iimtaimi Sacjk Entered at Vernonia, Oregon, Postoffioe as Second-Class Matter. Oregon Roads Are Praised Saw Homestake Gold Mine » Three Vernonia Men Drawn on Jury Panel I Oregon Courts Not Lenient With Minors Âuio Accident Fatai To One The police and the courts have made automobile stealing for mere joy-riding much less popular than it was ten or fifteen years ago. Girls, on the other hand, have grown more insistent that their boy Fit-et Sunday School in Nehalem Conditions Indicate a Good Crop friend provide them with the thrill Valley Was Held in an Old Log Of Potatoes in Columbia County; of a spin down the highway. If Cabin; Later Abandoned House. Dairy Industry Fairly Good. the boy friend hasn’t a car, some other boy friend has. Result, the Judson Weed, eminent Nehalem Hot, dry weather in August was favorable for harvest operations valley pioneer, entertained the boy friend, who is often a minor, but caused pastures to dry up children of the Evangelical church provides himself with a car on and spring grain yielded less than last Sunday with a short talk on the conditional sales plan. Often, expected in several districts. Late the Sunday schools of his boyhood before the car is fully paid for. I potatoes suffered from lack of days. He also told of the Nehalem the nunor wrecks it, loses ills, job moisture in western Oregon. More valley’s first Sunday schools and or his girl. Then, he calls for the Young Vernonia Man Unfortunate F. E. Malmsten, who With Family dealer who sold it to him and says, than the usual number of potato churches. Victim of Crash at Foot Recently Returned From Iowa yields are being grown for certi­ The first meeting house Mr. “I was a minor when I signed that Of O.-A. Hill Friday. fied seed. In some districts dairy­ Weed attended was a 1 log house in contract, here’s your car. Give me Tells of Country Traveled my money back. ” i was later men have overcome the lack of southern Ohio, which In coming to the foot of the In many states the minor is able summer pasture by planting Jap­ supplanted by a frame building, (By F. E. Malmsten) turn of the Oregon-American hill anese barnyard millet, reed canary known as a church. He said that, to get away with it, too, and the Friday, H. O. Parker, Paul Epper- After having had a long enjoy- grass, alfalfa, ladino clover or although the services were address- merchant is compelled to give ly, Everett Wood, and Lee Wood, able stay in different parts of other similiar feed crops, thus sus­ ed mainly to the older people, bare- back what money he has received in a Studebaker sedan skidded and Minnesota and Iowa, we started taining dairy production during footed boys often walked as many and take back what is left of the crashed into the automobile owned homeward and left Swea City, machine without any compensation as four miles to church. the dry months. Iowa, on August 17 and went as by Dr. Geo. Pasto standing in front far as Huron. S. D., the first day When Mr. Weed came west for its use or depreciation, a sad­ of the Square Deal garage, wreck- On the whole, however, dairy der and a wiser man. from 11 a.m. We stayed over night years ago, there was a production fell off but prices im­ about 65 ing both cars and fatally injuring But, the courts of all the states Paul Epperly. there in a hotel. proved slightly. There is a good church in the Nehalem valley, he We got a fairly. early start the demand for milk cows but offer- said, for, although the settlers had have not followed this ruling, ami . <>8 ’ ili'