Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 04, 1927, Image 1

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    Wrnxmia facile
Entered at Vernonia, Oregon,
Postoffioe as Second-Class Matter.
' Dining Room Is New
Feature of Vista Hotel
Smoker’s Code
By a rearrangement of the lobby
the Vista hotel a complete din-
Saloon Days Were
Harmful Io Youth
Before Prohibition
Tennis Tournament
Starts This Week
Council Passes
Weed Ordinance
The Vernonia Tennis club has
started their tennis tournament
this week to determine their team
rm morning
service for
r“ t the
oewwiisisawiswiwiM Tuesday
players for future
dation of their own guests and
with the Oregon-American team.
transient trade, according to Mr.
The drawings have been posted on
and Mrs. C. R. Twineham, proprie­ Need of Proper Education Shown Local Assistance Has Enabled tbe the high school tennis courts and
Park to bo Established in Verno­ the committee asks that all the
tors. A special cook has been em­
Persons in Tempting Young Folk
nia; Work of Foundation is Told. first round matches be played t>y
ployed, and it is said that a feature
the end of this week, It is hoped
of the summer meals will be a
July 25, 1927. (By Dr. Ella Wight. Chairman of that the finals will be played Sun-
great variety of vegetables.
To the editor: The many people
the Vernonia Park Board.)
The dining room has been taste­ who
Many in Vernonia are asking
fully arranged to give a homelike lieve that prohibition has started
The following ladies have been
appearance, and a kitchen has been dunking among youth would do “Wha* is the Harmon Foundation entered in the first hound matches:
equipped with many modern con­ well to read William Roscoe Thay­ and its connection with our city Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. J. C. Lin­
If Movement is Not Successful It veniences to give quick service to er’s life of Theodore Roosevelt, in play grounds?” Inaugurated in Nov­ coln; Mrs. J. C. Lindley, bye; Mrs. In Case of Failure to Observe
i patrons. Mrs. Twineham has re­ which occurs the following para­ ember, 1921, and incorporated un­ A. L. Kullander, bye; Mrs. Fred
Will Be Necessary to Close
Notice The City Will Cut
ceived many compliments this sum- graph concerning Roosevelt as der the membership laws of the Brewer, bye; Miss Helen Heiber,
National Forests.
Weed, and Asses. Lot
‘ mer on the attractive apeparance police commissioner.
state of New York in February, Mrs. Ada Warner; Mrs. K. A. Mc­
To the Editor: As you know, of her veranda and grounds, which
“The city of New York forbade 1922, the Harmon Foundation does Neill, bye; Mrs. J. N. Bush, bye;
smokers are causing more forest are resplendidly bedecked with the sale of liquor to minors. But not function for financial gain. Miss Kullander, bye.
Persistent demands by many
fires on the national forests this many colored flowers.
The Harmon family, composed of
Of the men entered In the tourn­ Vernonia residents that the council
this ordinance was so completely
season than any other class of
unobserved that a large proportion three brothers and four sisters, ament the following drawings have pass a weed ordinance forcing all
forest visitors. In 1926 35 percent Mount Hood Climbed By qf the common drunks brought be­ have formed this foundation and been made: A. L. Kullander, J. C. obnoxious growth to be cut to both
of the man-caued fires on the na-
Vernonia Young People fore the police court were lads give more than $100,000 each year Lincoln; Loel Roberts, M. D. Cole; improve the appearance of the
tional forests were due to smokers,
to thj girls and boys of America J. N. Bush, M, E. Moe; J. C. Lina- town and stop the spread of ths
A group of 11 young people and even young girls, to whom the for playgrounds and
Cine way of meeting this danger
scholarship ley, Ward Gooding; E. E. Yoe, growth of vegetation that is un­
is to close the forests to smoking, from Vernonia were all successful children, often the children of de­ loans. The efforts of this organiza­ Tom Brown;
Gilbert Bergerson, desirable, resulting in the passing
or, in emergencies, to close them in making the climb to the top praved parents “rushed the growl- tion are based upon a fundamental Herman Dickson; K. A. McNeill, of ordinance No. 163 Monday by
en*:"e!v to visitors We
T '»
Brod: H-lb .,
LatllUli -vll. wllli bv^a
fer to solve the problem through I ported goiid visibility from the out regularly to fetch their bottle tribution of service is more last­ Lawrence Dickson.
The ordinance states that any
education and cooperation if the j peak of the mountain,
or bucket or drink from the sal- ing value than a gift of money
Matches will be played for the I resident or owner of land shall,
public will respond.
The party left here at 3.15 Sat­ oons.
involving no experience of inltia- best two out of three sets for both during the months of May, June,
is puipvoe
For this
purpose the enclosed j urday afternoon and arrived at
these tive or sustained effort on the men and women. All first-round July, August and September of
has been
■ Cloud Cap inn at 9:30 p. m. Af­ breaches of the law, but the fram­ part of the group or individual matches not played by Sunday each year, cut and remove from
smoker’s < code
------ developed
------- .
by the state federal and private ter a restless night they arose at ers of the law had taken care to benefited.
at 10 o’clock will be forfejted to the half of the street abutting the
3:30 a.m., ate breakfast, and went make it very difficult to procure
forest protection agencies.
The work of this organization the player net present at that property, all weeds, thistles bur­
May we ask the full cooperation in search of their guide.
legal evidence of these breachs. began with the division of play time,, according to the committee. dock, ferns and other noxious veg­
At 5:45 a party of 12, consist- The public conscience was pricked grounds and through this depart-
of your paper, editorially and
etation, and all grass more than
otherwise, in presenting this Code i ing of Merle Mills, Gilbert Berger- a little when the newspapers told ment an effort is being made to Highway Should Not Be
10 inches high, besides all unsani-
to your reading public, in keep- son, Helen Heiber, Bodie Heiber, that one of the youths sent for ! encourage and assist growing towns
tary debris.
Used as Repair Shop
ing it before them during the i Bessie McDonald, Norman Green, liquor had drunk so much of it and small cities in the acquisition
An annual inspection of all pro­
period of fire danger and in ham- Della Cline, O. F. Burke, Ward that he fell into a stupor, took re­ of sufficient tracts' of accessible
One form of road-hogging that perty shall be made by the marshal
mering home to them the necessity Gooding, Veldon Parker, E. A. fuge in an old building and that land to be deeded permanently as is coming in for considerable con­ on and following June 30 of each
of reducing smokers’ forest fires Green, and an old gentleman 67 there the rats had eaten him alive. recreation sites.
demnation at the preseat time Is year and if a nuisance exists the
years of age whose name was not
“Whether it was before or after
to the zero point.
In the division of student loans that of utilizing the highway as a resident or owner is given 10 days
It is distinctly to the public in­ learned, started the climb guided this horror that chief commissioner a practical experiment in granting repair shop when something goes notice in which to remove the de­
terest that this be done. If this by Mark Weygandt and his assist- Roosevelt decided to take the law loans to students is being con­ wrong with the car. It is a type bris. Tf such nuisance continues to
into his own hands, I do not know ducted as part of a test of stud­ of selfishness which presents
a exist after the expiration
movement fails to “get over,” we ant.
They took the Sunshine trail but what he did was swift. The ent reliability in financial obliga­ very definite hazard and is one that days from the posting of
shall be forced to resort to forest
closures. The present dry weather over Eliot and Coe glaciers, which public engaged one of the minors tions assumed for college expenses. every motorist should make an es­ tice a charge of 50 cents
has brought many parts of the was the same trail that the Maz- who had been in the habit of go­ While the work o fthis foundation pecial effort tq avoid, says George or tract of land so posted
forest to the danger point, and ama accident of three weeks ago ing to the saloons to go for another at present is centered in these two O. Brandenburg, manager of the made against the property
supply an then testify. This pro­ departments, it is the definite pur­ Oregon State Motor association.
we can not afford to take chances. occured.
dition to the other amounts ch argè-
It was a 100 per cent climb. ceeding scared the rum dealers, and pose to take up other problems as
I feel sure we can count on the
“With millions of motorists on able against the same as provided
hearty cooperation of your paper; No one was compelled to turn back no doubt they guarded against be­ available funds are released for the road this summer, it is obvious by ordinance which will be enter­
further service.
and I am hopeful that a forceful or give up before they reached ing caught again.
that converting the highway into ed in the lien docket. The fee of
“But the victims of moral dry _ Iri,any growing town under 15,- a temporary repair shop in case 50 cents will not be charged If
appeal to the good sportsmanship the top. The climb was made in
of the smoking public will produce seven hours, which was considered rot held up their hands in rebuke 000 population where a responsible any minor trouble develops in the advance notice is given the city
good for the route taken. The and one of the city judges wept organization realizes the need of car is a hazardous practice,” says that the owner wants the debris
the desired results.
metaphorical tears of chagrin that setting aside land to be used In Mr. Brandenburg, “The greater removed by the city.
In cautioning the public against party arrived at the top at 12:45.
the police should engage in the perpetuity for recreational purposes volume of traffic, together with
carelessness with burning tobacco
The city marshal notifies the
awful crime of enticing a youth only, and will foster a plan for the fact that many states have
in the woods, equal emphasis should ranger at the lookout station and
recorder of all notices posted, and
purchasing such land, developing raised the speed limit for automo­ the latter mails notices to those
be placed on care with the burn­ were served with hot tea, which
“The record does not show that and maintaining it as a playground biles, makes this danger greater
ing match. Many smokers’ fires evi­ was relished by everyone.
who are not living on the pro­
With the aid of field glasses it this judge or any other had ever or recreational field, the Harmon than in the past.
dently start from matches thrown
perty. If anyone wishes to protest
done any thing to check the prac­ Foundation offers to contribute up
away while burning.
was possible to see a large part of
“Many motorists, however, ap­ the nuisance, he may do so In
Oregon, as well as the crater with tice of selling liquors' to minors, to 25 per cent of the purchase parently are oblivious of this dan­ writing to the city recorder, who
Very truly yours,
a practice which "inevitably led price as final payment.
the steam boiling from it.
ger. When a tire goes flat, in­ files the notice to be heard by the
thousands of the youth of New
The party stayed at the top
District Forester.
Dr. Ella Wight first brought this stead of pulling entirely off the council at its next regular meeting.
until 2:30 and then started the
plan to Vernonia by talking at the road they are content to stop on They will decide if a nuisance act­
Remember these were the “good
dangerous descent down the moun­
ually exists.
i old days” to which the wets refer Chamber of Comemrce luncheon, the highway and make the change.
tain, using the ropes as safeguards.
(For the Dry Season)
| when prsonal liberty and the sal­
Rainier Recall Election
Dangerous to Smoke:—
After passing the most dangerous
' oon stood hand-in-hand on
the the merchants and business men justment or other minor repair to
points the party was untied from
’'■'. lie traveling,
To Be Held This Month
street corner.
On forest, brush or grassland.I the ropes and slid for several
then through the city council com- but when a tire is to be changed
have been filed for the
Smoke Only:—
| thousand feet down the mountain-
pleting the purchase price of $1,- it is doubly hazardous because the
A. E. Veatch and
1. While stopping in a safe side, guiding themselves with their
operator requires considerable mov­
Publicity director, Columbia coun­ 600, the three acres on Rock Creek
place clear of all inflam-1 alpine stocks. The
descent was
ing around and the use of several Councilmen Vai Knauf and Ed
ty W. C. T. U.
Haugeberg of Rainier, and it is
great sport for everyone, All in-
mable material, or
Bridge street was paid for and extra devices such as a jack and
expected that an election will be 4
2. During or right after a dulged in skating and snowball-
named the Vernonia Harmon play-
car itself
heavy rain, or
ing. The distance from the top Many Business Farmers
is over on the edge of the road, called for sometime in August to
! ground.
determine the will of the people
3. Inside a vehicle on two- to Cloud Cap inn was covered in
Now comes the efforts of the if the punctured tire is on the in the case.
2H hours .
way highways, or
“Many farmers, being business Park board to develop this play­
City Marshal T. W. Finley of
4. Above timber line, and
The climb was reported to be men, keep a set of books to de­ ground, where all the people as ist will be working out in the line
the primary
5. After smoking, put out all a success by all who made the termine whether they are operating well as the children will benefit of travel.
cause of the recall movement in
lighted matches,
I ascent, due to the efficient guid­ at a profit or a loss,” said Frank by such a beautiful place for high ; “With traffic bearing down up-
that city, presented his resigna-
The law prohibits throwing away ance of Mark Weygandt, who has L. Robinson, assistant professor of 1 ideals in sport and through them |on him from both directions, nat-
tion to Mayor Veatc*1
any burning matches or tobacco, guided his 557th party up the ! accounting, in an interview for • the nobler ideals of life may be urally his position is
gerous to Finley's resignation said that he
or other lighted material in a for- mountain. The entire party retum- Oregon newspapers.
the direct result of normal health-, himself and to othe •r motorists.
appeared to be the ca use of all
est region.
| ed without injury and reported a
“Many accident, by this
If the business farmer is operat­ j ful play, and where it will be un-
Forest fires from smokers re- most enjoyable time. A trip never ing at a loss a properly kept set 'necessary for any child to grow | practice have been reported to tne the trouble in Rainier and as he
di 1 not want to embarrass the
suit from thoughtlessness and care- to be forgotten,
of records will tell him why he I up knowing nothing of the joy of j American Autotw 1
asosciatlon, administration he would resign.
They returned by way of Hood is losing money. He will compare ! playing group games or romping' with which this
lessness. They are on the increase.
ub is affiliated,
City Recorder E. E. Stucker was
Remedy a bad record by follow- River and the Columbia highway, the operations of one year with j in clean, properly arranged natural | and these reports
ing the above code when in the
—Contributed. those of other years. Thus, if he places where there are trees and f°r the terse warning issued oy unable to say what effect the
resignation would have on the re­
forst regions.
keeps his various enterprises seg­ {grass. Play is nature’s remedy of {the A. A. A., which read:
Labor Day Plans Made
call movement. The recall petitions
1 Toledo. Ore., Aug. 3.—Plans for
are directed against the mayor and
Columbia City Will
a big Labor day celebration at his money and which enterprises I as President Haroing' said, when road before attempting to make councilmen, and not the marshal,
Have New Sawmill Monterey beach, near Newport, in­ are profitable.”
addressing the Playground & Re. | any repairs to it.”
although Finley’s activities
A farmer need not lose all he creation Association
____ of America _t
been the principal bone of con-
Work of laying the foundation cluding a varied program of land
for a new sawmill is progressing and water sports, are well under
Ronald Gordon Dunlap, 8-year- tention. These activities, concem-
Professor Robinson, He may dis- with its spare time will have as
rapidly at Columbia City. The mill way by the 4L organization of the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ed with a strict liquor enforce-
continue unprofitable ventures and much to do with determining Its
is to be operated by R. W. Max- Pacific Spruce corporation here.
of Keasey was drowned ment policy, have been
future, in character at any rate,I
add those that are profitable.
meyer, Joe Vincent and Thomas J. F. Markham, general chairman
while wading in Rock creek Tues­ “pernicious and unwarranted”
of the celebration committee, stat­
Howard, formerly of Vernonia,
He was brought to the men who signed the recall move­
essary,” continued Professor Robln- work time. This is true of the day.
The location for the mill is ed today that special invitations
undertaking establishment
son. A record of all cash received, millions of individuals who do not
about a half mile south of the had been sent to all 4L members
its source, all cash paid out and, find the means of personal develop-
Representative Allen
Sibley-Mills Lumber company on in Oregon and that the Toledo lo­
The funeral will be held at 2:30
what it went for are enough. At ment in their work and it will be
Marrie« in Portland
the river front. It is near the pres-
gers and lumbermen in the state j the close of each year a state- true of the nation which more and this afternoon in the Evangelical
ent site of the Maxmeyer boom.
Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock
The boy was born tn
ment is prepared showing a list of
The mill will employ between 30 to come to Newport and celebrate assets and liabilities. From this he more depends upon that kind of Camas, Wash., and was 8 yean, A. E. Allen, representative to the
work and gives the worker more
and 40 men and will be put Into ■ with them.
7 months and 15 days old when legislature from Columbia county
determines his net worth and how and more spare time.
operation as soon as possible—Mist.
he died. Interment will be in the and manager of the Barbey Pack-
An unusual feature o^inected much he has gained or lost,
ing company of Rainier and Miss
’ with the tobaeco industry In the
“If he should desire to know the! Trees with straight, clear trunks local cemetery.
Oregon end other north Pacific United States is the fact that the profits or losses of any
Etta Williams, qf Portland were
particular ' are more salable than rough, llmby
filberts of the Barcelona type will government derives a greater rev­
When trees are properly
Miss Edna Owens was given a united in marriage in Rft study
enterprise he keeps a labor, re- wood.
be marked as North Pacific to enue from the manufactured prod­
port. If he has live stock a feed spaced, nature “self-prunes” the party on her 13th birthday at her of the First Presbyterian church.
distinguish them from imported uct than the grower* receive for
lower branches. But in small farm home August 2.
Those present at Portland, The ceremony was
record * will be _ usd."
..- -
Barcelona nuts. The DuCMUy and their crop. The farm value of to­
timber tracts with valuable kinds were Joy Bush, Lotifse Roberson, performed by Ref. .Levi Johnson,
other long sorts will be “ sold as bacco In 1925 was $234,000,000;
Chamber* LwaeWo. Today.
of trees pruning la often profit­ Mary Ann' Childs, Shelby Caton, After a brief reception the couple
Complete the taxes on manufactured tobac­
The Vernonia Chamber of Com­ able, especially if .|one during Helen Charieaworth, Marian Lind- left on a honeymoon trip by auto
grades have been established and co collected during the fiscal year merce will hold its regular bi­ slack times. The pruning of black ley. Audrey Johnson, Phyllis Wirts, for British Columbia.
copies will be mailed on request 1925 amonnted to $345,000,000.
monthly luncheon today at noon walnut, however, is probably not Barbara Dusten, Georgia Stankey
The groom has hundreds of
to C. E. Schuster, secretary-treas-'
in the R. R. Lunch. Reports wilt advisable beeauae of the danger and Edna Owens
A delightful friends in the eounty who tender
urer of the Western Nut asnocia-' Sosthern Oregon pear* will a
bo made on the Scappoose high­ of Increasing infestation by the time was reported by those pres­ to him and his bride their con­
tion, O.A.C., .Corvallis, Oregon. 1 for $50 a ton for canning.
way and the cemetery question.
locust tree borer.
gratulations and best wishes—Mist.
aw ndbui i u uQu
Weeds Must Be Kept Remoued
During 5 Months ot Year
To Avoid Closing Foiests
Notices Are To Be Posted