Thursday, August 18, 1927. VERNONIA EAGLE Wait! See Dr. Luzader sight Specialist about eyes. Regular visits here 1921; at Kullander’s. Next September 12 and 13. Eye­ your since visit tf. They took the steamer Georgtanna from St. Helens to Astoria and back and recommend the boat trip for a day's outing. Word and Style Book To Be Published Soon Publication of the Oregon State Editorial association word and style book, prepared by a com- and Mrs. J. Munger were When you want to make Band- I wish to express sincere thanks mittee reprasentating __________ ___ the __ four Sunday calelrs at the Dent home. wiches ask for Mother’s bread in to the many neighbors and friends | cia?ses of Oregon newspapers, was It makes delicious the long loaf. whose kindly help and sympathy authorized _____ by the __ association __ 1 at The Cozy will sell you a copy of , sandwiches that stay fresh longer during the illness and death of j- _____ _ its annual ■ convention in — Roseburg the Oregon Journal.—adv. i and it is equally nice for the table. my mother-in-law. Mrs. E. A. Al- and Bandon August 6. The mem­ ford, was so graciously extended; bers of the committee are C. J. Will pay premium for strictly —adv. also for the many floral tributes. McIntosh of the committee on bet­ 22* fresh eggs. Horseshoe cafe. Mr. and Mrs. . Larson of St. Hel- Levert Goodin and Children. ter English for the Inland Empire last week, 1 Born: i'o Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ens moved to Vernonia Educational association, chairman; working at the O.- FARM MARKET REVIEW Mr. Larson is Witte, August 9, a girl. She has Earl C. Brownlee, editor of the A. mill. Oregon Agricultural College Ex­ Forest Grove Washington County been named Dolores Winifred. tension Service. News-Times; R. G. Swensen, editor Miss Helen Rumbaugh is now Reed Holding of Mist recently Grain.—Light frost in Canada bought a new Chevrolet coach . driving a new Chevrolet roadster, | and reports of further rust dam­ Monmouth Herald; H. C. Thomas, from the Gilby Motor company. | recently purchased from the Gilby age on both sides of the Boundary city editor of the Oregonian; and R. R. Cronise, manager or the I Motor company. caused sharp advances in the wheat Albany Democrat-Herald and presi- Mrs. and Mrs. Claud Knapp were Mrs. Urie is at St. Helens tak ­ week. Official esti- I market last dinner guests Sunday at the home dent of the Oregon Newspaper con- ing care of her mother Mrs. Rob­ i mates as of August 1 indicate less ference. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wail. erts who had a stroke of paralysis winter wheat but more spring The typographic style or the Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Merle a couple of weeks ago. ■ wheat in the United States and majority of leading Oregon news­ Cline, Sunday, August 14, a boy Canada than more spring wheat in He has been named Gordon Lee. I In Mother’s broad you get ev­ estin^ated a month earlier. The papers as determined in an extend­ erything that can be put into a ed study of all newspapers publish­ E. D. Johnston purchased a one-1 loaf of bread to make It good. Canadian crop is late, however, and ed in the state is the basis of of carnage there is still danger ton Chevrolet truck recently from There is no better loaf of bread from rust. Strong premiums for style recommendations. Right and the Gilby Motor company. on the market anywhere—that we protein continue to be paid. Export wrong word use and sentence struc- Mrs. Ethel McCoy of Pittsburg, I can prove to you. At your grocer demand on the Pacific Coast im­ i ture are illustrated from 1800 Penn., arrived here yesterday for, ask for Mother’s bread and accept proved. There were no important pings taken in a survey or Oregon press. a six-weeks visit with her mother, no other.—adv. changes in the European wheat I Another section of the little Mrs. D. Washburn. Mrs. Allie Flynn arrived from situation. A smaller crop or bar­ ley than last year is expected in , book carries a collection of Seattle, Wash., Sunday and will Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Graham re­ objectionable journalistic and Japan and the Cali- most turned from a two months visit make her home here with ner son, Europe crop is short, but for the words phrases as submitted by fornia Richard Flynn. He is employed at in Mississippi Monday. United States the production of Oregon editors. These “pet avers­ the O.-A. mill. barley this year is estimated to ions” are published without signa­ The Willing Workers meet with The C. E. ’Class of Christian exceed 1926 b" I,?'1”,090 *om ture or comment, although s go-d ><• n r>t the soci.".! h- ” church will have « a picni v c -v at Markets h eid steady last weeK wees witn with ---- man * y of are treated under win iic*vc held aie utmeu unc»er of the Christian church August 24. .ciiuiuu I Sheeley’s grove Saturday evening,] prices materially above a year ago their Proper headings in the text. Mrs. Lester Sheeley returned ¡August 20. All members of the wbjcb reflects high prices Tor corn.1 The aim of the book is to et- ­ io el Sunday from a week’s visit with i1 church who wish to go to the camp iminate some typographic and Feed — More firmness has been relatives at Vancouver, Wash. I meeting at St. Helens meet at the ____ noted in feed markets owing to grammatical errors and to stand- J Christian church promptly ac 6:00 ardize the best of two or more the firm prices for grain. Pasteurized milk is again being I correct typhographic styles for the delivered by the Ice & Creamery : P. m. Livestock— Firmer prices f _°j _________ Production _ of better newspapers at company.—ad». . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff and well finished cattle and improved [ess cost of money. daughter left yesterday for Van- demand for good feeders but some ■ ______________ Vernonia Camp 655 Woodmen j couver, Wash., for a short visit. weakness in poorly finished killers A bridal shower was given in of the World, are giving a picnic | The Oregon-American Tennis at Sheeley’s Grove on August 21J | club has started an elimination marked the cattle markets last honor of Miss Wilma Jones Mon­ week. Good fat lambs and choice day night at the home of Mrs. J. ! You nr» invited to come. tournament. Most of the first- feeders were steady generally and E. Adams. It is understood that Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Arps of round matches have been pieyed up a little at some eastern points, the marriage of Miss Jones and Seattle, Wash., are here on a short' off. It is expected that the tourn- but in-between kinds were scarcely (Roscoe Babb wil occur in the near visit wi.ii their daughter, Mrs. K. ament will' be finished in another steady with receipts increasing, future. week. Hogs were up at San Francisco | - -'■■■ ■ —— A; McNeill, and Mr. McNeill. but steady to lower points with1 Mr‘ snd “ra- E. S. Thompson When we started in the bakery receipts nominal. Milk will keep from souring bet­ returned the first of this weekj i j from a trip to Vancouver, B. C. ter if it is pastearizcd. Order now business in Vernonia in May, 1924, Wool — Some slackening in de- Mr Thompson gtate(J that t’he I I we decided before ever we made from the Ice & Creamery company. , our first batch of goods that we mand was noted at Boston nut on »»¡ty Qf automobjIea seen —-adv. whole the situation continued . . - _ would adhere strictly to quality the n™ 1..» Mill. h..n» »d-|streets of Vancouver, was products. We have never once de- firm last week. Mills are being ad­ many, bore United States lie-1 w. o. w. picnic « Sunday, —■•-- August *---- viated from that policy and we vised to buy for needs during the | not ense plates. 1 21 be at the stage terminal at qgyer will. You can depenc upon next few months at present pTices. Advisors point to a firm foreign 10:30 a.m. I it that no matter what you buy market coupled with small stocks Mrs. A. Lester is here from from the Vernonia Bakery, wheth- of imported wool in this country be a cookie or Wedding cake, er it Seattle, Wash., this week visiting and an improved demand for goods. ----------------- ,-------- her daughter Mrs. E. H. Wash- only quality ingredients have been in its making and this means used Oregon Journal at The Cozy.