FOUR Thursday, September, 1 1927. VERNONIA ZAGLE I i hat can compare to Ed Wynn’s by our government from outside And in Vernon: nine’ ___ 1.1 i not 90 per cent, nor nine initial starring picture “Rubber interference. Without proper pro­ per cent no, i cannot be conceded that The Majestk: Heels” which the Majestk theatre tection, sugar factories would be­ even one per cent of.our women are home- i : hows oMnday. come idle and an industry which □hn Gilbert Fight* Ernest Torrence supplies bread and butter for iy- I William Powell—Sword man There are di ferent standards of judg- This was the big fight c ent at Crosisng swords with Bi Dan­ thousands of farmers and workmen, would be nipped in the bud, and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios, ing feminine pulchritude. Turks and E ki- le suiting in several knockouts for iels threatens to become a habit our nation left entirely dependent mos are said most to admire women who i >rrence, who had to emerge victor ith William Powell. The first pic- on foreign sugar supplies. ay, plump, well-rounded, moon­ 1 >r several close-ups and a few ture in which he appears with Miss Issued every Thursday ! per year in Advance are, let u faced. Others prefer the svelt type. Ideas ong shots” from different angles. Daniels, “Dangerous oMney,” Pow­ It is estimated reductions in The big fight scent is one of the ell played the role of a fencing railway rates since their peak in Entered as Second Class Matter, Aii/n t 1, 1922 at the concerning beauty vary. >ening thrills in “Twelve Miles instructor. In Bebe Daniels’ latest 1921 will save the traveling and Post Office at Vernonia, Ore -on, under the The Standard dictionary, defining ut” Gilbert’s new Metro-Goldwyn- . Paramount production “Señorita” shipping public a billion dollars this Act of March 3, 1879 “beautiful” says: “The definition of, ayer vehicle which comes to the which comes to the Majestic thea­ year. ‘beauty.’ ‘perfection of form,’ is a good key ajestic theatre Saturday. Gjlbert, tre on Tuesday and Wednesday, MARK E. MOK, Editor Powell appears as a swaggering to the meaning of ‘beautiful,’ if we under­ I tying a motorcycle rider in a bully of the pampas and again en­ W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 655 1 stand ‘form’ in its widest sense.” It is sub­ ¡asure pier concession, and Tor- gages in sword play with the star. meets every Monday night at sev-'. ace, playing the ruler of a band 1 mitted that under the terms of this det’ini-, A GREAT MONTH rum-runners, battle with bare This time Miss Daniels gets he thirty at the Grange Hall. Visiting and scores touches on her members welcome. tion (if we understand “form” in its wid­ ts in this scene until Gilbert revenge 1 A. F. KOSTER C. C. For three things are we grateful to the est sense) all women are beautiful. The I vanquished, and this starts a >rmer instructor. C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. ot by which Gilbert shifts from dictionary goes on to say, however, that 1 Betty Bronson Starred month of September. They are Fall, foot­ .«ts to wits and gives the other When flapper daughter becomes ball and oysters. A more popular trio is “there must be harmony and unity, and Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. in a battle of presumptuous, high hat or “ritzy,” difficult to imagine and as the good in human beings spiritual loveliness, to < its bad as a tiie drubbing F. & A. M., meets at Grange other did him in a don't spank the darling child, just things in life usually comes singly we are constitute an object or a person really conflict of knuckles. Hall every Second • and kid her along. That’s what Ritzy thrice thankful for the providence of Sep­ beautiful.” Fourth Thursday nights. Brown’s father does in Betty Bron­ Star in Unusual Story Visitors Welcome tember. No attempt will be made to answer for son’s new Paramount picture “Rit­ Menjou plays sophisticat- zy” which arrives at the Majestic K. A. McNeill, Secretary. There is an axiom that oysters are in the women of Chicago as to whether they 1 Adolph Parisian roles better than any theatre Thursday and Friday Ritzy season in the eight months of the year possess the additional requirement of < her actor on the screen, it is refuses to marry a clean-cut Ame­ having the letter “R” in their names. We spiritual loveliness. But it can be said in ' enerally admitted. In “Evening rican and insists on a titled hus- Clothes, ’ * coming Sunday to the band to Papa and a certain young are not informed whether there is an af­ behalf of the fair ones of Vernonia, with­ I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. theatre, he is again cast gentleman put their heads together 246 meets every Thursday night finity between these months and oysters out fear of successful