FOUR VERNONIA E xGLF. Wednesday, September 28 September 28 Only a few more days left in which to take advantage of these grcatjaricc bargains. Practice economy by purchasing your win­ ter s* plies in food and clothing RIGHT NOW. Where you could formerly effect savings of a few nickels at this store, you can save DOLLARS, and now, the same as always, ; you havo Dry Goods and Furnishings « u I ! Coats Crochet Thread 10c $3.75 Quilt, now....... $2.89 $4.75 Quilt, now ..... $3.89 $2.50 Quilt, now ..... $1.95 $8.00 Oregon Woolen Mills Blanket, no\V ......... $4.95 $9.50 Oregon Woolen Mills Blanket, now ....... $6.95 $12.00 Oregon Woolen Mills Blanket, now ....... $8.95 $27.50 Oregon Woolen Milk Blanket, — $21.95 $9.00 Oregon Weelen Mills Blanket, now ....... $6.75 White Goose Pillows (reg. $3.75 ea.) now ea. $2.79 $i.25 Feather Pillows, 69c Pequot Sheeting, yd. . 57c Mohawk Sheeting, yd. 49c ♦ Mohawk Sheets, 81x90 $2.00 values, now $1.69 Pequot Sheets, 81x90, $1.69 Worth Pillow Cases, large size, each ............... 39c Mohawk Pillow Cases, lge., size, each .............. 44c Quinebaug Pillow Tubing, 42 in., now yd....... 36c Yankee Pillow Ticking 35e regular, now yd........ 29c Ticking 45c yd. now . . 39c Linen Table Cloth (75c yd) how , per yard ....... 49c Hope Muslin, per yd. .. 17c Unbleached .Sheeting,yd25c Puritan Sheeting, yd. . 16c Cascade Sheeting, yd. 49c Bath Towels 35c, now 25c Turkish Towels (40c) 25c Baby Blankets, ........... „, each __....... .. 2Sc Linen Toweling (25c yd.) now, per yard j....... 18c Bedspreads $2.00; ....$1.49 $9.00 Bedspread, ea. $6.95 Curtain Materials (20c, 25c and 30c yd.) choice 17% Rayon Silk, $1.29 yd. 49c Assorted Colors of Voiles, per yard .................. 39c Worsted Dress Goods, per yard ....... ......... 79c Silk and Wool Mixed Goods, per yard .... 89c Checked Wool and Cotton Goods (65c yd.) now 43c Printed Percale (25c), yd. ............... ..... 19c Suiting, 59c yd. now 44c Figured Sateen (reg 50c yd. now. per yard ...... 42c Comfort Covering, yd. 19c Lingette, per yard 44c Nainsook (40c yd) for 25c Indian Head. 14 in (40c yd.) now per yd. 33c Bastic per yard ... 19c Shirting (50c yd.) now 39c Pongee Silk, per'yd. ..$1.89 Georgette, per yard .$1.59 Crepe de Chine (2.39,) now, per yard .... $l.S9 Crepe de Chine, heavy, reg. 4.49, now, yard $2.98 Heavy Crepe Silk (3.25) . now, a yard ..... $2.79 , Cretonne (35c yd) now 27c 25c Cretonne, at, yd .... 19c Crepe (10c yd.) now .. 19c Cambric at, per yard 12%c 25c and 30c Gingham, 19c Outing Flannel, 30c, at 19c $9. Step-in Silk, yd. $5.95 $6.75 Ladies’ Bloomers, Silk, now ........... $4.89 $5.50 Ladies' Bloomers, silk, now ......... $3.95 Ladies Silk Night Gowns, reg. $9.75, now ...$6.95 Ladies’ Silk Bloomers ($5) $3.79 now Ladies’ Silk Step-ins $7.50 now ...................... $5.75 Ladies’ Silk Night Gowns, $14.00, now $8.95 Ladies Silk Night Gowns, $12.50, now ......... $7.95 Ladies Silk Night Gowns, $9.75, now ........ $7.85 Ladies Silk Dancing Set, 7.00, now ........... $6.75 Ladies Silk Stockings $1.50 $15.00, now ....... $9.85 Ladies Silk Bloomers $6.50 value, now ........... $4.95 Ladies Silk Step-in, $9.50, now .... ...... ............ $6.95 Ladies Silk Stockings 79c value, nofv per pr. 89c Ladies’ Silk Stockmps 79c value, per pair ....... 49c Ladies Flannel Night Gowns reg. $2.25, $1.89 Ladies Silk and Wool Sw eaters $12.50 val. $7.49 Ruffled Curtains, $2.65, now a pair .... .*.... $1.98 Ruffled Curtains, $2.25, now a pair ....... $189 Ruffled Curtains, $2.50 now a pair .■..... $1.98 Ruffled Curtains, $2.50 now a pair ........... $1.98 Childrens Stockings, all colors and sizes 35c at 19c Ladies Hose, black or brown all sizes pr. 29c Waitress Aprons, ea. $1.49 Counters, Showcases, and all Shelving in the Store will be sold at reduced prices. Men’s, Wc men’s and Chil drens Shoes Boys’ Dress Shoes $5.00, now per pair ....... $3.85 Boys Dress Shoes $4.50 now per pair ..... $2.95 Boys Dress Shoes $4.75 now per pair ....... $3.65 Boys Shoes $4.00, now per pair ....... $2.75 Boys Oxfords $4.76, now per pair ....... $3.95 Boys Oxford* $T.95, now per pair .... ... $2.85 Girls Okfords $3.9» now par pair......... $2.35 Girls Strap Pumps $2.95, now per pair $1.95 Girls Strap Pumps $3.50, now per pair ....... $2.50 Girls Strap Pumps $2.75 now per pair ..... $1.95 Boys Work Shoe* $5.00 now per pair $3.65 Boys Work Shoes $5.50 now per pair $3.75 Small Boys Shoes $4.50, now per pair ... $3.25 Boys Shoes $8.75, now per pair $2.50 Boys Oxfords $2.95 now per pair ....... $1.95 MENS WORK SHOES Mens Work Shoe* $6.75 now per pair ....... $4.95 Mens Work Shoe* $3.95 now per pair ...... $2.95 Mens Work Shoe* $5.00 now »er pay ....... $3.75 Men* Work Shoe* $5.50 now »er »air ......$3.95 Mens Bone Dry Cork Shoes $15 now per pair $10.95 Mens High Top Shoes, $7.50, now pr...... $5.95 Mens 16-in. Top Shoes. $12.50 now, pr. ... $8.95 Mens Rubber Shoe*, your choice pair .... $3.75 Mens Rubber Boots, hip length, now pair .... $5.75 Mens Rubber Boots, knee length, now a pair.. $4.45 200 pair» of Old Style shoes goi»g at pr. . 4»c One Lot of Ladie* and Men* Shoe* going at per pair ...... .......... $1.95 All Kinds Mens Rain Hats, $1.0(4 and 75c now 59c Mens Slicker* $5.50, now each ........ ... $3.25 Mens Slicker* *8.50 value now each ........... $4.35 Mens Slicker* $6.75, Now each ........... $4.35 Mens Slickers $8.50, now each ........... $5.35 Boys Slickers $5.00, now each .... $3.75 This sale is no bad reflection on the business we have done in Vernonia, for it has always been good. Continued illness in the family makes it necessary for us to seek another climate, other­ wise we would stay in Vernonia indefinitely. When the sale is THE PEOPLES STORE a good opportunity to buy the very best quality goods. But they are going fast, so do not wait until the last day to do your buy­ ing. If you will investigate the prices you will find they have been cut to the minimum, many articles selling at less than wholesale price, for WE MUST UNLOAD Mens Rain Pants, your choice ........... $2.50 Girls Rubber Coats $5.00 now each ........... $3.95 Ladies Rubber Coats, $6.50 now each ... $4 25 Ladies Fine Weather proof coats, each $8.75 Ladies Weatherproof coats, now each ........... $12.50 Mens English Slip-Ons, now each .......... . $12.50 Varsity Slickers, now $6.50 WALK-OVER