Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 08, 1927, Image 1

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    Vcrnoniit Saçle
Entered at Vernonia, Oregon,
Postoffice as Second-Class Matter.
Caunty Fair
Attracts Many
Art Goebel Attracted
To Oakland All American
The greatest air derby in the
history of aviation was won last
month by Art Goebel, pilot of the
I Travel Air monoplane Woolaroc,
who arose in a single day from
comparative obscurity to interna­ Special Day« Set Aside For Visit­
tional prominence. True Goebel
ors from Certain Sections of Co­
was well known in aerial cir­
lumbia County, Vernonia Saturday
cles as a daring stunt flyer . and
sterling pilot but the great Ameri­
(By Paul Adams)
can public merely regarded him
Columbia county’s largest muni­
as another of those “fool aviators.”
But now he is an honored figure, cipality has rapidly changed like
His name, like that of Colonel some city built by magic front'n
Charles A. Lindbergh, conqueror of deserted hay and pasture field and
Deer Island is Scene of Showing the Atlantic, will go down in his­ a few empty buildings, into what is
tory. There is much in the stories the largest city in western Oregon,
Of Agricultural and Livestock
of Goebel’s ami Lindbergh’s flights All the departments and divisions
Exhibits Until Saturday.
and activities of an American city
that are parallel.
are functioning, starting yestcrlay.
With a high standard of exhib­
In case you haven’t placed this new
its in all premium classes as well great pilots, both of them received city by name, we will call It the
as the greatest showing of manu­ comparatively little publicity be­ town that agriculture built, the Co­
factured goods and farm imple­ fore the “hop off” other than lumbia county fair grounds, in-
ments and equipment at this year’s I something like a casual mention dustry and agriculture are the ba-
county fair, every effort was made that they, competitors, both of sis of all strong commonwealths
to secure the best in new and novel them had planes that were tuned and so in this case the year’s re­
to the minute and ready for the
amusements and attractions.
wards in farm and field and home,
supreme test.
Increased lighting facilities have
While Art prepared the Woola­ the best samples of a fine growing
made possible a much more extens­ roc for the Dole race at Mills season and the art of mm
ive lugin show, both in the exhiuit Field, San Francisco’s municipal air women on the farms is again this
buildings and on the midway and port, he managed to find time year proudly brought forth for ex-
race track. At least three good enough to inspect the new Oak­ hibition.
night programs are offered before land All American Six with its
With skill that approaches an
the grandstand during the fair. One poised • eagle on the radiator cap. art, the best breeders of livestock
of these will feature an illuminated Goebel was struck by the similarity and poultry have planned for a
rodeo with all the thrills and fea­ of this great bird ready for flight whole year and spent every effort
tures presented by day with the and his own “ship” which at that to develop this or that animal into
greatly added thrill when presented time was perched impatiently on a better representative of its spe­
under bright flood lights.
Both its wheels waiting for the starter cies than the parent stock. Proud
horses and riders present a more to drop his checkered flag.
of their accomplishments and will­
thrilling spectacle when performing
The new All American Six sedan ing to back their skill against those
under these surroundings.
At which the aviator inspected arous- of their neighbors, they once eacii
least one night show will feature ed his enthusiasm because of its year display to all who wish to see
a musical evening with the best trim lines and on account of the their efforts for the past 12
talent available. Some of the best power beneath its hood, Goebel months. As you look at the count­
big-time vaudeville features have drove the car around the airport less exhibits pause a minute and
been contracted for this presenta- and tested it for pick-up, easy rid­ consider the moments of worry,
ing qualities and braking power. the efforts of entire families, the
Every afternoon, starting at 2 After he got out from behind the back-breaking labor and the sacri­
o’clock, a complete racing earn and wheel, he remarked,
fices that have been willingly given
rodeo show is presented on the
“Some Automobile!”
to produce the wonderful corn, the
greatly improved half mile track.
