FOUR Thursday, August 25, 1927. VERNONI ». EAGLE tellectually, de licattd to the making of a better today than yeserday, a better to­ The Majestic__ ! morrow than < ither. An army w lose knowledge and taste The Callahan» and the Murphy».” shall inevitably raise the standards of “The Callahans and the Murphys, comedy art, music, drama, and life in all their! hich Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer comes to the Majestic theat- I ramifications. e Saturday, is a classic in sireen An army whose proud accomplishments un. From the opening reel to the Issued every Thursday $2 per year in Advanct in the past, and whose promise for the nal fadeout it chronicles the hil- wisdom and rious combats, feuds, quarrels and Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the future lends g ory o the between two neigh- Pest Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the leadership of the nation’s founders. An ••conciliations Irish families of the New Act of March 3, 1879 army whose continued well-being and oring ork tenements. Two lovable but happiness places an obligation upon each elligercnt Irish mothers raise their MARK E. MOE, Editor American to suppert the public school ■ roods next door. Wealth nomer .o one family, romance to both, system to the limit. SAFETY IN THE HOME ôllir Bnnuuia iiaglr THE CHALLENGE TO ALL Last yeai approximately 20,000 fatal ac­ cidents occ .red in the home, as against 22,500 automobile fatalities and 23,000 A worse menace than that for which lost in industry. Yet the home has been we went to war not confronts us at home. termed a h: ven of rest, comfort and safe­ Indifference to la v, the daily making of thieves and murderers, the breaking down, ty. Falls in i esidence take a toll of 6,000 of our social structure, license not liberty,1 deaths pci year, with 50,000 non-fatal indulgence not eco omy, carelessness not , • , falls. Responsibility lies at the door ol security. the defective stepladder, as well as the Every young woman in war time, with1 overworked rocking chair. A substantial tremendous zeal, h ped the struggle. Her stepladder is esesntial to the life and limb natriotism is needed row even more than preservation of any domestic establish­ then. ment. Millions were su' scribed by our busin-1 If you st p on a cake of soap when en­ ess men to win the war. Long hours of: tering the hath, you may slide into the work were given with $1 a year as the next world. See that the soap is in its pro­ sole monetary reward for the most intense per recepti de before venturing onto the service. But we arc now menaced at home, slippery pc celain tub floor. and a like devotion and a like labor are A fall down the stairs may be thrilling needed if life is to be at all worth living: in the movies, but to the householder un­ The law of the jungle is repacing the laws illuminated stairs are a menace, particular­ of sanity and reason. The health, the mor­ ly when not safe-guarded by handrails. als. the veiy life and liberty of all are at Many men, and not a few women, have stake. smoked their last cigar, cigarette or pipe Real patriotism is sincere service for in bed. Some 4,500 souls were carried to the good of our cov.itry, which means ser- eternity in the last year by domestic burns v’ce to fellow citizens more than to our-! and scalds. selves. Every man and woman of influence in1 VERNONIA’S ARMY this for sheer safety’s sake, must The grandest army of the republic enlist country, utmost to uphold the law marches against the citadels of ignorance and solve the efforts vexing problem. next September 5, 20,000,000 strong. Ver It is the duty of eveiy one to know the: nonia regiments are mobilizing, with cap­ extent of the law’s violations now and! tains and lieutenants in command. Con­ the pernicious effects and to give eveiy! scription is the rule. And as the army ounce of energy to help save America moves, so moves the city, state and nation fro- i itself. with it. In all the annals of history nc finer page has ever been written than that TIME. THE HEALER which records the triumph of free public education in the United States of America One could describe this nation-wide Malesherbes, at the age of 72, left his phenomenon in the language of statistics, safe retreat in Switzerland to come to so many children, so many schools, so Paris and undertake the unpopular de­ much monev, etc., and etc. But let us view fense of Louis XVI. Malesherbes must! it from another angle. have known that the king was condemned An army of children, privileged in this in advance of his trial; must have knowni respect above all the children of earth that by defending his former master he destined to grow into privileged men and would bring not only himself but his en-j women; citizens, not subjects; masters tire family to the guillotine. Nevertheless not servants. he obeyed the call of duty. Years later,1 An army of voters more capable of ex when passions had calmed, the people of: ercisi.'g the great function of the ballot France recognized the heroism of Male* becau e of mental equipment and the sherbes, and one of the most beautiful1 power of decision, without no free gov- streets of Paris bears his name. ernmt nt is safe. Thus it has always been in the world’s An army of mature minds better able history. New generations grow up which to cope with prejudicies, class conscious have not inherited the quarrels of their ness and hatreds. An army developed in- forbears. They re-assess human conduct, and give honor to character rather than to success. They erect monuments to Crom­ well, though he overthrew the age-old British monarchy. They hold in equal es­ timation the orthodox Bossuet and the skeptical Voltaire. They esteem Richard,! the Christian crusader, and Saladin, his Moslem opponent. We find the same thing happening ini the United States, where a great civil war! ended only 60 years ago. Today the mili­ tary genius of the “rebel” Lee is honored! with that of Grant, while for years Lincoln has belonged not to the North alone, but to the entire nation. PUNCTUALLY AT SCHOOL Sunscw ption Ora er lilaiia VERNONIA EAGLE Enelos d is ($+.<>< >) ($;>.<><>) for which please enter one year's (two years') subscription lor The Vernonia Eagle to go to the following address: Name ........ Address Note the special price of$3.00 for two years. Read The Eagle Want Ads School teachers would appreciate it if narents would take a firm stand at the ■beginning of this school year that their! children must get to school on time. While attendance is no doubt reasonably pun-] ctual now, yet there is usually a chance for improvement. There are some young-! sters who are natural dawdlers anil it is a hard thing for them to get there on the minute. It is a fine thing for a school when all pupils who are not kept at home by sick­ ness or other adequate reason, can be in their regular seats at the moment of be-i ginning. Such a good start gives a teacher! a fresh impulse of courage. Also, it gives a kind of impression of military’ precision,! and children ought to work better under i such conditions. It would seem as if a condition of fre-i quent tardiness must affect the morale of a school unfavc rably and perhaps lead the children to be slack in their lessons. ployment for hired help and teams, and enables the owner to obtain profits that would otherwise g> to the purchaser of standing tim­ ber. “The Prairie King ’ Hoot Gibson gallops t another . .eeping triumph as kin of the cowboys in his latest sta ring role the dashing hero of “1 ,ie Prairie ing.” a Universal-Jewel release, coming to the Majestic theatre Thursday and Friday. The picture is a vivid colorful druma of the v est, flaming with the speed and ■.etion of vigorous outdoor life, onerously tinged w'ith a romantic love theme. Barbara Worth achiev­ es a nrw triumph in her role of he heroine. ------------------------------------------------ W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 655 meets every Monday night at sevc.. thirty at the Grange Hall. Visiting members welcome. A. F. KOSTER C. C. C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. Although spring and fall are the favorite seasons for outside paint­ hen misunderstanding and wha ing, it may be done in either sum­ ooks like tragedy becomes of the mer or winter if necessary. Out­ ayest type.”- side painting can be done whenever “Hotel Imperial” .he surfaces are dry and the “Hotel Imperial,” Paramount’: weather not damp, frosty, or freez- • test Pola Negri starring produc ing, and the temperature preferab- between 60 and 8O0F. New wood­ ion, in which Pola enacts the lit i le chambermaid who succeeds in en buildings need a priming coat l aving her country’s armies and of paint as soon as the weather ] vinning the man of her heart, permits, finishing coats being add- orties to the Majestic theatre Sun- ■ 1 within the next month or two. ay. James Hall and George Sieg- Tinned roofing should bo painted nann are cofeatured. Mauritz Stil- as soon as laid, while galvanized er directed with the assistance of sheet iron may be allowed to weather for a year, usually with ■lrich Pommer. no injurious effects to give paint “Hills of Peril” a better foot hold. Marjorie Beebe, vaudeville beauty The dry cow about to freshen vho created a sensation when she should be fed a laxative ration, npeared on the screen as Flo in ind corn silage and legume hay Ankles Preferred,” is now playing for roughages. The raticn should n another Fox Film drama, but not contain too much roughage he has a widely different type feeds at this time. f role. She has the part of Sophia A profitable way of marketing n “Hills of Peril,” starring Buck Jones. The picture is to be shown farm timber is for the owner to t the Majestic theatre Monday. c ut and haul the products to market himself. This provides winter em- “The Better ’Ole” Syd Chaplin as Old Bill in 'airns-father’s “The Better ’Ole” vill be the attraction at the Maj-| ■stic theatre for two days beginn- ■ ng Tuesday. His impersonation of | lie lovable old British soldier has eneral.'y been accepted as the out- ■ tandin;, piece of motion picture! cting of the year. In it Syd leaps' o the heights of comedy fame. ! tl Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. i A. M., meets at Grange Hall every Second and Fourth Thursday nights. Visitors Welcome K. A. McNeill, Secretary. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 246 meets every Thursday night it 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis- itors always welcome. Work in the 3rd degree Aug. 30. M. E. Graven, N. G. John Galssmer, Sec. 'AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Meet» first and third Mon­ days of each month at the Legion Hall. H. E. McGraw, President Mrs. Vernonia Post 119, American Le­ sion. Meets second and fourth Tues­ days each month, 8 p.m. II. E. Mc­ Graw, Commander. Jchalein Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular communi­ cation first and third Wednesdays of each month. All visiting sisters and brothers wel­ come. Rossie Tapp, W. M. A ma McGraw. Secretary. PLANER ENDS Oregon-American, de­ livered during July, August and September for $1.50 PER LOAD. Phone 253 VERNONIA GRANGE The Vernonia Grange meets on th econd Saturday of every month a J :30 P. M. Any members of th “range living in or near Vernonia ■ r visiting in the community, ar cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Minnie Malmstcn, Secretary Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Oregon- American \To. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every »te­ nd and fourth' Thursdays in Grange hall, Vernonia. Visitors al­ ways welcome. Mrs. Viola Treharne, N.G. Mrs. Ilnzel Thompson, Sec. J. MASON DILLARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Next Lumber to Carkin Cleaning Works Here Every Wednesday DR. ELLA WIGHT DR. C. J. WIGHT CHIROPRACTORS Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Troubles Delayed Menstruation LESTER SHEELEY Attorney-at-Law Oregon Vernonia DR. W. H. HURLEY DENTISTRY AND X-RAY Evenings by Appointment Office over Brown Furniture Store. Vernonia Oregon M. D. COLE McCormic Deering Agency MOWERS RAKES SEPARATORS CULTIVATORS PLOW^ DENTIST Vernonia Oregon MARK EVERY GRAVE" Memorials in Granite and Marble At Reduced Prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. I Fourth and MAin St. Hillsboro. PORTLAND - VERNONIA Truck Line INSURED CARRIER Genuine I. H. C. Partsand Twine. Vernonia Office \t the Brazing Works Avenue. on Rose Phone MAin 343 Vernonia 7 rading Co. Portland Office Auto Freight Terminal E. Water and Yamhill Streets ¿Ast 822« Office No. It DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR