Thursday, August 11, 1927 Bl»”' VERNONIA EAGLE each sheering since 1922, dispo-ing in the market of these ewes which NUMBER 11 failed to meet a standard in age, VOLUME 1 LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor physical condition, lamb production, NEWS NOTES FROM THE ITEMS FROM HITHER AND YON TOURISTS MUST CONCEAL conformation and fleece producing COLOSSAL IGNORANCE ability. TEMPLE OF THE ANGELS „ „„ , , . Mrs. Bearcat Boone broke a val-i A standard fleece weight of 7 The Catamount wants it editor­ (By Skymore Slim) uable broom handle Tuesday whil«*i ially understood that the next tour­ pounds was agri <1 upon by Mr. Tjiore has been a rift in the I ist from the east or middling west Sherlock and the extension repre- loot and the Temple is In grave ■ christening her husband. Quite a number of Cactus Fiat who stops right plumb smack In sentatives, and all ewes with fleece danger of being split up into fac- tions if the chosen do not reach house wives are visiting over thé the center of our fair young city under that weight were culled, with an agreement. Mother Kennedy I back yard fences since Aimee's re- and asks where Cactus Fiat is, .s exception of a few with marked tendencies, The going to get his name in the pu- lnmb-producing wants to handle the cash, and, turn to the front page. This culled sheep were replaced with thereby hangs a snag, There are | per in no uncertain tones, Ray Vaughn, who plays the sax­ stupendous and collosal ignorance yearlings, and rams of heavy fleece several others who like to fondle the lucre, including Almee. The ophone, was given another chance of the geography of this wonder­ characteristics were used in mat- ful country which gave him ing. sick, the lame and the halt are i by Judge Siewenm today. receiving very little attention while I Miss Rosie Rootentoot, who re- birth has got to be stopped by Mr.: As a result 790 ewes sheared the funds are in jeoparay. Each i cently took up' literature, has been Tourist or we will know the rea­ 10 pounds or more in 1927, com­ pared with but 180 in 1923, while Angel is striving valiantly to get successful in having „ one ___ of her son why. It is no uncommon thing his or her hands on same. Moth- testimonials published in a patent for a long-eared flivver hound to only 30 sheared less than 7 pounds under that whiz down the middle of our spec­ compared with 234 er Kennedy loved her daughter, medicine almanac, tacular main street and slam on j weight in 1923. In addition, a lamb­ But she’ll be jiggered if she’ll let Mayor Abe Barlow wrote to his brakes in front of the filling! ing percentage of 95 per cent was go of the swag without a fight. Words of a personal nature are Washington to get President Coo­ station and ask the proprietor of i maintained. being said on both sides, with Mo­ lidge’s views on a third term, but same where this here lows of Cac-| “Sheepmen the state over are tus Flat is. It is not only an in- giving their attention to the Sher­ ther Kennedy winning on points. the reply was unsatisfactory. lock figures,” says Mr. Lindgren. Mother Kennedy learned several Luke Warner, a prominent I. W. suit to his own intelligence but owners are demanding words while residing in the lumDer W. of Cactus Flat, expects to give it is an insult to the community “Flock camps of the north. Her delivery up his card and will join the Los spirit and civic integrity of every shearing qualities as well as other man, woman and child who have necessary qualifications in select­ is forceful and eloquent. Four Angeles water commission. done their utmost to place our I ing rams. Through culling out low ounce gloves have been suggested i Mid Creek reached flood stage town on the map. but the Rev. Elmer Gantry said I producers, the Sherlock flock has This outspoken manner ol speak­ been built up with a better brane this is one case that must be Tuesday when Wiley Hawse spilled ing will not be cajoled any longer. of ewes, more uniform In body con­ handled without gloves. a bucket of water. Either by or- . formation, with heavier and better It must be stopped. .. _____ Mother Kennedy has been advis­ Miss Goldie Boone had a coming- dinance or by a righteous uprising! quality fleeces.’’ ed by leaders of the flock to go out party Tuesday night when her of our entire populace. We do back to her old man, who is rich lingerie clasp broke. W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. not want to become a laughing 655 bave jnvjted a and works on the Hudson River, number of —---- neighboring camps to join them In The latest reports from the Hud- Jeff Jones, an aviator In the stock for every flea-bitten, , r mangy son state that the old man is mak- late war , went into a nose dive spavined, lop-eared, pop-eyed, gnat-i a -jcnic Augugt 21, at Sheeley’s ____ _ ing preparations to leap into the Monday when his F ord struck a brained traveler who visits our crove. Gameg raceSi tug-of-war, metropolis either through accident batbinlr etc wi„ be tbfi main fea river. tree. or design. tures. Mother Kennedy has been offer­ Mescal Bill’s mule attended the ed three conditions upon which to Missouri picnic Tuesday. INDIAN KNEW PRINTERS An i explosion occurred in the eyacuate the Temple. She can get An Oklahoma editor tells of out with a pension, she can get Prof. Flyleaf Adkins, who left Rev. Ananias Etherblazer’s home 1 breaking seven bottles. an Indian who same into his office out with kind words of praise for a few weeks ago for Honolulu, last