Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 08, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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____________ Thursday, September 8 1927._________
impossible but—and this is more an offset to a total supply of both I Nehalem Lumber company opens be made in proposed new local
Football Team Will
ap- ­ | Nehalem River camps with 475 mm. creamery.
iuperbly entertaining. j | sweet and tart prunes which it ap
Soon Be Organized
pears may exceed last year by j Condon—22-room hotel
Grading will soon be completed
The opening of school renewed
around 55,000,000 pounds unless i built at new town of Kinzu*.
News of Vernonia Schoo's
on Grand Ronde end of Salmon
the yearly enthusiasm for football
further reductions in yield result
Coquille—County will gravel Fat River highway.
School Opens With Little Monday when a group of boys met Ladies,” the Warner Bros, produc­ from unfavorable weather and di­ Elk road.
Forest Grove—Local growers will
Change in Teaching Staff for the purpose of organizing a theatre Sunday. An Irish Me, May sease.
Bandon—Butter and cheese will ship 40 cars of fresh prunes thia
football team. Early practice Is
Feeds—Feeds derived from wheat
Registration for the fall term of handicapped by the absence of] McAvoy, si the star, and a Scot-
high school occurred Monday with Coach Austin, who will not be back tish Mac, Malcolm MacGregor, are and corn are slightly • lower gen­
but one change in the teaching in school for about two weeks, it featured, Theirs is a screen ro­ erally but cotton seed meal is un­
staff and a larger freshman class is said.
mance of a cabaret girl und a gig- changed to higher and linseed meal
steady. Cluten
feed and hominy
than ever before in the history of
Mr. Austin has blood poisoning olo.
feed are ! easier but alfalfa meal
Vernonia high school. Miss Malm- in
... his arm and hand and for some-'
sten is the new member of the time it was feared he would lose I “The Black Diamond Expre»»"
When railroad engineer and
his arm. At present he is in a debutante of fashionable society are
Professor Wilkerson, principal, Portland hospital,
D. B. Reasoner and Guy Mills
forcibly thrown together, is the
will teach geometry, civics, trigon­
With a number or lettermen from latter justified in disobeying her returned Tuesday from a week’s
ometry, commercial law and book­ last year back in school, it is ex-
mother’s will, Such a situation is Belknap in which they motored to
keeping. M». Austin will teach
springs, East Lake, Bend,
physiology a practice team will he organized
Dalles and returned by I
Black Diamond Express,” a War­
science and boys athletics.
way of the Mount Hood Loop
and early training started soon.
Miss Hickman will teach Latin,
history and French. Miss Perce
The seniors gave up their rooni Blue, which comes to the Majestic
Miss Jessie George returned from
will teach art and English. Mrs. downstairs and are up in the aud-
I the Monmouth Normal school Wed-
Hammack, geometry, algebra, ec­ itorium again.
| nesday of last week, and will live
Phoebe Greenman, who was elec-
onomics and commercial arithmetic.
“Beware of Widow»”
here with her mother for the next
Mrs. Brewer, sewing, English, his- ted yell leader for this year, is
The new Ford car will be one of the
Laughter is declared by leading month. She plans to secure a posl- j
tory and girls athletics.
visiting in California, but will re­ medics to be the greatest cure of (tion teaching school in the Willa­
turn some time this week for mental and physical ills. By this mette valley soon.
speediest, most alert cars on the road. You
Record Freshman Class
deduction anyone attending “Be­
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nicar. Mr.
Enrolls This Year
ware of Widows” starring Laura ' and Mrs. H. V. Holcomb and fam-1
will be delighted with its low, smart lines
Notice to Contractor.
La Plante at the Majestic theatre' ily motored to Rainier national
Fifty students enrolled Monday
24, Thursday and Friday will get morej park over the week end. They re­
in the freshman class of Vernonia
and beautiful colors.
benefit from its hour and a half i ported an interesting time in mot-
high schpol which is said to be a 1927.
Sealed proposals, addressed to
record in the annnals of the in­ the County Court of Columbia of entertainment than from a dozen! oring past the snow line on Mount
stitution. It is expected that this County, Oregon, at St. Helens, highly expensive visits to the doc-: Rainier,
J. M. Jones, who has been living I
will be appreciably increased with­ Oregon and endorsed Proposal for tor.
at the Vernonia hotel for some
in the next week.
