Ile moni a Entered at Vernonia, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-Class Matter. Many Attend K. of P. Picnic VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1927 Lccal Boy Entered in National Rifle Shoot VOLUME 6, NUMBER 2. Vernonia Water Gets J. W. Brown Elected High Rating in Test New Inland M. L. Gaines of School Director on ! the Superintendent Vernonia water department, re- I ceived a report on the condition Route Favored the local water from the lab­ Board of District 47 of oratory of the Oregon state board Wayne Wittmore. 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wittmore of Vernonia, left yesterday for Camp Perry, Ohio, to participate in the national rifle shoot of the Citizens of health this week which stated Military Training Corps. for the Reconstruction of that the local water, from which Meiiri. McGraw, Bush and Tapp Plans Young Wittmore was given this Washington Building To Be Dis­ a test had been made, was in “A” To Form Corporation to Handle opportunity by reason of having I condition, which classification is Creamery and Ice Business Here.1 cussed at Board Meeting Tonight secured the highest rating at the ! meant that it 3a safe for drink­ tournament held at the C. M. T. C. at Vancouver, Wash., this spring. J. W. Brown, local furniture ing purposes. The hectic afairs of the David­ The test, which was the stand­ It is expected that the shoot will son Ice & Creamery company are dealer was elected a member of ard method of testing of the Amerl- last two weeks. now regarded by local folk to be' the school board of district No. Public Health association, ... safe hands, with the -naoiince- 47 at tl»e lueetia«,' livid Monday at 1 can State Christian Endeavor ment yesterday by its purchase by the Washington school, to succeed showed a bacterial count of 300 Conference Will Be Held three local business men: J. N. Mrs. T. Mills, resigned. He will per cubic centimeter. The test for Proposed Route Would Be About Local Merchants Donate Prizes gas in the fermentation tube show­ At Turner on August 29 Bush, Ed. Tapp, and H. E. Me­ serve the rest of Mrs. Mills’ un­ ed 85 Miles From Portland To For Races and Contests an entire absence of organisms Graw. The new concern, which nas expired term of a little less than Seaside, Through Nehalem Oregon’s eighth annual summer not been officially named yet, will one year. of the B. Coli group. These or­ At Picnic. conference of the Christian Enden- be incorporated immediately, it Members of the school board met ganisms, which are very closely Upon the announcement of Sea­ Harding lodge of Vernonia was vor L'nion will be held at Turncr was announced. Tuesday night to discuss plans of related to the typhoid bacteria, In­ side business men and their Cham­ habit the intestinal tract of warm ­ host to members of the Columbia I August 29 to September 5. Turner A first-class buttermaker, S. O. improving the school building to blooded animals. Their presence In ber of Commerce, also of the Gear­ county lodges of the Knights off is on tic main Southern Pacific Rice, who has had charge of that care for the needs of the coming water, therefore, shows sewage con­ hart resort folk, that they propose Pythias and Pythian Sisters _ at ______ a lir.e. 10 m'les sov.‘b of Salem. department of creamery work in year. They expect to meet again picnic at Parker’s grove SundayI Tre conference commit ee eon- the Astoria, Corvallis and Forest tonight in the Washington school tamination of pollution from sur­ fostering the building of a new road to the Roosevelt highway from F r face drainage. attended by a crowd of nearly 150.' rists of Miss Grove creameries, among many and expressed the hope that a num­ Portland which would pass tnrough general chairman ; Miss Meeting in the morning, a large est Grove, others in the past ten years, starts ber of townspeople would be pres­ Mrs. Emma A. Alford, 73, Vernonia, Lester Sheeley, secretary __ j Josephine Bothman of Corvallis, lunch was enjoyed Dy the ent to lend their advice on the picnic 1- work soon making the local pro­ Shortly I publicity manager; Dallas Rice of Passed Away August 10 of the Vernonia Chamber of Com- fraternal folk at noon. duct. It is expected that the local. best method of procedure. fh- fc-en*? ” tain- Portland business manager; Miss cvnd ;>riz.., $1 in trade at Miller ence will be reports from the re- ! practically assured of successful in­ gon Agricultural college, members it has been difficult for anyone to great present congestion on the Mercantile company, by Butternut cent international convention at dependence. Not only has he the of the Greater Oregon committee piece together a fairly accurate ac­ Columbia highway. Clevela"-1 