DRESS SHOES Mens Oxfords $8.00 now per pair ..... $6.95 Mens Oxfords $8.50, now ptr pair ....... $7.05 Mens Oxfords $7.50, now per pair ___ $6.85 Mens Snoe* $9.00 now per pair $7.85 Mens Shoes ____ $9. $9.50, now per pair ..... $7.95 Ladies Pumps $12.00, now per pair ....... $7.85 Ladies Pumps $9.00 now per pair ....... $6.95 Ladies Oxfords $8.50, • now per pair ...... $6.95 ENDICOTT-JOHNSON SHOES Ladies Dress Pumps and Oxfords $6.00 and $6.75, now, »air ........... $4.75 LadiM Coat forts now $2.75 Mens Oxfords reg $5.50, now »er pair ....... $3.95 Mens Snoes $5.50, now per pair ...... $3.95 Mens shoe« $6.00, now, per pair ....... $4.95 Mens Oxfords $6.00, now per pair •...... $4.95 Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Furnishings Mens Pajamas reg $3.35, now, each ........... $1.95 Mens Night Gowns reg. $1.50, now each .... 95c Mens Silk Mufflers reg. $2.25, now each .... $1.7» Mens Handkerchiefs white, each ............... 5c Mens $45.00 Suits 2 pr. pants, now ....... $29.75 Mens $25 Suits 2 pairs pants, now ....... $19.75 Many Articles of House­ hold Goods for sale. In­ quire about them. Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Furnishings Mens $20 Suits now $9.95 Mens Overcoats, $22.50 values, now $11.75 Mens Overcoats, Oregon Woolen Mill, $30 value, now ...... j .... $21.95 Mens $35 Overcoat $23.95 Mens $9.50 Mackinaws, now ............ ........... $5.95 Mens $7.50 Mackinaws, now ..... $4.95 Boys $11 Suits, now $6.95 Ladies Spring Coats, $19.50 value, now $6.95 Mens Hats, $4.50, now 2-95 Mens Hats, $6.50 now 4.75 Mens Caps $2.50, .... $1.65 Mens Caps $3.50, at $1.85 Khaki Hats, $1 value, 49c Mens Blazers, $7.50, $4.75 Mens Tom Wye Sweaters, $8.50, now each ... $6.39 Mens Benryb Coat Sweat­ ers, $6.50, now ..... $4.95 Girls and Boys Sweaters, each ....... $1.95 to $2.95 Mens Trousers $7.00 to $7.50 values, at ....$4.95 Mens Trousers $6.00 to $6.50 values, now $4.75 Mens Trousers, $4.50 to $3.85 values, now $3.29 Mens Trousers, $3.95 values, now ........ r $2.95 Mens Water Repelant Pants $4.50 to $5.50 val­ ue, ........................ $3-95 Corduroy Pants, light gray $4.50 values now $2.95 Work Pants reg. $4.50 value now ......... $2.95 Mens Blk. Bear Khaki Panta $2.25 val. now!. 89 Boys Corduroy Knickers, $1.95 values, pr. .... $1.09 Can’t Bust ’Em and Black Bear Overalls, now $1.49 Blue Chambry Shirts, $1. values now ........... 69c Mens Dress Shirts, ............... from 59c to $1.49 Mens Three Season Union Suits, $2.25 value $1.49 Mens Athletic Union Suits, 75c value, now ....... 49c Coveralls, $4.50 values now ....................... $2.95 Childrens Play Suits, $L35 values now ........... 95c Mens Wool Sox, 65c values, per pair....... 49c Mens Wool Sox $1, .... 79c Mens Silk Sox, $1 now 59c Mens Fiber Sox, pair 45c 4 Black Work Sox 25c at 1 15c Canvas Gloves, pair, .. 10c Canvas Gauntlet Gloves, now, per pair ......... 15c Leather Faced Gloves, per pair ............. 39c over we »hall be pleased to straighten up all accounts, and shall ever feel kindly toward the many citizens of this municipality who have favored us with their patronage—R. A. MURRAY VERNONIA THE PEOPLES STORE « I.