VERNONI \ EAGLE Thursday, July 28, 1927. Ûltr Urnuniia rfaglr Issued every Thursday Entered as fi nd Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the Post Of:, e at Vernonia, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 .IARK E. MOE, Editor THE CANADIAN THISTLE The cog ing in Co Canadian accordance legislature, each resi< share tow that depr; When ti is scatters tions and ' the rich s crops and plant pest TH y court warns all persons liv mbia county to destroy the listles on their property, in with the laws of the state It is little enough to ask of it or home owner to do his I destroying this noxious weed ites the value of crops. thistle becomes ripe the seed by the wind in many direc­ e plant will grow on any of ■ of the Nehalem. Help both ppearances by destroying this henever it is seen. CREED OF A FOOL I am a ool. I believe that fire is a regrettabh accident which occurs in the other mar house. I believe that my own ee from danger, although I house is take no p ■caution of any kind. If I stopped to .hink, I would realize that my house is ct n as other houses are, but it is unneces ry for me to think about such matters. r. he other man should think deeply. I believe that fires are caused by care­ lessness, the carelessness of the other man. I b iieve that I am a privileged character. I throw matches about, cast away half-1 ghted cigarette stubs without looking to ee where they fall. I believe that I can do things without impunity. So far I have not been arrested for arson. I helieve that the other man is negli­ gent. He is culpable and deserves to suf­ fer losses caused by his own stupidity. A special providence looks after my home and place of business. I believe all this, without any guaranty of immunity from the attack of fire. I have no surety that fate has not nominat­ ed me fo< membership in “the club of other men.” But, as I have said, I am a fool. ITS BENEFITS UNIVERSAL Ma y people have not learned to look upon advertising in the light of the real- istic rhymster of an olden time who pen- ned Inis famous verse on advertising: Go 1 rth ir. haste; with bills and paste Proclaim, to all creation, That men are wise who advertise In every generation. In large part the public regards adver­ tising -is I ing of possible advantage to th« »..verti er for which the consumer faj«, «nd et the facts prove otherwise, ime and ' gain has it been shown that well judged, properly conducted and per­ sistent advertising inures to the benefit not only of the person who attracts at- Klamath Falls—Labor u lions buy U. P. Ha» New Ferry tention to his wares in this manner, but $7,000 site for $40,000 1 .bor tem- A new ferry on the Columbia PLANER ENDS also of the community. river between Astoria and Megler ’ pie. ¡I Oregon-American, de­ After interviewing large numbers of ¿hat carries passengers and auto­ l i livered during July, distributors as to the economic effects of mobiles has recently been installed, Firemen Buy New Hose advertising, a Committee Of the national oy the Union Pacific system, , ac-i The Vernonia fire department I August and September cording to G. W. Roberts, district' recently purchased 100 fact of new II for $1.50 PER LOAD. distribution conference reports: Phone 253 reight and passenger agent, who 1H inch fire hose at a cost of "Broadly speaking, it would seem that .vas in Vernonia Monday. $75. The money for this purpose where the advertising creates an increas­ The ferry has a capacity of 30 was furnished by the firemen by ed demand for products of a certain class, automobiles and 250 passengers. It giving entertainments. Insufficient W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 655 a wider distribution of such products— inks Astoria with North Beach, money was allowed by the budget meets every Monday night at seven in other words, makes new business, South Bend, Raymond and points., committee last year tc cover the | thirty at the Grange Hall. Visiting •lorth. There are six round trips' expenses of the fire department bringing about lessoned distribution costs made daily and eight Sunday. it was said, and the firemen have | members welcome. A. F. KOSTER C. C. and lessened production costs owing to endeavored to buy needed equip­ Arrested in Pool Hall C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. increased demand—there can be no doubt ment from time to time out of i ar- Andy Raymer, a minor, was money raised from other sources. [ as to the value of such advertising, not ested Friday by Marshal Kelly for Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. merely to the concerns that pay for it but playing pool. He was fined $5 by St. Helens—Cornerstone laid for F. & A. M., meets at Grange also to the public that consumes the ludge Reasoner. Hall every Second and l-.'W $35,000 Pythian Temple. goods.’’ Fourth Thursday nights. I Four in Front Seat Visitors Welcome “Bill and paste have given way to A. Greenberg was arrested , 1 ' Portland is ninth among Ameri- _ can cities for May volume of build- McNeill, Secretary. newspapers and magazines and those Marshal Kelly Saturday for allow- “who advertise” are not only wise but ng four persons to ride in the ng. altruistic and philanthropic, for by help­ ront seat of his automobile. He Gold Beach — Rapid progress ing themselves they are helping others. Ii vas fined $1 by Judge Reasoner. I .nade on Pistol River bridge, Roose- I. O.O.F.