FIVE Thursday, September 15, 1927 VERNONIA EAGLE TREE PLANTING dit is acting as coach until Mr. contract and file the required bond. Austin returns. The right is reserved to reject The seniors have chosen their any and all bids. News ot Vernonia Schoo's class rings and are reported as John Philip, County Judge. being well pleased with the sei- T. B. Mills, Commissioner. J. J. Handsaker Addresses ection J. N. Miller, Commissioner. The sophomores had a meeting G. G. Hall, Roadmaster. Forty-Two States Now Hava High School Assembly last week when a committee was J. W. Hunt, County Clerk Organizations for the J. J. Handsacker of Portland, chosen to start plans for fresh­ chairman of Oregon Near East Re­ men week and their initiation Work of Forestry. lief appealed to the student body party. Monday for the welfare of one I Washington.—Marked advance In Classes Elect Officers forestry legislation was made during Armenian “Back to God’s Country” 1927. says the Forestry Legislative Mr. Handsacker who is a rep- For Coming Year The oppressive, terrorizing sound Survey published to mark the close ot resentative of the American Relief The various classes have elected of malamutes baying at night was the legislative year by the American commissi.n, has had much exper­ their officers for the coming year one of the many thrilling experi­ Tree association. ience in regard to this work in as follows: Seniors, president, Hel- ences undergone by the Universal The legislative year was made not his travels, to the near east. en Hieber; secretary-treasurer, Nor- company at Mammoth, Calif., this able because by the passage of legls 4 His speech dealt upon the mis­ man Green; sergeant at arms, Bus- winter during the filming of scenes Inthwi Delaware. Florida and South treatment and abuse of the Chris­ ter Hodges; class advisor, Mr. Aus- for “Back to God’s Country,” which Carolina took their places with for entry minded states. There are now tian children daring the Greek and tin. will be at the Majestic theatre Sat­ 42 states that provide some forestry Turkish war. Mr. Handsacker stat­ The juniors have elected Delia urday. Renee Adoree is the star' ed that during this war ninety Cline president, Thelma Spencer, of the picture while the support­ organization. Utah. Wyoming. Arlwin thousand children were driven from vice president; Robert Whitsell, sec­ ing cast includes Robert Frazer, sas and Nevada have notxprovided for any organization, and the state forests the country seeking refuge where- retary; Goldie Garner, treasurer; W alter Long, Mitchell Lewis, of Arizona and New Mexico are cared ever they could find it. He told Mr. Wilkerson, class advisor. Adolph Milar and James Mason. for by a joint agreement with the of one sympathetic case of a lit- U. S forest service. Forestry leglsla The president of the sophomore "Doi Juan" tie orphan, wandering from one class is Bodie Hieber, vice presi-l tlon was passed for the first time In orphanage to another, asking, not dent, Neal Bush; secretary-treasur-' secretary-treasur-j John Barrymore in “Don Juan,” Nevada and Utah, but no organization for food or clothes, but simply a er, Violet Phelps; sergeant at arms, [ coming to the Majestic theatre on was provided. The survey, which Is being sent to place to die. As all orphanages bad Kenneth Price; class advisor, Miss'Sunday, is an attraction that has orders not to take in any more Malmsten. I b®®n roadshowed in the principal editors and foresters by Charles La­ throp Pack, president of the American than they already had, he was not The first-year class have elected cities of the country at $2.00 prices Tree association, shows the present successful. President, ' and acclaimed by critics everywhere the following officers: Upon reaching the orphanage un­ Gloyd Adams; vice president, Tord as one of the most notable photo- area of state forests to be 6,838,936 acres and that 73,000,000 trees were der the supervision of Christopher Berg; secretary, Grace Condit; I plays ever screened. planted during the year. Thurber, the boy again told his treasurer, Junior Bennett; class ad- Pennsylvania Leads in Planting. “ Th. Fighting Three ” touching story. Mr. Thurber, not visor, Mrs. Brewer. States that kept the lead in tree Jack Hoxie, who stars in “The pointing were Pennsylvania with 27,- able to withstand the boy’s appeal Fighting Three,” the Blue Streak 910,029; New York with 22.000,000 and called a meeting of the representa­ Student Body Officers Western which opens at the Maj­ Michigan with 10,000,(XX). The state tives and they decided to take in Are Now Active Monday na- all the children that came, even ­ estic oi-1 *--- theatre —------ on — -------- ' is — — ■ appropriation by Pennsylvania was The following student body Pf Against the orders of the American ficers for this year now are busily honally known as the perfect wes- $1,208,485. “The Mississippi river flood has <11 Relief commission. al>ility in the saddle planning the season's activities: tern star- As a result seven thousand or­ President Veldcn Packer: vice pres­ and his perfect physique coupled rented the attention of the nation as phans were kept on the food, which ident, Deila Cline; secretary, Helen, v-'th ^ niasculinely handsome face nothing else could to the need of pro­ viding forests at the headquarters of was only intended for three thous­ Hieber; treasurer, Ward __ Gooding _____ ; i make him the ido1 of motion pic- the Mississippi and Its tributaries." ” Olive and. Although in this condition, editor, Catherine Hoffman; girls | ture fans the world over. C says Mr. Pack, in announcing the pub­ they managed to keep the orphans athletic" manager, Mildred Hawkins; I Hasbrouck plays opposite him in lication of the survey. “This phase of this picture which was directed by flood prevention, while it will not stop in good health. boys athletic manager, Buster Hod­ Al Rogell. Edith Winchester, who gave her ges. floods, will aid in preventing them and is the only one I know of that will life for the welfare of humanity “Painting th. Town” pay dividends In future years. We ia another example of self sacrifice Notic. t. C.atra.tora Peanuts are mighty insidious mnst put idle laud to work growing in the cause of the Near East. St. Helens, Oreg.a, August 24, things but in “Painting the Town” trees. "It Is obvious the American public 1927. x you will see the first instance on Will Attend U. of O. to! record where they won a man a is becomhig forest minded. People are Sealed proposals, addressed A farewell party for Glen Haw­ not only interested but active in see kins, who will leave shortly to the County Court of Columbia contract. This picture featuring Ing that onr trees, both in the foresis. Helens, County, Oregon, at St. Glenn Tryon and Patsy Ruth Mil ­ enroll as a freshman at the Uni­ In. onr parks and on our highways, are versity of Oregon, was given Sun­ Oregon and endorsed “Proposal for ler, plays the Majestic theatre on given more care, attention and pro day by his mother, Mrs. B. B. Doing the following work in Col­ Tuesday and Wednesday, And, in­ tectlon. Advance in Reforestation. Hawkins. The guests present were umbia County, to-wit: The con­ cidentally, it got Glenn Tryon a "Reforestation has made a notable' Clarence Fowler, Ralph Peck, Jew­ struction of a Hows Truss Bridge five year contract with Universal. with necessary approaches, across advance during the year. The devel­ ell Lloyd, Miss Theresa Tackett, “Th. Outlaws .f Red River” opment of state nurseries and the dis­ and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Driscoll and the Nehalem River in Section 30, The Bad Lands of Texas is the I Township 6 north, Range 5 west tribution of tree seedlings or trans­ children. locale for “The Outlaws of Red plants. as In Pennsylvania. Ohio, Mas­ Percy Bergerson, who also grad­ of the Willamette Meridian, will River,” Fox Films new drama star­ sachusetts. Michigan, New York. uated from this school last spring, be received by said County Court ring Tom Mix as a ranger, who North Carolina, Indiana and New Jer­ xfrill enter university this fall and until ten o’clock A. M., Septem- tracks down an outlaw gang, which sey. have resulted In many trees being ber 24th, 1927 and not thereaf- plans to room with Glen. planted. ter, and at that time will be pub- is coming to the Majestic theatre “Probably five times as many trees for dwo days commencing Thurs- Ucly opened and read. Phoebe Greenman is back in were planted In the various states tn day. I school after a visit in California. All proposals must be made 1 upon 1927 as were put on ten years ago. Hale, her brother, is also back and blank forms, to be obtained i from Willamina—Work being rushed This. In Itself, is a real accomplish­ will attend school here--this fall. cent of his bid, payable t927. IJ Coa>p««T. T^ kc . N. C. ■America £o!die-’8 Life Is Made Easier Even in France Paris.—The soldier's life Is grow Ing easier In France as elsewhere. Not only has the period of service been reduced for the youth of France from three years to eighteen month- but the pack the poilii carries is to be lightened. Henceforth the have two sacks, prln-Ipal sack, carrying all Ihnt he really needs, will be carried by the soldier hiriself. The supplementary suck will be brought along by motor truck. No need of wasting a lot of words. No need tak­ ing u lot of time. Your eyes alone will tell you it’s the new American car for uil-America. ★ ★ * Length, grace anil lowness in the new l>od v crea­ tions by Fisher. A fashionable air of fleetness— an environment of luxury and richness, Hmtinc- tion on the boulevard. Mastery on the roaa. ¥ 4 * More than smoothness, more than snap, more than ample power for the steepest American hills and the roughest American roads. “Here he comes —there he goes. And ‘there lie goes' in comfort.’’ * ★ ★ Esperanto in School* Toronto.—Possibility of Esperanto ns a study In public schools has been suggested to the World Federation of Education Associations. OCOOOOOOOOOOCCOCOOOOCXDOCOO x Siberian Court Ends 200-Year-Old Suit Q Q 0 X Q X O X Q Q x Q x Q i5 < □ X Q 5 2 5 < Novosibirsk, Siberia.—A law- suit which has lasted more than 200 years was recently ended by a decision of the supreme land commission. The litigants wery two 81- berian villages, f’uskzarevo and Gorbunovka, near Tomsk. The suit-arose over land which both villages claimed. The affair Is of historical interest, since all documents and records have re mained intact. The Soviets have now dedared the disputed land belongs to Gorbunovka. Catherine’s order and'other documents, among them the original agreement signed between the villagers and the Tartar authorities of Siberia. are said to be kept by Grechanli. In an Iron chest which also serves as bls bed. No magic, of course—and no untried engineer­ ing innovations. Just a big brute of an engine that laughs at hard work. A longer, stronger chassis. And months of testing at the General Motors Proving Ground. ★ ★ ★ Come in and talk to us. Then you'll know why all America is saying, “That's the car!" NEW LOWER PRICES .’1045 .'1145 ■ m S mw *1075 csteMvt *1145 lamina Sedan - The Delivery. 5eie and $54.» Fïiwr fa Pnnfiar Si*, $745 $925. Pnntiac Si* De Luxe $770. handling Ill price» at fa factory. include minimum Ea»y Delivered to Plan. pay on priva» the liberal (¿oneraiMotvn charge». Time Payment 2-DOOR SEDAN *1045 ) GILBY MOTOR COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon