4 VernoniaBagk Entered at Vernonia, Oregon, Postoffioe as Second-Class Matter. Falling Boom Kills Two Men I Spar Pole at East Side Log­ ging Camp Causes Accident < » » Auxiliary To Sponsor Canned Health Shower 73 Gows in County response to a plea that has In Pioduced Over 40 been received from the Auxiliary flood relief chairman in Mississippi, the local American Legion Aux­ Pounds Butter Fat iliary will sponsor a “flood relief shower” here Saturday. Boxes will be placed at the stores of Miller Merchantile company, Skaggs-Safeway and the Nehalem Market to receive donations of can­ ned goods. Canned milk and to- matoes are suggested as being the most appropriate vegetables at this time. Clothing will also be gladly accepted. wt 4 Vol. 6, No. 7 H. Culbertson Killed Near Mist Tuesday Harry Culbertson, 52, was in­ stantly killed in the mountains near Mist about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday when struck by a falling snag from a tree which had just been felled, hitting him on the head. The body was brought to the Brown undertaking parlors and lat- er in the evening taken to Forest Grove, where burial will take place Sunday. He is survived by his wife, Carey Culbertson. Commission To Decido on Road Local Men to Attend Meeting In Portland The Vernonia Parent-Teacher as­ A total of „ 643 cows were __ tested during the month of August in sociation held their annual recep­ the Columbia Cow Testing associa­ tion to the school teachers of Ver- tion, according to the report of L. nonia in the high school auditor- J. Bartholomy, the tester. Their av­ ium Friday evening, which was at- erage production was 686 pounds of tended by more than 60 persons milk and 28.05 pounds of fat. A who were entertained during the total of 73 cows produced more evening by musical selections and Mrs. Shinn Elected than 40 pounds of fat for the readings. President of Library month. Dead and injured Brought to Ver- Since Mrs. Franklin Rogers, Board in Vernonia State Highway Commission Will For herds of less than 10 cows, president of the association, was Hear Evidence on Feasibility Marshal Catches Runaway nonia. Where Second Man Mrs. Frank Shinn was elected Of Clatsop Beach Road Boys With Stolen Ford Fritz Anliker, of Goble, was first unexpectedly called out of town, president Died After 2% Hours of the Vernonia library with an average production I of Mrs. E. A. Green, vice president, Robert Murrel, 13; Dallas Strick ­ board to succeed Mrs. W. J. Good- A welcomed the teachers and parents, number of local business men 906 pounds of milk and I 33.85 A boom that fell when a spar ing, resigned at a special meeting and farmers plan to attend the pole broke in the East Side log- land, 15; and Norman Douglas. 12, pounds of fat for 4 registered Hol- The program was as follows : all of Portland, were apprehended Community singing, led by Mrs. in the city hall Tuesday of last meeting of the state highway com­ ging camp Wednesday of last week Tuesday evening by Marshal Kelly, steins. E. J. Brocks, of Corneliuq, week. mission in the court house at Port­ was second with an average pro­ Frank Shinn. resulted fatally to two men that Mrs. E. A. Green was apointed land Tuesday afternoon when they were struck by the falling timber. who had previously received word duction of 716 pounds of milk and Piano duet, Misses Charlotte and to take the place of Mrs. Shinn' will hear the evidence in the pro­ A. V. Evans and Edward Humble that the boys had run away from 33.6 .pounds of fat for 4 grade Nellie Green. on the committee that chooses the posed project to have a state high­ were the men struck by the boom, home. They had a stolen Ford Jerseys. J. L. W right of Marsh­ Reading, “ Ma and Her Cheek in their possession, it was said, land, was third with an average books for the library. It is said way built from Portland to the Evans dying instantly. Book, ” by Joy Bush. and other articles. that as soon as Principals J. B. Clatsop beaches by way of Ver­ production of 767 pounds of milk Vocal duets, “ Pal of My Cradle Upon instructions from his sister, The boys confessed to Kelly that and 33.19 pounds of fat for 9 Wjlkerson and O. A. Anderson of nonia, thus establishing a route of Lebanon, Days, ” “ Mighty Lak a Rose." by Mrs. Wm. De Ford of thev had been to Seaside and had I gra(je Coernseys. f r «ptire alubes il.e.uU Spcucer and La the loco’ rcbnols turn In n l!«t of Evans was bui,eu in the Vvincnia stolen from service stations and new boqks that would be benefic­ distance from Portland to the coast. For herds of lft to 20 cows, W. V elle Gosa. cemetery Satiyday at 3 p.m. Fun­ stores along the highway. They Secretary Lester Sheeley of the eral services were held in the were turned over to the juvenile S. Copeland, of Sauvies Island, was Reading, “Hard Luck,” “Ma and ial to the schools, they will be ordered. These will be catalogued Chamber of Commerce has been Brown chapel, with Rev. G. W. judge at St. Helens yesterday first with an average production of the Auto,” Miss Ruth Holaday. 