Thursday, August 18, 1927. VERNONIA EAGLE FIVE her best. Her supporting cast in­ number of other «tates. property tax is levied for slate pur­ cludes Harrison Ford, Georg- K. poses, and it is admitted that In Speaker Carkin now proposes to VOLUME 1 LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor NUMBER 12 Arthur, Barney Gilmore, Trixie go beyond the appointment of a Oregon some classes of Intangibles Friganza and John Miljan. committee of five originally plan­ still escape taxation. MESCAL’S GRAY MULE GOOD KNIGHT, GOOD NIGHT shape for the fall horse races. ned and include in the personnel RUNS GREATLY AMUCK (By Wampus Pete) Mrs. Lidia Bloomhorner writes A vividly dramatic sea story W.O.W. Picnic August 21. The In days of old, when knights were from Topeka that her two year that will bring to the screen one of the committee as many as 20 ladies of woodcraft will sell eats. A colossal and stupendous amount citizens of the state for th? pur ­ bold, old child was carried off by a of the greatest casts ever seen in of excitement was caused Monday pose of probing into the whole There will also be ice cream, soft Romance held every bower; Kansas grasshopper. one feature production is what scheme of state taxation, and giv- drinks etc. for sale. Come and evening just about crow roosting But knights would rage for this Rattlesnake Ike had the misfor­ Is offered by “Captain Salvation.” time, when Mescal Bill’s old gray j ing representation to such major meet your old friends and make dear age, tune to lose twenty-one dollars and the Cosmopolitian production made mule came tearing out of the ■ interests a? agriculture. Industry. new ones. Everybody is invited to When flaphood is in flower. a valuable shirt Saturday night by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at the shinnery with a pair of shafts hitch­ , banks, public utilities, lumbering, come and have a good time. while trying to teach the Rev. An­ Majestic theatre Tuesday and Wed­ LOCAL NEWS ed alongside, indicating that a livestock, horticulture and mercan­ Gold Beach streets to be oiled. anias Etherblazer the game of draw nesday. Among the noted cast are A card received from Elm Sliv- tile pursuits. The enlarged commit­ buggy or vehicle of some sort had Reedsport — Eleven and two- poker. Lars Hanson, Ernest Torrence, tee would be requested to survey been left abruptly behind. The old ers states that he is still out of Pauline Starke, Marceline Pay, the needs of the state and to study tenths miles of road to Laxeslde mule, whose name is Maggie, seem­ a job. News Notes From Los Angeles George Fawcett and Flora Finch, possible economies with the object are to be graveled at a cost of Bearcat Boone’s pet rattlesnake ed to be afflicted with a spas­ (By SYCAMORE SLIM) The story deals with the life of of reducing expenditures where $96,568. modic case of fright, »or she re­ has another button started. Mescal Bill had a couple of val­ a divinity student, Eugene — Eleven miles of the who forsakes practicable. Horsecollar Hoots couldn’t get uable back teeth jarred loose re- fused to stop even at the lawful Deadwood-Five Rivers market road his calling because of the intoler­ command of Constable Twist New- away to go t8 the ocean this sum­ | cently while entertaining an earth­ When the people have rejected are graveled. ance of his friends and relatives. ton and kept the even tenner of mer for his customary plunge, so quake in Los Angeles. the tax proposals submitted by the Rainier — New Dubois mill to His regeneration in a most unus- her way mell for election, taking he put a chunk of ice and a sack While visiting in Los Angeles,,,-, „„„„„„_ ., xi Au « .. •„ , uaI manner provides i a staitling last legislature, the problem that cut 100,600 feet of lumber daily. a corner off the front yard fence of salt in his horse trough and recently Old Quib Skills was struck I b confronts the state has not been Columbia City — Work begins of Bearcat Boone as she headed for jumped in, which gave him the by a brick which was thrown by ------- ■ solved, and it is anticipated that a on new sawmill of 25,000 feet same exhilarating thrill that he home and fireside. a passing earthquake. Insurance is admittedly a pood representative group may agree capacity daily. The womenfolks were busy for usually gets at the beach resort. ) While taking part in a rodeo Roseburg — Loon lake road to thing to have, but the poor sales­ upon plans that will be satisfactory Handbills have been struck offi held in Los Angeles, Cayucos Sam a few minutes snatching their man of insurance has long been to a majority of the people and cost $72,130. squalling youngsters out of the warning the citizens of a homeI was bucked out of his Ford by an Burns — Herrick lumber road the joke of columnists and vaude­ that will attract support from the path of Maggie, but no one was talent play to be given Saturday earthquake. next legislature. It has been point­ to be opened by September 10 for ville comedians. | I While _____________ harnessing a team of mules hurt except Bearcat, who had to night. In "The Love Thrill,” the at­ ed out that in California no direct shipping stock. A fire which was caused by' in Los Angeles a few days ago, nail the corner on the fence again traction at the Majestic theatre. with much perspiration and pro­ dropping a lighted cigarette burned I Clem Slaw was badly kicked by Thursday and Friday, Laura La fanity. Maggie stopped at home over a quarter section of Alf an earthquake. Plante tries her hand at selling a just in time to keep from going Stude’s shirt today. Reports from Los Angeles state little insurance to Bryant Wash­ Scotty MacPherson left this that Aimee and her mother have through the side of the barn and burn. The luck she has, while af­ about half an hour later Mescal week for the High Sierras to look gone over to the chiropractor’s to fording plenty of amusement, would for a match he lost while on a Bill came straggling in, telling the have their row adjusted. > scarcely encourage one to start out citizenship what. he hunting trip last fall. assembled too optimistically in that field. The moss in the horse trough LAWYER LILIKELL TRIMS thought of mules and especially SQUAW VALLEY CHAMP gray mules without a lick of sense. on Elm tree has turned green with JUST FIVE YEARS AGO In the two-man golf toonamen* Constable Twist Newton, who in- envy. 'rom Vernonia Eagle of August A rear tire on Cuoe Root’s Ford for the championship of the Sagi vestigated the affair, stated In an 11, 1922. enhaustive interview that Maggie went suddenly flat today when he brush Belt, held before, durln; To Stage Celebration and after church last Sonda;. must have been frightened at some ran ovei- a spike. On Saturday, September 7, ths morning. Lawyer Lilikell, Cactus Horsehide Hopkins recently en ­ object either animate of inanimate, peppiest celebration ever staged in causing her to bust loose from her joyed a visit from the tax assessor. Flat’s monarch of the mashie and Jolumbia county will be held In Lem Silvens, who neglected to demon of the driver, won easily moorings. Mescal said: “No such Vernonia. Ten thousand visitors thing; the dang critter got stung look a gift hoss in the mouth, is over Jed Spillers, the Squaw Val­ from all over the northwest are by a wasp and got sole and beat the recipient of an old plug that ley title holder. The game settled expected. an argument of two yearfr stand- hasn’t got teeth enough to eat his it.” and and will go a long way to­ oats. Back In ’89 SISKIYOU KID BEATS Hard Elm, who was operated on ward clearing up the political sit­ In looking over an old paper FOUR SNAKE EYES for appendicitis, was successful in uation, as next year is presidential printed in Vernonia in 1889, we The Siskiyou Kid, who arrived making the second payment oh Doc year. Spillers was accredited with note that at that time it took 78 strokes, while Lawyer Lilikell in Cactus Flat recently without a Horsecollar’s new car. from five to nine days for a letter Bearcat Boone had the mlsfor- rolled up 81. cent in his pockets and with noth­ to get from Vernonia to Buxton. ing to speak of under his belt In tune to stick a fork In his eye That Joseph Van Blaricom, then HEARD ON OUR STREETS the way of food for two or three while stirring his coffee. “Last night the nightengale woke owner of the townsite, sold eight Alp Larkin, who won the hurdles days, and who took a job inking me,” sang Miss Rosie Rootenroot. acres to the Vernonia Mill company the Washington handpress for the while in college, made another "Didn’t you have no gun?” ask- for a sawmill with S. J. Brown Catamount and also sweeping record jump today when he step­ ed Mescal Bill. manager. That Willie Mellinger is floors and doing odd jobs, et cetera ped on a rattlesnake. the champion salmon fisher. Also FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK WORLD EVENTS Prof. Flyleaf Atkins, who left a like running errands and telling bill that a stage route was in existence President Coolidge issued a bull­ from Cornelius to Vernonia, tak­ collectors the boss wasn’t In, had few weeks ago for Honolulu to We call and deliver TUESDAYS and a rare stroke of fortune in a poker write a series of articles for a etin recently in w'hich he nearly ing 11‘hours to make the one-way game last Saturday night when he chain of newspapers writes Dack declined to accept a third term trip. FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Wells, was successful in beating four aces. that he ate a big dinner the first' nomination. Tailor, Phone MAin 891 The new union high school build- Advices from Geneva state that Spive Green of Whiskey Slide held day out, which- he syndicated to England will favor a further re­ ing at Vernonia is nearing com- the four aces, but his hand wasn't the fishes. pletion. no good a-tall. Each player had Centipede Clark, who stopped to duction in American armament. The new Brown business block The Honorable William Hoots everything he possessed in the pot, stare at a flapper in the county up to and including his shirt, wnen seat Tuesday, was arrested for will announce his candidacy for is nearly completed. F. E. Malmsten was sworn in the presidency just as soon as he Spive laid down the four aces. impersonating an officer. as city councilman at the Tuesday The Kid whipped out his six-shooter Alf Stude, who drank a pint of gets his apology written. John D. Rockefeller, who owns night meeting of the city dads. and scooped in the pot. Bystanders carbolic acid by mistake, is threat­ Mr. Sesseman has finished his sa’d it was the most successful bit ening to change bootleggers. an interest in the. local fililng f.a- of financeenng since old Ham Lawyer Liall, chairman of the tion, contributed another dime ou: new building on Main Street, Get water now or die off Whittelby sold a 40-acre tract of greens committee, states that the of his small stock recently. burn up. golf course has been put Into Please turn to page 6 alkali land to a tourist. Listen W.O.W. basket picnic August 21,'costs Monday by Justice Hill, Reward Mayor White has turned to at Sheeley’s Grove. Twenty-five dollars reward will poetry in his idle moments and T. N. Crawford was arrested by be paid for ¡„formation leading to sprung this one on us recently: Morning—visiting, bathing, games i Marshal Kelly Monday for alleged tbe arrest and conviction of any- You have had your eye on Pasco, for thildren, horse shoes. : allowing license plates to be trans- one offering or placing poison food And you have watched Tacoma Twelve to 1:30. noon. | ferred from one car to another. jof anv kind for doRs. grow; One-thirty, speeches, races, con-I He was fined $10 and costs be-) But if you have never seen Ver­ W. J. Kelly, City Marshal. tests, bathing, tug-of-war. There fore Justice Hill. nonia, will be a large sum of cash for -------------- I The small Boston terrier belor.g- It’s the place you ought to go. prizes. Everybody is invited. Holmes was arrested Satur-, ¡ng to H. Buffmire was fatally i day by Marshals Kelly and Pneips poisoned Monday afternoon. It was STATE FACES TAX PROBLEM Police Note« for having liquor in his possess-1 thought by Marshal Kelly to have Proposal is Made to Enlarge Num­ -®1St!L^ini.a.m_S Upon • P'ea of Kuil‘y Monday been done maliciously. ber and Scope of Committee. both minors, were arrested Sunday before Judge Hill he was fined night by Marshal Kelly for smok­ $25 and costs and 60 days in the Probability of elaboration of the ing in public and having cigarettes county jail. The jail sentence was original intent of a resolution in their possession. Williams, who suspended upon the payment ot adopted at the last session of the was said to have been charged with the fine. Louise Fazenda is one of the legislature is indicated by Speaker a similai offense before, was fined Carkin of the house of representa­ $6 by Judge Reasoner Monday. | j. Vanderganden and V. Ellis three wives whom their husbands tives. H. R. No. 21 authorized try to deceive into thinking they Allen vas fined $1. The Judge were arrested Monday night by the appointment of a property tax go duck hunting, when actually gave both the boys a severe wam- Marshal Kelly. Vanderganden was rejief commission with power and ing tha. repeated offenses would charged with liquor possession. Up­ they go chicken hunting, in "Cradle authority to make such investiga­ Snatchers. ” At the Majestic theatre be mori harshly dealt with. on a plea of guilty before Judge Sunday. This is a hilarious comedy­ tion .as the members thereox may Reasoner he was fined $56, which drama of middle aged couples In deem necessary for the relief of W. Ji. Bailey was arrested Sat­ he paid. Ellis, who was charged which the wives prove they are the burdensome tax imposed upon I urday )y Marshal Kelly for park­ with being drunk, was fined $25. not as simple as they seem. real property in the hope that, ing his car too far away from the some plan may be formulated, He also paid his fine. curb. le was fined $1 by Judge Marie Prevost’s new Metropolit- whereby through suggested tegis-) Reasonir. It was pointed out that Gordon Smith was arrested by an comedy production “Almost a lation all financial requirements of the limit is one foot from the curb. Marshal Kelly Saturday night at Lady,” which comes to the Maj­ our state government may be here­ G. Gibson was arrested Friday' the dance hall and charged with estic theatre next Monday, provides after met by indirect methods of by Marshal Kelly for operating a being drunk. He was let out on Miss Prevost, the star, with a splen­ taxation, and direct levy on prop­ motor vehicle with improper lie- $15 bail and the trial set for Sat- did opoprtunity for pathos and the erty ' for state purposes may be colorful roles in which she Is at done away with as is done In a ense jlates. He was fined $5 and urday. THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT OAKLAND, PONTIAC, CHEVROLET, STUDE­ BAKER. Goodyear Tires State Laundry Company COMING! COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIR I G’ The Majestic September 7=8=9=10 Just three weeks away Going? FINNEY Or THE FORCE