4 Thursday, September 29, 1927 THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT VOLUME 1 LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor TWO VERNONIA EAGLE NUMBER 18. tion last summer the band added a reduction of 25 per cent. HORSES MUST BE According to survivors the road­ TRAINED WITH LOVE quite a bit to the noise of the with a speech to the farmers of South Dakota on culture. Hij next speech will be to the students of Harvard university on farm relief, which will be followed by a speech to the flood sufferers in the Miss­ issippi valley on the conversation of water for irrigation. Cliff Gilmore said today that his household would be under a commission form of government during a visit from his mother-in- law. — Mount c r. Mo?ec Was Not £:nai, Says Explorer Copenhngt n.—Mount Sinai, where Moses gave the world the Ten Coin- inandnients. Is not on the Sinai pen­ insula, ns p<*pularly supposed, says Dr Dltlef Nielsen, the famous Scandina­ vian explorer and archeologist, who has just returned from a survey of Egypt. Palestine. Arabia and Trnns.lordanla The holy mountains. Doctor Nielsen states, are In the mountains of Edom south of the Dead sea. In support of which he submits scientific data, maps and historical material. Doctor Nielsen’s discoveries have aroused interest In scientific, archen logical and religions r’r ’-‘s The pre else locality of the Biblical Mount Sinai has long been h subject of » hiii troversy. It has been asserted hv arch: <•!- gists that the peninsula of !"r barren, waterless desert roll’ I lev. i s< ; > have accummodatod 2.1 Nor does it contain a mouuiidn »• ‘U’ so sharply, they say, that its L . c could be fenced In while It was easily ascended, and Its summit could be seen by a great multitude below, as Biblical tradition Implied. Garibaldi reports business and building boom. State will improve Ashland-Klam­ ath Falls highway early next year. Low bid is $165,000 for 500,000 tons rock for Coos Bay federal jetty. Columbia City to improve several streets. house party last Saturday night was Buck Jones, who rides for the occasion. one of the most brilliant social movies, came out flatfooted in a Mister and Missus Bearcat Boone functions of the season. statement the other day, in which Last Sunday Bearcat Boone won he said that teaching horses with went up to the National Park Sun- love and kindness always wins day to get away from the bilJ- second place in an argument with Bureau of agricultural will open his wife. the affection of the horse with boards. Northwest economical office !■ his simple and unassuming ways, SUMMER IS GENTLY Portland. LOCAL NEWS and before the editor of The Cac- GLIDING INTO FALL Spud Lumpkins writes from New fish cannery to be built Expression of Appreciation tus Flat Catamount got through The soft, misty haze of autumn at Empire for 1928 use. reading what Buck had to say on Whiskey Slide that his community is upon us. There are some per­ We, the members of the First the subject, we reached the con­ was terriorized for several nights sons who do not appreciate soft, Baptist church, colored, of Ver­ Astoria—Cranberry harvest about clusion that Buck could never be last week by a saxophone player. autumn haze, and for those persons nonia, wish to express our sincere ready to open, with record crop. Scotty MacPherson got too much we have only a feeling of wither­ appreciation to the citizens of Ver­ induced to swear at even a govern­ A $60.000 generals hospital to ment mule. Kindness to dumb ani­ air in one of his tires this weelc, ing contempt, for soft misty haze nonia, Judd Greenman, the Ore­ • be built at Grants Pass. mals is an admirable trait, and we and he siphoned a part of it out is the best brand of haze on the gon-American Lumber eompany, Grande Ronde will build new remember one time when ws were for future use. market today. Autumn is that and the many others whose gen­ ! t-chool to replace one burned last Dort Blum, who was convicted of young and romantic, how altruis­ time of year when the leaves be- erous contributions and help have spring. tically we went about teaching a counterfeiting, has been retired gin to turn yellow, a dingy yel- enabled us to erect such a splen­ Construction starts on Vale fed- horse to love us by using a super­ from circulation. low, which professional poets refer did church building. eral reclamation project. Miss Tootle Tatum has written to as golden. It is the time of ior grade of kindness and an ex­ A cordial invitation is extended St. Helens—Salmon season opens alted brand of trust. He was an a clever article on how to prune year when the backbone of the to all Vernonia folk to attend any with heavy catch reported. old range horse of the type known pears, an another clever article nation begins to cut cordwood for services held in the First Baptist as outlaw. But we didn’t know on how to pare prunes. Smokers started 34 fires and winter, the while he wonders why church. Bearcat Boone says Sid Chaplin he did not break even on his corn that at the time. We thought he ! . sportsmen 17 fires in Deschutes Free Methodist Meeting was just a raw, rude horse from the is his favorite of the two com­ and spuds, Autumn is that time of National forest this year. The meeting held