Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 29, 1927, Image 1

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    iimtaimi Sacjk
Entered at Vernonia, Oregon,
Postoffioe as Second-Class Matter.
Oregon Roads
Are Praised
Saw Homestake Gold Mine
Three Vernonia Men
Drawn on Jury Panel
Oregon Courts Not
Lenient With Minors
Âuio Accident
Fatai To One
The police and the courts have
made automobile stealing for mere
joy-riding much less popular than
it was ten or fifteen years ago.
Girls, on the other hand, have
grown more insistent that their boy
Conditions Indicate a Good Crop
friend provide them with the thrill
Valley Was Held in an Old Log
Of Potatoes in Columbia County;
of a spin down the highway. If
the boy friend hasn’t a car, some
boy friend has. Result, the
Hot, dry weather in August was
favorable for harvest operations valley pioneer, entertained the boy friend, who is often a minor,
but caused pastures to dry up children of the Evangelical church provides himself with a car on
and spring grain yielded less than last Sunday with a short talk on the conditional sales plan. Often,
expected in several districts. Late the Sunday schools of his boyhood before the car is fully paid for. I
potatoes suffered from lack of days. He also told of the Nehalem the nunor wrecks it, loses ills, job
moisture in western Oregon. More valley’s first Sunday schools and or his girl. Then, he calls for the Young Vernonia Man Unfortunate
F. E. Malmsten, who With Family
dealer who sold it to him and says,
than the usual number of potato churches.
Victim of Crash at Foot
Recently Returned From Iowa
yields are being grown for certi­ The first meeting house Mr. “I was a minor when I signed that
Of O.-A. Hill Friday.
fied seed. In some districts dairy­ Weed attended was a 1 log house in contract, here’s your car. Give me
Tells of Country Traveled
men have overcome the lack of southern Ohio, which
In coming to the foot of the
In many states the minor is able
summer pasture by planting Jap­ supplanted by a frame building,
(By F. E. Malmsten)
turn of the Oregon-American hill
anese barnyard millet, reed canary known as a church. He said that, to get away with it, too, and the Friday, H. O. Parker, Paul Epper-
After having had a long enjoy-
grass, alfalfa, ladino clover or although the services were address- merchant is compelled to give ly, Everett Wood, and Lee Wood,
able stay in different parts of
other similiar feed crops, thus sus­ ed mainly to the older people, bare- back what money he has received in a Studebaker sedan skidded and
Minnesota and Iowa, we started
taining dairy production
during footed boys often walked as many and take back what is left of the crashed into the automobile owned
homeward and left Swea City,
machine without any compensation
as four miles to church.
the dry months.
Iowa, on August 17 and went as
by Dr. Geo. Pasto standing in front
far as Huron. S. D., the first day
When Mr. Weed came west for its use or depreciation, a sad­ of the Square Deal garage, wreck-
On the whole, however, dairy
from 11 a.m. We stayed over night
production fell off but prices im­ about 65
ing both cars and fatally injuring
But, the courts of all the states Paul Epperly.
there in a hotel.
proved slightly. There is a good church in the Nehalem valley, he
We got a fairly. early start the
demand for milk cows but offer- said, for, although the settlers had have not followed this ruling, ami
. <>8 ’ ili'<l to the ’ios-
ne’ morning and the second night
oil oviiic LnUl Ham LutiOVvcU it
1*1;, s ¿*i c ......
1 ouluyi.en are bruu^ni, ulclx ueluiigliigs
pital, still conscious, but succumbed
we arrived at Timber Lake, S. D.,
still finding it necessary to cull packhorses, they had not forgotten differentiated between certain con-, about midnight of internal rupture,
ditions, holding differently in cases
and there we stayed with A. L.
heavy and otherwise meet the nar- their Bibles.
it was said. His funeral was held
Anderson, Mrs. Malmsten’s brother,
rowing margin between receipts and
Church was held in an old log where the contract was performed ’ Tuesday afternoon in the Brown
who is county auditor for Dewey
costs. The livestock men are op- cabin and later in an abandoned partly performed, or to be perform­ chapel, Rev, Teddy Leavitt of the
county, S. D. The next night we
timistic w’ith plenty of feed at house near Mr. Weed’s home. To­ ed in the future; also, letting their local Church of Christ officiating.
stayed at Lead, S. D., at Jubilee
reasonable prices and good nrices day Mr. Weed attends the Evan­ decisions be altered by such ques­ Interment was in the Vernonia
camp, where good accommodations
being obtained for cattle and sheep. gelical church in Vernonia. Fol­ tions as “Was the contract one cemetery.
Swarms of “Ladybirds”
were offered.
Some eastern Oregon counties lowing Mr. Weed’s talk Rev. G. for necessities of life? Was it
The next day we went through
Discovered by Farmer report the best yield of wheat W. Plumer promised the children beneficial to the minor? Was it fair Paul Ernest Epperly was born
and reasonable?” and many others. August 12, 1901, at Waldo, Ore.
the mills at the Homestake gold
A farmer at Waterloo, Oregon, for years. The winter grains yield­ a special illustrated sermon on the
The question of a minor’s right He resided there until 17 years
mine, whih is said to be the largest recently discovered what he describ- ed well generally. Hay is a heavy same topic October 2
disaffirm his contract and se­ of age, when the family moved to
in the world. It was very interesting
bunch of
cure back anything of value he Corvallis. There he was married to
to see where the ore was hoisted ed as “an enormous wrote in to good although getting dry. The ir­ Towns Should Place
Miss Mildred Archibald. To this
from the mine and dumped in cars ‘ladybird’ beetles” and to find out rigated farms have produced well
Informative Signs might have paid on it, was never union
were born two children,
presented to the Supreme Ci. irt
and transferred to the stamp,- rod the experiment station to crops or as a result of a favorable water
they were harmful
“Just what do towns do to make of Oiegon until 1920. It is In­ Pauline and James Albert.
and tube mills. The Homestake jf
if possibly they were so beneficial supply in most districts.
themselves interesting to the vast
From Corvallis the family moved
mine was discovered in April, 1876,
More cash buyers than for and increasing streams of auto­ teresting to note that the case in to Vernonia, where they have lived
when obtained in
by Moses Manuel; and $200,000,- as to be a value
years are showing up in apple
volved a motorcycle, and the second about one year. He leaves to
000 had been taken out of the such quantities. or orange beetles sections according to reports and mobile passers by?”
These little red
| mourn his departure, besides his
mine up till January 1, 1926.
This question has been asked an an automobile.
pears are meeting a strong de­
We stayed at Hot Springs, S. D.,
When the question was finally | wife and children, his father and
mand. There is a good cron of increasing number of times by the
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S.
the next night and at Lusk, Wyo.,
seeking hibernation in sheltered prunes on the trees hut the season State Motor association i.i its ef- presented, the Supreme Court be-
I perly, five brothers and one
we left the A. Y. P. trail and went hills, according to Don C. Mote, is late and there is danger of forts to provide “interesting places” gain its opinion as follows:
south to Cheyenne, Wyo. where head of the department of entomo­ damage from brown rot and un- for visiting motorists.
“The amount involved in t Iter: Herman of Klamath Falls, Wil-
liam of Salem, Earl of Sheridan,
we stayed over the next night. logy. In certain parts of California favorable weather at harvesting
Practically every person has on proceeding is not large, but
j Guy of McMinnville, Albert of
Cheyenne is a live town and has they have been collected by the time, Fresh prune shippers havp. bour or two to spare in seeing the question of law presented is
| Corvallis, and Mrs. H. H. King of
big railroads shops.
and kept in storage to be lib­ enjoyed a more favorable season interesting things along his line very important one, and one which ; Vernonia.
Salt Lake is a beautiful city of ton
has been much disputed in the
erated in the spring in farm lands. than usual but prices dropped off
150,000 souls. The streets are un-
Normally the beetles emerge in at the close of the month. Berry interesting things are not on the courts, and about which there is i
usually wide and are laid out so spring and fly back to the valleys growers are less inclined to in­ main highway and the motorist a great and irrecencilable conflict Nehalem Valley Pioneer
Answers Last Roll Call
that traffic movement is orderly where they multiply rapidly and crease acreage and there is some passes through the town and on in the authorities, and we have,
and it is easy to find the way.