night, to pay for his paper, The editor her work in the past, or she can writes back that considerable wa­ took the money; then the Indian just get out. ter was encountered while cross- GRAND THRILL OFFERED IN MUD TURTLE RACE wanted a receipt. The editor tried Hysterics are being enjoyed in ing the Pacific ocean. to talk him out of it. Mr. Indian both camps, Confessions and court Tentative arrangements have been insisted. After making it out, the proceedings are promised, Snitch- completed in full for the grand and editor wanted to know why he was AULD LANK TYNN ing is in order. Revelations may spectacular turtle race on Friday so persistent about wanting be revealed. Blood is thicker than (By Wampus Pete) afternoon between the hours of 4 ceipt. water but cold cash is thicker than John Rockefeller, my Jo, John, and 5 o’clock after the mail is put The Indian some both of them. When we were first acquent, up if the train gets in on time. time. Go to big gate and St Peter Bearcat Boor.e, who is sojourn­ I filled my car with gas, John— The race will be between Mayor ask if I been good Indian, I say ing in Los Angeles, says Mother But the darn thing never went. A E g Barlow’s pet mud turtle, Tor- I yes. He say, "Did you pay editor Kennedy is on the verge of talk­ toise Tillie, and Bearcat Boone's | for paper?” I say yes. He say, ing and if he wuz in Aimee’s shoes wild mud turtle which he caught ‘Where is receipt? I no have it. he would fold his tent and silently SPORT SECTION on Mussle Slough while he was in I have to run all over hell to find fork over the keys to Ma. Promoter Tex Rickard went over swimming and it snapped onto his you and get receipt.”—The Argon­ Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ebe- to the picture gallery today to toe with both jaws and wouldn't aut. nezer Squills will be glad to learn let go until he pried its mouth buy a frame for the next fight. Hogs are among the chief en­ open with a can opener. that the stork visited their ranch emies to the young growth in on early Sunday morning and left Bearcat’s turtle has a little the Kid Loco, welterweight welter of six pretty black and white spot­ Coyote Gulch, knocked himself out edge in size, but some of the boys cut-over Iongleaf pine lands. In ted pigs. are putting their money on the one season hogs killed 8,320 two- Tuesday while shadow boxing. wild turtle because it has more year old Iongleaf seedlings on an , BIG FISH FRY Tex Rickard says prize fighting pit up and git about acre tract. The seed, or ' "i ’mast,” it, having Last Saturday a number of oui will not pay unless radio fans are lived next to nature in of Iongleaf pine is devoured as the great citizens motored and muled to up- willing to stand an assessment of out doors where peace food by hogs, and the seedlings and con- per Mud Creek where a gigantic two-bits each. He estimates fifty tentment rain. Coals of have a thick, spongy, mucilaginous living fire jud gorgeous fish fry was held, million fans listen in, which would will be placed on the backs of the bark on the roots much sought by ^B ll a, ,d pepper and meal and net twelve and a quarter million turtles to make them scoot, which Ilogs 111 luf spl’n.^ wl.'en i.ii. giouuu ^Bee to grease the skillets were dollars. It would make a tidy mode of procedure has the endorse­ is soft, This damage to the trees along for the purpose and sum, split one way. ment of the biology class of the can be prevented only by fencing BHHtime one of the iutri pM against the hogs. Bearcat Boone was absent from high school, as the race is to be H^Bwmild yank a trmit from the Giving various privileges on the run in the interest of science, the church last Sunday on account of ^^^B stream the women folks farm, including allowances of farm object of the race being to see Wff divest Mr. Trout of his vitals the Saturday night poker game products in addition to wages, is not breaking up until Monday which turtle can make the best an important means of attracting him ready for the feast. time between the starting post and B^Msad accident almo>* ii-ipp.-: •. < I morning. a given point. Proceeds, if any, and holding good farm hands, says Scotty Macpherson lost a While hunting for bear In the will be applied toward the purchase the United States department of Jraluable bait in the stream and Hi"h Sierras last week, Cayucos of land to equip a zoological gar­ agriculture. These things if bought sprang into the water like a i de- Sam ran i upon a big cinnamon with den where wild animals ard two- at city prices would cost more than mon to rescue it. Scotty was pull- two cubs, but before he could headed calves will be cooped up double their farm value. Working ed out below the third falls în P raise his gun to shoot, Sam was: to show visitors. Bring your sup- men not on farms would more of­ badly used condition. After that two miles 1 away and headed for ner in a bag, as the race might ten consider farm work as an oc- he tied his bait on with steel i home. last for a long time. THE CACTUS FUT CATAMOUNT I National Radio Audition I sponsorship Contest is Inaugurated mittee will committee. This com-¡will hold local auditions. The chief arrange first for organ- qualification for young singers de­ I ization of local committees to man­ sirous of entering the audition is The state of Oregon will be the age community auditions or sing­ that they shall be non-professionals, next to fall into line to partici­ ing contests which will be the pre­ between 18 and 25 years of age. pate in the National Radio Aud­ liminary events in Oregon’s par­ Indication that culling of low- ition launched by the Atwater Kent I ticipation in the National Radio ! producing sheep gives a better Foundation. Roscoe C. Mitchell, Audition. Some outstanding citizens, «------ re- will be invited to act as chairmen, j wool 1 _ yield is seen in the 1927 __ __ ■eld manager for the foundation Local committees will be appoint- 1 port of the college extension ser- ■¡arrive in Portland this week for state headquarters, ed in towns and cities throughout , v*ce from the Ned Sherlock ranch near Lakeview. A fleece average will emanate all activities the state, for the holding of pre-1 singing contests. The „ lo-1 increase of nearly 1 *4 pounds has ^^■cted with the search through liminary _ 1 __ 4._ ____ ill ____ been obtained through a five-year for promising amateur sing- t I systematic culling program in a tember. The state audition B^Bioth young men and young I the radio will be held in OctoDer,1 flock of from 1500 to 1800 Ram­ ^■n. bouillet ewes’. Mitchell will canvass the l from a state center to be selected Cooperating with H. A. Lindgren, Py to enlist the cooperation of by Mr. Mitchell. The state audition will be par- livestock specialist for the exten­ Me and social organizations, ed- ntional leaders and men and wo- ticipated in by two singers—one sion service, and the Lake county Mr. Sherlock Bn interested in the advancement young man and one young woman, agricultural agent, T vocal culture, to serve as a state from each of the communities that has checked his breeding flock at FINNEY OF THE FORCE , FlNNEV. M? Bet? i ' m asking members of ctR \\ OMUQCH Tö S’JBSOQtSE 1Ö A R SPECIAL ANO NEEW ÖAUS£ -JZ By F. O. Alexander FIVE cupation if they knew what per- gravy or stew, removing it as soon quisites and consequent savings in as the flavor is delicately notice­ expenses were offered in addition able. Garlic cas be used so that those who think they object to to wages. Not only are there e insects to it do not know what gives a dish fight, but the nenias, its unusually good taste. A two-course dinner, providing, animals such Nemas are as roundworms. They vary in size in addition to meat, ; one green- vegetable, one starchy i vege- from one no-hundredth of an inch leaf VC long to sei eral feet Ion". They are talle, and a desert, served as the responsible for some of the worst second course, may be considered and most destructive diseases of a completely balanced moul if all plants and animals. They cause bil- five food groups are represented in lions of dollars worth of damage it; protein foods, fruits, fats, and fats, and each year. Dr. N. A. ' Cobb, C ' ’ , oftho tables, starchy food, department of agriculture, says sweets. Soups and salads are not that nemas are so abundant that necessary for the home dinner, but if all other matter in the universe, the salad may take the place of except nemas, could be magically a cooked vegetable, and the soup swept av>’v and we could then as may serve to use up materials al­ disembodied spirits revisit these ready on hand. By sometimes hav­ scenes, we would find them still ing such courses and sometimes recognizable. There still exist In omitting them, the pattern of the space a hollow sphere, the size of family meals is more interesting the earth, represented by a surface and varied. film composed of the nemas which | The W. O. W. stand for pro- inhabited the soil, and waters, i hibition, no intoxicated persons plants and animals. We could re-' will be permitted on the grounds, cognize lakes, rivers, and oceans' at the picnic August 21. Every­ by the nemas peculiar to them. So,1 body come, we will show you a too, we could recognize the soil good time. and tell where there had been one kind of soil and where another. ________ The ladies of _ Woodcraft will We could recognize the cities by j ¡sell at tne the W. O. W. »eu eats ai w. u. w. picnic accumulations of nemas peculiar'August 21. There will be ice cream to human beings and domesticated and soft drinks for sale as well, animals and plants. The trees would j when you have anything you still stand in ghostly rows along want to sell, rent or buy. Adver­ se streets, represented by the tise in the Eagle. It Pays, means that once inhabited the bark Most exotic and mysterious of of their trunks and branchs. the ladies of the screen is Myrna One of the secrets of French Loy who plays Ma, a Blamo, a flavoring in cookcry is the discreet •dian v.' see, lies with use of garlic. Put one nubbin or. halted for the death of her father, “clove” of garlic in with the stew-, and seeks to avenge ■ his death by ing or soup chicken; its flavor will torture of the man i whom she be scarcely perceptible, but will woos, marries, and in the end greatly improve the flatness of after perils by land and sea but the boiled meat. Rub the salad see her with Monte Blue in “Brt- bowl with garlic, and drop it into ter Apples.” Thursday and Friday. G ilby M otor C o . OAKLAND, PONTIAC, CHEVROLET, STUDE BAKER Goodyear Tires Slate Laundry Company FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK We call and deliver TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Wells, Tailor, Phone MAin 891 Useful Toilette Articles Day after day use of the handy toilette articles which may be found here in varied selection, will make you well pleased with the quality of items we carry. COURTEOUS SERVICE At /Viac’-s Pharmacy A Warning to Others