by Oree-on delegates, ev- ■>ale of milk and cream for his of the University of Oregon are count of what actually happened. Bread company. Because of the great amount of Horseshoe pitching contest, Ham, ening bonfire meetings under the income but there is a constant de- explaining the courses offered by Mrs. Clark, with her husband, A. traffic on the Columbia highway, leadership of Paul Brown ; stunt that institution. L. Clark, were riding in the di­ mand for well bred animats for Nehalem market. The ham, which night, and the annual conference city dairies. I am informed tnat Wade Rutherford of St. Helens rection of Portland when they came the commission is now confronted was won by Wm. Bridges of Mist, with the necessity of widening and it requires over 1500 new ani­ has been appointed in charge of up behind a Chevrolet coach driven straightening the present highway, was returned to the Pythian Sis­ banquet. Advance registrations received at the work of the committee in by J. A. Martin, car salesman con­ or finding a new route. It is be­ mals per month for Los Angeles ters, who raffled it off, netting Christian Endeavor headquarter alone, and a big proportion of Columbia county. nected with the City garage of $25.05. Students in agriculture, basic Rainier. The hub caps nickeu, and lieved that the proposed route cbuld Race for married men, 1 year’s 303 Abington building, Portland, | them come from this state. be built at a cost not exceeding indicate a state-wide interest in the arts and sciences, commerce, engin­ subscription, Vernonia Eagle. “It is far better to pay a lit­ eering and mechanic arts, forestry, Mr. Clark pulled up ahead of Mr. that required to widen the present coming conference as delegates Martin's car to see how much dam­ Columbia highway. Single men’s race, five gallons tie more for good animals than io gasoline, Gilby Motor company; have registered from Pendleton, build up a herd of low procucing home economics, mines, pharmacy, age was done. When the two can wc r * pul'ed To Ded’cute Rocky Creek second prize, bottle hair paste, Kose Freewater, La Grande, Eugene and scrubs with no sale for the o'f- vocational education, chemical en­ Ashland, as well as many other gineering, military science, and up on their side of ? road, Mrs/ Barber shop. i spring. Bride on September 17 physical education are advised to Clark stepped out r' the ca ir,' Sack race, free for all, cake, towns closer in. Delegates are urg­ “ We are anxious to aid anyone fa ­ ed to register early in order to attend O.A.C., while those wishing which she was r " . -.i v a..:r Vernonia bakery. The Oregon State Motor associ­ interested and prepared to care for courses in the sciences, arts and around to the real >f - • »’■/•> ca, . ation announces the date of the Race for all girls under 10, $1 cilitate accommodations. a herd in getting started ti r in literature are advised to enter the ¡possibly to in’-p--'. ’Ir. Martin's dedication of the ”ew Rocky Creek in trade. Horseshoe cafe; second 75 Per Cent of Tourist adding to his . herd.’’ university. car with Mr. Cler!: -nd Mr. Mar’ n. prize, 50 cents in trade, Horseshoe Trave! From California Besides explaining the courses As she stepped behind th cr onto bridge on the Roosevelt hlgnway cafe; third prize, 50 cents in trade, Highway Traffic Has north of Newport as of Saturday, offered in the different schools of highway, a large car. driven by September 17. Horseshoe cafe. In an analysis of tourist traffic, i Increased This Summer the university, members of the the Mrs. L. Kaufman of Portland, can;, the State Motor association points The dedication will take place at Runaway Boys Caught. The trend of tourist travel over committee give information 1n re­ up behind the two parked cars, and 10 a.m. and addresses will be made out that 75 per cent of tourist tra ­ Melvin Lee. 14, Wilbur Land. 15, gard to expenses and fees, and when Mrs. Kaufman swung to the central Oregon highways has ma ­ It is and Mike Fraer, 15, of Forest vel comes into Oregon from Cali­ terially increased during the past aid is given the student In secur­ middle of the highway, she saw the by many prominent men. fornia. This 75 per cent of travel possible that governors of three Grove and Gales Creek were ap­ ing catalogs and other printed in ­ Lincoln, driven bv a Mrs Kelly, states may attend. Undoubtedly few months. The completion of prehended yesterday afternoon by does not necessarily mean that the The Dalles-California highway has formational matter. also of Portland, coming in the op­ the highway departments of Oregon motorists are residents of Califor ­ Marshal W. J. Kelly, who arrested posite direction. nia. Many eastern cars bear Cali­ drawn a great many more tourists Legion and Auxiliary and the two neighboring states, them at first on suspicion. Later What hapm-ned then is not def­ California and Washington, will be i into the central portion of the state fornia license plates due to the they admitted running away from To Picnic on Sunday initely known. From the nature of represented. 