To watch Art prepare his mono­ perfectly proportioned young ani­
Two tractor and implement com­ plane for the flight showed that mal, the wonderful fruit, or the
panies have donated their machines he knew just what he was doing. countless hours of toil represented
and operators to put the track in He went oyer it minutely from by art and fancy work, canning and
excellent shape and all former rec­ motor to rudder. When he got cooking departments and floral sec­
ords will go by the boards when through he had a mechanic spin the tions. These things don’t just hap­
many new outside blooded horses “prop” until his 9-cylinder Wright pen, Someone gave their best to
lengthen out en this better track. Whirlwind motor roared its chal- give you the display you hastily
To assure those who like wild j lenge to the air. He allowed it to pass by in your rush to get a “kew-
west events a new rodeo .program j warm up for 15 minutes before pie” doll or to hear a jazz tune.
with about 25 new wild horses is , he signaled his helpers to pull the
Eut since every city is made up
being shown. Both local and out- | chocks away from the wheels so of all classes and turns of mind it
side cowboys will attempt to subdue I that he could take the Woolaroc up seems necessary that this froth of
these unbroken cayuses. All the J for a test flight.
life, the cheap idle amusements, tiie
better events that thrilled the large
On the day of the race he pur- thrills and tawdry doll racks fill
audiences of the shows on July 4 , sued somewhat similar tactics be­ some need or else why would you
and the recent rodeo will be re­ fore the checkered flag dropped.
and so many more “play” these
peated with many new attractions.
things, so that at many hours the
A new covered section of the grand­ Pacific University Will
best of the fair is left deserted
stand will be welcomed by those Open Doors September 19 while a mass of humanity pays hard
who prefer their rodeo taken in the
Pacific university will open its cash for the things that lose their
glamor the day after? The shows
Free acts and attractions will be 79th year on September 19, with and amusements that you will con­
given both afternoon and evening
demn after the fair will be there
on the midway. The well known tory. The freshman class will num­ during the fair because you support
St. Helens band will furnish music I ber more than 100 as indicated by them.
during one day and at least two applications already in the office
In drawing a final conclusion be­
evenings and other bands will also of the registrar. A unique feature
play. The radio demonstrators will of the opening week will be the tween our fair and any American
no doubt keep some music on tap |two days devoted entirely to ac- city let us briefly consider the
at all times and the fast decreasing quainting the freshmen with col- many departments, established in a
few days for only four days ser­
G. A. R. fife and drum corps will , lege Hie and traditions.
be on hand Friday which is chil-
The faculty has been strength- vice, to make the city more live­
dren’s day to give many a child ened by the addition of several able.
Public utility service, with free
their last opportunity to hear the new members. W’m. R. Barnhart
I of Columbia university will teach water, light, police protection, med­
stirring music of ’61.
Wednesday, opening
was philosophy and sociology; Miss Ar­ ical and hospital service, banking
judging of farm products, , floral, i lene Butler of the University of privileges, transportation, sanita­
art, canning and baking, poultry, Oregon, physical education for wo­ tion and many other departments
and school club work. This was men; S. Miller Callahan of North­ function so quietly that some may
set aside as farmers and Grange western university, director of con­ not know of their existence.'
Good clean amusements and ed-
day. Implement and farm machin- servatory of music; Clement H.
ery demonstrations were featured, Sievers of Stanford university, ed- ucational features are there fcr
Boys and girls
Many other events were added to ucration; and Francis B. Turner of your approval.
skill and handi­
this day’s program.
Pacific is a standard college, giv- work merit much of your fair time.
Today is St. Helens day and
most of the stores and industrial ing courses leading to the A.B. de- Contests and competitions of sev­
plants have agreed to close at gree. Its classes are small, ano eral types will engage your ¡mer­
noon and make this day truly a special attention is given to the est. it is the hope of those who
representative county seat day. The needs of the individual students, city time and effort to make this
possible that you can find
St. Helens band will give several Pacific has played an important role
of profit in education, in-
open air concerts and a prominent
speaker will make a short address. northwest. It is not only one of struction and relaxation every hour
All livestock will be judged this «he two oldest colleges, but its pro­ of the days and nights the rest of
morning and awards in all other de­ fessors helped to organize the Uni­ this week.
versity of Oregon and gave Whit-
partments will be completed.
