Thursday, July 21, 1927. VERNONIA EAGLE A Cadillac car that was found 1 gia McKee, Inez Powell, Sylvia agement and loyalty of member- made at the next Chamber of Com- to the enjoyment of the home, to be the property of Albert For- Turner, Marie Adams and and Mrs. (ship, success has resulted. merce meeting here August 4. Fresh fruit direct from the garden seth of Woodland, Wash., crashed 1 Stevens and Mrs. Throstud of ] Associated with this program of in a fully ripe condition has de­ Home planting of fruits of dif ­ into the bridge south of Vernonia Westimber, guest members. cided advantagos over other fruits commodity marketing must of nec- ferent varieties appeals to many The next meeting of the club will I essity come transportation and dis­ Monday evening and tore off 50 bought in the market, says the feet of the bannister. Deputy Sher­ be at the home of Inez Powell tribution. In many rural districts Oregon home owners. Some of the partment report. Ed. Holgate spent Tuesday In iff Leach and Constable Kelly con­ ! Thursday, August 4. I are found excelelnt farm-to-mar- advantages pointed out by the ex­ periment station horticultural de­ Oregon grows principally Portland on business. fiscated the car, which contained I ket roads thousands of miles of partment are the economic value of types of hay says a receipt some moonshine, and the next The Easterners I improved highways for the use of A. Corey was among those who morning arrested Walter Taylor as the crops and the pleasure of station report, alfalfa, periment (Continued from page) 1 of motor trucks and ample rail- attended buyers week in Portland. I having been one of the occupants. picking one’s own fruit. The for­ and grain and vetch mixtures, each year produce a surplus, and way service. There is also access mer saves expense of buying fruits Some clover and grass hays are 1» distant markets through ocean thus supplied and the latter adds likewise produced to some extent. M. Murray was a Portland but« The others have not been appre- diversify instead with livestock,' 1° | hended yet. dairying, fruit, vegetables and j traffic and the Panama Canal. iness visitor yesterday. other cash crops that may be mar­ Farm organizations have long Have Your Eye* Examined Lard barrels for sale at the Ver- keted profitably. Diversification , been important factors out here. j >®)R‘s,l>r. Luzader eyesight special- such as this has helped solve the 1 The Grange leads all others in nonia Bakery.—adv. z^’>~ist will be at Kullander’s seasonal labor problem. I membership. The Farm Bureau and Mrs. Maud Webster and family j Jewelry store Vernonia on Mon- The third type of farming that . Farmer’s Union are strong in some Cleveland have moved into the day and Tuesday Aug 1 and 2. is leading to greater farm income ; sections but their growth during house on Rose avenue. 1 When all who wish can consult is irrigation. When thoroughly un­ the past five years has been ham­ Leaders of Vernonia’s 1 him about their eyes. Please make Miss Bernice Reed formerly of appointment with Mr. Kullander to derstood and intelligently practic­ pered by lack of organized effort Progressive Style and ed irrigation lessens the hazard State agricultural colleges and ex­ Vernonia visited Miss Frances Tis- j avoid waiting.—adv. Quality Store of a bad crop year and assures a perimental stations through their dale last week. Charged With Di.orderly Conduct steady annual production. . Under I extension service, field projects Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mellinger J. G. Marklund of Camp Mc­ irrigation it is possible, moreover, and economic surveys are contri­ spent Sunday at the Seaside Gregor was arrested by Marshal to carry on a wider range of farm buting to the practical and scienti­ fic side of farm life; state gov­ beach. Kelly Saturday night upon the com­ operations. The price of good farm land as ernments are liberal in their ap­ plaint of two women who claimed with pre-war prices propriations to these institutions. iîr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson of that he had annoyed them after compared Oswego were week end visitors in the dance. He pleaded not guilty shows a depreciation of from 10 Our rural schools are worthy of Vernonia. in the recorder’s court Monday to 25 per cent, with preBent prices special comment. Illiteracy hardly stable. exists, Consolidation of school dik- Mr. and Mrs. M. Murray i and morning. He was fined $10 by Taxes? Yes, they are high here tricts has taken place with the Judge Reasoner. family enjoyed a day’s outing 1 at as everywhere, but the problem is advent ' of good roads, and here the Seaside beach Sunday. A meeting of the county of- being taken in hand. Alive to i apd there are found county high Fast colored ginghams. Asso ted styles, medium Born: To Mr. and Mrs. R. N. ficers of the W.C.T.U. was held the conditions since the deflation in schools where agriculture is taught 1920 our state goverenments