896 pounds of milk and 33.19 Plumer of the Evangelical church morning. Piano solo,. “Tis Spring,” “The according to the system prescribed busy the last few days interesting bv the state library. a number of folk in the district pounds of fat for 20 grade Hol- Rosary,” by Miss Daisy Brown. officiating. that would be affected by the road steins. Paul Welter, of Goble, was Violin solo, “Nocturne,” Chop­ The body of Edward Humble was Prizes Are Awarded For in attending this meeting. He second with an average production in; “Salut D’Amour,” Egar, by Portland Lodge Confers shipped to Baker, Oregon, for bur­ Best Lawns and Gardens of 87? pounds of milk and 33.02 Mrs. Shinn. Courtesy Degree Here states that the bigger representa­ ial beside his mother. He is sur­ tion present, the more weight the As an incentive to maintain a pounds of fat for 17 grade Hol- vived by his wife, Pearl Humble, All the teachers were present The degree team of Portland good appearance in the residential steins. T, P. Johnson, of Birken- except L. F. Austin, who is ill in Mount Hood Lodge 157 conferred project will have with the com- his father, and three sisters section of the Oregon-American feld, was third with an average a Portland hospital. Mrs. M. D. a courtesy degree on Ralph Meyer mission. O. W. Taylor of Gearhart states To Establish Analytical mill property, prizes were awarded production of 528 pounds of milk Cole, a former teacher, who has at the local temple Saturday even­ and 29173 pounds of fat for 11 been substituting for Mr. Austin that many will be present from Drug Laboratory at O.A.C. this year, as in previous years, for grade ing. This is the first time that any Jerseys. the best appearing lawns and this week, was one of the guests. visiting lodge has put on the work Seaside and Gearhart, and that O.A.C. Corvallis, Sept. 20. Bet­ gardens. For herds of more than 20 cows Cake and coffee were served, in this manner and the local lodge many from Portland who have sign- ter service to the druggists of the Geo. A. Johnson, of Sauvies Island, cafeteria style, for refreshments. meeting was largely attended both cd the petitions that have been First prize of $75 was won by state and protection of the physi­ circulated will be present at the was first with an average pro­ faulty Mrs. W. E. Bell, who had started duction of 943 pounds of milk The stage in the auditorium was by members and out of town cians and people against : hearing to talk in its favor. It was with an uncultivated lot and attractively decorated with autumn itors. with the prescriptions is expt and 37.69 pounds of fat for 38 leaves, ferns, dahlias and asters. thought that many thousand signa­ beauty spot of green wrought a The initiation, which was the tures would be obtained before the establishment here this month of grade Holsfeins. Jacob Rietala, of third degree, was said by local commission met. More than 800 in tic first analytical drug labora- lawns and many colored flowers. Quincy, was second with an ave­ members to have been exemplified tory by the Oregon state board of E. Crowe won second prize of $50,1 rage production of 766 pounds of Wife Charges Husband Vernonia district expressed With Brutal Attack in a highly creditable manner. To the pli.imacy. Though it will be hous- and J. H. Roberson third prize oil milk and 35.59 pounds of fat for their desire to see the road go $20. round out the evening a splendid cJ in a room in the pharmacy Clifford C. Friend is in the luncheon was served by the East­ through by signing petitions. Honorable mention was given to 22 grade Jerseys. Beeson brothers, building and v. i’i a valu ai ie of Clatskanie were third with county jail at Hillsboro as a result an Secretary Sheeley asks that all adjunct to the college, it is be- the Lappe, Lilly, Marshall, Escque,’ average produrtion of 779 pounds I of an alleged brutal attack upon ern Star ladies of Nehalem chap- who wish to attend the meeting Browning and Strong Blielie, ter and to their hospitality and ing equipped ami supop’ted entirely/ of milk and 32.01 pounds of fat his wife near Connacher camp commnnicate with him so that homes. .eruleavor spacial tribute., wua paid by the state board. for 30 grade Jerseys and grade ; bdhdJy, according to Mrs. Friend, ample transportation will be pro­ by speakers of the evening. Establishment of this laboratory Guernseys. Mr». Lindquist Visits Parents who states that she made a visit vided. Tonight to M. M. degree will be with a trained drug analyst in The high pure bred now for the to the camp Sunday to see him Mrs. Gus Lindquist and three conferred by the lbcal lodge on charge will enable druggists to children, former residents of Ver­ month of August was Anne, a 3 I concerning the buying of some have periodic tests made of the nonia, accompanied by Mrs. Tay­ year old registered Holstein, own­ property. Upon arriving at the Gordon Hieber. A large attendance Hay Production Costs Investigated by O. A. C. drugs and preparations listed in lor and daughter Alice of Burley, ed by the Hammer brothers, of camp Mrs. Friend was told lie was is expected and all out of town the United States Pharmacopoeia Idaho, motored from that city to Deer Island. Her produhtion was then at the Jablonski place nearby. visitors are cordially invited to at­ Detailed information on the cost tend. Refreshments will be served and National Formalar.v. It will be Vernonia last week. 1494 pounds of milk and 58.3 When she entered the latter house of production of all types of hay and a good fellowship is assured the purpose of the state board, in pounds of fat. sh6 states he utterd an oath and all. , in practically every section of Ore­ During the four days spent here, fact, according to Frank S. Ward, The high grade cow was Whitie, asked her to walk down the road gon has been complied through two )m Mrs. Lindquist and children visited secretary, to make inspection from an 8 year old grade Holstein, own­ with him, which she did. Loyal Berean Class Meeta | years study on 366 farms made j n |her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn time to time of drug stocks ed by J. L. Wright, of Marshland. The Loyal Berean class of the by H. E. Selby of the department Upon arriving at a point some accordance with the provisions 0£ Hall, and other relatives and Her production was 1302 pounds distance from the house, farm management of the expert­ Mrs. Christian church held their month-; ' friends. They reported that they the state drug act. were very glad to be in Oregon of milk and 62.5 pounds of fat. Friend Stated, her husband began ly business meeting and party at nlent station. This investigation car- Dr. Henry M. Burglage, who re- ! among the trees again. ou^ under the rovisions of to deride her for coming there and the home of John Wardle Satur-' Grange Celebrate» Anniversary. cently completed work for a PhD. , *be federal Purnell fund is recog- then stated that when he was day evening. They returned home Saturday by The 25th anniversary of Colum- degree at the University of Wash­ About 30 were present at the n'zet* as the most extensive study through with her she would never ington, has beenengaged as direc­ way of Seaside, where Mrs. Taylor. bia County Pomona Grange was I care to see him again. He then business meeting which was called; forage crops costs ever made, to catch a glimpse of the I celebrated Friday al the county wished tor. He is a graduate of the Uni­ summary of the results of | proceeded to choke and beat her, to order by John Wardle. Mrs. Taylor, ! fair grounds. It was estimated that Pacific, According to Mrs. — versity of Indiana and of Harvard : holding her by the hair and thump- Ray was elected to act as treasur- tbe first two years work show the as more than crops around Burley arc not 125 persons attended with graduate work in pharmacy average cost of alfalfa hay pro­ i the meeting, among w. whom were I ing her head on the ground, she er, and Miss Charlesworth as sec- duction to be $7.99 a ton for the at Purdue. Assisting him will be profitable as last year. retary. said. I seven charter members: Mr. and Dr. F. A. Gilfillan who has re­ LIBRARY RECEIVES MANY After the business meeting a state, varying between $6.5$ for Mrs. F. J. Peterson, N. D. Peter- Not satisfied with that, he stood turned to the staff of the school NEW BOOKS RECENTLY social hour was enjoyed, after the Baker-Union region to $9.11 son, N. D. Peterson, Mr. . ---------- , __ and Mrs. her on her feet and kicked her c f pharmacy after two years ab- Many new books have been do- j R. E. Stratton, and Mr. and Mrs. shins and ground his heel Into which refreshments were served. for the Willamette valley. In the senee at Universe’ / of Florida. lie nated within the last month, to j R. Lovelace, Willamette valley clover hay cost her foot, until she states she is Search for Elk Meat will divide his time between teach- the Vernonia library. $7.38 a ton to produce when seed­ Among The grangers were entertained now in fear of blood poisoning. Game Warden Brown and his ing and working in tlie laboratoy. them are: “The Last Play,” by by a speech by State Master Palm­ They were surprised by a girl helpers made an unsuccessful search ed with grain, and $10.32 when Dr. Burlage will also teach one Barbour; “Hard Knocks,” young; iter and dialogues