Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 11, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Thursday, August 11, 1927.
dull and western alfalfa dragry ' equivalent of one egg. Whon yolks
witn practically no trading In th’ ' alone are used a little extra bak­
»ik'nea valley.
ing powder is sometimes needed.
The right height for the kitchen
During the past week a record
Public Relations Commission, American bankers Association
attendance was noted at the dis­
ness in feed gritins by-product ' sink depends on the height, length
WITHDRAWING the family’s savings account at the bank play of the new “All-American-Six”
feeds prices are well maintained of arm, and general build of tne
where it is safe, and losing it through speculation is a models according to R. Hornbeck,
generally with limited offering be­ | person who is to use it. Thirty­
serious matter. It may bring great hardship, especially to the manager of the local Oaklar.d-Pon-
ing readily absorbed. On the Pa­ ! six inches from the rim to the
mistress, of the home. It may force great tiac dealers, who prophesies recifrd
cific coast demand is bitter m the floor is often given as a good
economies in household management or sales activity on all Oakland “All-
than toward the noi’th which average height. If the sink is too
amount to actual privation. It may mean American-Six” models during the
| low, a flat box or block may be
I reflects relative production of
that the children will have to go to work be- coming months.
used on which to set the dishpan
and grain in the two areas.
tore they complete their education. The
while working at the sink.
No new model yet displayed
loss of thè family’s accumulations may even [ among the 1928 offerings reveals
The necessity for selecting the
result in physical breakdown on the part of 1 changes more complete than does
country buyers retiring from the right kind of food for children Is
the wife through worry’ over the loss of sav­ the latest Oakland. The new car // BIBLE
parents will have their children memo­
being emphasized because in the
ings which she helped to accumulate at the I has a longer wheel-base, now 117 rise a Bible selection each weeh, it wlH prove
Receipts of domestic wool in east­ midst of plenty, thousand^ of Am­
sacrifice of home comforts, but was not con­ inches, a new and more powerful a priceless heritage to them in after years.
ern centers have been unusually erican children are not getting the
sulted when it came to investing them. The ■ motor, a new chassis, seven new TRUST HIM ALWAYS: —Com­ heavy
but imports have been cor­ foods they need for the highest
making of investments by men who are I bodies by Fisher, new duco colors' mit thy way unto the Lord; trust respondingly
light. Manufacturing development of mind and body.
heads of families and inexperienced in I and a host of advanced engineering also in Him. Psalm 37: 5.
is on a much better basis than a The United States has more food
finance should not be undertaken without features, making it one of the
and better food than any other
consulting her. But even if both agree the most interesting and talked-about PRAYER:—0 God. Thou art our year ago.
Recent reports nation. Our pure food laws and
venture should be talked over with the local cars of the current season. Femin­ strong salvation! We fear no foe Hairy vetch.
banker or information about it obtained ine motorists will find the improve­ with Thee at hand to bless, for confirm earlier ones of increased sanitary methods of handling food
from the National Better Business Bureau in ments in body designs in the “All- even in darkness and temptation acreage and production and small supplies are world famous. Along
New York, which serves without cost and American-Six” just as fascinating Thou art our Light and our De­ carryover. Prices have weakened with our efforts to safeguard
slightly but are still about <n line health through food control, how-
purely in the public interest. If this is done as the mechanically-minded motor­ liverance.
Questions and Bible Answers
with last year. Cash seed in for­ ever, we need to develop better
a lot of trouble and quite likely many regrets and heartaches ists will the many chassis advance-
What reason did Jesus give why eign ports is selling at a small food habits and so reduce our
will be avoided.
we should forgive our enemies? premium over September-October alarmingly high percentage of mal­
There is one point in the activities of the inexperienced
It is because the newest Oak-
investor where hs should have above —-—------- —-------------------------------
I Answer, read Mark 11:25. delivery.
nutrition. For the undernourished
all a red-light stop signal to cause him that it would soon erect a number land is an essentially American
Apples, Latest reports indicate child does not have a fair start,
to pause and investigate and that 1 b
The annual camp meeting and the smallest crop in the United
just before he reaches the decision to business men could park their cars. American engineering practice, and
States for 20 years except in 1921,
"sign on the dotted line.” Before you
built to meet American operating convention of the Evangelical church but more apples in Canada, Eng-
part with your savings in the bank by to take out memberships, charges to conditions that the name
for Oregon and western Washing­
signing a contract placed before you them tor storage were to be nominal, American” was chosen for it—a ton opened at Jennings Lodge, Ore­ land and Europe than last year.
by sharp promoters, stop, examine much less than a like service could rather refreshing title in view of gon. August 10 and will last un­ The crop on the continent, how-
ever, is not up to average, Eco-
and investigate! It will »>ay to read be obtained elsewhere. A Board of
the over-plus of “European-type til Aug. 25. Rev. and Mrs. G. W. nomic conditions in principal im­
the contract several times, even read­
t ‘
Plumer, the local pastor, will be
ing it aloud, all the while weighing
•«. i
porting countries are favorable.
which have been the fashion in the in attendance. Mr. Plumer will re­
$ *1 ’V ? ■ ’ ■ u Í
every term. It will pay to be on guard
Pears, The United States pear
turn Saturday to have services at
automotive world.
against the deadly fine print usually
crop is estimated at 69 per cent
incorporated In most contracts,—so
A single glance will suffice to the church here.
*■ ’■ s£r
Sunday school 9:45 n.m. E. L. of last year. The Canadian pro-
small that It strains your eyes and
note the lengthened wheel base of
duction is relatively more prom­
causes you to skim over
the new car, and its long, low body
ising than in this country and in
it superficially. Do not
lines. Though there is but a height will be the leader. The pastor will Europe where production is ex­
sign blindfolded. It will
Come <■> your stole University for cultural
preach at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
educat a und professional training.
pay well to take plenty
pected to be much less than av­
the roof of the new closed cars,
ot time to study
Opportunity it offered in
erage except in the higher regions I
there has been no sacrifico of
22 departments of the College of
of Austria and Switzerland.
head-room inside of the cars and
Literature, Science and the Arts
Bible school 9:45 a.m. "David
a road clearance of 8 5-8 inches Brings the Ark to Jerusalem.” 2
And in the School» of
“Inside” Information
has been maintained. Sweeping belt Sam. 2. The Bible school atten­
Pure ice cream is a wholesome
Arc! lecture and Allied Arts—
lines add to the actual achievement dance is unusually good for the food and need not be regarded as
Business Administration—Educa­
in bringing the new cars close to summer months, ranging from 139 a luxury during the warm months
tion—Journalism—Graduate Study
the ground.
i to 180. Come! There is a place when it is most enjoyed.
cal Education—Sociology—Social
The new motor of the Oakland of welcome for everyone from in­
Do you know New Zealand spin­
Work—Extension Division.
has a pistin displacement of 212 fant to adult.
ach, It is often available tn the
Year Opens September 26, 1927
Communion and sermon at 11 a. hot months when ordinary spinach
cubic inches, said to be tbe largest
of any motor in the present Oak­ m. Lindon Leavitt, brother of Ted­ I does not thrive so well.
For information or catalogue Write
The Regittrar, UnWertilÿ of
Oily cloths used in polishing
land price range, which, incident­ dy Leavitt, will speak for us. This
Oregon, Eugene. Ore.
Do not algn on the dotted line while
ally is lower than the models which will give you an opportunity to floors and woodwork are a serious
just proceded. The motor is of hear the pastor of one of the fire risk and should either be de-
contract by yourself where all is quiet Governors was organized with the the L-head type, and is distinguish­ largest churches in Sacramento, stroyed imemdiately after use or
and you are free from the personal in­ names ot prominent local citizens, ed by a new type cylinder head Calif.
kept in a tightly covered fire-proof;
fluence of the persuasive promoter, for among them two eminent Judges. No development in the General motois
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. container.
to sign without the calmest considera­ soener was the organization of the research laboratories which is de­ Topic, “Modern Prejudices to be
Whites or yolks of eggs may'
tion may spell your Waterloo finan­ board complete than tbe promoters, clared to eliminate detonation. Overcome.” Acts 10:34, 35. The be used instead of whole eggs in ■
armed with the endorsement of these Other keenly interesting departures recent Endeavor meetings are very making fancy white or yellow cakes i
and up
Unless dealing with a responsible
in the new motor are a new type interesting and helpful. Plans are or as an economy in using up
firm or individual, never sign on the
being made for as many Endeavors parts of eggs left over. For most
dotted line. If In the least doubt, ships. They got the members—but of harmonic balencer attached to
don't sign Never sign on verbal as the building ot the garages remained the front end of the crank shaft, as possible to attend the state con­ purposes two whites or two yolks
integral counterweights on the vention in August.
may be considered roughly
surances that you are fully protected. an Idle dream.
The evangelistic service will be
Terms stated orally but not Incor­
When the members ot the Board ot shaft itself, and the adoption of
porated in a contract are not binding. Governors were later Interviewed as a new type of fuel pump in place at 8 p.m. Those who attend know
Glowing promises, wild exaggerations to how they came to consent to the of the vacuum feed system. The of the splendid sermons we are
and gross misstatements of facts are use of their names they stated that they latter improvement, is declared to having: then toll your neighbors.
seldom reduced to writing or made tn thought the additional storage tacili be one which eliminates all trouble
Prayer meeting and Bible study
the presence of your witnesses. Your ties were needed in the downtown from “draining the vacuum” which Thursday at 8 p.m. The pastor is
failure to read and to understand a district and they signed up without
contract before signing is not a legal looking into tbe proposition carefully many motorists have experienced conducting a helpful study of Acts,
is now
excuse. When you sign a contract Imagine their chagrin when told that in driving on long hills with wide which is greatly appreciated
you proclaim that you agree with its a reading ot the by-laws of the or
terms and will abide by and endeavor ganlzatlon showed that the Board ot of fuel, automatically adjusted to now attending. Come enjoy
Governors had no powers but bad the needs of the motor, is supplied stu^'v with us.
to carry them out
used merely as scenery in order to the new pump.
The Berean class of young
Don't sign fust because some high been
We Specialize in
sell memberships in a fake proposi­
pressure salesman tells you that you to
The famous “rubber silenccd pie will have their usual party on
are a wonder, nr that you show good
Oak'and the river Friday, August 12. The
Because these prominent citizens chassis” design which
judgment, or that you have a lot of
pioneered is, of course, continued cars will leave (he home of Mrs.
sense. Sign only when you are fully failed to read and to investigate tbe
Ray at 2 p. m., returning at 8:30.
convinced that your interests are fully enterprise, hundreds of business men in the new car. Both on the engine This wil give those working either
and keeping them properly adjusted FREE of
bought memberships only to lose their her cushions absorb vibration and night or day an oportunity to at­
Prominent Men Used as Scenery
money. Signing without reading is
tend for at least 2'.a hours. Re­
A number of slick promoters re about the most dangerous act of add to the smoothness of the opera­ freshment arrangement is the same
You are assured the best of experienced mechan­
cently organ.zed In a certain city an financial carelessness that can be tion of the car.
In the Oakland motor, oil, fuel as last picnic. AU Bereans wel­
ical work.
"automobile club" with the assurance committed.
and air are all filtered. Air clean- come.—Church Clerk.
Tires and
| er, oil filter and gasoline filter are
THE FARMER’S BEST WAY OUT the same as the farmer, yet business | all incorporated as part of the
came through In a way that Is fat
ahead of the farmer. Thia has been standard design. An especially ef­ spread of rust ip the spring wheat
Dean Russell of Wisconsin College brought about through industrial fective method of crank case ven­ areas of both United States and
of Agriculture says: "Two things efficiency, through Improvement ot tilation has also been worked out,
have hit the farmer hard but the methods. They have increased la hot combining air pressure and suction. Canada together with moderate of­
same things have bit business. They output per unit to the degree tbe coots The outlet is so shaped and located ferings of winter wheat caused
wheat markets to strengthen gen­
are increase In cost of production of production have actually been re
Spring wheat
and decline lu prices which latter duced by better methods of carrying that the motion of the car keeps erally last week.
which showed most strength reflecting the
has been more drastic In farm pro on work. Industrial enterprises on a
ducts than manufactured products large scale are spending millions on draws the fumes out.
rust situation the outcome of which
The interior of the new Fisher depends upon the weather. High
The farmer's political friends say research In ten years autohioblla
salvation can be found through legls output per worker has increased 172 closed bodies reveals many interest­ protein brought substantial premi­
latlon Our legislative doctors pro per cent, tires 211 per cent, oil 83 ing changes. The pillars on either
Export bids advanced and
pose price control. The difficulty per cent, cement 61 per cent.
