Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 01, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    Thursday, September 1, 1927.
most of the members were born
in Hawaii, thus making them Ame-
No. 14 rican citizens, regardless of their
race. They discuss such problems
Lawyer Lilikell, who recently
' as arise in Hawaii, where many
Cliff Gillmore has erected an races work and play together; they
JUMPS BIG BEAR | made a speech on Liberty, has
extension to his fish story.
Slim been sued for libel.
discuss problems of Japan, which
Last Sunday Greasewood L.....
Sycamore Slim writes from the in its present overpopulated state,
Lab Hershey writes from Europe
and Jed Spillers went up to the
tall timber on a big hunting trip., that he accidently dropped a cake little frontier village of Los An- needs the help of the world in
They camped for dinner in a flat
yeast into the crater of Mount geles that the odds in that town [ I seeking a solution for the economic
. .
. . I Ifoanttmo tirHtzin 0 0 1100/1 O ill z-klzx»-» ♦*
| condition there; they discuss the
place below some steep mountains, Vesuvius, which caused a violent are on Dempsey and Coolidge.
The biggest catqh of the season I great conflict now being carried on
and while Greasewood was doing eruption.
The Honorable William Hoots was made today when Mescal Bill j in China. The dominant thought
the cooking, Jed took his gun and
at all times is how the United
went out to reconnotire. He climb­ states that under no circumstances opened a can of sardines.
Cube Root, local sport, picks States, with its tremendous re­
ed and walked up the steep trail will he run for the presidency, but
for a mile or two, when he hap­ that he ha? no intention of trying ’ Tex Rickard as a winner in the serve of power represented by
Tunney-Dempsey fight.
great prosperity and vast resources,
pened up on a big black bear, to evade the draft.
Rube Ham broke a string in can be of use in solving the prob­
Advices from Detroit state that
which made a lunge for him. Jed
dropped his gun and tore down Henry Ford is making prepara­ his tennis racket the other day lems which confront the far east.”
The United States, Mr. Godfrey
the mountain side with the speed, tions to manufacture another car. while spanking the baby.
thinks, is only beginning to realize
of a man who is running away
from a bear. The bear paused,
Clay Clamover of Coyote Gulch the vast importance of knowing
Cube Root made a trip to the was elevated to stupendous heights conditions elswhere in the world,
but Jed kept on until he got to
camp, where he stopped to get county seat today to trade in a Saturday night, but the rope broke. and of understanding economic and
his breath. When he got so he fly swater.
Little Dottie Boone has taken social problems of others, and he
could talk without gasping, he
reading a better class of lit­ urged more study that would lead
Porterhouse Kelly was arrested
pointed toward the place he had this week for cutting weeds out erature. She has finished reading to a better understanding of the
left with such exhilartion, and
“Mother Kennedy’s Chickens,” and Orient especially, since Oregon and
of season.
said: “Pard, they’s ba’r in them
is now in the middle of “Gullible’s the northwest is the frontier for
relations with this part of the
palatial Travels in Liverpool.”
shack burned down last night,
Alf Stude’s breath was raided by world.
, Conservative estimates place the federal officers Tuesday night.
U. S. Department of Agriculture
j loss as total.
Arabella Moots has sued for a
An interesting and lengthy let­
Cottonseed meal should not be
divorce on the grounds that her
Scotty Macpherson had a valu­
ter was received by ye Catamount
husband snores while asleep and . fed to young calves.
editor this week from Professor able pig to starve to death, which plays the saxophone while awake. I Don’t feed your cows ear corn.
Flyleaf Adkins, who took advan­ he was fattening for market.
Miss Eugenia Lammermoore, who Grind it either with or without the
tage of cut rates and is spend­
Ezra Binks went up on the re­ had her clothes stolen while taking cob. They fail to digest about 20
ing his vacation in Honolulu, which servation this week to hire a sign a bath, has demanded redress.
per cent of the corn when fed
is somewhere out in the middle of for his cigar store.
At a banquet held by the Cham­ whole.
the Pacific ocean. Prof, Adkins
Mescal Bill, who has been trap- ( ber of Converse, Porterhouse Kelly
Washing eggs reduces their
says the rainy season is in full ping skunks on Roaring river, 1 ar-1 broke a prong off of a silver fork keeping quality and results in
blast there and good crops of corn rived in town today and will at­ ■ while trying to spear an olive.
losses^ especially if they are to
could be raised this year if any- tend the grand ball and social hop
be placed in storage. All very
body wanted to raise corn, but at Whiskey Slide Saturday night.
■ small, very large, or very dirty
that corn does not seem to be
The oil well in which Mescal
Contains Many * Races , sold
eggs to
tshol; local
ld ,be consumers
used at hon
?e or
a staple crop with the Honolulus. Bill holds several shares of stock
and not
He says the natives spend too has struck water in pailing quan-
University of Oregon, Eugene,' included with those shipped to
much time trying to get a ten cent tities.