have an d where farm boys and girls are Mrs. at the home of the president, Raymer, July 18, a girl. The little and large sizes. All are neat'y tailored and be- Effie Wilson, Friday, July 22. been following the budget system given a training in terms of their * lass has been named Lois Jean. Those present were Mrs. Maud A. in expenditures of public funds. ]jfe work. comingly trimmed —Large ar ortment of colors Mr. and Mrs. A. Corey and fam­ Kratz and Mrs. Inda Kelty, Clat- J Tax commissions have been doing Thousands of farm boys and 1 work ; economy programs ' skanie ; Mrs. Theolinda Strong and ' ily spent Sunday at the beach at girls are engaged in club work. SPECIAL 69c nie Maimsien, Malmsten, Vernonia;, bave been instituted in rural dis- There is scarcely a local county or Mrs. Minnie Seaside. Mrs. A. I Congdon Columbia City; |tricts by supervisors and favorable state fair where boys’ and girls’ ~ ■ •_ i-' results are beginning to appear, exhibitions are not to be found. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. E. M. and Mrs. Genevieve Jungers, Rain- Robinson, July 10, a girl. Her name ier. The < county ____ reports showed! While our taxes are high they | Modern transportation has made is Dorothy Alice. real progress ana and accoinpnsnnienrs. accomplishments. , are --- not - increasing -------- •••=> and the out- it possible for our farm people Columbia county has the honor- of i l°°k *s encouraging. I to attend city and town churches. Miss Georgia Fairbanks is now being the first county in the state 1 Farm tenancy with its attendant . J There are few rural churches in employed as clerk in Reithner’s to send in the complete state bud- baci results is a question that has this region. We have just received a new line of infants ap­ store. get. A county picnic will be held Ino^ concerned this new country to j Throughout all this vast agricul- parel that will delight every mother. Maderia ------- August * ---- - • 16, “ in ’ the -■ . Cole-'any extent. ownership we 1 I tural domain known as the Pacific Tuesday vc. In land . . dresses, bibs and pillow slips beautiful designs Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Black and man Auto park, St. Helens. This show a high percentage, much 1 there has come a spirit family have moved from their for­ park is on the Columbia highway. b‘®ber than in the Middle West' northwest hand embroidered. Priced at $1.50 to $2.50. In­ o f I vf cooperation that bespeaks mer home on Rose avenue tt> a All W. C. T. U. members and east and south. fants Flannette gowns, kimonos and petticoats I growth in the worth-while things. house on Third street. Movement from the farm to the trimmed in pink and blue all cut full size and well their friends are cordially invited . It has brought about a fuller vlew- j city is stationary, with a definite | point of the possibilities in the fu- made at 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c each. Dr. Clarke, the EYESIGHT to attend. j settlement program under way iu I ture and a resolution for progress SPECIALIST, at Hotel Hy-Van The Women’s Relief Corps held all states, 1" that cannot be downed.—Farm & Monday, August 1. 1 Consult him a picnic in Sheeley’s Grove Tues-1 I can recall a few < years FOR BEAUTY’S SAKE AND SERVICE back , Fireside. about your eyes.—adv. day noon. More than 20 enjoyed when the Pacific northwest was largely a buying region. Today In Mother’s bread you ’get ev­ the day’s summer outing. Change in Fees all of this has changed. It has erything that you expect in a high From page 1 Glen Williams of Rainier was a Fashions latest colors at popular prices an annual surplus of farm products the party thought it might be done quality loaf. Ask for Mother’s Vernonia business visitor Tuesday. to sell. Naturally, then, attention for much less. It was the concen- bread and accept no other kind, adv ....... . that , it v would „uulu be De Columbia county Pomona grange is centered and has been for a ■ sus of opinion Mrs. Belle Goodnight, who suf­ number of years on a marketing1 practicable to have a market road will hold its 96th regular session i Mail Orders Phone 801 Headquarters fered a slight stroke of paralysis program of surpluses. | running directly from Vernonia to while working at Reithner’s store with Natal grange on Saturday,] Take, as an illustration, the poul- Scappoose through Chapman and Filled Vernonia for Ladies ’ and recently, is now recovering. She August 6. Secretaries of subordin-1 try industry. Three states through thus open up this rich new section Promptly Oregon Children ’ s shoes is with her husband in Estacada. ate granges are asked by Lillian' their cooperative marketing _ asocla- , 1 to > the new settlers coming to Daniels, secretary of Pomona, to — ~ Oregon and looking for just such We are having fresh loganberry send in their reports in time for tions controlled oy poultrymen market annually close to twenty places. A detailed report will be' pie every day. Thick, juicy pies the meeting. million dollars’ worth of eggs, 7 5, and only 25c each. Enjoy them Fred B. Jones, agent of Sherman, per cent of which commands a pre­ now while you can as the season is short.