K Thursday, August 4, 1927. VERNONIA EAGLE SIX Wm. Aspland spent Tuesday In Nance, L. R. Gillchrest, Ben Cline, Prosser, Wash., visited with Mr. j J. C. Lincoln. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill Tuesday Portland on business. were Mrs. Fred Brewer spent the and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sesseman week end in Portland visiting re- Portland visitors last week. Agents for potted flowers, fu- latives. Mrs. W. F. Cron is ter is now Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Scholls of ner“1 "««ths sprays, etc., at Ver­ Vernonia Camp No. 655, Wood­ employed at the Vernonia bakery. nonia Drug Co.—adv. men of the World, are planning to Agents for cut flowers—Verno­ have a basket picnic at Sheeley’s nia Drug Co.—adv. I grove on August 21. Fire Chief E. L. Smith plans A change in the management of to attend the firemen convention . the local Skaggs-Safeway store was in Portland. [ effected Saturday, with Mr. Rich- Mrs. C. P. Simpson and children] ards, , formerly of Portland, now have returned to Portland after installed as manager. spending three weeks with her A Woodmen of the World picnic parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. As­ has been planned for August 21. pland. Their friends and 10 neighboring Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Bateman camps are invited. Watch for fur­ returned from a six-weeks honey­ ther announcements. moon tour through the middle west I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elias, who have ern and southwestern states on been living in Astoria, returned to I Sunday. Vernonia this week, where they Columbia county voiture of the will make their home. Mrs. Elias $8.55 $y.00 Coleman Camp Stove ...... 40 et 8 organization in the Am- is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. $11.40 $12.00 Coleman Camp Stove ........ erican Legion plans to hold their A. Corey. next meeting September 6 at st. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sessman and $1.25 2 gal. Desert Water Bag ................ Helens. family returned last week from a 75c 1 gal. Desert Water Bag................ Mrs. C. S. Hoffman has re- three-weeks stay at Keasey, where ceived word from Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Sesseman has been looking $5.50 50 ft. 5-8 inch U. S. Rubber Hose the two boys that they have reach- after the power plant during the e4 their destination at Elk Point, absence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King $4.50 50 ft. 1-2 inch U. S. Rubber Hose S. D., after traveling 2500 miles. who were in California on their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill re­ I Card of Thanks turned Tuesday morning from a trip into California and southern We wish to thank our many Oregon. friends and neighbors for their >Vait! See Dr. Luzader Eye- . . I■...„ .....I sympathy daring ilic sight Specialist about your illness of our mother, Mrs. Cath- eyes. Regular visits here since erine McBarron. Mrs. F. McBarron and son. 1921; at Kullander’s. Next visit tf. September 12 and 13. Express Thanks for Aid Bellinger Hdw. SPECIAL PRICE ONE WEEK ONLY Buy now and SAVE MONEY 11 3&S Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Neal and son George, who have been visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mrs. Harry Veal and Mr. and Strong returned to their home at Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, Fri- DEPRECIATION Of Jewelry, Clocks, Optical Goods, Watches, Chains Rings, Necklaces, etc., increases like and Xrr. J. C. L’nd’ey and small son, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander returned Sunday from a week's outing at Diamond and Odell lakes in southern Oregon. COMPOUND INTEREST The American Legion Auxiliary have scheduled a dance for Satur- day night in the Legion hall. Since there has been no dance tn Vernonia for two weeks, a large crowd is expected. When they are in need of repairs. Good repairing is your cheapest in­ surance against probable loss. WE GUARANTEE Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Anderson and family are in Seattle, Wash., where Mr. Anderson is attending summer school at the University of Washington. He recently attend­ ed the convention of the National Education at Seattle. To render the best of service that can put your timepieces or jewelry in their best possible condition. H. W. Hand of Corvallis, sec­ retary of the Nebraska Picnic as­ sociation, announces that there will be a Nebraska picnic at Colorado lake, three miles east of Corvallis, all day Sunday, August 7. Free coffee for all, and band music, program. More than 1400 attended last year and more are expecte> year. It a **re“l re­ union of old friends.” Kullcinder's Jewelry Store The Square Deal Jeweler Mrs. Jack Nance was the honor guest at a shower at the home of Mrs. J. W. Brown Monday evening. Others present were: Mesdames J. P. McDonald, E. S. Thompson, E. L. Smith, Albert Childs, W. B. I Wilkerson, Wm. Aspland, J. A. Black. Ray Emmott, Opal Tressler, M. D. Cole, R. Sesseman, Clarence The Many Uses Of FIR KEGS Renders them an indispensible article in every H Classified Advertising household. Made of first grade wood, they are H FOR SALE—Pure-bred Jersey cow. Inquire at Home Grocery at mile bridge for Mrs. Clara Smith. 522* of the staunch build that insures many years of faithful service. Sizes 5 gallons to 30 gallons. H Priced at— H $1.95, $2.35. $3.55 There is no Substitute H FOR H Stone Crocks H If you need them at all, they are a dire necessity. We carry a complete line of high quality crocks, ranging in sizes from 1 to 10 gallons. Priced at H 30c Per Gallon z H N H H X H H H H H See Hoffman About It H "IT PAYS” H H HXHXHXMXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX Hoffman Hardware Co FOR SALE ORANGE PERSIAN kitten for sale. Write box 63, Vernonia Oregon. 521’ YOUNG PIGS for sale. Mrs. Thos. 1 Tettijohn. Keasey. Ore. 521* FOR SALE OR TRADE—Fine place on Rose avenue. Will take *i or *4-ton truck with delivery body and top. House No.. 956 Home after 5 o’clock. 503’ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Sue-1 cessful boarding house of 12 rooms. Old established business. Can I be kept full all the time. Excellent] location. Will take 4 or 5-room [ house as part payment. Selling on I account of ill health. Apply of Mrs. 1 Webster at 641 First street, Ver­ nonia, Ore. tf404* i The Vernonia posts of the American Legion and Auxiliary wish to express their appreciation for the help and cooperation to the following firms for furnishing supplies and costumes for the Ver­ nonia float at the La Grande Leg­ ton yarsde recently': Miller Mercan-' tile company, Workingmen’s Store; Oregon-American Lumber company, Johnston-McGraw Shingle company. Ashland—Pacific Lumber & , Shaleries company will build great oil shale plant. Gold Hill—George Blanch'n, of I Paris, France, pays $62,847 for I Bill Nye gold mine. (. Dee—K. Shido raises $7,000 J strawberry crop on 7 acres. Reith tier 's Leaders of Style and Quality Vernonia’s Progressive Store -Z ea economy an ositive garter No more embarrassing garter runs— Rollins Runstop—always red and always at the knee— gives you complete silk stocking satisfaction. Let us show you this new silk stocking recently announced in rhe oacurhay Evening ivst. No matici how many runs the garter may start, no run can go below the knee. Rollins Runstop is always red. Also as a mark of identification this label is on every pair right at the Runstop. ROLLINS HOSIERY Miles of wear in every pair Full-fashioned Silk AU Silk Chiffon Style No. 2020—pure-dyed, pure •Rk with Ude top. In the color you want. Style No. 2323—beautiful, clearly knit, pure silk chiffon. In the color you want. = Headquarters for Ladies’ and Children’s shoes Phone 801 Vernonia Oregon Mail Orders Filled Promptly Miller Mercantile Company STORES AT NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA STORES AT CORVALLIS HILLSBORO M c M innville MONMOUTH fi Why Our Business Keeps Growing Millers Buying Power Gives Them a Place at the Head of the list for Quality Buying. 2. Manufacturer’s are Eager to Name us the lowest Prices Obtainable. o Our Buyer’s are Trained men and know their business. o. 1. We mark our goods on the basis we buy them. o. We Eliminate a lot of red tape and unnecessary over­ head Expense. 6. We Give Free Delivery Service. Our Prices Speak for Themselves—We lead. i. 8. Watch our Grocery Department Grow. 9. Children Can Shop at Miller’s Store. 10. We carry’ the largest and most up-to-date Stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing and Men’s Furnishings in Ver­ nonia. 11. Watch our Hot Weather Specials. 1. MISCELLANEOUS LOST—Saturday night at mile bridge dance. Black leather bill- fold containing five dollar bill, drivers license and membership card I to the A.A.A. association, Finder may keep the five dollar bill if they will kindly return the bill­ fold and cards to S. G. Ratcliffe, at Eagle office. LOST—Pocket book) containing Lodge Receipt, driven license! and other paper« Reward for re­ turn. F. M. Ruhl. O.-A. office 521* Get the Habit—Trade at Miller’s Can’t Bust-Em Overalls .. Vernonia’s Leading Store West Coast