-adv burn. .... >1 ’ that we spend much more money I I Ice that is ' clear and pure wili for raw materials than we would | CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT From page 5 be delivered at your home upon have to spend were we inclined to | On' ment that he will not run again request, by the Ice & Creamery side-step the “quality” idea. C.. this policy of quality, plus cleanli-! has been interpreted to mean tnat 'I STORES AT company.—adv. d s • a -- - 1 he J does — „ — — not . 4. want *.4- a 4- third Isi — -4 Fzx »’I vs I I term, service, we bid for your NEWBERG Mr. and Ü OliVa Daoust of patronage.—adv. that he has no intention of run | SALEM St. Helens v here Monday ta ning under any circumstances, that SHERIDAN attend the b Drs. C. J. and Ella Wight spent considerable pressure must be sliower of Miss VERNONIA all last week at Ocean Park, Wn. brought to bear by his caDInet Wilma Jones, to induce him to run, and that he' doesn’t expect io announce his < can- HZHZNZHXHXHXH2HXHXHKH£HZH£ aidacy until later on anyway. Hick Hayes, who was in the flying corps in the late war, saw H an airplane for the first time the other day. Reithner’s Card of Thank.». I Leaders of Style and Quality Vernonia’s Progressive Store This week marks our second year as a Successful Business Firm IN THIS CITY We wish to thank our friends and patrons for the wonderful aid and co-operation w’hich in two short years has enabled us to become firmly estab­ lished as Vernonia’s Most Progressive Store. WRAP-AROUND Today we invite friends and customers inspect our new line tlülllülù UUlòCIÌ) and wrap-arounds, in sizes and styles. These gar­ ments represent the latest in style comfort and qual- Warner’s Corsets anteed to i Headquarters for Ladies’ and Children’s shoes Phone 801 Vernonia Oregon Guar­ Mail Orders Filled Promptly Miller Mercantile Company H For Warm Weather Cooking H H Complete for FOR SALE FOR SALE—Team of mares weight about 1200 each, with wagon and- harness. Price $250. Mrs. James McMullen, Mist, Oregon. H FOR SALE—Pure-bred Jersey cow. Inquire at Home Grocery at mile bridge for Mrs. Clara Smith. 522* $39.00 Further Aids to Hot Weather Work are H H $250 Electric Percolators Electric Irons Electric Toasters H H H H See Hoffman About It H “IT PAYS” Hoffman Hardware Co H H X HZHZHZHZHZHZHZMZHZHZHZHZHX H FOR SALE OR TRADE—Fine 1 place on Rose aveaiue. Will take ’a or \-ton truck with delivery body and top. House No.. 956 Home after 5 o’clock. 503* .............................................................. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Sue-1 cessful boarding house of 121 rooms. Old established business. Can be kept full all the time. Excellent I location. Will take 4 or 5-room' house as part payment. Selling on' account of ill health. Apply of Mrs. Webster at 641 First street. Ver­ nonia, Ore. tf404* , A carload of School Books and Tablets, Pencils, Inks, Erasers, Note Books, Com­ positing Books, Pastes, Rulers. Every Requirement in the Grade and High School work Watch Our Window Display. FOR RENT H H School and School supplies FOR SALE—S. C. White Leghorn Pullets. $15.00 per dozen. Ad­ dress C. R. Watts. Vernonia or phone 884. 22* H Electric Hot Plates, special, each ................................ H N CORVALLIS HILLSBORO M c M innville MONMOUTH Classified Advertising ■ X H STORES AT Opening’ up Department If it’s the Oregon Journal want, buy it at The Cozy, or range there to have it delivered.-ad. H £ M X It is not necessary H Wear out your nerves, en­ £ M durance and patience by cooking over a hot stove for several hours each X w day. An oil stove with X three burners and an ov­ H en will take care of all ordinary cooking require­ M ments. NCORPORATED FOR RENT—4-room modern fur-j nished or unfurnished house (with nice yard) and garage, on' pavement in Riverview. Inquire of Mrs. Garfield Smith. 21 The Store that can supply your every' need at the right price. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED — Light truck or good car or good team horses or gro- . ceries or furniture for part pay-1 (ment on good home on Rose ave,1 House No. 956 or inquire at Eagle office. Lf Overalls .. • Vernonia’s Leading Store West Coast Loggers