Mrs. Childs is Injured
Friday, children’s and Columbia man its first president.
While driving on the highway
county day, will bring the largest
New Paper for Rainier
rear the Columbia service station
attendance in the fair’s sixteen
A newspaper man from the Puget at St. Helens Tuesday evening,
years from present indications.
sound region named Leslie is to the car driven by Mr. and Mrs.
Club work demonstrations and establish a newspaper at Rainier
Luuucr; H. A. Childs of Vernonia collided
boys and girls work will be pre­ in the near future. Printing ma­ with a truck which turned to the
sented and this day will mark the chinery for the new plant has al- wrong side of the road in passing
start of the annual trap shooting realy been shipped to that city.
a car, breaking Mrs. Childs’ arm.
tournament for the county cham­
’ The driver of the truck admitt
Ben Copeland of St. annual horseshoe tournament will ed that the accident was his fault.
Helens landed the beautiful silver be run off in the forenoon with Mr. Childs’ car was considerably
cup last year and is out to repeat, players from all sections of the damaged by the impact. which
as the cup must be won three times county competing.
overturned the truck. Mrs. Childs
In the nature of amusement the was taken to the St. Helens bos
to be retained. Concerts by the
G. A. R. fife and drum corps will fair management has a surprise fea- pital for treatment.
also enliven the day, along with ture or two on which no advance
Gladstone—$142,000 water and
publicity is given. Some of these
special free acts for the kiddies.
Saturday has been set aside as surprises and other attractions have sewer system planned.
Roseburg—New corporation takes
Rainier, Clatskanie and Vernonia never before been presented at the
day and will be attended by large local county fair and will be warm­ over Roseburg Lumber & Manu­
facturing company.
delegations from these cities. The ly welcomed.
More Amusements Are Shown
Route of
“Observe Stop Signs al ' Detailed
Proposed Beach Road
by O.W. Taylor Vernonia Day
Schools For Safety of Discussed
Detailed plans of the aims of
the Portland and Seaside residents
Plans All Made
Children,” Says Kelly the
who are backing the project for
construction of the proposed
Clatsop beach highway via Ver­
nonia were given in an article writ­
ten and signed by O. W. Taylor
and appearing in the current num­
With the opening of school in ber of the Columbia Port Digest,
Vernonia Monday, Marshal Kelly a shipping and commercial trade
has placed the stop signs for mo- journal published in Portland.
Mr. Taylor’s article follows in1
tourists on the roads passirfg the
Washington, Lincoln and high full:
schools for the safety of the pu­
Building of the Lower Colum­
pils and students of these school* bia highway was first agitated in Various Local Organizations Will
during school hours.
1911. Whether it would be built
Sponsor Concession Booths and
“There have been no fatalities down the river, or, through the
Attractions; Profit of Park
among school children in Vernon- Nehalem valley was at first a mut­
ia,” said Marshal Kelly, “but a ed question, If it should be nine
Saturday, September 10, has been’
strict enforcement of the law re- feet wide or sixteen was also dis­ declared Vernonia day by the
quiring all motor vehicles to come cussed. Now tile only question is Chamber of Commerce, and many
to a stop between the hours of why it was not made wider and local organizations are working
8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on school with less curvature.
with the viewpoint of attracting a
days will be observed to reduce the
It is difficult for the average large crowd to this city. Street
danger to a minimum.”
motorist to realize the conditions dances, water fights and all the
One child was struck by a car that prevailed when the Oregon attractions of a carnival are pro-
last year, but was uninjured, ac- good road movement : was first mised by those in charge of the
cording to Mr. Kelly, who states | started. There was less than a events of the day.
i.ifct t..C SphilC'J
k\. i.i p.O''i.o- , „core of r.ut„:acbi«„s
i.„„:.ijbi.„s i.i
in C.e„„„p
liie American Legion, tne
ly due to the presence of the stop | county at that time and no place bekahs, the Legion Auxiliary, the
* gns and the enforcement of the to drive them.