—Vernonia Bakery. adv. Clay & Co., piano tuner and re­ mium on eastern seaboard markets. pairer whose office is at 2625 E. Many other commodities arv Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lindley and 49th street, Portland, will be in marketed by cooperatives through Mrs. A. L. Kullander left Monday Vernonia Friday and Saturday. local units. These units harvest for a fishing and outing trip at Leave orders at the Eagle office. and grade the product, then fed­ Diamond lake. They plan to stay —adv. erate and market through a sell­ one week. ing exchange. The whole idea has Fred B. Jones of Portland, piano been to put intelligent business Let us supply you with the tuner and repairer, who will be STORES AT STORES AT methods into the merchandising r “eats” for that picnic or fishing in Vernonia the rest of this week! Pacific northwest farm products r CORVALLIS NEWBERG trip. A host of good things to select served his apprenticeship of seven HILLSBORO as to secure a reasonable prof’ SALEM from. Vernonia Bakery.—adv. years in England. He also sells' above the cost of production. M c M innville SHERIDAN pianos and music at the Highway­ MONMOUTH VERNONIA Wherever four cardinal princi­ The Crawford garage has been pharmacy in St. Helens. ples have been kept in mind, vol­ making extensive improvements re­ * ume, proper financing, good man- cently. A new cement floor has Church of Christ been laid in the rear of the sior- (Christian) age room. Lord’s Day July 31st. Bibic Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke Op- school at 10:00 subject: “David FOR SALE tical Co. 304 Salmon St. Portland, and Jonathan” I Sam. 18 and I» FOR SALE—A sedge green Pon- chapters. Ore., EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS, tiac landau sedan, run less than Communion and morning worship will be in Vernonia all day and 2000 miles, at a bargain. Apply evening, Monday August 1, at the at 11:00. “The Will of God in the at Eagle office. 501* Christian Life. ” Christian Endeavor Hotel Hy-Van. SEE HIM ABOUT at 7 :00 “ Great Missionary Chara ­ YOUR EYES.—adv. FOR SALE—late 1925 Buick cters.” coach in A-l shape mechanically. G. W. Roberts, district i freight Evangelistic service in the even­ and passenger agent of the Union ing at 8:00 Brother Leavitt will Bumpers and motometcr. Will trade r»citid system at Astoria, was a speak on “The Ninety and Nine.” for light 6 coupe. Price $950. In­ Vernonia visitor Monday. Prayermeeting Thursday at 8:00 quire Wm. Devine, Hotel Vista. and choir practice, both Bible school The fololw-ing party of and church choirs, Friday at 8:00. nonia young people plan to FOR SALE—Gasoline stove, same Another Baby Blanket Size 36x5C Babv Blankets, Size 30x40 Mount Hood this week end: O. F. EVANGELICAL CHURCH as new. P. H. Kaphammer 306 69c 49c Burke, Glen Hieber, Helen Hieber, Rev. C. C. Poling, presiding el­ Rock Creek street. 501* Merle Mills, Bessie McDonald, der of the Evangelical church, will Wn rd Gooding, Norman Green, preach Saturday evening at 8 FOR SALE OR TRADE—Fine Gilbert Bergerson, Della Cline and o’clock and hold the quarterly con­ place on Rose avenue. Will take Anna Rea Webster. or %-ton truck with delivery ference. body and top. House No.. 956 Sunday Don't forget that wV accept, 503* Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Rev. Home after 5 o'clock. special orders for any occasion, Mr. Poling will preach both at birthdays, weddings, parties, etc. FOR SALE OR TRADE—1 4-room Each order receives our individual 11 n.m. and 8 p.m. The < quarterly house in Block 4, lot 2, East side and careful attention and you will! communion service will be held addition, will sell or consider a be pleased with the finished pro­ after the morning service. The Evangelical League of Chris­ trade-in on Roadster or coupe. For duct in both loks and eating qual­ Childrens Cotton Bathing Suits Childrens Straw Hats tian Endeavor will meet at 7 p.m. particulars write D. J. Pankratz. ity. Vernonia Bakery.—adv. 474 25c Mrs. Testa Garner will be the lead- Box 385, Vernonia. 50c Work on the tennis courts of er. FOR SALE—2 Registered Holstein the high school is practically com- West Way Club Meet* Bull calves, good breeding. pleted and with the advent of B. V. May. Ladies Hose Black and The West Way club of Vernonia Hanson, Birkenfeld. Ore. warm weather much activity is Ladies Voile Dresses colors seen nt the game. The new tennis met with Mrs. Ina Nelson at West- Timber Thursday. A delightful FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE — Sue club plans to conduct an elimina- 50c $1.00 cessful boarding house of 12 tion tournament in the near "future luncheon was served by the host- to determine who the best players ess. The table was beautifully de­ ro