1 and now that the oiling program home. They had rifles, bullets and fact that the residents of eastern | has been completed, Oregonians are the damage Jone to Mrs. Kaufman’r states winter in California and pur­ The association announces that The American Legion Auxiliary cigarettes and impertinent dsposi- car, indications point to the possi­ cars will leave Portland Friday finding that central Oregon coun­ chase license plates there the first unit will be host at a picnic for the tions in their possession, according bility that the machine skidded first night, stopping en route either at try is not only a new but a most local members of the Auxiliary and to Marshal Kelly. He has been en­ of the year. California is the concentration delightful country in which to spend American Legion posts at Sheeley's to the left, sliding into the path of Corvallis or Newport, starting Sat­ deavoring to get in touch with the I their vacation time. the Lincoln, and -hen, with tho im­ urday morning so as to reach the grove Sunday, August 21, accord­ parents before preferring charges. point for tourists and the associa­ pact of the heavy ear. was swung scene of the celebration at 10 August travel shows a decided tion points- out that the proper ing to Mrs. Harry Wilson, In charge back to the right side of the road o’clock. Cars from other sections Keep Garbage Away From Road* plac* to increase tourist volume is I increase over July, due. to the late of the function. Whether this happened or she un­ Rainier, Ore., to have salesmen of Oregon in the season and oiling activities, and it Beside the picnic, contests and dertook to back out of tho way in of the state will find roads In ex­ is expected that this increase In August 10, 1927. places where tourists eongreggte. cellent condition as the highway races are planned for the after­ Through its affiliation with the volume will continue until school noon, and a general good time Is reverse, seems to be a question. Mrs. department will see that all roads To the Editor: The following re­ Clark, however, was caught by the leading to Newport are cleared of solution was adopted by Beaver American Automobile association. bells put a stop to a percentage cf being assured all who attend. Vis­ Valley Juvenile Grdtige, which we the State Motor association has the vacationists. iting members of these organizations rear end of Mrs. Kaufman’s ear any maintenance or construction The percentage of tourists who are especially invited to be present. and pinned against the bank. hope you will print in your paper representatives in every city In equipment so as to allow easy and Mrs. Clark's cheat was crushed, convenient travel to thia point. with any comment you may see California and these tourist Infor- are coming into Oregon froirf the Automobiles «rill leave from the fit to make, as we wish it to ap- mation bureaus are equipped with south by the Pacific highway and Vernonia Drug company at 10 a. her collar bone broken and her Chamber Meets Today. detailed tourist and road informa- -eturning by way of The Dalles-1 m. which will provide room for all I skull crushed. The accident hap- ply to the entire county: The Vernonia Chamber of Com­ Resolved, by Beaver Valley Ju- tion regarding Oregon. Literally. California highway b inc-easing those not already having transpor­ 1 pened at 11 o'clock in the forenoon J and she died at 1 o’clock ir. the merce will hold its regular lunch­ venile Grange, that we request the they are salesmen of Oregon and daily. The tourist by making this tation. ! afternoon in the Rainier hospital, eon at noon today at the R. R. public to refrain from dumping a great proportion of the flow of loop trip gains a perspective and St. Helens — Hall mill resumes ' where she was brought for treat- Lunch. “The Introduction of New garbage within sight or smell of traffic into Oregon from the south * knowledge of the variety of is traceable to the activities of1 Oregon scenery that is not gained work to cut 50,000 feet of lumber ‘ ment. Dairy Herds to the Nehalem,” will any public road. capacity daily. Please turn to page 2 be the topic for discussion. those directors of tourist traffic. * my other way. Grace Burns, Secretary. Parker's Grove Was Scene of County Gathering Sunday Short Route Through Vernonia To Sea Approved Locally Field Events are Featured Relieve Columbia Traffic m U