Pythian Sisters, Women of Wood­
law. A number of motorists were
Now there is a very heavy reg­ craft, and the fire department are
arrested and fined last y?ar for ular every-day travel over the all contributing in the work of
the failure to observe the warn­ lower Columbia i River highway staging this big celebration of the
and a great conjestion on week­ day when the railroad was official­
ends and holidays. A way to in­ ly opened from Vernonia to Port-
Keen Eyes Scan Northwest crease its capacity for handling land.
Forests During Dry Season travel is already under serious con­ Local merchants are offering
sideration and within two years special attractions for the day and
Lookout Men, Perched High in the something will have to be done to
many people are expected to start
Mountains, Hold Steady Watch
lessen the conjestion caused by the coming in the morning of the
Keen eyes scan the wooded val­ narrow pavement. Reducing the 10th. Street booths will be erect­
leys and ridges of the Pacific north­ curvature will help but nothing ed by local organizations which
west from early summer until late les» than a twenty-four foot pave­ are expected to be doing business
fall. The eyes belong to the look­ ment will carry the traffic in a most of Saturday.
out men. And they must be good few years. This will entail a very
The American Legion Auxiliary
eyes, for smoke sometimes appears heavy expenditure.
will serve hot dogs and hamburger
as a hazy thin vapor, almost indis­
Of late there has been an agita­
cernible to the untrained or imper­ tion started at the Clatsop beach sandwiches, and coffee. The Py­
fect eye. Writing for the current ! points for an inland highway to thian Sisters will have a tag sale,
issue of the Four L Lumber News, lessen the traffic on the river road with the benefits accruing to the
Carl B. Neal tells how the lookout and give a greatly shortened trip city park fund. The fire depart­
ment will stage a water fight
man lives and works in his little from Portland to these points.
perch some 10,000 feet or more i Such a highway might use the about 7 p. m. Confetti will be sold
by the Women of Woodcraft and
above sea level.
I present West Side pavement to
“When the lookout man sees a Hillsboro; thence to Banks; Bux­ the Womens Relief Corps will al-
fire,” writes Mr. Neal, “he imme­ ton, over a low divide to the head so have a booth.
The dance, music for which will
diately locates it as nearly as pos­ ■of Beaver creek; down that creek
sible by his own knowledge of the to the Nehalem river at Vernonia; be supplied by a local orchestra,
topography of the country and by, thence up Rock creek some ten or the Serenaders, is under the aus-
means of the Osborne fire finder. twelve miles; then down Buster pices of the American Legion, and
Before one lias seen this instru­ creek to the Nehalem river three will be held on Bridge street, be-
tween Secohd and Third. A sec-
ment one may have had an idea I mils below Jewell.
tion will be roped off for this
that it was a twin sister to the
Line Is Optional
purpose, it is said, but in the event
gold seeker’s divining rod, or the
From this point two routes are of rain the Legion hall will be us­
desert rat’s water-witch, that in possible. One down the Nehalem I
some mysterious manner it pointed to Humbug creek, and up the Hum­ ed.
toward, and “found” the fire. In bug to Saddle mountain, or, fol­
Arrangements are being made by
reality, the fire finder is a large low the Nehalem to Jewell and up the Legion to have a few speeches
compass by means of which the I the Little Fishhawk to a point close made appropriate for the occasion,
observe^ obtains the azimuth or to Saddle mountain and there con­ and it is said that Mrs. Sarah
bearing from the lookout man on nect with the grade of the Lewis Spencer, president of the Womens
Mount Wilson report a, fire to the and Clark railway, following that Relief Corps and who is "Aunt
central dispatcher at the Summit grade to the intersection of the Sally” to the World war veterans,
station and this is what he said:
Lewis and Clark-Wahannah high­ has agreed to say a few words.
