Thursday, August 18, 1927. VERNONI/ EAGLE FOUR r Efl pions, a new method of presenta­ CIRCUS garment are all attractions at the county F VE RING POSITIVELY COMING tion that is in keeping v Ith the PLANER ENDS 1 fair. R ngling Bros, and Bari: am & Oregon-American, de­ igling Bro*. and Barnum & j B liley 1927 plan of extend lg acts p Gossip and g>>od nature abound at the Bailey to Bring White Eleph­ livered during July, o the mammoth main ten; Little county fair. One finds at county fail's a ant and Other Big Feature* August and September i folks will be delighted tv learn ! grand swapping of tiill stories, all redol­ I that the bringing of a score of ent of unprecedented cornstalks, potato Yep, youngsters,. it‘s really true! European clowns to America has for $1.50 PER LOAD. Phone 253 yields and even of physical prowess in Meaning that a rumor heard increased the funmakers to more | s uietime ago is now confirmed by performing some herculean agricultural $2 per year in Advance Issued every Thursday the official announcement that the than a hundred. job in a jiffy. Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Feed Hay First—Then Silage. W. 0. W. Vernonia camp No. 655 Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the A fifty-cent piece wagered on the white B iley Combined Shows will pos- In general it makes little differ­ meets every Monday night at seven it Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the vely exhibit at Portland Friday, trotter to beat the black and bay will ence in production what order of thirty jt the Grange Hall. Visiting Act of March 3, 1879 A gust 26. yield a bigger dividend in thrills at the At that time the world’s first feeding is used so long as the same members welcome, county fair race track than would ten ar J only five-ring circus will be j order is practiced each aay. But A. F. KOSTER C. C. M IRK E. MOE, Editor C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. thousand bet at the Derby classic. v thin easy reach of local sawdust ¡wit’l heavy milkin’ cows that must * both n come the only , ! ; con une large quantities of With ................. it ... will , So let us be thankful that the sharp f- ns. •_ nn.v A YEAR TO THINK IT OVER prob- _ .... , , . ! si'age and legume nav, it is Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. uuine me white elephant ever!,,, , . , , •, tooth of time has left hardly a mark upon g brought ... to America. . .... -, ,,'auly letter to feil the hay first I 3 F. i A. M., meets at Grange He is .._ “Pawah 'and tnen let t*'C “ n fill up on silage; the county fair. Other things may change, the world-famed sacred white pach- Hall every Second su'd When President Coolidge said: “I do empires rise or fall, we sweep the world from Burma, who will be ¡if silage is fed Jirst they will not ' Fourth Thursday nights. not choose to run for President in 1928,’’ with a flash by radio and man crosses tl y. s erm foremost of a inena- i eat »‘hough of rhe hay to furnish Visitors Welcome al! the minerals rm I? I for milk it caused Our Country to consider what the continent in a day on wings, but you g rie composed feature of more than a K. A. McNeill, Secretary. production. To prevent silage fla ­ would happen if our present sound Indus­ rusand animals. see today at Byb >rry 'exactly the same tl The trial structure and retuiTiing farm stability can big ¿how is now a third vors ftom getting into the milk, the kind of crowds and joy your great grand­ larger than it was when It last silage should be fed i’i«c after ra­ was tampered with, under a changed na­ fathers delighted in a century ago. visited this locality. Enormous nevi ther then before or during mllKinr. I. O. O.F.—V ernonia L odge , N o . 246, tional policy. displays have been introducea such Grain may be fed either I u fore or neets every Tuesday night at 8:00 after the roughage. It makes no difference with what poli­ av ninety zebras, camels and horses 0 clock, m Grange Hall WHERE TO BUY O. E. Enstrum, N.G. tical party we are affiliated, we still must p< rforming at one time on a mam­ Beaverton — Van Kleek farm pro- G. B. Smith, Scc’t’y. moth pedestal. On a similar series duces 14.5 tons of hay in two earn our broad and butter through regular one One ot of those myths, my. ns, which begin no­ ol raised platforms thlrty- cuttings of two acres of alfalfa. and steady employment. It may be good body knows where and are without rhyme t' o circular AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY the show’s forty-three ele- Wheeler — Highway opened to sport for politicians or political parties to or reason, is to the effect that one can p ants of dance, run and perform In Brighton. Meet* first and third Mon- heckle each other with criticism. But when buy cheaper out of town. The specious i ilson with the topmost of the Friend — Black Butte company da?* each month at a public official of whatever party, who slogan “buy out-of-town and save money” ponderous actors twenty feet aoove contracts for 50,000 feet of the Legion Hall. McGraw, President has guided h's country through a troubled profits no one but the mail order house t e ground. Prior to this gigantic daily. period in the world’s history increasing and the city concern seeking business from d'splay five herds of elephants ap­ Mitchell — Seven miles of in the five separate rings. chell-Dayville Vernonia Pott highway will prosperity and reduced taxes, decides vol­ smaller communities within shopping dis­ pear At another time the rings are built. 119, American , La* untarily to turn the reins of government tance. g ven over to five companies of gion. Meets second Klamath Falls—Sand creek over to a successor, he shifts the respon­ Quality being enual, the home-town liberty horses. At still another jun- entrance to Crater park to be im­ and fourth Tues- sibility for continuation of sound govern­ merchant can give his customers better c ure of the program two hundred proved. days each I month, & p.m. H. E. Me ment onto the shoulders of every citizen, values than out-of-town competitors and, o' the show’s 900 horses,, each Klamath Falls — Plan building Graw, , Commander ridden by an expert, are seen in large pine mill here. they must express their opinion. what is equally important, can give each t e brilliant maneuvers. Some persons thought it profitable to customer the personal service that counts Of the sixteen hundred people' Mrs. Mills to Resume Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S Regular communi criticize President Coolidge for showing a so much in modern business relations. The t Tried on tour this season more Classes in Piano cation first anc favorable attitude toward business de­ best guarantee of ouality is not the big­ tl an eight hundred are the world’s third Wednesday! velopment. Others saw humor in comment­ gest store and the largest volume of bus­ f remost aerialists, bareback rid-| Mrs. Ray Mills will resume her of each month e s, ground and lofty gymnasts,' music classes in Vernonia beginn- ing on his New England thrift. The politi­ iness. In the small city and town, where 1 gh-wire artists and super ath-1 ing September 1. Mrs. Mills has All visiting sister cal wind-bag felt he was strengthening trade is limited, the good will of each 1 tes. These are now seen in ex- taught piano here for five years, and brothers wel come. his own position by poking fun at Presi­ customer is jealously cultivated. There the isive groups and troups each dis- and has been very successful as r.”ssie Tapp, W. M. dent’s retiring manner, laconic statements merchant cannot afford to risk the loss play led by its particular cham- ' a teacher.—adv. Leona McGraw, Secretary.________ and disinclination to talk except when re­ of a patron by unfair business practices. VERNONIA ORANGE quired to do so. With the large city institution or the 1 The Vernonia Grange meets on th But that is all passed. It is now up to mail order house it is a different story. second Saturday of every month a the critics and the admirers of President Every day they attract and lose thous­ 7:30 P. M. Any members of th Coolidge, in both parties, to see if they ands of customers. They are doing business Grange living in or near Vernonia or visiting in the community, ar can match his record for sound adminis­ on such a large scale that immediate prof­ cordially invited to attend. tration of the greatest corporation, the it is more essential than satisfying every Mrs. Minnie Malmsten, Secretarj citizens namely, 1 the United States, today customer. They know that by extensive know more about business, more about advertising thev can get two customers MOUNTAIN HEART investments and more about conditions for every one they lose without exhaust­ REBECCA LODGE No. 243. I.O.O.I which are necessary to assure steady em­ ing the field of new business. I Meets every second and Fourtl ployment of labor than they ever did be­ When delivery charges or carfare are Thursdays in Grange Hall—Vernonfc Visitors always welcome fore. Most of the campaign thunder and taken into, account, one saves by buying I Mrs. Edna Kilby, N. G. political hocus pocus which was supposed at home for a few cents more than tne 1I MRS. IRENE SPENCER. Sec’y to appeal to the voters in the past, will catalogue price of mail order goods or the no longer fill the bill. “sale” price of big city merchandise. J. MASON DILLARD The voters of this country are like the Moreover, a considerable saving would I baby that has grown out of the celluloid not compensate one for the worry, delay ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Next to Carkin Cleaning Work! rattle and rubber doll stage, they want and disappointment that are synonymous Here Every Wednesday more solid meat. Making faces and acting with mail order buying. the fool before them on the theory that it There is also an unselfish, community I will p! >ase and amuse them as it some­ side of buying at home. Communities arc DR. ELLA WIGHT DR. C. J. WIGHT times does the small infant, will no longer only as prosperous as their business estab­ CHIROPRACTORS lishments. Thev are an accurate barometer appeal. Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, of community loyalty and progressiveness. The ten short words uttered by Presi­ Liver and Intestinal Troubles dent Coolidge give this nation a year to It has been truthfully said “buying at Delayed Menstruation realize and consider what would happen home makes the home-town grow.” as the result of any radical break away from a constructive, yet conservative na­ SOUND FOUNDATION FOR ANY LESTER SHEELEY INDUSTRY tional policy. Banker, factory executive, I Attorney-at-Law laboring man, public utility president, “ Finally, let us pledge renewed alleg ­ railroad manager, clerk and housewife Vernonia Oregor have an equal opportunity to think over iance to the ideals of service. History re­ the situation and their own positions In veals that it is not, the accumulation of DR. W. H. HURLEY material wealth, the concentration of pow­ the picture. er, or mere growth in size and extent of DENTISTRY AND X-RAY Republican or Democratic leaders face Evenings by Appointment the responsibility of choosing a quitlified nations or cities or public or private en­ Office over Brown Furniture Store executive head for this nation. If the of- terprises that brings permanence or con­ Vernonia Orego ficials chosen by either party are incom- fers immortality. It is the serviceability of Jietent, the nation will be the one to suf- these entities to human needs and wants. Where there has been no attempt to serve er.—M anuf acturer. M. D. COLE human requirements, sooner or later the great structure« thus built up on false I THE COUNTY FAIR DENTIST foundations have crumbled away or fall-, Oregor Vernonia Hail the county fair! It is the flamboy­ en overnight. Where the means adopted. ant ha binger that summer sun and soil have failed to fit the ends sought, success MARK EVERY GRAVE and toil have produced another harvest has not been widely achieved or long sus ! tained. But where service to humanity has Memorials in Granite and Marbli for mankind. At Reduced Prices MOWERS Laugh at the prize pumpkin, if you must been the aim and it has been rendered WRITE FOR PARTICULARS widely, wisely anh without ulterior mo ­ but its round, yellow be ly is a true re­ MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO RAKES minder of what one litt e seed may do. tives, the element of permanent accom­ Fourth and MAin St. Hillsboro plishment has entered in. Built foursquare Sneer at the fat porker, but its contented SEPARATORS grunts are merely a forerunner of the hu- on this foundation, the electrical industry I I siirh« of satisfaction which will come can defy alike the winds of socialism and I CULTIVATORS later with golden-brown scrapple and the conspiracies of the envious and the ill-disposed.” R. H. Ballard, chairman, Truck Line sausage with hot buckwheat cakes. PLOW^ Rows of bright-colored jams and jelly Public Policy Committee, Nat. Elec. Lt. INSURED CARRIER glasses whet your appetite which greater Assn. ranks of serried peach, apple, plum and Genuine I. H. C. Partsand Vernonia Office pear containers do nothing to allay. Lis­ Ed Howe of Kansas says the rarest At the Brazing Works on Ron thing he knows of is a completely bad , ten to the cackle of mistress hen as she Twine. Avenue. does her duty in showing her sister the man; but Ed never ran against someone Phone MAin 343 for public office. way to a more bountiful supply of eggs, while Mr. chanticleer, proud upon his blue Portland Office ribbon perch, challenges in loud call his We now learn that an ovis poli is just Auto Freight Terminal a sheep and not dangerous. We naturally admirers to produce his equal. E. Water and Yamhill Streets Sleek cattle in their stalls, colts that have supposed it was a ferocious animal. CAst 8226 Office No. 1 not yet felt the cruelty w* of lash <*..*. and vw..<»i, collar, Fant heart or complexion ne’er won a ..... v..v DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR and huge sheep clothed with your future husband. Urruuitia te agir I Oregon American Lumber Company « McCormic Deering Agency PORTLAND - VERNONll Vernonia Trading Co