contradiction, that as ajestic a Parisian, but he is not the because the letter “R” is also in the word they have this, as well as unity ana har- ly boulevardier all the way and—well Elinor Glyn has provid­ at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis- ed a number of novels, amusing itors always welcome. oyster or it is just a coincidence. Neither many. through the picture. He is first twists. Richard Rosson directed a Work in the 3rd degree Aug. 30. do we know the discoverer of'the circum­ r ‘en in an absolutely different cast headed by James Hall. Miss M. E. Graven, N. G. THE COUNTY FAIR laracterization, as a French coun­ Bronson’s leading man. “Ritzy” is stance, and the author of the axiom. How­ John Galssmer, Sec. try gentleman, who although of an original screen story by Mada­ ever, it is neither axiom nor secret that background find tre- me Glyn. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY we are glad September has an “R” some­ Starting Wednesday of next week, and r ristocratic endous wealth, has enough of continuing until Saturday, .Columbia coun ­ Meet* firat and third Mon­ where among her nine letters and we are A Dependable Farm Crop I e homely manners of the soil to days of each month at not particular in what style the first oy­ ty’s annual fair will be an attraction at ■ pel the dainty Paris bride with The sugar beet is one of the Legion Hall. Deer Is], rid of many residents of,this di­ ' hose parents he arranges a match. most dependable farm crops sters are served. McGraw, President Virginia Valli is leading woman. western states. Due to the policy of vision of the state of Oregon as well as To September also are we indebted for the big sugar refining companies, lubber Heel»” a “Wynner" fair autumn. Where the summer is hot and thousands from other sections. Vernonia Post there is always a sure market with Ed Wynn Scream on Screen a minimum price fixed, and the 119, American Le- The permanent fair grounds at Deer the winter cold there is no season quite gion. Meets second to such gentle- farmer who puts in a few acres so delightful as autumn. It is without the Island have done much toward stabilizing i en With as apologies and fourth Tues, O ’ Sullivan and Goodyear, of sugar beets is sure of his tax extremes of temperature, is comfortably the interest in this annual show. By add­ i ight we suggest another remedy money and spare change for the S days each month, 8 warm at day and somniferousiy cool a* j ing to the facilities each year, which f r that> down-in-th-mouth or down- winter. p.m. H. _ E. ____ Me- Graw, Commander. night, is an acid to efficiency work and seems necessary because of the demand i -the heel feeling? For a general There is no better sugar than an irresistible urge to recreation. In all it by exhibitors for more space, more and juvenating process, toning up and that made from beets and the in- Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. is a season in which to live to the utmost. better accommodations for displays and ' jection of pep, there’s nothing dustry should be fully protected Regular communi­ cation first and Thirdly, September hears the first thud visitois are provided. third Wednesdays of the pigskin and the first thrill blast of It is regretable that the Nehalem valley of each month. referee's whistle. The nation in September is not better represented each year among All visiting sisters the, agricultural, livestock, and other dis ­ turns its eyes away from vacations and and brothers wel­ baseball to feast them upon the gridiron. plays that show those interested in a come. Recent development of football in the col­ short space of time the ability of the coun­ Bessie M. Leona McGraw, Secretary. leges, universities, public schools and ath­ ty to produce. These fertile fields are cap- letic clubs has made it a national sport able of producing innumerable quantities Mountain Heart where once it was strictly a college game. of foodstuffs and other products that in Rebekah Lodge No. 243 years to come will mark it as the greatest When football season opens the whole na­ No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec­ * • tion is kin, class barriers erected by educa­ agricultural center of the county. ond and fourth Thursdays in Grange hall, Vernonia. Visitors al­ tion are dropped and player and spectator In the interest of furthering the cause ways welcome. play the game for all there is in it. of agriculture in this section, it is the duty Mrs. Viola Treharne, N.G. Every month of the year’s twelve has of every farmer, dairymen, lumberman, Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. merchant or professional mart or woman 1 something which makes life worth while but September seems most bountifully en­ to view the showings at the Columbia coun­ J. MASON DILLARD ty fair that a better realization of the dowed with the “better attractions.’’ county’3 producing ability may be gained. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Next to Carkin Cleaning Works SCHOOL DAYS To think agriculture, know agriculture, Here Every Wednesday and talk agriculture by every resident of School days, school days, saddest and I the Nehalem will be the greatest impetus DR. ELLA WIGHT gladdest of the year. Saddest for children toward the establishment of this district OR. C. J. WIGHT who, with the first day of school, must I in serving its best purpose after the tim- CHIROPRACTORS bid farewell to the freedom of vacation I ber is gone. Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, days and gladdest to mothers who then Liver and Intestinal Troubles begin their vacation. A HIGHER EDUCATION Delayed Menstruation It is hard for outdoor and play-loving boys to return to school, but after a day . In a feW weeks the schools giving what or two they find that school isn’t a bad IS known as a higher education will open LESTER SHEELEY place to be after all. The three R’s are their doors for the first term of the 1927-1 Attorney-at-Law not such a bitter pill when taken with 28 school year. The state institutions of liberal doses of sport, recess games and Oregon are to be highly recommended to Vernonia Oregon school-days’ championship. There have Oregon youth for further study in their been two revolutionary developments in chosen professions and from an economic DR. W. H. HURLEY education—free schools and ’popular i standpoint they are most desirable, as schools. Once parents could not keep their ¡students living in this state who attend DENTISTRY AND X-RAY children in school. Now they could not institutions in other states are required in­ Evenings by Appointment Office over Brown Furniture Store. keep them out of school. The schools, not variably to pay a high non-resident fee. Vernonia Oregon the children, deserve the credit. . It is m necessary that a stated.amount, Mother breaths a sigh of relief when isuch as $2000. be on hand for the im-j school opens for then she can pi ck the m< d of th« student contemn at ing M. D. COLE 1’ttle Indians off to school and enjoy a colhge. Tn fact any amount is worth con-' few hours of peace and quiet, but when siderablc less than the ingrained desire to| DENTIST the summer recess arrives she will wel­ learn. The college town does not exist come relief from those two “packings’.’ a • where there is not employment to help a Vernonia Oregon day. Teachers who have had practical ex­ student in need of funds. perience in getting a child ready for It is far better to stay out of college be­ MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in Granite and Marble school can appreciate what they ask when tween the . econd and third years than to At Reduced Prices MOWERS they urge their pupils to report each sess­ wait a year before starting, as by that WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ion with clean faces and hands, clean time the student is more certain of what MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. RAKES clothes, hair combed and teeth clean. he wants to do and can work at the pro­ Fourth and MAin St. Hillsboro. Soon the great trek back to the school­ fession or calling that he intends to fol­ room will begin and the shouts and laugh­ low. \ year’s practical experience outside SEPARATORS ter will not be distingusihable from those of school should be required of every that accompanied the equally great exodus student before a diploma is granted, as1 CULTIVATORS last spring. that is a most vital part of one’s education. Truck Line ¡Zlir Hmtmtia tiagle < >regon= American Lumber Company McCormic Deering Agency PORTLAND - VERNONIA BEAUTIFUL WOMEN The nicest thing about neighbor's chil­ dren is they never turn out as badly as The Chicago professor who has gained you expect. a little brief notriety by iiis declaration that 90 per cent of the women are homely, It's a great life if you don’t believe in probably is one of those odious “efficiency everything you see. hear, think or know. experts.” They reckon evervthing in per­ centages. Whatever he is. he is woefully There are people who never lose an off his base in making such an assertion. opportunity to enjoy being miserable. Ninety per cent, indeed! Not even in Chicago, we venture to say, will so largely You are not old, not as long as you a proportion of homely women be found. joy living. PLOWS INSURED CARRIER Genuine I. H. C. Partsand Twine. Vernonia Office At the Brazing Works Avenue. on Rose Phone MAin 343 Vernonia Trading Co. Portland Office Auto Freight Terminal E. Water and Yamhill Streets EAst 8226 Office No. 11 DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR