T Thursday, August 4, 1927. VERNONIA EAGLE TWO — __ r-C ing for Reed Holding in his pole immediately. At the new price lev-( This heating kills the seed germs ifornia rgister, but also many from camp. els, Pontiac is heading for a sure and spoils the seed for planting. | the middle west and east. Unlike place of leadership in the industry. Owners of young Oregon filbert those of previous years, travelers NATAL Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruddeman groves find it especially advantag- are now coming in large numbers and little son of Newport are vis­ “Intide” Information eous to cover crop them while the j through California and making iting Mrs. Ruddeman’s parents, Baked pears are a pleasant var­ trees are young, says the experi- j their goal in the northwest. “See Elmer Hiatt was visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iler, for a With a reduction in prices, af­ iation from baked apples. If the ment station. The difficulties of California first, but stay in Ore­ fecting all models, to lend further flavor is not very pronounced, a picking the nuts from among the gon” seems to be the new slogan. I on the Burn a few days ago. couple weeks. emphasis to its announcement, Pon­ little lemon juice will tone it up. grain and vetch of the cover crop! During the past month more The hay balers were baling hay tiac has scored an instant success The federal statute which makes Send to the United States de- often cause the grower to delay j than 175 families have interviewed Peterson Tuesday. with its new combinations of partment of agriculture for farm-1 seeding the crop until after the I the Portland office of the land for Frank leaving a camp fire or brush fire » coloring on all models of the line, ers’ bulletin 1471-F, “Canning nuts are picked. Too often that I settlement department before mak­ Oliver Burris was a Vernonia in or near a federal forest with­ and throughout the past week in- Fruits and vegetables at home,” | results in small growth. Effective ing a choice of farms in various business visitor Tuesday. out totally extinguishing it a crim­ quires about the new colors and before you are confronted with a cover crops will have to be used parts of the state. Most of these inal offense if national forest tim­ lower prices have been directed large garden surplus. Tom Johnston was a business berland is endangered, has been ■ sooner or later in the life of the families have been in correspond­ toward the Gilby Motor company, nov- grove, and this is more easily done ence for a year or more gathering visitor at the Burris home Mon­ upheld as constitutional by the su­ Cooked cucumbers may be a local Oakland and Pontiac distribu­ preme court of the United States. elty in your family. Pare and' and brings better results in the information and getting assistance day. tors. through the department and the In handing down the opinion of quarter them, and prepare as you early life of the trees. Mrs. Reed Holding is cooking the court, Justice Oliver Wendell For the first time, it has been would steamed squash. Serve with' Any Oregon clover field may local chambers of commerce in possible to develop many popular melted butter or a sauce if de-J suffer considerable loss of seed if order to make a proper selection for the crew at the pole camp for Holmes said: “The purpose of the Indian colors and color combina­ sired. act is to prevent forest fires which allowed to get over ripe by break­ of home on arrival. During July a month. I ing off entirely or breaking to 86 additional farmers indicated tions that are reproduced with in­ have been one of the great econom­ the wrong time of Miss Beatrice Perry and Mrs. ic misfortunes of the country. The It is never their intention of coming to Ore- teresting effects on the cars, ac­ pieces reports the experiment sta ­ Oliver Burris made a quick trip danger depends upon the nearness cording to an announcement frem year to start a budget or a sav- tion. It pays to get it_cut earlier gon with their families. R. Hornbeck, head of the loca] ings fund. Plan for the next month than this and put into shocks or From Texas a well-to-do sheep to Mist last week. of the fire; not upon the owner­ company. A quick summary of col­ ahead, and the next big expense bunches before breaking of heads man has recently visited the state ship of the land where it is built. you have to meet, and gradually Jim McMullen has moved his or changes in the Pontiac line and shattering of seed takes place. looking for a location. He states family in the Walter Turner house Taken in connection with the dan­ shows that bine, maroon, green and you will have enough accumulated that five or six of his neighbors ger to be prevented it lays down brown are the predominating col- to take care of what lies before INCREASED NUMBERS ARE in Texas have been planning io at Mist. a plain rule of conduct for any­ you. or*. move to Oregon for the past year one who seeks to obey the law.” Frank Peterson and son .Richard COMING TO OREGON TO LIVE Don’t throw away sour cream, or two but that he was the first made a business trip to Birkenfeld Calcium cyanide, a poison that “A feature of the new coloring Serve it simply clabbered for des­ Portland, special.—Through all of them to get started, The oth- Saturday. generates hydrocyanic - acid gas is the careful detail in which it sert, with powdered sugar, honey, when it comes in contact with the is carired into other parts of the maple sirup, strawberry or other the gateways of Oregon, home­ ers are now planning to follow. Miss Beatrice Perry was visiting air, is generally used in fumigat­ car and body construction,” he stat­ preserves, and a little sweet cream, seekers are coming into the state. House ferns attacked by scale ed. "Heretofore found only in the Or use it in griddle cakes, waf- Tourist registration bureaus and ' insects may be protected by fre­ in Vernonia with friends one day ing groundhog burrows. Take a heapirg tablespoonful of the cal­ class of very high priced cars, the fles, biscuits, muffins. cookies, or commercial organizations on the | quent applications of common laun­ last week. new coloring is used to finish the cake. Make it into salad dressing, borders of the state especially are I dry soap a quarter of a pound of Mrs. Reed Holding called at the cium cyanide (use a long-handled garnish rails and the instrument or use it as a sandwich spread, finding in the increased number! soap to one gallon of water report home of O. Burris one day last spoon). reach into the burrow at arm’s length, turn the spoon over, boards to match the body color, with chopped nuts or olives or of automobile tourists of this year j the .—! O.A.C. entomologists. The week. and < posit the cyanide in a pile and this same body color is also a good percentage who are inter- plants are washed thoroughly with in th- burrow, but do not scatter ested in Oregon farms. 1 - - used to finish head and cowl lights both. Delbert Eastman and wife were i this solution which is best washed To make good Iced tea you on de luxe models and the sport must first make good hot tea. Use Writing to W. G. Ide, manager, off about two hours after it is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. it. Then cut a square of sod, lay the flat side against the bur­ roadster. Duco is used throughout. Bert Eastman some time ago. half to one teaspoonful of of the land settlement depart- applied. row oneninf', and throw a few “The coach and coupe are fin­ , from ment of the state and Portland ' tea leaves per cup, according to! ished in Algonquin blue, with Men­ the kind of tea and the strength , 1 chambers, W. H. Doolittle, secre-' La Grande Swimming pool plan­ i Mr. and Mrs. Francis Crownon shovelfuls of dirt over the sod to ned here, to cost nearly $7,000. ! and two sons of Wheeler were prevent escape of the poisonous ominee straw colored striping. The preferred. Scald an earthenware <______ ____ I tary of the Ontario club, says:' , Sunday guests at the Burris home. gas generated. Treat all holes In landau sedan is finished in Minoc­ pot, put is the tea, pour on freshly j i “From 1922 to 1924 inclusive it I CHRIST FOR ALL-ALL FOR CHRIST qua blue, with striping in Manistee boiled water, and allow to steep I seemed that practically all of the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holce have this way. Check the work a week ivory. The window reveals are fin­ from 3 to 5 minutes, no longer. travel from the east had Califor-j rented the late John Bachman after treatment. Use calcium cy­ anide only in burrows occupied by ished in seneca red. The roadster Strain, cool, and chill, so that very | nia as the objective, but this year' home and are now living there. groundhogs during April, May, has wequetonsing green finish on little or no ice need be added at i it seems that the northwest is the' Frank Peterson and Mr. Grimes June, July and August, when the the body, and siskiyou red striping. serving time. Pass sliced lemon attraction. BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER The work that has1 "The de luxe landau sedan has and powdered sugar. been ■ done by the Portland and j If parent» will have their children memo­ went to Vernonia for a truck load animals are most active. Never rize a Bible »election each weeh. It will prooa of lumber for the grange hall keep the poison in a glass jar and ontonagan maroon on its body, fen­ To eradicate household ants, a state bureaus seems now to be do not leave the can open. Don't ders and splash apron, with siski- sirup poisoned with arsenate of bearing fruit, as many of these a pricelez» heritage la them in after year». Monday. keep the calcium cyanide in any you red striping on black body soda is effective where it can he men tell me that their neighbors' Eternal protection: The Lord Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding, Miss building housing either humans or moulding, Ottawa biege on body, safely used. To make it 1 pound are coming to Oregon as soon as1 shall preserve thy going out and Bertha Holding and George Hold­ and Algome brown on fenders and of sugar is dissolved in a quart they sell out, and they all have tky coming in from this time forth, ing were all visiting in Clatskanie livestock. It is a very dangerous poison. splash apron distinguish the cabrio­ of water to which 125 grains of had literature and are well posted »nd even for evermore. Psalm one day last week. let. The brown moulding is striped arsenate of soda is added. Use it on the state.” 1121: 8. Ashland—Last section of Klam­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson with Tacoma green. “One man told me,” continues! Prayer: after boiling and straining, on ath Falls highway at Keno oiled. and son Richard and Miss Cora “These colors are the first new sponges, placed where the ants will Mr. Doolittle, ‘that if all the peo-!“God win take care of y°u> pie he has met in various camps Thro every day, o er all the way; McCoon were Sunday afternoon development in newer appearances find it. visitors ot the Burris home. in the east came to Oregon who ^e . will . take care of you, on motor cars, and Indian color- ing effects are entirely new, but Farm Reminder* had told him they were coming or God will take care of you.” Natal grange met Saturday ev­ CAR GREASING highly pleasing, Women particular- To destroy pests id grain, beans wanted to come, we would have To whom shall you commit your ening with a large attendance. 75 CENTS ly, have commented on the im­ or other like product kept in the ‘standing room only.’ The scen­ way? Answer, read Psalm 37:23, They are planning for the Pomo­ and up proved appearance lent by the new home for culinary use the simplest ery in Oregon, the good roads of 24. na grange session here August 6. colors, and we have had approval method, says the O.A.C. experi­ the state, and the attractiveness Vernonia Service Elmer Hiatt was down from from every source since they were ment station, is to heat it in the of the farming valleys seem to CHURCH OF CHRIST Station Portland visiting with his uncle, shown for the first time last week.1 oven. It is put into pans which are be well known to them and I be-j (Christian) “Business was greatly stimulated j then kept in the oven for an hour be wll known to them and I be­ Bible School 10:00 “David Spares Oliver Burris, and is now work­ Saul” (1 Sam. 26) There is a by the price reduction announced, at a temperature a little below movement to the northwest.” last week. These new prices place that of boiling water. This kills! The same optimistic reports class for every age. Enroll now the Pontiac line on a new value all stages _ of insects from egg to reach the land settlement depart­ and study the greatest book in level, and are expected to be the! adult, after which ‘he material is ment from southern Oregon where the world. cause of a rapid growth in sales' stored in insect-proof containers, not only many tourists from Cal- Communion and sermon 11:00 “Upon the first day of the week when they were gathered together is now to break bread, Paul discoursed Announcing Th e with them” Acts 20:7. Sermon topic “The Poverty of Christ.” Christian Endeavor 7:00. “What Loes the Bible Reveal about God?” We Specialize in 1 Miss Helen Heiber, leader. Even­ ing Evangelistic service 8:00. “The Divinity of Christ.” Christian Endeavor Society will! and keeping them properly adjusted FREE of hold a candy sale near the Post I office Saturday, August 6. Silver j charge. tea Wednesday afternoon at the | You are assured the best of experienced mechan­ church August 10. Prayermeeting I Thursday 8:00 Book of Acts. Chou ical work. practice Friday 8:00. Tires and Expert Teddy W. Leavitt, pastor. Phone 226. Tubes Washing Central Garage Open For Business Relining; Brakes ALL - AM E RICAPT SIX ' JLotis * d west Built to meet every American demand for Reliability, Style Performance American—that’» the word I other word describe* it ! ★ * * American design. American lines. American endurance for the rouglx'st American roads—proved on General Motors’ great American proving ground and bn il t by \ merienn workmen using American precision-production methods! * * * A bigger, better, brilliantly beautiful car. New bodies by Fisher—new chassi“—new engine. New Mandardaof performance, endurance. and vahit— and . . . AElf l.OW PRICES! * * * ~ Low, graceful, fashion- able lines emphasized by sweeping full-crown fender*. Arresting new Duco colors, Rich new upholsteries. * * _ ..-DOO ¿TB 1 V M u I • A lunger, deeper, heavier frame, more rigidly braced. A new and softer clutch. A new and smoother transmission. New elements of steering ease. 4-wheel brakes for safety . Smaller wheels (19r), larger tires(29x5.50),alonger wheelbase (1 IT1”), and an exceptionally low center of gravity for better roadability. And a new engine of 212 cubic inches dis­ placement—the largest used in a ear of Oakland’s price. ★ * * A TB’A-ll». crankshaft, counterbalanced and incorporating the Harmonic Bal­ ancer—a «rankcase of bridge t russ con­ struction—Oakland's famous rubber silencing principle—anil a new combustion cham­ ber design from General Motors’ Research I-abor- atories. • * ★ h * Rta»ad»lrr • 0 4 i> <• •ihrL»lrti I 1 t-.l Value? None like it in all /America today! * * * In the chassis —new fác­ Laadau Sedan 91265 tors of reliability il n <1 Come In—and see this endtira nee—factors t luit latest triumph of Amer- ’ •4/1 prier* ntfactory. veie-cl prier* people have long hoped iii< <»• If minimum h. .i !ling (hargru. ica’s automotive' su­ to pev on fhe ti-.-rnl (mrral to get — but never in a premacy—the new Oak­ Motor* Time' ment Plnn. car of Oakland's price. land All-American Six! PROD U CT OF C E N F. R A I. MOTORS GILBY MOTOR COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon AGRICULTURAL NOTES Grapevines or similar vines ham­ per the growth of trees shading' out their foliage. American cooperative associa­ tions marketing poultry or eggs or| both have a total membership ex-; ceeding 50,000 and do an annual ’ business estimated at more than $40.000.000. Alfalfa, because of its high per­ centage of protein, is one of the most valuable pasture for hogs. It is also the most palatable hay crop for swine. A large paddock or lot in con­ nection with the stable helps con-, siderably to keep in fit condition 1 horses that are worked irregularly. | A series of sodded lots will be j found preferable, as, in addition to getting exercise the horse will I I be benefitted by the grass, which acts as a tonic. A supply of pure water is es- sential to the health of the fam- ily. Investigations indicate that about three out of four shallow ! wells are badly polluted, Wells and springs are fed by ground water, which is merely ■natural drainage. Impurities are carried into the ground water, sometimes, reaching distant wells or springs. The principal safeguards are clean ground and wide separation of the well from probable channels of impure drainage water. Only I when the surface of the water in I a well or spring is at a higher | level at all times than any nearby source of filth is there safety from impure seepage. Vernonia Stage Depot