City Schools Open Monday Wayne Whitmore in National Shoot Open- . Hoffmans Return From 5300-Mile Motor Trip County Fair Next Week Camp Perry, Ohio, August 29. C. S. Hoffman, accompained by Out of several thousand young his sons Robert and Charles Jr., men from all walks of life who and his daughter Katherine, return- attend this summer’s Citizens’ Mil­ ed from a 5300-mile automobile itary training camps in the 9th trip last week which carried them corps area, comprising the states as far east as Iowa. Their journey _ , ___ of nine of Wasington, Oregon, Idaho, Mon­ To Hold Celebration on the Fait Aim it to Secure More Member- carried them over parts ^states during the six weeks they tana, Wyoming,’Utah, Nevada, and: Grounds at Deer Island, Sunday, ships Among Local Merchants were away. California, 17 young men were sel­ ected to represent the trainees of “Roada differed widely,” said to September 18; pioneers invited. Perform Efficient Service their corps area in the national Mr. Hoffman. “The South Dakota rifle and pistol matches which open | roads were the best, and Idaho (By Lillian Daniels) Mrs. Wayne Lappe, popular 1 roads the worst, although the main | here September 1, to continue un­ Twenty-five years ago Sentem- voung Vernonia matron, recently I traveled highways were til Scntemher 18. The members nsoally of the team from the 9th Corps ber 11, 1902, Columbia county elected secretary of the Vernonia good with an occasionally badly Pomona Grange was organized in Credit association , is declared by worn section because of h-javy area are: Grade and High School Student» Good Lighting System Will Be Mancil Cross, Sacramento, Calif.; Clatskanie with 63 charter mem­ local merchants to have already traffic or long service. »» 1 Harold B. Dahl, Yakima- Wash.; bers. Those assisting in the or­ been a boon to that organization, Several high passes through the To Regi»ter for Clane» on Boon to Those Desiring to Ward H. Hanes, San Francisco, ganization were the following of­ inasmuch as she has had wide ex­ Rocky mountains were crossed by Monday; Then Buy Books Oregon State Grange: perience in the work of credit de­ the party, some being 6000 to Attend Evening*. Calif.; Grover F. Hinman, Arling- ficers of ton, Wash.; Lund F. Heed, Aje, Past master Voorhees, state mas­ partments of several large concerns 9000 feet high. In Colorado the Ariz.; Leland K. Irvine, Salt Lake ter G. B. Leedy, state secretary in the United States, among them road passed over elevations that School days start again Monday This year’s livestock exhibit at City, Utah; Martin P. Kiebert. Mul­ Mrs. Mary Howard, state chaplain being General Motors, and Is thor­ ranged from 13,000 to 14,100 feet. in Vernonia, which, though Labor lan, Idaho; Frank I. King, Pasa­ Oscar Eaton, past lecturer A. F. oughly familiar with the intricate Charles Jr. purchased a thermom­ the coming county fair to open on day, will be used only for regis­ eter which registered 120 degrees September 7 will easily exceed in dena, Calif.; Lloyd Michigan, San Miller, state deputy F. S. Castro, duties of that particular field. tration. assignment to classes, les- Mrs. Lappe states that an early Fahrenheit near the Lava Craters numbers any former show but will Francisco, Calif.; Hugh F. Nelson, and Mr. and Mrs. • S. H. Carter, sons, etc., and then the students Pasadena, Calif.; Farrell H. Owen, Mrs. J. S. Castro and Mrs. Ella attempt will be made to secure of the Moon in central Idaho, and also establish a record for new will be dismissed to purchase their _ ___ _______ _ a temperature ___ r__ _ the __________ association _ a--recorded of 36 de- exhibitors, if present inquiries for Salt Lake City, Utah; Ramon J. Castro, members of the State more members in books and supplies for use dur- Peisinger, Pasadena, Calif.; Wil-| Grange. Of the 63 charter mem- mong Vernonia merchants, as the | grees at the 14,100-foot elevation entry blanks can be taken for a ing the coming school year. standard. liqtr» V RvFfn. .p I bers only seven stayed with the greater the number, the better the' in Colorado. X C s»i tu. pvZLO'.U. ul Uv CUUilty grange and are skill members in services renuera lo each. She as­ i Crop conditions in Iowa H. Roberts, Stanfield; Ellis M. and! the teachers have been made. Prof­ Wade, Pleasant View, Utah.; Wayne good standing. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. serted that a number of firms who '-South Dakota are said to be fair- fair will make competition very essor J. B. Wilkerson will continue E. Whitmore, Vernonia, Oregon; Lovelace, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Strat- have not belonged to the organiza­ | ly good, although there is some , keen or some of the old stand-bys in the capacity of principal of the McKinley R. Whitmer, Bloomfield, ton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson tion are • seriously .contemplating uncertainty as to the market price and it is likely that a number of high school, and O. A. Anderson Mont. and John F. Peterson. joining. of some commodities. Service sta- the coveted blue and purple rib­ as principal of the grade schools. The following officers were in­ In addition to the Credit associa­ tions and auto parks were found bons will be taken home by eager They will come into contact here The Washington grade school is with the best rifle and pistol shots stalled. Master, W. A. Young of tion work, Mrs. Lappe will man- to be about the same as on the first timers. being i emodeled in the first floor In the Holstein cattle section two in the United States. Teams re­ Cedar Grove, uncle of our present age the office work of the Cham- Pacific coast, although gasoline to give better accommodations to Pomona master; overseer, R. N. ber of Commerce under the direc- prices varied on the trip from 19 new exhibitors that will make presenting the army, the navy, the pupils who have classes there. Bet­ Lovelace, Beaver Valley; lecturer, tion of Secretary Lester Sheeley. cents to 35 cents, said Mr. Hoff­ thihgs interesting for other show ter lighting arrangements have marine corps, the national guard L. H. Copeland, Milton; steward, A number of new community trad­ man, with Utah prides the highest. men are the Hammer Bros, herd from all of the states of the. un ­ been made, as well as heating ar.d T. J. Everman, Beaver Valley; as­ ing plans have already been ten­ While in South Dakota the Hoff­ from , Deer Island and the herd of ventilation. The school board be­ ion and also the best civilian shots sistant steward, Frank Peterson, tatively formulated by Mrs. Lappe mans were fortunate in seeing Paul Welter of Goble. Neither of in the country are assembling here lieves that these rooms will be as| Natal; chaplain, G. L. Tarbell, Yan­ which are designed to bring about President Coolidge, of whom they these ! herds have ever before been satisfactory as any in the building for the biggest shboting event ever kton ; secretary, G. R. Wiggins, a greater volume of home buying. were able to take several pictures, on exhibition but some of the to be held in the United States. when the refinishing is completed, gatekeeper, best show animals in the county S. G. The Chamber of Commerce will which they prize highly. Besides competing for the national Clatskanie; which is expected to be done when Schoonover, Vernonia; treasurer, hold its next regular meeting at are* numbered among the high pro­ shooting honors with CMTS stud ­ school opens. ducing animals. Welter will show Labor Day Celebrations ents from the other eight corps Alfred Jackson, Cedar Grove; Ceres the R. R. Lunch today at noon. both Guernseys and Holsteins from Miss Teresa Lindbaum; Pomona, areas they will be given training Are Announced by 4L W. C. T. U. Would Support his retail dairyherd. in marksmanship by instructors Mrs. Ann Copeland, Miiton; Flora, Oakland-Pontiac Has New Only Dry Candidates from the Infantry school, Fort Miss Mabie Boisvert, Clatskanie; Portland, Aug. 27—Many logging The Guernsey section will pre­ West Coast Supervisor camps and sawmills in the Willarn- sent several new exhibitors iron, The picnic held in St. Helens Benning, Georgia. The purpose of lady assistant steward, Mrs. Net- Appointment of Louis M. Dreves ette valley and adjacent districts out side, the county to compet« by the members and friends of the this training being to create a tie Peterson, Natal. as Pacific coast supervisor of sales .will be closed September 5 to per- against the Graham herd of Marsh The minutes of those meetings nucleus of expert shots who will W. C. T. U. was also a business for the Oakland Motor Car com­ mit lumbermen and their families land the Macgruder string iron meeting, The di^bussion of the be qualified to act as instructors years ago are interesting reading, pany was announced last week by to attend one of the two big 4L Clatskanie and the Farr herd of bill-board problem resulted in the in some future emergency as well resolutions passed were mostly Qn W. R. Tracy, vice president m Labor day celebrations to be held Warren. Fred Briggs of Yankton adoption of the following resolu­ as to arouse interest in marksman­ good roads and local improvements. charge of sales. The position which at .Wendling and at Monterey and Fred Boesel of Warren ar: Cedar Grove and Natal both built ship in all parts of the country. tion: “We deplore the defacement halls and the members then did Dreves will accupy is a new one Beach near Newport, according to expected to again line some of of our beautiful highways by ad­ not think it a handicap to travel in Oakland Pontiac sales scheme. word received at 4L headquarters their good animals up for inspe, vertising signs and we urge the U. of O. Registrar to Handle Student Problems from Clatskanie to Yankton for Working under E. M. Lubeck here today. The Wendling affair tion after an absence of a yea co-operation of all firms and or- western sales manager for the is being staged by the 4L of the or two from the show ring. Short an all day and evening session. ganizations in keeping our high- University of Oregon, Eugene, Oakland Motor Car company, Dreves Booth-Kelly Lumber company, while horn cattle will be shown by th' Celebration Planned ways clean of this unsightly nuis- August 28, (Special)—In line with j in charge ! I llarbells, the Wilson and Dav In celebration of the organiza- will have direct supervision ot the coast celebration is ance.” the policy of the University of Ore­ of the 4L local of the Pacific | outfit and the Columbia Stool The alarming increase of the gon to become a general education­ tion of Pomona Grange the gran- Oakland-Pontiac activities in Cali­ Spruce corporation of Toledo. l ranch as well as by G. W. Burllnp cigarette habit among the boys al laboratory for the entire state, gers of Columbia county will hold fornia, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, B. F. Irvine, editor of the Ore- ! . ham of Birkenfeld, and others. Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and the a picnic at the fair grounds at and even the girls in the grades the office of the registrar will ■western half of Montana. Under gon Journal, will be speaker of Swine and poultry exhibition and high school was also a topic become a clearing house for ideas Deer Island, Sunday September 18 the day at the coast celebration, will be increased in sizj sever: ' discussed, The fact that some concerning both pre-entrance prob­ starting with a program at 10:00. his jurisdiction will be the dis­ The, Wendling speaker has not yet times because of the new built teachers smoked cigarettes seem- lems and the problems of the In­ All grangers and friends are In­ trict offices already operated by been announced. Oakland-Pontiac in Denver, Butte, ings for the housing of these class vited. Bring a basket dinner. Cedar ed to call for some action and a dividual after matriculation, de­ The Wendling sports for loggers es of livestock. In former year plan was suggested and discussed clares Earl M. Pallett, who arrived Grove and Apiary baseball teams Seattle and San Francisco, and of asking school boards to place recently to take over the position will play in the afternoon, and the new sales plan contemplates the and lumberworkers will include tree the poultry show has been house topping, log rolling, swimming, in a tent which has been far fro a clause in the contracts of the formerly held by Carlton E. Spen­ other amusements will be held. opening of a Los Angeles district baseball and a special greased pig satisfactory. This year a new air office in the near future. Warren Young is in charge of the teachers which would prohibit this. cer. Mr. Spencer, who served for Desire to establish a closer con- event. building will be devoted to poultr No definite action was taken this several years as registrar, has been sports and Brothers Noble Dun­ The Coast celebration will be­ and a large number of new met lap, Ross Daniels and Clyde Wat­ tact with the Oakland-Pontiac deal- time. made a member of the law school son are the committee for arrange­ er organization in the west lead gin Sunday with a baseball game coops are being manufactured by This was the first W. C. T. U. faculty. to the creation of the new post between Silverton and Toledo at company in — Portland. These t! ments. county picnic but the union were Mr. Pallett;, who comes from We all look forward to a pleas- which Dreves will hold, accord- Toledo. A big barbecue and special the most modern type of coo well represented. The fine dinner the State Teachers College, Mad- ant time and hope . to see __ __ __ ing to Mr. Tracy’s announcement, dance music has been arranged at in use in all the big shows as th all the served under the trees, the road j ison, / South Dakota, has very de­ old time grangers there, whether | The past two years have seen an both picnics. company haB made the same »ty table discussions and the opportun­ finite ideas concerning his depart­ There will be many races and of coops for the state fair ai ity to get better acquainted made ment. These have been carefully or not they belong to the grange, lt immense growth in the number of Oakland-Pontiac dealers in the sport events for men, women and the Pacific International. The h the day well 'worth while. worked out in connection with Dr. western states. It is believed that children with prizes for the win­ barn is patterned after all t' Mrs. Alla A. Boole, president of Arnold Bennett Hall, president of Incorporation Papers a decidedly greater efficiency in ner. A special event at Monterey best ideas in use on various fa Filed for Nehalem Val- the national W. C. T. U., in her the university, and they call for ley Ice & Creamery Co. ha"«ng sales probitems in I the Beach will be the tug of war be­ grounds in the northwest and address before the opening session * no mndo ______ a general broadening of the service . west will be made nosaihlo possible ■ under tween picked teams of Silverton a model for light and air. Th of the fifty-third white ribbon con­ extended by this department. Ed. Tapp, H. E. McGraw and' the new system, for it will elimln- and Toledo crews. Preparations to Brown who had such success in 1 vention of Minneapolis recently, The cooperation of all high outlirfed a program of activity school principals and others who Peter Bergerson have filed incor-| ate many delays which the great eptertain several thousand lumber­ showing at the Gresham fair, v which commits her organization to are interested in the preparation of I poration papers for the Nehalem ( distance of the factory from the men and their families have been make a large showing of his Ch< ■ ter Whites and many new exhib the support of dry candidates for' boys and girls for college is asked Valley Ice & Creamery company Pacific coast has imposed in the made. as the concern that has succeeded past, ors will be attracted by the lar every office, regardless of party Two Artist» at University by Mr. Pallett, and the equipment the Davidson Ice & Creamery com­ | In selecting Louis M. Dreves for premiums and the new show ; even to the extent of nominating! University of Oregorf, Eugene, and facilities of his office will be pany of Vernonia. vilion. | the new position as Pacific coast and supporting independent candi­ August 30, (Special) — Two art ­ placed at the disposal of persons! The creamery is now handling I supervisor, the Oakland factory All other exhibition departmo dates when tne regular party nom­ who have problems to solve along the product of about 300 cow’s in chose a real veteran of the auto­ ists who have already achieved a are showing increased entries ar inees are wet. I line he declares. the Nehalem, according to Mr. motive industry and one whose ex­ marked success, and who are ex­ with the main line light now av “This is a last resort,” said Mrs. [ Tapp, and more dairymen are sign­ perience has qualified him partic­ pected in the future to attain even able those who must attend Boole, “but it is justifiable when | A surprise shower was given1 ing up every day. Local folk who ularly well for the post. Dreves’ more national distinction, will join night can be assured of well lip­ political leaders, notwithstanding' Mrs. Oliva Daoust of St. Helens! have eaten the butter now being experience in the automotive in­ the staff of the school of architec­ ed buildings that will make 1 the protests of dry members of August 22 by the sister members' ture and allied arts it is anounced their parties, persist in nominating: of the Westway club, W. B. A., I produced by the ^creamery pro- dustry began when as a boy of by C. F. Lawrence, dean of this exhibits just as attractive as nounce day. Season tickets for the f it of the highest quality. | 17 he entered the Morgan & wet candidates.” and friends. Cars were supplied school. The men are Kenneth F. i Wright tire factory. In 1904, from days of .September 7, 8, 9, 10, • by Mrs. Drorbaugh and Mrs. Wil­ Hudson, who has just finished a Jone»-Babb. Golf “Bug” Threatening lard. Those attending were Mrs. I Miss Wilma Jones of Vernonia factory drawings, he built the first year and half as assistant to Eu- be placed on sale this coming w in this city. Morgan & Wright automobile tire, Vernonia Enthusiasts Sarah Drorbaugh/ Mrs. Willard,' became the bride of Roscoe Babb In 1908 he joined the Thomas gene Savage, noted mural painter Mrs. Graven, Mrs. Stevenson, Wil- of Palouse, Wash., Thursday, Aug- of New York and Harry Camden Local Organizations Pla- The many Vernonia folk who ma Jones, Virgie Urie, Mrs. Pow­ i ust 25. at Colfax, Wash. Rever- salesforces, and sold the famous who has just completed a feliow- have recently been smitten by the ell, Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. end Mower of Colfax performed “Thomas Flyers” for several years. ship of three years in sclpture in To Observe ‘Vernonia D golf “bug" are said to have great-' Adams. Mrs. Turner, Mrs. McKee, l the ceremony. They were attend- After serving as sales manager for the American Academy in Rome, Tentative plans are being rr ly increased the number here who of Vernonia, and Mrs. Nugard and ed bj' Mrs. Zula McDonald and El- the Erwin-Greer company in Chica­ Mr. Hudson will become profess by the Legion, Auxiliary, I go, he went to Minneapolis as now play that ancient Scottish sister, Mrs. Effie Gardner, Mrs. mer McDonald of Colfax. or of painting, while Mr. Camder men. Chamber of Commerce game. J. N. Bush, one of the Wicks and Mrs. Hoyt of St. liel- The bride is quite well known i branch manager in that city for will be a professor of sculpture other local organization« for leading enthusiasts, states that so ens. The guests had an all day and attended high school in Ver­ Willys-Overland. Thus two definite and basic branch­ In January 1919, Dreves be-1 es of art will be represented by observance of “Vernonia D many here have indicated their party and it was said there was nonia last year. She has many which is z September 9, hut ! came manager in Chicago for the new men. Dean Lawrence desire to have a local course, that plenty to eat. friends here who wish her happi- been postponed to Saturday, i it is quite possible a club may be' ness. They will make their home Chevrolet. Two years later Chev­ I points out. tember 10. Myrtle Point—Several important in Palouse. rolet placed him *in charge of their forme^l here which would rent or Street dances, concessions, St. Louis branch,, and a year later Wrestling Match a Draw lease a tract of ground sufficient 1 new business buildings near com­ •perial attractions are being r pletion. to Oakland, The wrestling match betweer sent him California, Hard Rain Monday to lay out nine holes. ned for the day, with the be- Astoria—Bids asked on $2,000,- Showers came so heavy Monday as member of the factory sales or- Earle Harper of Vernonia and Tec' Myrtle Point—Coos and Curry 000 Northwestern Pulp & Paper m Vernonia that the various gutter ganization there. In that capacity Brown of Los Angeles resulted lr accruing to the city park fun' County Fair planned for Septem­ mill to employ 400. or 500 men. inlets to the sewer were elogged he became familiar with much of a draw last Friday night. Harper is said, Specific plans will be nounced in the next issue of ber 23-25. Union—Union Railroad, with 2 for a time. Members of the fire i the territory- over which he will won the first fall and Brown th< Rainier—New DuBois mill an t4-mile line from Union Junction department forced a heavy stream now preside. In 1923, Dreves was second. After the second fall onl: Eagle. old Menefee mill site will employ capitalized at $25.000. of water into the sewer in several ¡ sent to Los Angeles as zone mana- 12 minutes remained of the schedul­ Reedsport—Elkton bridge I 80 men. Klamath Fallsl—Ackley Lumber places and loosened the fine sand '