_Thursday, August 11, 1927. VERNONIA EAGLE | ?omona to Natal grange for their enter- LOCAL GRANGE IN NOVEMBER l bountiful hospitality and l .ainment. Grange was closed in due From page 1 night lunch of ice cream and cake . lorm and we all felt that the 96th setved. Business session was re­ session» was one that fully repaid sumed and finished by a resolution us for our trip, The next Pomona with Vernona of thanks and appreciation from meiting will be POMONA TO MEET WITH ü2a. 9 äb SB ü n A A fililí Nalleys Pure Cane Mayonnaise Sugar Best for Matches The Safeway Brand 0 bx. carton 21c Berry Grade ads 21c lbs. An OregonProduct 1Q bars Flour Full Cream Potatoes Clorox Guaranteed Cook­ ers The best for bleaching and cleaning 2 bottles 33c ibs. 35c By the Sack Highest quality guaranteed lbs............... 55c $2.39 Tomatoes Premium Brand lge. cans -25c $1.45 Campbells Pork & Beans Chocolates Bulk 1 lb Macaroni Genuine Semolina In Tomato Sauce 3 cans ......... 25c 18' The Favorite Margarine as $1.45 Corn Packed in Iowa cans .. 25c Sardines lbs. n NOTICE $1.45 On and after Aug- ust 13, 1927, we close at 6:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 p.m. Skaggs White Wrap Coffee Money Back guarantee 1 lb. 3 lbs- Booths The health food 2 $1.33 69c ib« Dates A good standard 2 ¿2 cans 3 Selected bulk Utah Favorite cans ..... 25c 2 12 cans Gary Cooper, Paramount’s new star in western productions, easily qualifies as filmdom’s tallest screen luminary, registered a height of six feet, two inches, without his ten-gallon hat. In “Arizona Bound,” his first starring vehicle, which comes to the Majestic thea­ tre on Saturday. Cooper makes his debut in a fast-moving tale of a frontier town, and appears as a reckless hardriding cowboy who fights against the suspicion of the townspeople, the intrigues of two warring bands of ruffians, and the frowning disapproval of the pret­ tiest girl in the village. Betty Jewel and El Brendel are featured. Tropic Nut Sifted in Mustard or Tomato Sauce 3 cans 35c Paul Bern, one of the few men Hollywood who is in demand both as a scenario writer and a direetor, was the adapter of “Three Hours,” the Corinne Griffith picture at the Majestic theatre Sunday, His screen play is based on May Edginton’s powerful story of mo­ ther love and sacrifice ot the same title. Blue Ribbon or Bud- weiser hop flavored .Malt 1 0 One of the greatest bucking was ' ever filmed horse scenes caught for “Range Courage,' the1 Universal Western, starring Fred Humes which comes to the Majestic theatre here Monday. The bucking horse escapade is only one of the many thrilling scenes however, for there-is everything from an honest to gosh prize iight to landing in' a bed of cactus from atop a bronc, in this mile-a-minute western show-1 ing Fred Humes at his best. There's a well chosen cast consisting of Gloria Grey in the feminine lead and such old troupers as Bill Steele Monte Montague, Robert Homan and Arthur Millet. 3 lb. can.... 79c cans $4.55 M- Complete Line Of Fruits and Vegetables The Savings you can make at Our Market White Ribbon PICNICS Sugar Cured—5 to 8 Pounds Pet Pound Ö . 19c SHORTENING 2 8 ib»................................... 29c $1.15 'b............... BABY BE l F BACON Fancy Shoulder Roasts Eastern Sugar Cured. 1,4 or Whole Side Per Found Store No. 225 17c Per pound Vernonia, Oregon 29c Phone 741 HOTEL VISTA Vegetables e Specialty Chicken Dinners 5 p. m. Sundays The Majestic 12 cans.. 98c 3 ibs.....49< 3 lbs......... 29c pkg....... 37c 4 lb- Fruit Flavored Jelly Beans or old fashion I Raisins Market Day Specials Per 100 Standard 2 12cans h’ghway, Metolius River resorts, I' schutes and Crooked River can­ yons, Bend. Approximately 175 miles. Stopping for the night at Bend. August 22—Bend, Lava Caves, Klamath Falls and Crater Lake. 206 miles. August 23—Leave Crater Lake f..r Medford via Rogue River and Ashland, Grants Pass. and the Ore­ gon Caves. Overnight stop at the Caves. 187 miles. August 24—O re go n Caves Grants Pass and the Pacific high­ way to Corvallis. Spend the night at Corvallis. 245 miles. August 25—Leave Corvallis Newport, thence north via Roosevelt highway to Neskowin Hebo. East to McMinnville, north to Portland via the West Side highway. 206 miles. Cars may join the caravan any point and proceed with the raravan as far as they desire, dropping out at any time. The caravan is organ­ ized with the idea of allowing per­ sons to enjoy a trip. 14 Clisesa 2 at the MOTOR ASSOCIATION WILL TOUR OREGON BY CARAVAN (From page 1) Soap $6.49 Hard wheat, Money Back guarantee. lb. sc .