Another of the Nehalem valley
feast on various species of aphis. A trend toward other enterprises be-
It is the comemrcial, manufacturing daily meal for a healthy ladybird cause of the uncertain market sit- the very thing that he has travel­ attention."
pioneers answered the last roll call
and industrial center of the inter-
ed thousands of miles to see.
uation for small fruits.
Following a < ticussion of the Friday when Mrs. Mary M. Rob­
mountain empire. We stayed here larva is about 25 aphis, while an
If every city or town would decisions of tee various st r.e erts died at her home near Ver­
will easily consume more
Agricultural conditions in Col-
over two nights and here toe, we adult 50
of the juicy morsels daily. umbia county were fairly good dur- place along the highway directional courts and of England, our court nonia Friday. September 23, at
had two punctures. We started than
their fondness for plant ing last month. Most of the har- signs showing the direction of and laid down the law in Oregon to the age of 62. The funeral was
from Salt Lake at 7:20 in ?the
giving a description of teh histori­
morning of Thursday, the 25th, and lice, experimenters have tried to vesting completed in eastern part cal spots within its boundaries, the be “where the minor has not been held Sunday afternoon from the
the speedometer registered 5990 develop a means of wholesale con­ of the county, with very good visiting motorist would find his over-reached in any way, an! there Brown funeral home, Rev. G. W.
trol of aphis through capture and yields in most of the grains, Crop
has been no undue influence and Plumer officiating.
trip of much greater value to th-, contract is a fair and reason­
Mary McNeal Roberts was born
When one starts out in the
in Oregon or in California have siderably les sthan average, Indi- him and the town and district able one, and the minor has netuai in Michigan October 28, 1864. She
morning over a road never before the
attempts proved really success­ cations are that there will be a would not only receive greater ly paid money on the purchase was married to Mr. Roberts in
traveled one wonders what the
publicity from the word-of-mouth
country and the roads are like; ful.The trouble encountered in the very good crop of potatoes. Late advertising of the motorist, but price, and taken and used the ar­ 1879. She united with the Evan­
ticle, that he ought not to be per­ gelical church in early childhood
and we had
chiefly that in ly good for assuring good fall pas­ the merchants of the particular mitted to recover the amount act­ and was a member of the local
through such desert land as we experiments was when
town would receive immediate re-
aphis were
went through between Brigham and cold, late springs multiplication of tures and maturing the late pota­ turns in many ways from the mo- ually paid without allowing the church for 27 years, being a faith­
vender of the goods the resonable ful Christian to the close of her
toes, root crops and corn. Pas­
Snowville and on this way. The exceptionally bad,
torist who “stopped to see, but compensation fr the use and de­ earthly days.
dust was so deep that ruts could the ladybirds was retarded by the ture conditions have been rather remained to buy.”
preciation of the article, while in
She leaves to mourn her loss
not be located. The only way was low temperatures, while the aphis dry on the hills, but most of the
bis hi.nd.
three sons, John, Burt and Reuben,
to drive slow so that the bumps were untroubled by the frigid en­ farmers were provided with plenty U. of O. To Establish
vironment. It was also found that of forage crops to carry their milk
Of couise, if there has been and two daughters, Elma, Marie
would not be so hard.
any fraud or imposition on the and Nona Imbeck. There are al-
Educational Research
At Snowville we met a couple even under most favorable beetles stock through the dry period,
There has been plenty of feed for
Laboratory There Soon part cf the seller, or if the contract so 18 grandchildren and four great
driving through from Portland who stances mortality among the
per all of the dry stock. Dairy indus-
is unfair, or an unfair advantage grandchildren.
said that we had better turn back, stored amounted to 20 to 40
of Oregon, Eugene, has been taken of the minor in
such a try is fairly good this summer
as they had broken an axle on cent. Finally, they showed
Mrs. E. H. Washburn sprained
Ore. Schools of the state, both
their Dodge car a few miles out! tendency to scatter after being re­ with the food that has been avail* elementary grades and high schools, inducing him to make the purchase her right ankle Saturday evening
from Snowville. We were not scared leased that there was no assurance able and with the advantages of will be requested to cooperate with then a different rule would ap­ when she slipped and fell while
by their complaint of the road and who would get the benefits of a markets that have been obtained the school of education of the ply.”
The reader will note that the stepping out of an automobile,
for dairy products. Good demand
ultimately got through the bad given
University in the establishment of rule set out above applies only
A. K. Lunn has purchased the
stretch without any mishaps. When
an educational research laboratory, in cases where the contract is al­ interest of Mr. Clark In the Vet-
we did, we surely appreciated the beetles are good friends of use
Signs in Silver Falls District
it is announced here by H. D. ready executed. A different rule nonia Hillards, He was formerly
farmer, but that it is little
goods roads the more.
The Oregon State Motor associa­ Sheldon, dean. Educators through­ would apply in the case of an un­ located at Creswell, Oregon.
We arrived at Burley that night to try to “hurry them up.”
tion will place signs in the Silver out the state will be furnished executed, that is, one where every
Josephine McDonald, formerly of
at about 5 o’clock and looked up
Red Cross Bill Cancelled
Crook Falls district the last week with all material and information part of its performance was de­ Portland, has leased the New Wil­
W. L. Turner and his wife, who
An act that displays a splendid in September.
upon request.
lard hotel. It was opened for bus­
layed until a further date.
were my boyhood schoolmates. They spirit of co-operation and public
The work, which is to be con­
The signs wil guide the tourist
iness Saturday.
insisted on our staying with them spiritedness on the part of a large
Hard Rain at Mnt
centrated in two fields, diagnostic
Mrs. L. Cates returned home
at least for the night, which we business concern and one that has around Salem-Silverton-Silver creek testing problems of school finance,
The territory immediately around
did, and needless to say nad much been the source of great satisfac­ Falls loop and will make more con­ will be under the direction of Dr. Mist suffered from a hard rain Sunday after spending a week In
to talk about. The scraps we nad tion to the Red Cross was the re­ venient for the motorist this series B. W. DeBusk, who is already well storm last Friday. The rain started Portland at the home of Mr. and
j Mrs. Wm. E. Cates.
had, as well as the pleasanter sea­ ceipt of a bill from the Mississippi of nine falls which comprise
known for his activity in the Port- at noon and continued until 1 p.
Lester Sheeley and D. B. Reason-
son of our boyhood days were Power and Light company in the fine a scenic district as we have land schools, and Dr. C. L. Huf- m. A. B. Melis stated that it was ¡er were in Banks, Buxton. Roy
dwelt upon. Willie told me that I sum of $603 with the notation in the state.
facker, who comes here from the the hardest shower he has ever and Hillsboro Friday in the in­
the hardest licking he ever got was- paid written across the face of
Weekly Is Endorsed
seen in the Nehalem.
University of Arizona.
terest of the new Catsop beach
administered by my brother, Otto. the bill.
Alfred P. Sloan,Jr., president of
highway and to attend the Wash-
Pie Social at Natal Grange
He admitted that he deserved it, - John Cremer, Red Cross repre­ the General Motors Corporation
Life With Dogs Vexes
Natal Grange met last Satur­ Iington county fair.
however, and held no grudge sentative, is greatly pleased over recently gave a strong indorse­
Declaring that she was required
Among those who attended the
against him. I was surprised, as I! the action of the light company in ment of the valile of the country to live in a house of two rooms day night in the Grange hall. The
had never heard Qtto say anything cancelling the large bill for lights weekly newspaper.
where her husband kept a pack members voted to have a pie so- , dedication of the Knights of Py­
thias hall in St. Helens, which is
about the episode and always used by the Red Cross.
In discussing this year’s adver­ of dogs, Ethel E. Fasto filed suit cial and party on Saturday night, declared to be the finest In lhe
thought him to be a very peace I
tising campaign for General Motors
lo.’ng Frother. How true -he say­ miles from Burley to Vernonia, so Corporation, Mr. Sloan, among recently against her husband, Dr. present at the meeting. Refresh- state outside of Portland, werc
from Vernonia: Mr.
ing, “Appearances are sometimes Hazel and Marshall conspired to other things said :
George Pasto, a practicing physic­ ments were served during the so- the following
and Mrs. E. L. Smith, Mr. and
be home by Saturday night. They
The cial hour.
“I believe in the country week­ ian at Vernonia, Oregon,
Mrs. H. M. Culbertson, Mr. and
Mr. Turned is in the Shell gaso­ drove hard, and- when we reached ly newspaper. I believe that no couple married in Portland Novem-
Denies Attack Charge.
Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
line and oil wholesale * business and Oregon just at the west end of printed matter in the United States ber 24, 1925.
Clifford Friend, who was re- Florin Mills, and Emil Messing.
one of his sons has a
She wants her former name
is more thoroughly read, or has
Geo. Thayer and Frank Allen
there. Mr. and Mrs. Turner went began and good time was made. more influence than the pages of Ethel E. Leksell. restored, and al- cently charged by his wife with an
attack in which she claimed that went to Lobster creek, in Curry
along to call on Mr. and Mrs. A. | We arrived home at 7 o’clocx on these home town newspapers.”
so wants $100 monthly support he injured her severely, has de­ county, on a deer hunting expedi­
Lindquist formerly’ of Vernonia. Saturday evening, the 27th, having
money during penden.y of the nied all the charges made and as­ tion for one week. “We erpect
The Timely Reminder
The crops on his place were look­ been on the homeward trip 10 days,
suit and $150 for court costs.—Or­ serts the whole story is a frame- plenty of deer on display on their
The following sign is posted by egonian.
ing very good and the country look­ counting the time we stayed at
up and of her own fabrication.
return." says E. W. Holtham, who
ed prosperous.
Timber Lake, S. D., and Salt Lake. the roadside as you enter a West­
He expressed regret that the Ja- is running George’s Place during
The American Legion Auxiliary
We surely did have a good, ern town. It says:
We sure'/ would have liked to
will give a dance in the Legion bionski girl had received any pub-! his absence.
stay longer in Burley but *hat fact wholesome vacation, and the trip 4,076 people died last year of gas. hall Saturday night. It is said that I ¡city in the matter, asserting that! Little Florence Cates of Port­
can it was Friday and wr.ndrg to
a feature of the dance will be !t would be a rank imposition to land is visiting at the home of
be home by Sunday we decided o recommend such a trip to anyone 37 put a lighted match to it.
the serving of light lunches.
• injure her present good reputation. | her grandfather.
hasten on. We figured it was 723 who would like to see the country. I And 4.000 stepped on it.
Desert Roads ot Utah and
Nevada Rough Traveling
Volume 6, No. 8
The panel of juriors for the
October term of the circuit court
for Columbia county has been
drawn as follows:
Weed, O. G. Vernonia, Farmer;
Snides, Lewis, Warren, Farmer;
Clark, L. F„ Rainier, Farmer,
Smith, John C., Goble, Farmer;
Tarbell, Ray, Yankton, Farmer;
Levi, W. A., St. Helens, Machinist;
Tarbell, A. H., Warren, , Farmer;
Shortlidge, E. F., Clatskanie, Farm­
er; Ivy, Joe, Clatskanie, hotel-man;
Hogberg, E. E., Birkenfeld, farmer;
bpangler, E. L. Clatskanie, farmer;
Robinette, D. M. Yankton, farmer;
Bergerson, Charles, Vernonia, far­
mer; Cayot, A. C. Rainier, farmer;
Daniels, Ross W., Rainier, farmer;
Rose, J. W., Vernonia, logger;
Skeans, Jesse C., Rainier, farmer;
Sibley, Harry, Houlton, merchant;
Culbertson, R. E.,
freight-agent; Hutchinson, A. E.,
Goble, farmer; Adams, Fred, Scap­
poose, farmer; Lindberg, E. J.,
Clatskanie, farmer; Romine, L. D.,
Rainier, farmer; Young, Warren
M., Clatskanie, farmer; Roberts,
William, Mayger, farmer; Taylor,
" ” TTovlt
f-irniev- Larsen, C.
J., W’arren, farmer; Flippin, T. J.,
Rainier, sawmill-man; Hooker, Jos­
eph Q„ Yankton, farmer; Hacken­
berg, Joe, Rainier, farmer; Om-
mundsen, John, St. Helens, carpen­
Is Crushed hy Automobile