and songs given whom it is said Mr. Friend has for elk meat on the ranches of seeded alone. Vetch and oats cost • course in return for the use of 44J Letters — From a Self-made Mer- by a few of the granges in this known for some time, which stop­ J. Neur and D. McMullen Satur­ $10.29, cheat hay $8.77, corn sil­ the room by the board. age $7.72, vetch silage $4.40, and chant ----- to His Son,” Larimer; —! *‘T°m county. In the afternoon there was ped the attack. day afternoon, after it had been kale $3.75 a ton. In all cases cash For the information of the drug Brown at Oxford,” Hughes; “Stor- a baseball game between Cedar A preliminary hearing was held reported to him that Mr. Nour expenses, labor and overhead were trade, __ ___ the state ........ plans to mie __ — the ___ Dog _ Stealer, _____ _ ” Schulkers; Grove and Apiary. in Hillsboro yesterday, when the had killed an elk on the McM illen I considered. ii -ike through the new laboratory I “On Land and Sea With Caesar,” action was taken as to whether he place. Motorcycle Hit By Ford The study covered fat ms in Mal- an extensive in’estlgation of the Wells; "A Wild Goose of Limer- The old settlers report that there While driving his Super-X mo- would be bound over the grand heur. Baker, Union, Deschutes, stability of sta idard remedies to(ick,” Abdullah; "In Bad With Sin- has been no elk in the Nehalem jury. Mrs. Friend states that her torcycle on the road about two Crook. Klamath, Josephine, Jack- determine best means of preserv- bad,” Stringer, valley for more than 15 years, and ing them and elated information. Mrs. E. H. Washburn donated* miles northeast of Vernonia Sun- husba" Mr. Nyte was hit by a Ford, was necessary to pay the cost of counties. A progress report has Druggists will be urgej to take the . • following: -- w ■ a . # v — a a Tar 1F I la lai li II 1 -4 — ■ - _ an operation for her in Portland ed to play a practical joke on the been prepared and will be mailed up such problems with the director metic,” Hamilton; “New World [ w>tb but little damage done. [ game wardens. last winter. She has been living frefe or. tequest. Speller,” Wohlfarth & Rogers, 2nd | Upon pasisng a friend who mo- of the laboratory. —----- — ( and supporting her- Thorough Berry Spray As all analyses will be legal in and 3rd books; “Oral and Written tioned for him to stop, a Ford self Vernonia since then. One thorough spray with bor- Fair Weather Welcomed nature, no samples will be con- English,” Potter, Jeschke & Gil- coming behind ran into him. Nyte In Nehalem Valley sidered unless submitted under the, ! let; “The Last Trail,” Grey; "An­ suffered a skinned elbow. The The Vernonia service station has deaux mixture 4-4-50 in late sum- seal of an official of the board. | cient Times,” Breasted;" "Self­ hind wheel and fender of the mo­ placed logs at the baek limits of mer has proved an effective pro- The Nehalem valley farmers wel­ Raised,” Southworth; “Clear Type, torcycle were ruined, and the front the station grounds as a cafety tection in Oregon/ for red raspber­ come the recurrence of fair weath- Pronouncing Dictionary,” ' “Bible spring, the wish-bone and front measure to prevent automobiles ry and loganberry plantings against er after the recent stormy Mason Council Appoints Five On ~ Budget Committee Le"on». ,” Ecker; "Audrey,” John- axle of the Ford were damaged. sliding down into the soft dirt at various fungi causing cane spots, as it will give them a better chance --------------- '.tan: ", ston ; “American Government,' by the edge. Mr. Clark, the manager, spur blight and “gray bark" of to thresh their late grain and be- Cattle Killed on Track The council appointed five citi­ Reed; “Stone-Millis Arithmetic,’ Friday night two heifers, about has been busy lately putting the all sorts reports the experiment gin the fall plowing, A number zens at its meeting Monday, who, "School History of the United three-year-olds, were killed on the grounds in good condition for wet station. If the canes go into the have already completed their grain with the members of the council, States.” Mace; "English Litera- wet period well coated mors vigor­ harvesting. railroad track about three miles weather. will make up the budget committee ture,” Lang; “Plane Geometry,” ous fruiting wood is assured for from Vernonia, At last report the It is reported that the stacked for the city of Vernonia to ar- Durell and Arnold. The liberty bell which was fro- the next year. railroad company had not learned grain and the clean shocked grain range the budget for 1928. zen in a cake of ice at 4 p.m. on Last week Mrs. O. I. Ross do- to whom they belonged. The best ram is none too good a Saturday two weeks ago, melt­ for the Oregon sheep raiser says suffered but little, but the shocked C. W. Reithner,