$1.98 For an Excellent Meal White Wonder 100 Lb. Bag Big K f< rring with road building pro- by Tod Browning, creator of “The of Mrs. Fosberg also Mrs. Andrew g am, and whereas a two cent in­ I nholy Three” and “The Road to Johnson Wednesday. ciense in the gasoline tax will take Mandalay,” directed by himse f. Mr. and Mrs. Silvo Graham and re of the maturing bonds. There­ )i tie grandson Kenneth and lady to re the Columbia county Pomona Most exotic and mysterious of fi iend from Clatskanie were Sat- ■; auge goes on record as favoring t le ladies of the screen is Myrna urd(y afternoon callers at the the reduction of the motor vehicle Loy who plays Maria Blan :o, a Barris home. license tax one-half and increasing passionate Sicilian who seethes with Laverne Rumbough of Mist pur- the tax on gasoline two cents. And hatred for the death of her father, chased a Chevrolet roadster from further resolved that a copy of this and seeks to avenge his death by the Gilby Motor company of Ver­ solution be sent to the county torture of the man whom she nonia last week. papers and to the Oregon State woos, marries, and in the end Mr. and Mrs. Neus were callers Highway Commission.” after perils by land and sea, but Committee: Maud J. Mills, A. H. see her with Monte Blue in “Bn, a> the Osborne home one day last . Tarbell, F. J. Peterson. ter Apples.” Thursday and Friday. week. Mrs. ' Oliver Burris and Beatrice Whereas: The breaking of the Natal P rrv were Vernonia shoppers Sat- ISth amendment leans to the dis­ Visitors at the Burris home Sun- urday. regard of all laws, and brings in an undesirable class of Citizens, day were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bur­ Cut and Destroy Weed» pA'j an whereas the arrest and con­ ris and daughter Patrica Rose and You are hereby notified to have viction of all law breakers leads Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hiatt and all grass and weeds cut and dls- to better economic and moral con­ three children. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding and posed of on any and all property ditions. Therefore we commend the cities of St. Helens and Rainier for children spent the week end at you own or occupy, in compliance with ordinance No. 163. the fine start they have made in Seaside. W. J. Kelly, City Marshal. I enforcing the laws, which if car- Mrs. Oliver Burris and grand­ I lied out by ail of our communities aughter Beatrice called at the home Eagle Classified ads get results. would make Columbia county at- t ractive to the best class of citi­ zens and further resolved that a YOU WILL COME AGAIN copy of this resolution be sent to each of the county papers. Submitted by the legislative com­ mittee of Deer Island Grange. O. Henry Oleen, Maud Mills. grange No. 305, November 5, 1927. The following resolutions were submitted and passed. "Whereas it has been publicly stated by those in a position to know that the motor v ehicle license fee could be reduced one half, without inter­ T æ THREE ? I È [ “The Unknown,” Lon Chaney’i new Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer starring vehicle at the Majestic theatre i Tuesday and Wednesday, was like “Old Home Week” to him, for in the cast of the new mystery Story were many who played with him four years ago in “The Hunch- back of Notre Dame.” These ln-| elude Norman Kerry, since raised1 to stellar honors, Nick de Ruiz, who played the executioner, John George, Frank Lanning and several others among the extras, Chaney plays a strange armless sideshow freak in a sinster plot in the new picture, with Joan Crawford as I the heroine, and Kerry in the ro­ mantic lead. It is an original story A New Car Built for American Use and Sold at an American Dice Open American roads—congested American streets —towering American hills—trails deep with American sand. * ★ * Oakland engineers had them all in mind when they designed the new All-American Six—when they gave it hurricane power and never-failing reliability—when they made it a car for the world to admire. < * * New bodies by Fisher—fashionably smart—longer, lower and reflecting the best American traditions of motor car beauty. ♦ W ♦ In the new chassis—new length and strength from a longer, dec[*er frame—new comfort and high-speed roadability fr< m a longer wheelbase (117") and a lower center o’’gravity. * * * And the engine—the largest used in any car ef Oakland’s price! 212 cubic inches displacement— a 7fl*/£-lb. crankshaft—bridge truss crankcase con­ struction for rigidity. ♦ ★ * All America is enthusing about the All-American Six. Come in today—and join the crowds! Undaii I-*-. .]045 •1145 Coup» tz Sport ^.„ ’ 1075 estate »1145 RomUter landau Sedan Landau Srdan •1265 2-DOOR SEDAN 411 prirtt at /arfory. Micetti prirt>i inrlutit minimum hanatUng chargaa. Koay ta pay on tha liberal Got oral Motora Timo Toy mont Tlon. GILBY MOTOR COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon MERICAN SIX