Doing the following work in Col­
time, was injured Thursday after-j
No organization of the class has umbia County, to-wit: The con­
Oregon Agricultural College
: noon while working at the Koster ’
been effected as yet, but plans struction of a Howe Truss Bridge
More sweet prunes, ’ less tart.
camp on Rock creek. He was struck
are being made to have an elec­ with necessary approaches, across Another increase in the California I I ¿y
* falling'"limb
“ which
broke j one
---- ------
tion of officers in the near future. the Nehalem River in Section 30, official estimate placed the August I j • .
| leg, one rib and ....................
injured his back.
Township 6 north, Range 5 west forecast at 408,000,000 pounds in He was taken to the Good Samari-1
| Vernonia Grade Schools
the Willamette Meridian, will that state. This is 116,000,000 tan hospital in Portland.
| Start Monday
be received by said County Court pounds more tahn the record crop
Mrs. Maude Webster returned)
The Washington and Lincoln until ten o’clock A. M., Septem­ of 1926. The French prune crop Wednesday from Portland where
grade schools opened Monday for ber 24th, 1927 and not thereaf­ is still figured at about the same she has been visiting her daughter,
registration, and then closed ' to ter, and at that time will be pub- as last year or 24,000,000 pounds, Mrs. Bell Goodnight, who recently j
It appears from unofficial infor- underwent an operation for goiter.1
l enable the children to purchase licly opened and read.
their books and supplies. But few
All proposals must be made upon mation that there may be 25,000,- Mrs. Webster says her daughter is
'anges were made in the person- blank forms, to be obtained from 000 or more pounds of holdover rapidly improving.
1 of the teaching staff in the cent of his bid, payable to the sweet prunes in excess of last year.
Police Notes
o schools.
County Clerk, which shall be for­ Thus it may be calculated that the
Manuel Lewis, colored, was ar­
O. A. Anderson is superintend­ feited to the County in case th e world supply of dried sweet prunes
ent of the grade schools, and Mrs. award is made to him, and he this year will exceed that of 1926 rested Sunday night by Marshals
140,000,000 Kelly and Phelps and charged with
Mabie Nichol is art and music shall neglect, fail or refuse, for by
illegal possession of liquor. On
upervisor. At the Washington a period of five days after such pounds.
school the following teachers are award is made, to enter into a
The prospective crop of tart his plea of guilty he was fined $75 !
here this year: Mrs. Elsa Knowles, contract and file the required prunes on the other hand is ex- before Judge Reasoner Tuesday.
Joe Randolph, colored, arrested
principal, sixth, seventh ana eighth bond.
pected to be about 85,000,000
grades, departmental; Mrs. Alta
The right is reserved to reject pounds less than last year and with Lewis, was charged with of­
Neil, sixth, seventh and eighth any and all bids.
there appears to be no increase in fering bribe to peace officers and
grades, departmental; Edwin Con-
John Philip, County Judge.
stocks In 1926 the tart crop of was fined $20 before Judge Reas­
dit, sixth, seventh and eighth
T. B. Mills, Commissioner.
the world totaled about 200,000,- oner. Both paid their fines.
grades, departmental; Miss Ruth
J. N. Miller, Commissioner.
000 pounds. Estimates now indi­ I Bert Routt was arrested by Mar­
You can well afford to laugh at the hold­
Taylor, sixth, seventh and eighth
G. G. Hall, Roadmaster.
cate about 115,000,000 pounds di­ shal Kelly for being drunk. On his
'Trades, departmental; Mrs. Mabel
J. W. Hunt, County Clerk
vided about equally between Yugo­ plea of guilty before Judge Reas-
up man if your valuables are in one of
oner he was fined $30.
¡Graves, sixth;.Miss Beatrice Ander-
slavia and the Northwest.
Ison, fifth; Miss Bessie McDonald,
our safe deposit vault boxes. The cost per
Recent official information In­ Marshal
Kelly Saturday night and !
fourth; Mrs. Helen Austin, third;
dicates that owing to extremely un­ charged with disorderly conduct.
year is so little that you cannot afford
Miss Lenora Kizer, second; Mrs.
favorable weather conditions which His hearing was set for September
Ethel Ray, first.
“Blind Alley»”
have cut the crop in half sizes 10.
to be without this real protection.
I At the Lincoln school: Miss Alice
Thomas Meighan hero of many will be very small in Yugoslavia
Eaton, principal, fourth and fifth; a romance, drama and comedy, en­ this year and that prices were ad­ PAGEANT ILLUSTRATES
IMiss Pearl Krause, third; Miss Mel­ ters a new filed with his current vanced at Valjevo from $10.00 to
ba Laramore, second; Mrs. Pearl Paramount production, “Blind Al­ $35.00 per ton between August 4
Wilkerson, first.
leys,” arriving at the Majestic thea-1 and 19. The supply of large size
(By Maud Mills)
Scio—Lulay Bros. Lumber com­ tre Saturday. The new vehicle can J tart prunes seems to be limited to ¡ Three thousand delegates at the
pany builds new logging road into only be described in one way. It1 the Pacific Northwest crop which national W. C. T. U. convention
is melodrama—fast, thrilling, very should be of some importance as recently in Minneapolis cheered the
’ building of the membership wall,
a pageant illustrating the growth
of the organization, and the an­
nouncement that 51,340 new mem­
bers had joined from January 16
to May 1 of this year.
More than 5000 bricks, each rep­
resenting 10 new members and
bearing the name of the volunteer
captain who gained them, were
set in place in the organization wall
whose foundation stones were laid
I by early temperance crusaders more
I than 50 years ago.
Edgar T. Cutter, manager of
[the middle-western division of the
| Associated Press, in addressing the'
, convention stressed the need for
* I
j W. C. T. U. women to give the
news of their organization to their'
communities through the newspa-
pers, saving that editors are al-
Today’s Pontiac Six is the finest Pontiac Six ever
ways willing to cooperate in giving
built. Not merely does it offer the fashionable smart­
. clean news to the public.
ness of Fisher bodies in new Duco colors, but it brings
The Timber Line
Wait For the
New Ford
Crawford Motor Co.
No Need to Fear a
Holdup if Your Val­
uables are in a
Safe Deposit Box
The Majestic
The cigarette you can smoke
with real enjoyment
If all cigarettes were as good
as Camel you wouldn’t hear
anything about special treat
ments to make cigarettes good
for the throat. Nothing takes
the place of choice tobaccos.
Bible school 10:00 “Solomon De­
dicates the Temple” (1 Kings 8)
Communion and morning worship
11:00 Sermon “The Sin of Neg­
lect.” Christian
Endeavor 6:30
“How should I Spend God’' Por­
tion of my money” Evening service
7:30 Sermon ‘Mountain Top ex­
periences.” Choir practice Friday,
Teddy W. Leavitt, Minister.
Phone 223.
Sunday school 9:45 a. m. preach­
ing by the pastor G. W. Plumer
at 11 a. m. Subject “God Weighs^
Actions” and 8 p. m. Theme “The.
Perishing Soul.” Christian Endeav-
I or 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed-
I nesday evening 8 p. m.
Astoria—Local port receives up
! to 60 cars export wheat a day.
St. Helens—Proposed Cates thea­
tre here will cost about $26,000.
Lectures against Catholicism by
Reverend Hail of Portland at the
Granre hall Sunday evening, 8 p.
m. The public is invited.
to the buyer those many refinements which have been
made in Pontiac Six design.
Although the original Pontiac Six was such a revolu­
tionary value that it set a world record during its first
—the Pontiac Six you buy today is even smoother in
operation, even more sparing in the attention it re­
quires, even more luxurious and more distinguished in
Yet it sells for less than ever—the result of price re­
ductions made possible by the economies effected in
the world’s newest and finest motor car plant.
Unless you have actually driven today’s Pontiac Six
you cannot know what thrilling power and smooth­
ness, what thorough road mastery, and what enduring
satisfaction can now be obtained in a six at $745!
New lower price* on all pa**enger car body type* (Effective J uly !9th).Coupe, $749/
Sport Roaditer, $749; Short Cal>riolrt,*799;Landau Sedan, $H49; De Luxe Landau
Sedan, $929; Ponttac Six De Luxe Delivery, $9X9 to $770. The Nrt«> Oakland
All-American Str, $1049 to $1269. All price* at factorvr Delivered price* include
minimum handling charge*. Ea*y to pay on the General Motor* iime Payment Plan.
Vernonia, Oregon
QAe New and Finer