in the Mo­ oooooooooooooooooooocooooo big open spaces. So we tried kind­ edians, because Sid can sit down year when the wild geese honk Wheeler County will build Fos- ness. We roped Old Hellfire, as we on a spiked helmet without calling high overhead as they flit to the Donald hall near the Riverview o O sil-Kinzua road, 11 miles. Q Pretty Indian Gtr.’s afterward learned he was called, it art. sunny south land. Those that do grocery is still in progress. Those Q Centipede Clark smashed his ra­ not honk high are potted before who attend testify that they are and snubbed him to a tree. Then Butter. The market closed at in Pacific Northwest diator today while trying to drive receiving good and spoke soothing words to him the interest is we San Francisco last Saturday with sundown. Portland. Ore. — if the fair and he quit launching and stood as his car over a load of hay. 92 score bringing 47 cents a I The word autumn has a mellow the best. Minnehaha of Lougfellow’s po­ Heck Tombs says he don’t mind sound, like ripe tomato, or glue. We believe this rugged type of still and acted as docile as Mary’s pound. Eastern markets advanced etical Indian romance were alive little lamb. A few paragraphs of to have a bee crawl over him, as The woods and the fields have a truth and the pure kind of religion on short supplies of fancy but­ today she would have many ri­ love and kindness directed at him long as the bee keeps moving a- golden glow. The intoxicating ex­ being taught is what this town ter and light receipts of all but­ vals for the love of the brave jí ter. Movement cut of storage was soon convinced us that we had won head, but you can never tell when uberance of the golden glow of needs. You who feel a need, please Hiawatha. a place in the heart of this equine a bee is going to shift into re- the woods and fields has often driv­ come to the meeting at 7:30 p.m. larger than last year and Decem­ The Pacific Northwest has a diamond in the rough. So we at­ verse. ber future options at Chicago were en strong men to poetry, It gets each night, and no doubt you will number of these ludían ii »¡I<| m “Henry Ford,” said Old Quib into the blood. There is a quite receive a spiritual uplift. Rev. D. tempted to pat him gently on the Among them is Princess Chris advanced one cent. Pastures are hip This, we subsequently learned, Skills today, “owes an apology to hushness about t!:c golden glow of L. Fenwick is a forceful and in- fhm Sherwood of Wen. t.-tm,. t short and concentrates higher than full-blood Nez-I’ercv Spm.uui- li, was a mistake. Old Kelly let fly fifteen million and one people. The' the woods and fields in autumn teresting preacher. last year but htre is an abund­ dlan girl. Pretty Silver Star of Rev. Geo. G. Edwards a pair of weather-beaten heels that one is Aaron Sapiro.” ance of hay and silage in pros­ that cannot be obtained at any The residental section of Wild- price throughout the rest of the Pendleton, of the Umatilla had never missed their mark. He Pastor of Free Methodist pect in eastern dairy districts. tribe. Is another. She was elect­ kicked us in the face, which caus­ cat avenue has a more attractive year. Even the green of early church, St. Helens. Livestock. Lamb prices advanc­ ed princess of Chief Peo post, ed us to lose our equilibrum nnd appearance since Horsehide Hop- spring cannot compare with the ed last week on moderate receipts Card of Thank. the only all-Indlan post of the two teeth. Words could not ex­ kins’ house burnt down. and good demand. Cattle markets golden glow of autumn. So let it American Legion. We Sycamore wish to thank the friends Slim writes from the press our feeling of disapproval. were slightly unsettled but strong. be. Autumn, with its soft, misty A third Is "Little Fawn.” a We used all the words we knew little frontier village of Los An­ haze and golden glow, is firmly and especially the pioneers of Ver­ Eastern hog markets went lower princess of the KJamath tribe, nonia for their kindness and beaut­ at the time some of the most force­ gel es that Elinor Glyn made a trip upon us. on heavy receipts. who lives In Humboldt county. iful flower offering in the illness ful of which stood continued repet­ into the sewer the other day to California. INTREPID SCHOOL BOARD and death of our beloved mother. ition, and then we only partly ex­ seek material for a novel. SEE “I do not choose to have a third Signed: Nona Imbeck, Alma Urie, BUYS MUCH EQUIPMENT pressed our feeling of disapproval. At the meeting of the board of and John, Bert and Reuben Roberts. We patted Old Helly some more, cup of coffee.” said the Honorable Doane for Dependability If in doubt about a gift for a but we did the patting with an William Hoots at breakfast the trustees of the Cactus Flat high in Police Notes. elm club. Since that day we have other morning; "but, if you don’t school, the budget for football birthday coming soon, let us sug­ Rebuilt Typewriter» and J. E. Rose, C. Stubbs and L. mind, you might warm up my sec ­ equipment, swimming equipment, confined our words of love to gest a set of Christmas cards The Service automobile equipment, gym equip- Chamberlain were each fined $2 things in general and sometimes to ond cup.” 122 3rd St. Dee Kleine, who bought a new ment and what not equipment was Monday by Judge Reasoner for not Eagle has a large variety of samples 103 West Park opposition presidents, but never to Beacon 2050 Portland dress for his wife a couple of¡approved and it was found that observing the school stop signs from which to choose. western mustangs. Buck Jones says horses are not weeks ago, is still under suspicion. , there were still three dollars and while driving past with their cars. Rufe Milo, who is studying elec­ 90 cents left over, which after superhuman. but simply dumb Theo. Kauppi and Roy Stafford things. Well, we enjoy a local re­ trical engineering in college, re- much haggling, a decision was were fined $1 each for parking putation for being rather dumb our- ceived quite a severe shock Tues- made to spend it for books. too close to fire hydrants. self, and we do not believe that day morning when he was struck THE POLITICAL CRISIS the whole output of human sym- by a truck. Sparkplug The Honorable William Hoots, Sparks of the Ford pathy should be recklessly squan- T announces that double candidate for president, says: “Mc­ dered on a horse, no matter how garage harshly he has been treated by a stamps will be given with each Adoo may be right, but me and car sold Saturday. Al Smith are going to save the eoldhearted world. Mat Hoke, who tried to outguess country even if it wrecks the party. BAND WILL TOOT his bootlegger, will be buried Sun- Alf Stude says he is going to Largest Naval Vessel In World Is to Have Deck Surface 900 Foet support Hughes. Alf says the on­ Another band practice will be day. in Length. held next week and the editor of Fatty Hooper, the grocer, ad- ly way he can ever get even with The Catamount hopes that all of vertises that he has about ten the world is by a cancellation of Boston.—The U. S. S. Lexington the boys will be able to turn out, pounds of cheese left over from all debts, and Hughes is running largest and highest-powered naval as a good band lends a note of season before last, and as it is get- on that ticket. vessel In the world, will be ready tor charm to a community’s progress, ting slightly shopworn, he will sell The Hon. William Hoots opened her trials at sea within the next six and in the Fourth of July celebra- it in large or small quantities at his campaign for the presidency months. Final touches are being put on the ship at the Fore River Shipbuilding yards In Quincy. Muss., where slie was launched two years ago. The vessel, one of the queen ships of the United ' States navy, belongs tn the electrically driven group that includes the U. S. S. Maryland, West Virginia and Saratoga The Lexington, like the Saratoga, which was launched in the spring of taw 1925 at CaniiL n. J., is un ulrplane carrier. Originally these two vessels were to have been battle cruisers and ns such would have been among FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK the navy’s largest fighting vessels, Due to the modification of the Amer- I lean naval program decided on at the We call and deliver TUESDAYS a conference of tlie limitation of arma­ FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Wei ments the ships were converted to air­ Tailor; Phone MAin 891 plane carriers. The interiors of the Lexington will be quite different from the space plans below decks on most naval ves-. seis. There will be ample space to store flying machines as well as eleva-! tors and cranes with which to hoist them up from below preparatory to hopping off from the flying deck. Because of the minimum deck ap­ paratus the Lexington seems unusual­ ly low In the water. The long sweep of flying deck, broken only by a mas­ sive combined funnel enclosure set nt one side of the hull, resembles a marine drill ground. Tlie elevators are so constructed as to come flush with the flying deck making an un­ broken flying surface about 900 feet long. The elevators are capable of hoisting the largest type naval planes. A secret contrivance is set on the deck floor to stop landing airplanes within a distance of several hundred feet. This equipment is said to be fool proof nnd to prevent possibility of any mis­ hap In landing during a rough sea. i Tlie ship's armament In nddltion to f the 106 airplanes which she enrries. consists of eight 8-lnch .50 caliber long-range rifles nnd twelve 5-inch .50- callber anti aircraft guns capable of warding off destroyers as well as ene­ my aircraft attacks. These latter guns nre placed In groups of three at strategic points about the ship which facilitates «oncentrnted and accurate- l.v directed fire as well as rapid sup- ply of ammunition. The flying deck will accommodate at one time the entire ship's comple­ ment of set-up airplanes and still leave sufficient room for a take off. Near the bow is a newly adopted de­ vice for launching seaplanes. ñ 8 G ilby M otor C o . OAKLAND, PONTIAC, CHEVROLET, STUDE BAKER Goodyear Tires State Laundry Company The most popular cigarette in the United States Quality put it there—quality keeps it there. Camel smokers are not concerned and need not be concerned with anything but the pleasure of smoking. Alfalfa Hay $23.00 per Ton Use Long Burning Fuel Place your orders early for Coal and Bricquettes Bricquettes $ 16. per ton Vernonia Trading Co.