eix oca Is Chas. T. Early of Portland mas a Vernonia visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree were Portland visitors last week. M. Murray was in Portland on business the early part of the week. Paul Fotsch recently purchased a new Buick sedan from the Thomas garage. Judge John Philip of St. Helens wa3 in Vernonia on business Fri- day. A. L. Martin of St. Helens spent the week end visiting with his cous­ in, M. M. Martin of Vernonia. Miss Louise Keehn left Monday for a short business trip to Port- land. Buy your fall bulbs of mixed tulips, cheap, and many others. Mrs. Sitts, Rose Avenue. 52* Mrs. Birdell Williams of Houlton spent Labor day at the home of Mrs. Mabie Dent. Mrs. Birdell Williams of st. Helens visited her cousin Mrs. Mabel Dent on Labor day. Percy Hewes, C. R. Berry, E. M. Kanard and John Grady spent the week end in Portland. Door wvUi If your school boy or girl can • ried trip to Kelso, Wash., and back Lloyd Thomas was in Portland Sunday to see the Portland-Seattle not come home to lunch let them this week, come to the bakery »nd for 10c baseball game. Reithner, Return From East Mr. and Mrs. F. Hartwick of or 15c select a lunch from the Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reithner many good and wholesome foods Hillsboro were Vernonia visitors and son Ralph returned Friday from which they will find nere.—adv. Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dexter visit­ an extended trip to Ohio and Min­ For sandwiches ask for Mother’s nesota, where they spent some Bread ih the long loaf. It makes ed over the week end at the home time visiting friends and relatives. of Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Moe. Mrs. delicious sandwiches and it is as ' Upon leaving here they traveled equally good for the table.—adv. Dexter and Mrs. Moe are sisters. through California, touched Mex­ Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Phelps, M. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Corey left I ico, crossed to Texas and then Monday for Tiajuana Mexico, for | M. Martin and A. L. Martin motor­ went north to Ohio, stopping in . ’ ° a short visit with Mrs. Corey’s ed to Portland Monday to visit J. I, ,x J ' many scenic places for several days M. Jones at the Good Samaritan mother. at a time. hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kelly were Mr. Reithner states that the The new telephone building is accompanied on a business trip to growth of Cleveland has been asr progressing rapidly and in the opin- ! Portland Friday and Saturtlay by ion of many local folk will be a | Marjory and Violet Phelps. Let us make your party or birth­ beneficial addition to the buildings Mrs. Frank Shinn day cake. It will be made just as of Vernonia. Many from Vernonia attended you want it and we take pride m making it good as well as pretty. the American Legion dance at High School credits granted And our prices are reasonable too. Balm Grove Saturday, which was if required course is complet­ given by the legionnaires of Wes- Vernonia Bakery.—adv. ed. House 39 Millview. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Decker of timber. St. Helens visited at the home of: If you put up a lunch for that Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wilson over school boy or girl give them plenty of sadwiches made with Mothers the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shaw and Bread. Because of its quality in­ children of Portland visited at the gredients Mother’s Bread will stay home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude fresh longer and the child will en- Doane for Dependability in Knapp on Wednesday of last week. ' joy the lunch more.—adv. Miss Gertrude McCarthy of Port- Rebuilt Typewriters and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Willings of Gaston have removed to Ver­ land, a former teacher at the Bea- Service nonia. They were residents here ver Creek school, spent the week 103 West Park 122 3rd St.. end in Vernonia with Mrs. Harry I two years ago. Beacon 2050 Portland Condit. ________ ____ ___________________ I And once again we are having those good cream puffs and choco- ■ late eclairs. The Cream Puffs are UuuUull Ononn WpbiiU i he impunance or Bsmg on Time We can supply you with the very best and most up-to-date hunting equipment designed to give you satisfaction and good results. SAVAGE WINCHESTER REMINGTON Rifles and A.mmunition (State License Sold Here) Vernonia H X H H M H H H X H H Special Price On Regular 1 Pint Vac u u m Bottle H X H X W X H X H X H C H X H H H M X r! H X H always paid more Y ou can’t beat this price. Buy Now and the Eclairs are filled with a rich custard—Vernonia Bakery adv. I i Rev. G. W. Plumer and a num­ ber of the official members of his church are planning to attend Takes on added importance with an important meeting next Tues- the resumption of school activities. day at the East Side Evangelical Teachers and students all over church in Portland. the county are selecting new Robert Plumer of Ostrander, watches this week—and the big Wash., was a visitor at the Evan­ majority of them are choosing gelical parsonage. He is a grandson I of Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer. School days are here once again and school children need plenty of wholesome food. Doctors reconi- j mend a fourth meal at 4 p.m. Give I them Mother’s Bread spread with | their beauty, a good jam or jelly—the children' Convenience and ac­ need it after a day of study and curacy. Strap, watches play.—adv. from $9.65 to $35.00 Burford Wilkerson will return to Guaranteed. Pacific this fall. He is majoring in chemistry and will be student as- Wrist Watches fr|om 1 sistant in the laboratory this year. ! He has beeh active in all student $12.00 to $45.00 lat- affairs and is a member of Gamma est designs,.- each fully Sigma fraternity. i Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Alslaben guaranteed. and W’ilbur Smith of San Francis-, co and Harold Alslaben of Port-' land were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Condit several i The Shuars Osai Jeweler days last week. When you go to the store to. ........- r buy a can of peas, or corn or the ( --------------------------------- ----------- like you know what brands are ■ -- " —------------- —----- —----------- recognized as the best and you I - ask for that brand by name. Why do less when you order bread—it | is just as important if not more so. Ask for Mother’s Bread and I I know beyond doubt that you are getting the best bread that it is possible to make.—adv. Mrs. G. W. Plumer made a hur- A. L KULLANDàR XHZHXKZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH H H Hoffman Hardware Co H H X M H Notice On account of Labor Day falling on the date of his regular visit, Dr. Luzader, Eyesight specialist, will postpone his visit to September 12 and 13. Please keep this change of date in mind, and make appointment with Mr. Kullander. Reithner s Vernonia’s Progressive Store Leaders of Style and Quality AUCTION H X H A telegram from the New York office advises that orders for all cotton material will not be ac­ cepted at the old price and that the situation is depressing. We . featured our cottons and will sell at the old price as long as our stock lasts. WATCH OUR WINDOWS BUY COTTON GOODS NOW BUY MORE TOMORROW COTTON IS WILD Before you send that dollar away or make ready to bring it over to the town where you have no interest whatever would it not be wise and sensible and common decency to make sure first if you could get more for it in the town you depend on for your own income, your own happiness your own comfort and your own sustenance. NEXT SATURDAY IS We are prepared to offer you something that will interest all buyers of Quality Merchandise Everyone Welcome. Make Our Store Your Headquarters. Headquarters for Ladies’ and Children’s shoes Phone 801 Vernonia Oregon Mail Orders Filled Promptly SALE Don’t Walk in the mud; in a good car. I Auction sale of cars at corner of 3rd and Bridge St. Saturday September 10 at 2:30 p.m. Cash or terms. Classified Advertising FOR SALE ■ FOR SALE—Equity in house, one lot, modern, bath fixtures, built- 1 ins in kitchen, plastered and kal- somined walls. Have $1000 paid on ; house, will take $450 for my | equity, balance of $900 to be , paid at $17.50 per month, includ­ ing interest. Here’s a $600 saving. See F. E. Visnaw at the Vernonia Bakery. 43 HOME FOR SALE where Doctor Hughes lives, at a big sacrifice. $500 will handle. See H. Graw. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Suc­ cessful boarding house of 12 rooms. Old established business. Can be kept full all the time. Excellent location. Will take 4 or 5-room house as part payment. Selling on account of ill health. Apply of Mrs. Webster at 641 First street, Ver­ nonia, Ore. tf404* FOR RENT H Modern House for rent or sale. J. C. Lindley, Bank of Vernonia.51* MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Hear from owner Ranch for sale. State cash price, par­ ticulars. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis. Minn. 34 H I WANTED H See Hoffman About It H “IT PAYS’’ tonishing in the six years since he has been there. Many new fac­ tories have been biult, although the farm land under cultivation has not been increased. Ralph Reithner, who graduated from the local high school this spring, plans to enter a business college this fall. Violin Teacher GAME OF MANY KINDS ARE PLENTIFUL IN THIS DISTRICT N Thursday, September 8, 1927 VERNONIA EAGLE — Light truck or good I car or good team horses or gro- | ceries or furniture for part pay- — R mm on R - M ; Hou«e No. 956 or inquire at Eagl? H HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX «' Vernonia Day Specials 15 Per Cent Reduction If you have been waiting for bargains on wearing apparel for the boys and girls going to school, you have not waited in vain. Every article in our well-stocked store on Childrens, Mens and Womens apparel is marked down 15 per cent. Ec­ onomize by buying when prices are low. You will admit that the bargains are good. The Best Quality and Lowest Prices in Town Corey Economy Store