August 29, (Special)—The work j market,
tip out of American tourists to
At the home talent play last of the lion club in Honolulu, which | The United States department of
to ever build up a steel trust or
agriculture uiwuys
always advocates the
Friday night, Artie Watson ren- I is concerned with both inter-pracial j [ a^iiLuiLuie
a department store. Prof. Adkins
| and inter-national problems in the use of both purebred sires and
also wrote that he was keenly dis­
: Pacific area was described to the dams in raising hogs for market.
appointed at not being able to see the end of which the applause was i Eugene Lions club at a recent While a good purebred sow will
unanimously restrained.
one of those native dances where
| luncheon by George H. Godfrey,
Following a two-hour argument I university editor, who has just re­ cost more than a scrub or grade,!
they wear a few leaved of grass
I experience has shown there is a
and a smile, hut he could not find
turned to Eugene after spending a ; distinct saving of feed in fatten-
a thing in the dancing line. He seen beating a carpet Monday.
year and a half in Hawaii.
| iqg purebreds as
compared to
Centipede Clark had the mis­
will arrive home in time for. the
The marked contrast between the 1 grades.
opening of the school and quail
week when he struck a pedestrain. ■ lions group which he was address- I The quantity of whole milk pro-1
Constable Twist Newton has I : ing and the group which he had I duced in this country last year
been employed as a detective to often seen assembled in Honolulu is placed by the United States de-
was commented upon by Mr. God­ partment of agriculture at 120.-
RAISES FINE HAY investigate What Price Glory.
Ebenezer Squills, who puts in
Rattlesnake Ike was arrested frey. “In Hawaii Orientals and 766,487,000 pounds compared with
his time farming when he is not again this week for bootlegging' races other than white outnumber 116,505,395,000 pounds in 1925,
pitching horseshoes, has been more but they couldn’t find twelve men the Caucasians nearly 12 to 1,” an increase of more than four bil-1
he stated. “This ratio is actually lion pounds. The quantity of milk;
than successful this year on ac­ who hadn’t formed an opinion.
maintained in the Lions club there, used for household purposes Is es- ■
count of an irrigation ditch break­
and gathered around a table will timated at 56,417,000,000 pounds
ing and flooding his land, and SISKIYOU KID NEARLY
54,325,776,000 !
Chinese, Koreans, compared
he reports that he has an aus­
i Hawaiians, Filipinos, and others pounds in 1925. This consumption
picious stand of hay that will aver­
The Siskiyou Kid, who has been|who repre’sent various ! race mix- of milk has been due to its greater ‘
age four acres to the ton. The hay braprrincr so much about his ex-1 fures
will be cut and stacked if Eb ploits with bad men, and who has j ..But their conversations are all use by the city population.
Fur farming, or the
raising of l[
ever gets around to it, otherwise six notches on his old hoss pistolI carri(jd on
excellent Engiish) for fur animals in captivity, has stead-
it will be eaten off the stump to prove he is a mean hombre, de-;
cattle -r frost elded he had to make good or be
laughed out of town. He had
PHARMACEUTICAL CARD heard quite a bit about Devil’s
Abe Withers who has been jerk­ Den, and he had seen some of the
ing soda nt the drug store in the | hard working oil drillers from that
county seat for some time learning place, so he conceived the idea of
the names of the stuff in the bot­ going over to that enterprising com­
tles on the drug shelves, writes munity and shooting up the town.
from the drug school which he Last Saturday night he tanked up
has been attending this summer on Rattlesnake Ike’s 2C year old I
that he has passed his grades with burbon, which Ike made the day.
flying colors and is now a full before, and whooped away in the ’
fledged pharmacist with powers to j direction of Devil’s Den on a rent­
cell ifetv razors and automobile ed cow pony. He rode as far as
tires nnd to compound ham sand- he thought was proper under the
• • yr ■ ’
circumstances and then started to
wic' es.
looking around for the town. That’s
Important Events That Hive Hap- where the Kid got fooled. Devil’s
penrd or Arc About to Happen
Den is not a town and never
The Julian Oil campan y, with be. It is an oil camp with
bfir’nt: rterr in Los Angeles, ha- houses and shacks scattered
born sneers fnl in selling several forty sections of ripe alkali
and there is no fun in shooting up,
Bearcat Boone says President! a dark shack nt night with no one
Coolidge might fool the eastern! at home. So the Kid cantered back!
P< O|, n w
nnd told the b.
iviv», uu< no tv«u u eslv 1-1 at it ne poaer s rule vriiav ht- v«v
ner will believe be is a blown In I have ■ done if there had been
the bottle cowhand until be procs'town. Cayucas Sam told the Kid
on the warpath and whips a sheep- he was all bluff and events are
expected, to happen.
G ilby M otor C o
Goodyear Tires
Central Garage
is now
Open For Business
We Specialize in
Relining’ Brakes
and keeping them properly adjusted FREE of
You are assured the best of experienced mechan-
ical work.
Tires and
Vernonia Stage Depot
Now comes the big week of
the year for movie fans—
10th Annual Paramount
Week when the best thea­
tres everywhere show one
solid week of Paramount
Pictures only. Greatest
Paramount Week of all—
because Paramount Pic­
tures were never better.
Come—see all the new ones,
catch up on the good ones
you missed.
joins in the Paramount Week Celebration!
at the
Majestic Theatre
A Varied Selection of
Week Beginning Sunday, September 4
September 4
Adolph Menjou in
September 6-7
Bebe Daniels in
September 8-9:
Elinor Glyn’»
with Betty Bronson and James Hall
Right now when every woman’s thoughts
turn to new millinery, we present for your
choosing this most unusual display of
charming new styles. The season’s fore­
most effects are here in ample array.
September 10:
Thomas Meighan in
If it’s a Paramount Picture, it’s the best show’ in town