Thursday, August 4, 1927. FIVE | off. Premiums for high protein I wheat in this country were well 10 VOLUME 1 LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor l maintained. Pacific cbast markets : were more active with receipts In­ YOSEMITE he could get into it without doing SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE creasing and a fairly active de­ FROM COYOTE GULCH mand from Europe but little call Having seen the Yosemite Valley a Houdini?* I Yours for more truth and bus- (By Chapparal Charlie) from the Orient. Heavier offering in all its intrepid grandeur, the Bassmou^h Baker of Bullfrog of crop rye weakened the market, editor of the Catamount offers the] iness. SPARKPLUG SPARKS, Buttes was in our midst this week but corn held firm. New crop feed! following accurate and inspiring de- scription of same: The Yosemite' Ford Agent and Parts on Hand. on the lookout for a sheepherder barley was generally weaker on ! to take the place of a demised increasing receipts but the San Valley is a gouge in the face ofI LOCAL NEWS Francisco market was reported firm herder who ran afoul of a posse nature seven miles long ,a$l three Wild Bill Mullen writes that he| thousand feet deep. It is covered is making good in Chicago politics ■ a few weeks ago while he was with supplies below last year. Best with deep snow in winter and with and has been promoted to the skinning a calf that didn't carry malting grades were firm at all points. tourists and natives and dirt in machine gun squad. his brand. Livestock!—Some adjustment in summer. It was made several years I I Little Emily Hornblossom won , , . A representative of the Los An- nrvrx place with ago by a glacier which slipped 1 geleg watVr c was seen out a silver medal the other night at cattle markets took I western markets generally well sup- loose from its moorings and wen* in the middle wst a few days ago, the community hall for her essay pell-mell for election down the looking for a suitable place to tap on “It’s a Good Law, 1 But It’siPlied and a lighter run in eastern — ---- , markets with slight price changes mountain side, gouging a gash that Easy to Break.” * is worth going miles to see. The the Mississippi River. 7Snoot Simpkins is having more' accordingly. Hogs arrived in 11b- Snip Jiggs writes from New York glacier melted overnight and the that Jack Sharkey carried of sec­ than usual good luck with his po-I | eral numbers but the demand was next day the valley was opened ond prize in a recent exhibition of tato bugs this year and expects i good enough to bring about slight- * to tourists. to raise a smart sized crop if his ly firmer prices, Good killer lambs skill. were firm with receipts lighter in The falls of the Yosemite which Reports from Los Angeles state potatoes holds out until the bugs eastern markets but things were are composed of water in its nat­ that Aimee has arrived and has mature. ural state, are working night and her hands full NÊFAB i O u S PCAETCE / -SuÇELV K jnu T£, DEACON T heqe ' s a law against it /? oi ' m PlAVlN1 $10 ON REFORMED a HUNCH ”* f’ n’Q ■