side of the windshield are much soft winter was strong on limited
with this Is price control always
“Compare that with others. The narrower this year, giving a max­
supplies of good quality, Pacific
means price elevation which always packers have Increased only 27 per
produces expansion in production and cent, sugar refining 28 per cent, boots imum clear vision for the driver. coast markets were quiet, Central
western barley markets declined
If this occurs without expansion in and shoes only 6 per cent. There has
consumption you have Inevitable de been an Increase in agriculture since and especial attention has been paid slightly but California held steady.
cline in prices. The remedy works to 1913 of 20 per cent It Is doubtful that to securing the greatest possible Corn made further advances.
produce the very opposite result business has any such opportunity as comfort in their design.
Good killer cattle,
from that intended.
One of the most beautiful feat­ especially lights were generally
exists tn agriculture to reduce cost
"Another legislative panacea would of production through improved meth ures of the interior decoration is
make it easier to borrow, as if run ode. Take corn.—Iowa shows a varia­ the new instrument board which steady with poorer grades tending
to weaken, A little broader inter- !
ning into debt was the solution of the tion In cost ot production from fifteen appears on all models,
It has n est in feeders was noted but trad-'
difficulty There are farmers who cents to seventy five cents a bushel. In
panel de­ ing is very limited.
Hogs were
wish it had not been quite so easy to Illinois the cost of producing corn on
borrow because the inevitable day 80 acre fields was reduced from fifty corated with bas-relief engraving, not too strong. Fat lambs came,
comes when they have to pay princi­ two cents to twenty cents a bushel silver-platinum finished, The center in liberal numbers on most mar-.
pal and Interest. The third legists The mantacturer who bad It within assembly consists of speedometer, kets and prices inclined to weaken
tive remedy would make easier the his power to reduce production costs gasoline g tuge. oil pressure gauge, slightly. Feeders were steady to
pathway for cooperative endeavor from fifty two to thirty cents per unit and ammeter glass covered and in­
All you have to do is to wave the would bo tickled to death with the directly lighted. On the left are weaker according to market.
Butter. The San Francisco mar­
magic wand 't'ooperatiou' and all the opportunity of meeting competition the lighting, ignition and backlrg-
ket was steady but at New York,
fartner'B difficulties will immediately under these conditions
the Chicago
disappear I wonder If there Is any
"The way out for the farmer Is (1)
government that can make people co to become a business man. (2) to right the assembly consists of the Hislop markets were easy to un-
operate The success of cooperative adopt business methods, to adapt combination choke and thpottle un­ settled with slight price ledine.
effort will lie in organization from the himself to the safhe kind of conditions its. .all engraved in the oak leaf Receipts and into storage move­
bottom up rather than from the top and be as efficiently mobile as is our motif and finished to match the ments are lighter but the shrinkage
down and It will take a decade or two manufacturer or our business man tn body hardware.
it production is irregular.
for the results tc be felt
the ordinary channels or. his trade.
The roadster model is one that Jsminary » estimates place the Aug­
"The farmers have at hand a (3) to rely V**s upon - political is certain to attract wiift approval
remedy that can be utilized Im promises and moro upon Individual in the new All-American line. Re­ ust 1 storage at 10 to 13 million
pounds ahead of last year.
mediately with the definite knowledge Initiative, (4) to work toward co
Light receipts continued I
that It will secure tar better results operative endeavor but In the mean markably attractive and sporty lines
If they will take a leaf out of present ■ Ime not to wait for cooperative on have been achieved, enhanced by to give some s’rength to ths cash
day business methods they wtll have deavor io solv, aP nt these problems the usual color scheme. Tires are mn.kets. but country trading was
relief In agriculture ’hey will not have because Individually he can do some
to wait for. Busiueaa baa suffered thing at tbe present time"
Beauty of New Oaklands
Proving Great Attraction
carried on the side, Spanish leather
with pillow type upholste ry feature
the roadster, the sport coupe and
the sport phaeton. Every ■ oee of
the seven body types in the new
line are notable achievements, and
the All-American Six promises to
be one of the most successful of-
ferings of the 1928 season.
centrai uarage
Open For Business
Relining; Brakes
Vernonia Stage Depot