THREE Cthr ïïmtntita Eagh VERNONIA ÍAGLE ------------------ — Thursday, September 8, 1927 i 1 resumed to be conducting their business >r the profit ai d advancement of their rs, an< that their judgment . u ni.I not be ov< rrulec: as to expenditures >r public or semi-public purposes. It rned to the committee members to be unwise to permit the possible prejudice of a tax auditor to override the considered judgment of a board of directors of a business corporation in matters of this kind.—Manufacturer. 47 NEW SETTLERS IN OREGON DURING AUGUST x ugust added 47 new settlers to the list of farm home purchasers on the records of the land settlement dej irtment of the Portland and Or gon state chambers of com merce. • This brings the actual record of Issued every Thursday $2 per year in Advanee new families who are among the new arrivals since January 1 to Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the 397 who have invested $1,476.424 Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the in Oregon farm lands. It is known Act of March 3, 1879 that there are hundreds of other THIS FALL IN VERNONIA STORES settlers who have arrived and have MARK E. MOE, Editor found locations throughout the state through the assistance render­ TAX LAWS SHOULD BE SIMPLIFIED Vernonia merchants are much ahead of ed by the land settlement depart­ the average in cities of this size in an­ ment. of the records for the A demand that Congress redraft the tax nouncing a regular fall opening in the past A check three years of the campaign law of 1926 in the interest of simplifica­ manner in whch they have chosen and on under the Oregon development fund tion, will be presented to the house ways the scale which they have adopted as the shows 1861 new settlers of whom and means committee by representative- best method. The fall and winter season, reports have been made, with a of the National association of Manufactur­ replete with its merchandising opportun­ total investment of $12,042,317. settlers occupy approximate­ ers, National Lumber association, National ities, is often ushered in gradually with­ These ly 65,000 acres of land, the great­ Petroleum, National Coal association, Na­ out announcement, with no inducements er part of which was previously tional Boot and Shoe Manufacturers as­ other than those ordinarily found peculiari non-producing. The total number sociation, the American Mining Congress to the community. of inquiries received by the de and American Cotton Manufacturers as­ But not so here. This week’s Vernonia partment during this three year aggregates 75,137. sociation. I Day is teeming with special buying of- period During the first eight months It is pointed out that the taxpayer is feis made at a time when buying is most of the year, 2652 prospective set­ required to take oath to his income tax necessaryand representing most of those tlers called personally at the of­ return; therefore, he is entitled to have items which everv fimilv is forced to ac- fice of the department, attracted the substantive provisions of the act stated uire at this particular time of year. And here by the advertisements and -ature .'’urnished them and their in simple, clear and understandable lang­ not only are the items seasonable and litr neighbors in response to their ex- uage. other attractions overbalancing to a for­ pre sion of interest in Oregon. The new law should contain a clear eign competitor, but the great trade event From Portland at least 60 jer -......... —. of persons, individual, corpora- vvipvxa- of the year, the annual gift campaign, is cent of these visitors have scatter­ definition ed throughout the state to fir.d tion, partnership, trust, etc., who are called opening. This in itself is not an ordinary suitable fa a 'tome, f t their per­ feature — it is made extraordinary by its upon and expected to make returns and, manent residences, many locating pay tax. A clear statement of allowable ¡ elation to the community and the eager- ten porarily in the section making res. with which the people as well as the the strongest hppeal until they are deductions is a necessity. definitely decided in their choice. Tax authorities allow as deductible ex­ tradesmen look forward to it. In addition, 1398 farmers scat­ penses, contributions made by corpora­ So, the fall season is here in spirit as tered east, middle west and tions for hospital facilities, recreation well as in fact. It is opened by mercantile Canada in as the well as the south, have centers and research work when these act­ < fferings that may not have equals dur­ sent to the land settlement de­ ivities are carried on under jurisdiction ing the remainder of the year. The “sad­ partment signed questionnaires con­ of the company, or by the municipality dest of the year’’ time for shoppers may taining information regarding their and resources and def­ and paid for by the company in its local have a different aspect. And Vernonia is experience initely stating that they intend to taxes. However, if the corporation find iven an opportunity from today forth to cone to Oregon. This group, ac- it cheaper and better policy to contribute chooi-e seasonable merchandise from < ol ling to figures compiled from to the maintenance of a local private hos­ r ocks that qualify as to quantity and high these questionnaires, expect to in- ï no less than $2,935,800 in pital or other eleemosynary institutions, o andard. It is your opportunity to profit vci farms. to research activities of a business college, well as that of your business friend. Oregon During this eight months per­ such expenditures are not permitted to be And it is your duty, other things being iod also, many letters have been taken as allowable deductions. equal, to give your home .merchant that received by the department inquir­ The committee declared it appears that' which he has __ every __ right to expect. Start ing concerning opportunities in Oregon, these inquiries now num­ bering 15,804. AU inquiries re­ ceive careful attention as in a large number of cases they come from bona fide prospective s .‘tt'ers who have ample means to es ablish themselves successfully. During the period from January 1 to the end of August 40,372 letters with 13,- 340 packages of illustrated litera­ ture were mailed out of the de­ partment to people with whom cor­ respondence is being conducted con­ cerning agricultural conditions in. Oregon. Within the past week, according to W. G. Ide, manager of the land settlement work of the Portland and state chambers, more than a thousand letters have been sent to middlewestern farmers who wrote during the past year that they in­ tended to come to Oregon but who have not since reported migrating to this state. Practically 100 per cent return is being received in reply to this follow-up caiqpaign, with enthusiastic responses pouring in daily bringing reassurance of the continued interest of the prospects in Oregon. “We shall never be satisfied until we have a farm in Oregon,” is a frequent assertion of these future Oregonians who are biding their time until their af­ fairs in the mid-west can be set­ tled so as to enable them to come west. Not unusual in the mass of let­ ters received is one containing the names of a dozen farmers in Col­ orado all of whom desire literature and information on Oregon and who intend to come here. One. of the most gratifying fea­ tures of the work, according to Mr. Ide, is the fact that through select­ ive methods of correspondence and elimination of undesirable prospects the average investment of newcom­ ers has been raised to $7000 where­ as earlier in the campaign the avail­ able capital averaged $4000. New Location » CORVALLIS HILLSBORO MONMOUTH 1 / STORES AT M c M innville Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. i A. M., meets at Grange Hall every Second and Fourth Thursday nights. Visitors Welcome K. A. McNeill, Secretary. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis­ itors always welcome. Work in the Initiatory Sept. 13. M. E. Graven, N. G. John Galssmer, Sec. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Meets first and third Mon­ days of each month at the Legion Hall. H. E. McGraw, President Mrs. Vernonia Post 119, American La. gion. Meets second and fourth Tues­ days each month, 8 p.m. H. E. Me- Graw, Commander. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Miller Mercantile Company NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 655 meets every Monday night at sevoa thirty at the Grange Hall. Visiting members welcome. A. F. KOSTER C. C. C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. The poultry industry of the United States is a billion dollar Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E S. Regular communi­ industry. In fact, according to Roy cation first and C. Potts, chief poultry marketing third Wednesdays specialist of the United States de­ of each month. partment of agriculture, it has All visiting sisters passed well ebyond that value and and brothers wel­ has become one of the leading come. agricultural industries of the coun­ Bessie Tapp, W. M. try. Chicken egg production on Leona McGraw, Secretary. on farms is in the neighborhood business corporations might reasonably be i . ■ fall season with him, STORES AT of 2,000,000,000 dozen annually with a value of $600,000,000 or more, while the number of poul­ try raised each year is approach­ ing three-quarters of a billion with an approximate value of $500,000,- 000. These production and value figures include farm production oRly and do not embrace the vil­ lage and city production, which, if its extent were known, would undoubtedly swell the totals con­ siderably. Í • / a / ; Jr We have removed to the building occupied by the Gordon Furniture Co. store on Bridge street. .> J. MASON DILLARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Next / The new FALL HATS which we are now showing represent the best in exquisite design and expert workmanship. Your inspection is cordially invited. Another “Ten” Strike at Millers ! Ï 4 i if J Use A DRESS ORNAMENT ' To Add a Touch of Color. ’ 1 Saturday Special 50c MODEL MILLINERY MENS NEW FALL OVERCOATS Regular Price $16.50 DR. ELLA WIGHT DR. C. J. WIGHT CHIROPRACTORS Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Troubles Delayed Menstruation LESTER SHEELEY Attorney-at-Law Vernonia DENTISTRY AND X-RAY Evenings by Appointment Office over Brown Furniture Store. Vernonia Oregon M. D. COLE Oregon= American DENTIST Vernonia Oregon MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in Granite and Marble At Reduced Prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. Fourth and MAin St. Lumber Company Hillsboro. PORTLAND - VERNONIA Truck Line INSURED CARRIER Vernonia Office At the Saturday Special $11.95 Oregon DR. W. H. HURLEY THOSE FANCY PLAID SEMINOLE BLANKETS __ Saturday Special $1.98 to Carkin Cleaning Works Here Every Wednesday ! Sat. Sept, io 15 Bars Sunny Monday White Laundry Soap No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec­ ond and fourth Thursdays in Grange hall, Vernonia. Visitors al­ ways welcome. Mrs. Viola Treharne, N.G. Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. Brazing Works Avenue. on Rose Phone MAin 343 Portland Office Auto Freight Terminal Vernonia’s Leading Store E. Water and Yamhill Streets EAst 822« Office No. It DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR