A THREE Experts think the old-fashioned dance is coming back, out we don’t. Sijp Umwtita Bigle If you want to make someone believe ou tell them something they want to ear. 5 Issued every Thursday $2 per year in Advance Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 MARK E. MOE, Editor Women are wise in not taking much time to reply to the chronic criticisms of men. ■ •......... . Honesty may be the best policy, but telling the truth isn’t always exactly polite. I 9 The Majestic “Hard Boiled Haggerty" A fall in a burning aeroplane i» is one of the thrills of “Hard-Boil­ ed Haggerty," Milton Sills’ latest starring vehicle for First Nat io mil Pictures, which I* playing at thu Majestic theatre Saturday. “Easy Picking»’’ The lights go out! Through a secret panel comes a blackmasked, black,robed, hooded figure! That’s just one of the many breathtaking thrills in, “Easy Pickings” First National’s offering at the Majestic theatre Monday, with Amu; Q. Nil­ sson in the featured role. Complaints help to prove that there are many persons who are poor sports in var­ The recent awarding of prizes on the ious ways. r Oregon-American hill to families having “Rough Houle Ro.ie” About the hardest thing to cure is in ­ the best appearing lawns and gardens is Clara Bow rode the ro’lcr coaster a good lesson in civic improvement for jured feelings. at tine of the beach resorts near any municipality to follow. It would be a Hollywood until she was all but sea­ credit to Venonia to emulate the good ex­ As life draws to a close some men take sick- while filming her newest star­ up religion; and some take up golf. ring picture for Paramount “Roogh ample already set by the mill folk. House Rosie”the swift-i -moving com- Although the fostering of such a move­ edy which reaches the 1 Majestic Days are so short. Right after supper ment would seem to naturally fall the theatre Theaday. it is dark enough to go joy riding. Chamber of Comemerce, it is not necessar­ A _____ _______ The story of how the United ily their job any more than that of any States beat a number of other na- You can be an idealist, however, with ­ other organization who wishes to work out slipping the other fellew all the aces. tions in its seizure of California in for the good of the community. 1846 ¡ b shown in “California,'’ Tim It could well be made a feature of an McCoy’s latest Metro-Goldwyn-Met- annual flower and garden show in Ver­ The “charming naturalness” you like ro historical Western drama, com­ ing to the Majestic theatre Thurs­ nonia, an attraction that would be well in a girl cost her many weary hours of day and Friday. American forces, patronized, according to the interest practice. by sea and land, converged on shown in Nehalem valley agriculture and says the market re- ‘hat ?ch territery exantly twenty- floriculture. In that event it would not “Money is easy,” i ______1.4» houre before the arrival of a pbrt, but it is hard for some kind of bor­ ■ four fleet which was planning to plant be a difficult matter to raise the money the flag of a great European na- for the awarding of prizes for the best rowers. lawns and gardens. In dressing up a community the stand­ Many a small boy is kept in after school ards of civilization and living are immeas­ because his father worked his arithmetic urably improved. The council could not wrong.* pass and enforce laws that would have as makers use 14,000,000 pounds good an effect upon improving the ap­ of Cement dynamite a year. May we say their busi­ pearance of a city as the development of Eride among the residents brought about ness is booming? y competition. A town kept clean is also the best pre­ Science, says a nature magazine, has ventative against the spread of any con­ found no practical use for the jelly-fish. Well, neither has public life. tagious disease. Hero: One who grinds our axe. Crime The fool who has been parted from his against civilization: The act of grinding money always feels cheap. the other fellow’s axe. There are two kinds of men: Those who You hear a lot of talk about selfmade think the world is going to the dogs, and men, but all men are that. those who are too busy to worry. A GOOD EXAMPLE 4 Thursday, September 22, 1927 VERNONIA EAGLE I tio-i. In “California," Tim McCoy CHURCH OF CHRIST pía ¿s the role of an Americ .n of­ (Christian) fici r and Dorothy Sebastian is seen Bible school 10:00 “The Early opjosite him in the role of a Span­ Kings of Israel (Ps. 105:1-8- Com­ ish señorita. munion and sermon 11:00 “He Brought Us Out, That He Might Police Note« Marshal Kelly assisted