Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, July 28, 1927, Image 5

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    Thursday, July 28, 1927.
reap their biggest harvest of mo-
torists’ money during the touring
The warning was issued by Geo.
John D. Rockefeller celebrated O. Brandenburg, secretary of the
a recent birthday by giving a- Oregon State Motor association, on
way another dime. Mescal Bill says the basis of reports from the Amer­
John is getting so reckless with ican Automobile association, with
money that he can give away a which the local club is affiliated,
dime without batting an eye.
1 and which is broadcasting the in-I
Bearcat Boone says that if formation that the high pressure i
Henry Ford breaks into print a- sa
esjnen of “gyp” clubs
___ are un-,
_ i_____
gain the Chicago Tribune will win UhUaHy active throughout the coun­
that suit yet.
try at the present moment,
According to the papers Edna,
Wolf Hopper, the 63 year old flap-1 “This is the harvest time of the
per, has decided to give some of
solicitor, declared "Mr. Bran­
her ex-husbands another chance to denburg. "As concrete proof of
make good and remarried one o c- f their seasonal activity, the A.A.A
| and its affiliated clubs are reeeiv-
them recently.
Cube Root says two hundred ing daily a heavy quota of let­
thousand dollars worth of wire and ters from people who claim that
equipment have been placed in the they have paid our representatives |
Black Hills so that President Coo- | sums varying from $5.00 to $32.50 j
lidge can keep his ear to tiie ! and sometimes more for this, that,
| or the other service which they
Rattlesnake Ike says that Al were promised, such as membership
Smith, who takes his straight, has I cards, emblems, maps, signs, tour
come out for light wines and beers. books, and stating at the same time
j that the contract was never fulfill-
| ed.
“About all we can do in each
“I understand you had a quiet I case is to inform these people that
wedding up on Roaring River they were apparently the victims of
t’other day,” said Bearcat Boone.
fakers and to call attention to the
“Well,” answered Mescal Bill, fact that neither the A.A.A nor1
“bein’ as a jilted lover of the its member clubs collect money in
bride got huffy and tuck a coupla advance for advertising or service
shots at the groom, an the groom’s services of a similar character.
dad wiped up a good sized stretch
nr +teo mountain side wit*- *■*”* <”s-
consalute rival, I would say, off­
hand that the wedding was a
a, uh comparatively quiet affair.
(By Wampus Pete, the Silver Pen­
ned Poet of the Sierras)
In his lodge sat Kalli-Kooli,
Sat and smoked a Pittsburgh stogie
Sat and smoked and heard in silence
All the voices of the forest;
Heard the sighing of the pine trees,
Heard the chatter of the bluejays,
Heard the Great Bear of the Moun-
Whooping loudly,
By his side in stoic silence
Sat the Ancient Arrow-Maker,
Sat and listened to the murmurs
Of the Five Winds of the Prairies,
That blow tidings, sometimes pleas-
Sometimes filled with Wrath and
Kalli-Kooli broke the silence:
“Tell me, Patriarch of Phophets,
Tell me Ancient Arrow-Maker,
Of the dope the Five Winds whis­
Then the Ancient Arrow-Maker,
Scarred and slashed with many
Rose and spoke in accents thusly:
“On the East Wind I hear voices,
Voices that betoke contentment
With the many things that noware;
And the North Wind and the South
«,re sitting Dretty.”
Kalli-Kooli then retorted:
“Can the chatter of the East Wind
Likewise ditto with the North
Rave not of the Solid South Wind;
Tell me of the Middle West Wind:
Break the news and break it gen­
Tell me what the winds are fetch­
From the lands of the Dacotahs,
From the prairies of Nebraska,
And from all the Farming Region,
Up to and including Kansas.”
“That,” the Arrow-Maker answered
Is an equine that I know not,
And of quite another colot.
Though I hear discordant voices,
Still I cannot say what’s coming.
Though the tribes in those rar
Have their faces striped with war
They have not yet voiced the war­
Many arrows fill their quivers,
Many bows are strung with venom.
Wait until they see you coming.
Till they get you in 'the open,
Till your eyes the whites are show­
outright by the Yuma Chamber of
Commerce for publicity purposes.
Bearcat Boone's pet rattlesnake
has been operated upon for ton-
Centipede Clark's famous racing
hound won the last lap in a bowl
of milk today.
Scotty MacPherson suffered a
slight stroke of paralysis Sunday
when the collection- plate was pass-
Alf Stude took a renewed in­
terest in life Tuesday when a
rattlesnake struck af him.
Mrs. Bearcat Boone had the mis­
fortune to break a valuable ce­
ment flower urn this week while
backing her car out of the garage.
Wild Bill Mullens writes from
Chicago that the story of a martyr
to a recent political campaign in
Chicago beinp riddled with bullets
was grossly distorted, as the body
was examined and ortly fourteen
bullet holes were discovered.
By a superhuman effort on the
part of the Los Angeles water
company, the Owens Eiver was pre­
vented from flooding the valley
this year.
Boyle Degg, who expects to go
.iivG V. e ir.o.ies, lu.u a preliminary
tryout before the grand jury Tues-
Art Check, who was released
from jail a few weeks ago to get STONE BRUCE HOUSE
married, has asked for a reprive.
Rattlesnake Ike, who has been
The beautiful and pretentious
imprisoned twice for bootlegging, two room-without-bath residence
has come out flat-footed against which Stone Bruce is building out
a third term.
of a lot of pine slabs that he
Stokes Cole was badly cut by a bought from the saw mill on Roar­
barbed wire fence Saturday night ing River at next to nothing and
while making a hurried exit from that on time is nearing complet-
a watermelon patch.
ion and will be ready to occupy
Nate Heath writes from Dayton as soon as the walls are finished
that he was arrested Friday for and the floor and roof laid and
chewing gum on the streets.
the windows and doors installed.
Ellis Poppin, who drew to a Stone will occupy it with his grow­
royal flush and missed, in the pok- ing family as soon as it becomes
er game last Saturday nighi, has habitable and will rent his other
offered his piano for sale.
house which is overrun by rats and
Miss Goldie Boone won the blue stray dogs to the first taker.
ribbon in a bathing beauty contest
The new house is modeled after
and will use the material to make the pioneer style of architecture ex.
a new bathing suit.
cept that two joints of stovepipe
The nortnal flow of Mud Creek will penetrate the heavess instead
was materially decreased Wednes­ cf ene. The site of the new .home
day morning when Stone Bruce is on Jackrabbit Run. where that
filled his radiator.
famous i
Harve Ilepson, who went te Mussel Slough. The froht porch,
Florida to get in on the ground which is
contemplated but not
f'oor of the boom, writes that he started, , commands a wonderful view
will return to Cactus Flat just as
le rising sun can be seen
soon as he can save money enough in all its golden beauty by anyone
The Catamount has concluded an 1 to btiy a ticket.
who cares to get up that early,
exhaustive investigation concerning j Quite a number of the residents Wat< er will be bucketed into the
that story about the man fromlcf C i ,fus Flat and New York we’*e house from a pump in the back
Yuma* for his overcoat. The lie' ■canning the heavens a few nights yard.
The living room will be eon-
was manufactured out of the whole ago as the comet approa iched.
ted to the eating roorti by a
m etecl
cloth and has no foundation in
An Eastern scientist, i who was door which opens both ways and
fact. Besides which it is untrue and in Cactus Flat recently looking will not be in danger of
maligns our western heat in an for the missing link, got insulted i demoli.-hment when the complete
nnfrvr and unscrupulous manner, when A’”
J him a -h starts.
never had a case of that sort.
: freesewood shrubs will beautify
_____ _
The incident happened in Bakers-
Cube Root has gone in for
art, I the grounds until Stone gets time
fie’d C-Ifo-nia. mJ was s’olen with plumbing as a side line.
I to grub them up.
G ilby M otor C o
Goodyear Tires
State Laundry Company
We call and deliver TUESDAYS and
FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Wells,
Tailor, Phone MAin 891
Better Control Sought
.'the Others suffer loss in milk pro- ment station and state college re-
For Dairy Cow Abortion ''u't'‘,n-
jcently to inspect instructional me-
| This man, says Professor Brandt's thods and facilities for teaching
Inquiries on infectious abortion reP>y> probably got serious con- soil lore and to take samples of
and nutrition of cattle coming in tam>nation and infection into idsj soils from the station fields while
into the
dairy’ ae-
de- . , herd through purchase of animals examining state crops and methods
uuu-uai numbers
iiumuei!, iinu
tne oairy
partment of the experiment station
_____ 'or carelessness of neighbors who j of scientific farming, . Some 200
indicate * permitted infected animals
from Oregon dairymen i..^_..
’ to get' were in the party and they ex-
that th- investigation program es-I 1 'n*° contact with some members pressed keen satisfaction w.n, con-
tablished at the instigation of the ,
the herd, i Such carelessness is' ditions at the college and with the
state dairymen's association was on
the biggest factors in spread scientific handling of. soils and
well founded, says P. M. Brandt, I of infectious abortion as it results methods of farming in the parts
professor of dairy husbandry. The *n infected animals wandering along of the state through which they
ravages of*the disease, for which the highway or getting into a passed. They took liberal soil sam-
nWthods of control have been fairly I neighboring pasture., Such, as qc- pies home with them where they
well worked out by the station, are | curance will almost ruin the breed­ will run them* through various tests
in the home laboratories and there­
depicted in letters from one of ing program of any herd.
which the following excerpts are
It is hoped that when further by. learn much of Oregon condit­
information is available plans now ions.
In the herd of a coast county being worked out by the station
farmer 17 out of 24 cows due to i W‘H make it possible for the state Car Owners Warned Be On
freshen in the spring aborted. Cal-1 livestock sanitary off Mais to im- Guard for “Gyp
■ along
ves five to nine months
and *'------
Prove control and prevent such
Local ear owners are strongly
none saved. Great difficulty in get- violent outbreaks of the disease,
ting any
these animals pregn-
Soil scientists from nearly every warned to be on their guard a-
ant since.’ Probably a number of European country and itete in the gainst fake solicitors of so-called I
them will never become freeh’-erhile Union visited the Oregon experi- "gyp” motoring organisations who
•V» if* »i • J «»H I.