“This is Mount Wilson talking way and down that road to its Mrs. Spencer has been a resident
I see a fire down on Salmon river intersection with the Columbia of the Nehalem for nearly 50
azimuth 241 degrees and 20 min­ River highway, midway between years.
utes, distance from here 17 miles; Gearhart and Seaside.
from the map I would say that
This will bring Clatsop beach
of Miss Margaret
it is in the NW’/s SWU Sec. 16, points to within about eighty-five
Tousley and Lester Collins both
T.4; S., R. 8E., unsurveyed. There miles of Portland.
of Vernonia, occurred Saturday at
is a light east wind blowing on the
This distance could be further
fire which is in an old burn, and shortened by crossing the Tualatin the Methodist Episcopal church in
covers less than an acre of ground. Plains to the north of Hillsboro, St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Wm
The fire is burning slowly, and if I but the saving in distance would Collins and daughter Eunice were
you can get three men in there not be sufficient to justify the ad- present at the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins plan to
within four hours, I feel certain! ditional expense.
reside in Vernonia, where he is
they can handle it.”
The timber to be moved by ' the employed at the O.-A. mill. Mrs
“The central dispatcher immedia-' Lewis and Clark railroad will all
tely called up the lookout man on be cut in two or three years and Collin3 formerly was a telephone
Lookout mountain, the report was that railroad grade can probably operator nt the local exchange.
confirmed and then three men were be made available for highway pur­
Horseshoe Has Banquet Room
dispatched with tools and provis­ poses. If so, and the pavement to
meeting of the Vernoni.
ions to the fire.”
Hillsboro be used, the cost of the Chamber of Commerce was he!
inland route should not be greater Thursday in the new banquet roo
May Marie Williams became the than the expense of widening the of the Horseshoe cafe, which mo'
bride of George Wesley Hobson Lower Columbia highway.
ed recently to the Pringle bnildin
Benefits Cited
yesterday morning at the Evangel!-!
at the corner of Bridge and Seco.i
cal parsonage. Both are residents1 Such a highway would bring our streets.
of Vernonia, Mr. Hobson being a most popular beach centers to
The 30 members who attend'
logger in one of the camps near within two and one-half hours of the noon luncheon meeting wet
here. The ceremony was performed Portland. It would open up a de­ | high in their praises of this fe
lightful route through the moun­ ■ ture of the cafe’s service.
by Rev. G. W. Plumer.
They left immediately after the tains and coast valleys; would
Plans were discussed for the e
ceremony for Portland for a short bring Saddle mountain Park into tertainment of the next meeting ' •
honeymoon trip. They plan to reside use and greatest of all, relieve the the Lower Columbia River Chamb
in Vernonia. Friends present at congestion on the Lower Columbia of Commerce association of whie
the ceremony were Mrs. Estelle River highway.
A movement has been started nt this chamber is a member. Verne
Carrigan, Mrs. Rose Poette r an«
i ia has the right to ask that t'
beach points to ask the highway
Mrs. Betty Snipe.
commission to survey this route next meeting, which will be he
After a three months summer! so that its practicability can be in late October, be held here. T
vacation the Pythian Sisters will! demonstrated for use when the problem of whether 1000 visit'
hould be handled in Vernonia »
hold their first autumn meeting' time comes for its construction.
eft to a committee appointed L
September 14. The lodge meets
Portland is of course much in­ ’ President
every fourth Wednesday night io' terested in the proposed highway
the Grange hall.
and prominent Portland people are
Hillsboro—Oiling completed on '
Friday evening the members and active in its behalf. The large miles of 16 market roads in Wa.
friends of the Evangelical church number of people from the cities ington county.
Burns—Big Herrick sawmill v
will give a Fellowship Supper and who regularly come and go be­
reception to the teachers in and tween the beaches and up-river under way and 50-mile railrc
around Vernonia, supper at 7 p.m. points are anxious to see the pres­ built.
ent facilities supplemented.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Mecklem
sharp in the social hall.
The project will, from present Portland visited over the week <
Burns—Heavy steel work com- indications, have st 4 ng support in Vernonia with friends and :
pleted for big Herrick sawmill here. all along the line.
Near the
Schoolhouses in Vernonia.
Event Will Be This Saturday,
September 10.
Many Attractions Offered