by Dep- bring us in." Christian Endeavor uty Phelps raided the Noodle Par- 7:80 “What Would Happen if A1I lor Saturday night and arrested Church-Members Were Really Chris­ four Japs for gambling. K. Kay, tian?” Evening Worship 7:30 “Con­ K. Kawakami and H. Ono plead science." Prayermeeting an d Bible guilty and were fined 37.60 each study Thursday 7:30. Choir and by Judge Reasoner. F. Kuramusi Orchestra Friday 7:30. Teddy. W. Leavitt, Pastor. was found not guilty. DR. HARRY BROWN Optical Specialist Will make his regular visit W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 665 meets every Monday night at seven thirty at the Grange Hall. Visiting members welcome. A. F. KOSTER C. C. C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. A A. M., meets at Grange Hall every Second and Fourth Thursday nights. Visitors Welcome K. A. McNeill, Secretary. to .this city Saturday and Sunday September 24, Eyes Examined Glasse* Fitted Reasonable Charges All kinds of Optieial Re- pairing. Vernonia Office. Working­ mens Store—Portland Of­ fice 442 Washington St. I.O.O.F.—V emonia Lodge N q . 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis- ¡tors always welcome. M. E. Graven, N. G. John Galssmer, Sec. Third degree work Tuesday night. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Meet* first and third Mon­ days of each month «t the Legion Hall. McGraw, President BUICKAI928 Vernonia Post 119, American La* gion. Meets second and fourth Tues, days each month, 8 p.m. H. E. Me- Grav Iraw, Commander. Chapter 1S3, O. E. S. Regular communi­ cation first and third Wednesday* of each month. All visiting sisters and brothers wel­ come. Bessie Tapp, W. M. Leona McGraw, Secretary Nehalem MUSACI OAUOt r. One Qlance Miller Mercantile Company INCORPORATED STORES AT NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA CORVALLIS HILLSBORO J. MASON DILLARD In Buick for 1928, everything you want to know about your car’s performance—every indicator and dial—is before you, indirectly lighted under glass. Buick today offers greater beauty, luxury, and com­ fort than ever before—greater speed and power with quicker getaway. See the car that surpasses all others in popularity—and in value. M c M innville MONMOUTH Supreme Values » No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec­ ond and fourth Thursdays ia Grange hall, Vernonia. Visitors al­ ways welcome. • Mrs. Viola Treharne, N.Q. Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. the STORES AT 9 OVERCOATS MENS SUITS DRESS SHIRTS UNION SUITS Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Next to Carkin Cleaning Works Here Every Wednesday DR. ELLA WIGHT DR. C. J. WIGHT CHIROPRACTORS Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Troubles Delayed Menstruation SHUN urn» AUTOMOB1L1S ABB BUILT. BU1CX WILL BUILD THBM •1195 to «1995 » » Coupes *1195 (o »185« Sport Model* *1195 to *1525 LOGGER SHIRTS Mens Fall Footwear Rain Test Clothing LEATHER COATS Acre«* from th* Pofl Office LESTER SHEELEY Attorney-at-Law Vernonia Oregon DR. W. H. HURLEY DENTISTRY AND X-RAY Evenings by Appointment Office over Brown Furniture Store. Vernonia Oregon M. P. COLE Lots of Snap and Style in Over­ coats at........... $15.00 and $18.00 New Fall Suits Style and quality for the least money ....$25.00 to $35.00 Dress Shirts, new and distinctive patterns and materials to select from, banded and attached collars Balloon cloth shirts, sure keep dry for ...................................... $5.00 Oregon» American I Old Hickory Shirts ........ . .... $1.00 14 Oz. Red Wrist 1 piece back can­ vas gloves 2 pair ........... . 25c Vernonia MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in Granite and Marble At Reduced Prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Fourth and MA in St. Overalls Waist or Bib .......... $1.15 Lumber Company Mens Heavy Wool Sox 25«, 35c, 50c, 75c Gordon Hat» New Fall Styles $5.00 Mens Heavy Cotton Union Suits at ........................................ $1.50 Men Heavy Union Suits 100% pure virgin wool ....................... $6.00 Mens Leather Coats ........... $14.50 Mens Heavy all wool Blaziers $5.00 West Coast Logegrs Shoe* 12 in. $18.50 Oregon MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. $1.50 to $2.00 New Ties, Fancy Sox. Novelty Handkerchiefs for men, values no­ where duplicated. •1 DENTIST PORTLAND - VERNONIA Truck Line INSURED CARRIER Vernonia Office At i Hillsbo^e, the Brazing Works Avenue. on Roe* Phone MAin 343 Portland Office Auto Freight Terminal E. Water and Yamhill Street* EAst 8226 Office No. 11 DELIVER TO YOUR DOOM