FOUR nigraîion io Oregon BfingS Great liiCII (jf Subst3ilti3 ported a much larger volume of !n- qu ries from farmers seekim prop-' er y than a year ago. "’°Wha°r taTbe m accomplished in the The automobile registrat on at past through adv tising is being duplicat- Ortario also reports a substantial, « ed or excelled today by national manufac­ increase of eastern cars bringing turers and local merchants. A new fabric •‘ortland, special—That the tide people looking for permanent lo­ is made famous and given a national de­ of immigration to Oregon continues cations in Oregon. mand almost over night by widespread | to bring substantial farms of means Interest of Californians in Ore- $2 per year in Advance Issued every Thursday advertising.< A new automobile builds up an J ability is the testimony pre- ion is not confined to general according to William Farr a national demand r r itself months be­ se1 ted during the past week by firms Entered as Secon Class Matter, August 1, 1922 at the of Riverside, California. An old fore it is placed on isplay with the aid v; ious 0re8on commercial ^organ:- 'time cattle man now operating both Post Office t Vernonia, Oregon, under the ion secretaries to W. G. Ide, A t of March 3, 1879 of extensive advertí ’ng. in every com­ za | i : cattle rnnges of California and m aager of the land settlement de- munity uiuinvji there uicrr are air old uu; merchants aeivumiuo who vviiu have nave ; tment of the gtBte and Portland I Mexico, Mr. Farr consulted with N ' RK E. MOE, Editor ; the state chamber of commerce for retained a thriving i ade through many c> .mbers of Commerce, l information regarding the livestock years by regular av : heavy advertising! • rhe concensus of opinion of I business in Oregon. He asserted, BLE ED BE DRUDGERY or M’ho are building up prosperous bus-' \ th -ie engaged in land settlement ' that there was a reviving interest I inesses in new store-- >y the old rule “ad- wi throughout the state appears California cattlemen in their ’it is hard ' > believe. So many of those vertising pays.” Adv rtising has become tü be thnt the, results of the üe'¡ | ' among ■: t’-y, and that many are looking Win^c success cnwz.noo as *«,»’ tment p work are of ^creasing ' to Oregon with a view of engag- whose work s some form of drudgery just as essential t. to business va ue because of the large percen j l ing in the business here. complain abo t it, instead of being thank- service and a store! n. ta e of bona fide prospects among Croton’s system of land settle- ful about it, that the notion that drud- th ■ lists of inquirers furnished by gery is some ling to be escaped from if Hand office to the local or- r., nt is proving helpful not only GOING FOI. I TO SLAY dzations. Elimination of unde- to those who receive its benefits possible ha lecome widely diffused. prospects from the follow- in selecting a home, but also to Men comr: mly yearn to become rich An organization . > i sportsmen in a I ible work to be done by local com- other countries interested in col- not because ley may use their riches as ,-est ?rn state, has ., ?epted a list of 24 m! tees is saving expenses and er- < ■ ution according to Mr. Ide. Hu- a means of Tving their fellows but be­ birds and beasts th Its members, incited t and bringing worth while re- . go Miatello of Buenos, chief of the rural development department cause by m: ms of riches they may be with tempting prizes tffered by a powder [tu 1 ns. relieved of . e necessity of work. C. T. Baker, secretary of the of the Central Argentine railway, manufacturer, are g .g forth to slay, several days in Portland and Even the Scriptures themselves seem to These birds and nimals are outside! I dford Chamber of Commerce, spent ot >er parts of Oregon during the during the week ■ led on Mr. Ide 5 an evil. In the so-called treat work : the law, having no >gal protection, and reported very active land set- pi t week, studying the lo 1 nent v.-ork in Jackson county thods of land settlement. Mr. Mia­ alty that the Lord imposes upon the man trigger in a good c ;e, the creatures are « ere over 30 families have been tello, accompanied by E. J. Sierra San Francisco as an interpreter, and woman n the garden for their dis- called vermin and p. its. j lo i ated near Medford since the of is on his way from Argentine to t of May. J. H. Fuller, secre- obedience. These so-called v: iin shoots of hawks, ti. y of the Ashland Chamber of Europe, and was greatly attracted In spite of ill this, in spite of the seem- owls, bobcats, etc., e declining in pop­ another visitor during . by Oregon’s resources and her me- the author of Genesis that hilarity, as science i. revealing a balance Ci. amerce, ing opinion week, indicated that the per- tl ods of bringing settlers to is one of idleness, in which in the animal king-' n, which if destroy­ ; cc tage cf permanent settlers a- cupied farm lands. the ideal st: ¡Thr Urnumia Sigle M Thursday, August 4, 1927. VERNONIA EAGLE ommon level I y setting advertising to Er bread may ’ eaten otherwise than in the ed, the natural prey < ed birds and animais n- ng inquiring homeseekers was sweat of on brow, it is because we have listed that do not linister directly to i ater this year than last and To have sound apples aiv! pears to go morni after morning, through rain men’s welfare, bee te destructive pests Hand has located a number of and not wormy ones an Oregon d. irable farm families. Most of oiehardist sprays his trees with i a and through hine, to the appointed spot that cost the agricu: urist dearly. th >se settling in Southern Oregon; sc ution of lead arsenates the ex- and do the appointed work; because, and All the 24 birds i d beasts are known c: ne to this state from California. | p riment station repeats. The stan- only because, we have to stick to that to scientists as perfc ming some valuable! Eastem Oregon is likewise com- <1. (1 dilution is 2 pounls powdered work throu > ‘ the eight or ten hours, long funrtian contravening man’s right to kill, ir in for its share of the lively lead arsenate to 100 gallons of • of farmers. W. C. North,! r; ay solution. Four applications after rest w Id be so sweet; because the as even the English narrow and - the crow ill erest retary of the Baker Chamber' a e usual; in unusual seasons five schoolboy’s ’ 'sson must be learned at 9 are i.ioie than eamii ? their living in de-j sc of ’ite, recently called at are necessary for satisfactory pro­ o’clock and earned without a slip; be­ stroying aphides and cutworms.—Manufa-\i Comn state chamber office and re-' tc > tion. cause the .1 counts on the ledger must cture . square to a < mt; because the goods must tally exactly with the invoice; because TE ACTORS ESSENTIAL TO ROAD good temper must be kept with children, BUILDING with custome.’s, with neighbors; in short, without much matter what our work be, TV e'iw- it was the auto that forced i whether this or that, it is because, and good < < 8, or good roads that made pos-! onlv because of the rut, plod, grind, hum­ sible t’ 3 a it , Is of small consequence.1 dur ' in the work that we at last get those dertainly both are here. The United necessary self-foundations laid, namely, states has more than 20,000,000 autos— attention, pri mptness, accuracy, firmness, me for every five inhabitants, more than patience, self -denial and all the rest. 12 times the world average of one to 66. The whole make-up’ of the human being In addition to building thousands of show/, as so nobody has aptly said, that niles of new road annually, which can be we arc intended for activity. Behold the lone only by using modern tractors and ; millions of nerves, and the thousands of road equipment, the United States is sal-' muscles, in the body! aging and reconstructing thousands of W<. 1 . woi k, work! Produce produce, niles of worn-cut macadam, gravel, ce­ produce! Th’s was the cry of Thoma? ment concrete, and asphalt roads by re- Carly • and Carlyle was but echoing the urfacing the old base with a waterproof mandat ' of the natural law. Nature is course of asphalt concrete.—Manufacturer. not. : -,v to punish the shirkers. Those who li 1 by their wits; those who despise DOLLARS DO NOT GROW ON TREES labor i uul the laborer;) those who un­ dertake to overwork in order to be able The manner in wh’ch taxes are mount-! to live in g eater luxury without work, :ng and the staggering burdens they are these ; ? the men whom Nature delights putting upon all the people should give! to dish nor. They may build themselves concern to every individual who has any king's I ou -s and surround themselves interest in the future of our countiy. It tinues f servants, but they cannot de- seems to be easy to incur obligations and. ceive 1 r, a ind unless they come to her get into debt and correspondingly diffi­ obe. ? ly a i d consent to do the allotted cult extravagance and get free from our task, t ir diseased bodies and their un- bond warrant and interest burdens. occupie minds obtain a frightful revenge While federal taxes have been reduced upon them a*, last. by hundreds of millions since 1921, state! and local taxes have risen twice as fast THE WONDER WORKER as federal taxes have been reduced. Lo-. cal taxes of municipalities and districts of I Thei- is probably somebody in this one sort and another, which are organized i great couniiy who does not know that. on various pretexts for the purpose of lev­ ing pays,” but if there is he, or ying some new form of tax, are responsi-J “n advei ~ she. i. woe!.illy ignorant of American ble for the orgy we ; re passing through. I busine: i and commercial achievement, Every tax "dollar comes from the pock­ Those wo words, “advertising pays,” ets of the people. It does not grow on, form < ..e of the fundamental rules of money trees, "Every dollar wasted or spentj busine. and joined with “service” spell in necessarily is a dollar of capital destroy­ succes. to th 1 businessman who observes ed. It has ceased earning, developing and producing. them. al business Business and property cannot forever All of America's phenomer ] MOWERS their growth to endure this increasing drain, this steady enterp Lies c m trace * large ;• de advertising, By advertising.- connscation of capital.—Manufacturer. RAKES except nal y the trade name “Kodak” The censor at a New Jersey beach says the Eastman company gained preemin- SEPARATORS ence in manufacture and sale of cam- he has never seen a beautiful bather in eras and photographic supplies, Newspap- scanty attire that he did not turn to look. CULTIVATORS er advertising- and the poster board form­ Tsn't that just like a man! ed the ma fie carpet on which such pro­ PLOW^ ducts as W1 ’lev’s gum, Fletcher's Castoria It is said that gowns now coming into the Ford, the Victor talking machine and fashion make it possible for a woman to countless < thers soared to world-wide | dress in 55 seconds after spending three- Parts and fame and to fabulous wealth for theii . quarters of an hour deciding which one creators ai I advertisers. Unceasing and! to wear. Twine unbounded advertising explaii s why the American s-i\s “Kodak" for camera, Vie-! Vermont is said to have one of the t ola for phonograph. “Uneeda Biscuit” lowest reckless driving records in the for creeper and “Hershey bar" for choco­ country. Tn Vermont the driver is almost late bar. In every kind of business there' always going up hill. i ; some far - eeing and enterprising man’- facturer, distributor or merchant who Three-fourths of all motor vehicles are places himself and his product above the sold on credit. Riders pay as they go. Oregon American Lumber i company T* - Agency Vernonia Trading Co PLANER ENDS Oregon-American, de­ livered during July, August and September for $1.50 PER LOAD. Phone 253 W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 65i m ets every Monday night at seven thirty at the Grange Hall. Visiting m. mbers welcome. A. F. KOSTBR C. C. C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. A A. M., meets at Grange Hall every Second and X Fourth Thursday nights. / Nr ' Visitors Welcome McNeill, Secretary. I. O.O.F. - V ernon I a L od GB. N o . 246, m " its every Tuesdaj- night at 8:00 o'.lock, in Grange Hall O. E. Enstrum, N.G. G. B. Smith, Sec’t'y. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Meet» first and third Mon­ days of each month at the Legion Hall. McGraw, President Post Vernonia 119, . American Le» gion. Meets second and fourth Tues- days i each invnth.H p.m. II. E. Me- Graw, , Commander. Chapter 153, O. S. E. Regular communi­ cation firrt and third Wednesdays of each month. All" visiting sisters and brotl _is wel­ come. Tapp, W. M. McGraw, Secretary. S' 7 G o c VERNONIA GRANGE The Vernonia Grange meets on th i.i d Saturday of every month a .0 P. M. Any members of th inge living in or near Vernonia visiting in the community, ar ’-¿¡ally invited to attend. Mrs. Minnie Malmsten, Secretary MOUNTAIN HEART F "BECCA LODGE No. 243. I O.O.F Meets every second and Fourth Thursdays in Grange Hall—Vernonia Visitors always welcome Edna Kilby, N. G. MRS. IRENE SPENCER. Sec’y J. MASON DILLARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Next to Carkin Cleaning Works Heie Every Wednesday DR. ELLA WIGHT DR. C. J. WIGHT CHIROPRACTORS Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Troublas Delayed Menstruation LESTER SHEELEY Attorney-at-Law Vernonia Oregon DR. W. H. HURLEY DENTISTRY AND X-RAY Evenings by Appointment Office over Brown Furniture Store. Vernonia Oregon M. D. COLE DENTIST Vernonia Oregon tmark every grave ' Memorials in Granite and Marble At Reduced Prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. Fourth and MAin St. Hillsboro. PORTLAND - VERNONIA Truck Line INSURED CARRIER Vernonia Office A'. the Brazing Works Avenue. on Rose Phone MAin 343 Portland Office Auto Freight Terminal E. Water and Yamhill Streets \ Office No. It DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR