I Thursday, September, 1 1*927. VERNONIA EAGLE About 3 days before farrowing the, sow should be confined to the pen or house she will occupy during the farrowing period'. Throughly clean the pen, which should be about 7 by 7 feet in size, and see that it is dry, well ventilated, and provided with a guard rail made by placing 2-by-4 inch pieces around the inside of the pen about 10 inches from the floor and from 4 to 6 inches from the sides. This will often prevent the sow from crushing a pig when she lies down. Remove all bedding sweep the floor and sides, and wash with scalding water and lye. When dry, bed the pen with good, clean, dry bedding, such as wheat I Rifles and Ammunition (State Licenses Sold Here) Mellinger Hdwe Wear Ever Lifetime Aluminum We have a «food line of this product and it surely is the best that money can buy. MUFFIN PANS 85c $110 6 and 9-hole BERLIN KETTLES New Pattern .......... $1-59 SAUCE PANS 60c 90c Handv flat bottom LARGE Size STEAMER $1 50 Inset ....... Fits in regular kettle and makes a real steamer or double cooker TEA KETTLES $4 50 $4 85 CAKE AND PIE PANS 40 45c ALUMINUM COOKER $7 25 Square, high top. heavy aluminum, with bot­ tom rack; finest thing in the world for can- nine' fruit. Come in and let us show you some­ thing new. This Aluminum Ware Heats 12% Quicker Than Common Ware. See Hoffman About It H “IT PAYS’’ Hoffman Hardware Co Judge D. B. Reasonei- and May- Guy Mills left Monday afternoon their cars for Belknap springs spend a week. They stopped Hillsboro on the way and were accompanied on the trip by' Mrs. LOUIS Jf. DRIVES. Pacific Coast Edna Bowman and daughter, and I Supervisor of Sales for the Oak­ land Motor Car Co. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beach, Miss Daisy Brown announces the opening of her piano studio at the | ___ ____ home of Mrs. T. M. Crawford of Crawford Motor empany, using the SCHOOL NEEDS Dunning system of improved music INCLUDE and Leschetizky technic. A re­ ception for the mothers will be FOUNTAIN PENS given at a future date. Write smoothly and save Mrs. V. L. Powell and sons spent the week end in Portland taking time in your school work the circus. with the dependable Sheaf­ CHURCH OF CHRIST fer Fountain Pen. Prices (Christian) range from— Bible school September 4 at 10 $1.50 Up a.m., “Solomon’s Wise Choice,” (1 Kings 3:4-15). STRAP WATCHES Communion and morning wor - There will be no question ship at 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 r „ I of your always being on “The Use and Abuse of the ¡time for school if you wear Tongue.” Evening service ?:3o,'one of our famous Warwick, “What Are You Doing With Your Rfrnn Strap Wntr>hi>« Watches. nnaranfoorl Guaranteed Sins?” Pi-iced as low as— Sunday school picnic September Salem—Three local bulb farms are growing 2,000,000 tulips for market. Tigard—New school house to employ seven teachers almost com- pleted. Oregon bank resources on June 30 were $335,960,161, with 253 banks. , Hood River—Four fruit-washing plants will clean export fruit of spray. Burns—$125,000 hotel project proposed here. Rei timer’s deer Season Opens Sept ember 19. Savage, Winchester, Rem ington or rye straw, short or chopped hay, ^nd shredded corn fodder. Do not use oat straw', as it retains moisture and becomes easily. Vernonia’s Progressive Store Leaders of Style and Quality School Davs When the children start to school next week you will want them to look their best. Their uppearance means muco luwaius uieir success ana happiness. We are prepared to meet the demands of the school Miss and Master. RAINCOATS, RAIN I HATS, UMBRELLAS, RUBBERS, SHOES, HOS­ IERY, SWEATERS, CAPS, DRESSES, UNDIES, and the many things that children need to make them comfortable and happy. Mothers, you will save many dollars by buying quality merchandise that is guaranteed to you. Blankets b The first cool nights of “Autumn >• ” make you think of that “EXTRA BLANKET,’’ regard- less of the fact that cotton has advanced to the highest mark since 1914—we are offering blan­ kets at lower prices than in years past due to special buy before the advance. Housewives, do not fail to take advantage of our prices. A gift for Every Child purchas $9.00 Classified Advertising FOR SALE FOR SALE—Equity in house, one lot, modern, bath fixtures, built- ins in kitchen, plastered and kal- somined walls. Have $1000 paid on house, will take $450 for my equity, balance of $900 to be paid at $17.50 per month, includ-' ing interest. Here’s a $600 saving. See F. E. Visnaw at the Vernonia Bakery. 43 HOME FOR SALE where Doctor Hughes lives, at a big sacrifice. $500 will handle. See H. E. Mc­ Graw. 33 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Suc­ cessful boarding house of 12 rooms. Old established business. Can be kept full all the time. Excellent location. Will take 4 or 5-room house as part payment. Selling on account of ill health. Apply of Mrs. Webster at 641 First street, Ver­ nonia, Ore. tf404* A. L. KULLANDER The Square Deal Jeweler Headquarters for Ladies’ and Children’s shoes Phone 801 Vernonia Oregon Mail Orders Filled Promptly MAC’S PHARMACY Is Ready for School We have obtained a pencil tablet larger than we have ever had before. A Big Jumbo Tablet With FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT on A Inquire at Gilby Motor ( ROOM FOR RENT in private home. Inquire at Gilby Motor Co. 41 FOR RENT—Apartment furnished, every convenience, large living room, piano. Mrs. J. E. Cropper, Evangeline cottage. 41* FOR RENT—2-room house located at 542 Third st. For Sale or Trade, for lot close in. acre on Second ave. Inquire 542 Third st.. Box 807. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Hear from owner Ranch for sale. State cash price, par- ticulars. D. F. Bush. Minncapolis. Minn. 34 WANTED — Light truck or good car or good team horses or gro­ ceries or furniture for part pay­ ment on goo a prettily decorated cake always ‘he opportunity afforded itself to nonia Bakery.—adv. Tuesday. pleases, Let us make your birth-1return to the Pacific coast as a for the day ____ cake. It will be as pleasing to special representative eye as it is to the palate. Ver-I Oakland Motor Car company, he ! the l-------- | did so. His appointment as Pa- ! nonia Bakery.—adv. I cific coast supervisor followed a Mrs. Claude Neely and daugh­ ter Barbara Lu are visiting at the lengthy survey of trade conditions home of Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Leav­ on the Pacific coast which he has itt. Mr. Neely is singing in the just completed. gospel tent meeting new being con- ducted at St. Helens. A delightful surprise party was given in honor of Mrs. G. C. Mel- linger on her birthday, August 29. A handkerchief shower was given GAME OF MANY KINDS ARE her and a large birthday cake pre­ PLENTIFUL IN THIS DISTRICT sented. About 14 guests attended and the evening was spent listen­ ing to a radio concert. We can supply you with the very best and most The Evangelical Christian Er up-to-date hunting equipment designed to give dcavor is giving a “fall together 111 UlC buClUl IxUll Ui. LXJ you satisfaction and good results. church tonight at 8 p.m. Those students soon to leave for college I will be honor guests. Come all and give them a good send off. Don’t wait for a personal invita-