the vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, on­ ions, green pepeprs; there shou'd also be something sour in ltse f like tomato or pickles, or like spinach or beets, something that is ordinarily served with vinegar, or a salad with a French dressing. Sweet flavor is usually provided in the dessert, or it may be intro­ duced elswhere, as in candied sweet potatoes, or as jelly with meat. NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS Notice is hereby given to the holders of the following bonds of the City of Vernonia, Columb a County Oregon; Bond No. 2 of Improvement dis­ trict No. 3, dated May 1 1921, said bond being in denomination of $500.; Bond No. 1 of Improve­ ment district No. 12, dated May 1, 1926, said bond being in denomina­ tion of $119.65; Bonds No. 1 ai.d 2 of General Obligation Bonds dated May 1, 1926, said bonds being in denomination of $500.00 each. All of the above bonds being redeemable at the option of said city on Nov. 1 1927. That pur­ suant to said option, said bonis will be redeemed within 30 days from the date of this notice, to- wit: On the First day of Novemb :r 1927, upon presentation to the fiscal agency of Oregon in New York City, to-wit: The National Park Bank. In case the holders of said bonds fail to present same at the time and place montioned herein for the redemption thereof, then the interest thereon shall cease and the agency aforesaid will therarf- ter pay only the amount of surh bond and the interest accru fi thereon up to the said first day of November 1927. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, on this 1st day of October, 1927. J. C. Lindley, Tret.s. City of Vernonia, ure. 84 Members of the squash family are sometimes overlooked by even the homemaker most anxious to vary her menus. The bureau of horns economics, U. S. department of agriculture, suggests baked stuf­ fed cymbling as a good way to combine pork with a delicious vege­ table. Try the following method of preparing it: 1 large tender cymbling; 1 *,4 cups dry bread crumbs; 1 tablespoon chopped- on­ ion; 1 tablespoon chopepd green pepper; 4 tablespoons butter; Salt and pepper; 2 cups vegetables if desired, such as cooked peas, car­ rots, beans, or celery; Crisped or cubea of salt pork. Wash the cymb­ ling shell until tender in boiling s..lted water. Remove and drain. While the shell is still warm, tub the inside with butter so the flavor Nu:nbar of tv SuceMR «a tetfiiyiBg will go through the vegetable. Grown the onion nnd green pepper If lt wara peoihie w> ii:xvi G»r nu* in the fat, add the bread crumbs, ber rwjulditre et' siwcrss in Atàry- ing to «ne, tdtass <«» wwwrs l>» ".’ »«w and stir until well mixed. Cook yom soWs," asys 'Hhowrae M Ulsan, the inside of the cymbling until it the fasi, astiar fa ittakgr haKhaadw w tender and dry; add to fare » W»ltW>a STtglfe «Ìftrw, Staci vy »,? soilings and the bread crumbs. he,1 ag, ar fawdfng * KSfarw/t lattea Mix small pieces of the crisped doi.v art ».«ire «w»nA. sfahaegh U ; bacon or salt pork and any of wil! farreama sonamShrt Aa pe •d.av the vegetables mentioned with the Non af tifa dwfa» ber«. Fwr» hiWd other ingredients. Place the mix­ afai¡7 uoRw do nati gftwaMea auner». ture in the shell and cover the Mt evao gare brsal oawa fcaia kh*h top with buttered crumbs. Bake grill uJx amafswy. Aapaustve Jh'wy in the oven until hot through and banca oaM «gnipierfwc WÌS peobaJdy golden brown on top. Cut in slices laahe dwtryfag mare talwertHX aad and serve at once. facrsuSb dwucwkat Am total poadve- The matter of variety and con­ Coquille—All but tftau, b