— V ernonia L opge , No. 246, West Linn—Union high school v®It Highway. being remodeled at cost of $15,-1 Gold Beach—Work begins on new 900. ’ ! Dunham store building. Your town boost-1, you. Why not do as Seaside—Work will begin at Condon—New town of Kinzua well by the town as it does by you? No once on new $25,000 west side will soon have logging railroad and Kinzua mills. citizen is so powerful, none so humble,1 vater system. but what the town is an aid to him in Marshfield—Heavy demand made Condon—New power line service for Oregon myrtle wood for furni- some way or other. will be installed by September I. ■ ¿ure. The food that ha eats, the clothes he Our Country spends annually for Klamith Falls — Weyerhaeuser wears, the recreation and amusement that I ■ompany will rush plans for great candy and tobacco more than the he enjoys, all originate in the town, be­ amount of its entire electric bill. cause the money w th which they are pro­ i pine mill. Specialists have found that the Astoria—Market road to Svensen cured is made there. vili be built of asphalt type con- meat proteins not only have ns When a fellow boosts his own town he rete. high food value when eaten in a does not stop there. He is performing an mixed diet as when eaten alone, but County inspectors find that they greatly increase the nu­ act that improves his own condition, for ;ot Klamath a single case of bovine tuber- tritive value of the cereal or veg­ every good word and every good deed1 ulosis. etable proteins. Thus the proteins has its elevating influence. Grants Pass — Famous Green­ in the bread of a ham sandwich A few people a e always home town back mine sold to Los Angeles become more nutritious when eaten boosters. They accomplish much in the buyers. in combination with the meat. way of community betterment, and this St. Helens—Lumber shipments Forest Grove—Banner loganberry improves the condition of not only them- "or week ended July 9 are 3,700,- crop being raised in Western selves, but also of those who do no boost­ 000 fe< t. Washington county this year. YOUR TOWN AND YOU ing at all. If every citizen would constitute him- sell a home town booster the result col­ lect, vely would be many times as great, and opportunities for self improvement would 1 j £ more numerous. ' Jink it over in your odd moments. The 1 get into ‘ the ‘ boost wagon and ' ' hit ' the pace. O regon= “When I hear a man tell of wonderful adventures I do not believe him, my own life has been so commonplace,” saye E. W. Howe. Here is a man in his seventies condem­ ning life for being humdrum and monot­ onous. The editor of “potato hill” is but one of many. In every walk of life there • are men and women finding life too com­ monplace to be interesting. They are not entirely tired of life but are extremely bored. They work, eat, sleep and attend' a social function or a lodge meeting now1 and then and hope for the great adven­ ture which never comes. What Howe and others like him are pitying themselves for lacking others are extracting out of the commonplace things of life. The inventor, the scholar, the bus­ inessman and other workers make their work an adventure by putting romance and imagination in it. Making a success out of life is excitement and adventure every step of the way. The ordinary happenings of the day as­ sume the proportions of an Arabian Nights adventure in the eyes of the ro­ mantic and imaginative. Noh the special prier o* $3.00 J ir Iwo years. GRANGE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DR. ELLA WIGHT DR. C. J. WIGHT CHIROPRACTORS Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Troubles Delayed Menstruation LESTER SHEELEY Attorney-at-Law Vernonia Oregon DR. W. H. HURLEY DENTISTRY AND X-RAY Evenings by Appointment Office over Brown Furniture Store. V ernonia Oregon McCormic Deering Agency MOWERS RAKES SEPARATORS CULTIVATORS PLOWS Expediency: The polite name for a bit of crookedness that seems essential to a profit. Genuine i. H. C. Partsand Twine And yet we doubt if red theories have done more to retard civilization than red j tape. I r 153, O. E. S. Regular communi- cation first and third Wednesdays of each month. All visiting sisters and brothers wel­ come. Ucssie Tapp, W. M. '.cona McGraw, Secretary. Lumber Wouldn't it be great if all grouches were as bad off as they think they are? “American g’rls are selfish,” says a writer. But when you ask one for her hand you usually get a whole girl. > 4ehalem Next to Carkin Cleaning Works Here Every Wednesday Fine motto: Don’t look for wider fields until you cultivate those you have. Addi ess and fourth Tues- days i each month. 8 p.m. II. E. Me Graw, , Commander. J. MASON DILLARD ■j This is the age of speed. Wouldn’t it be great if next winter were to come this summer? Vernonia Post 119, . American Le* gion. Meets second I I ___________________________________ Nn me E. McGraw, President Meets every second and Fourth Thursdays in Grange Hall—Vernonia Visitors always welcome Mrs. Edna Kilby, N. G. MRS. IRENE SPENCER. Sec’y American The flapper thinks a grand piano is one that plays by pushing a button. Enelo> / /s (Si.iHl) (X.i.on) lor which piense e iter one itvir's (tuo itvirs’) subser'/ lion lor The Vernonia lìagle to po i o > I he lollowiiifT .nlilnss; "''pfriw' REBECCA LODGE No. 243. I.O.O.F I 1 EKNONlt EAGLE Meets first and third Mon- days of each month at the Legion Hall. MOUNTAIN HEART ADVENTURE Some men are wise, some are otherwise. Sulmcr phon Urtier lilaiht AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY The Vernonia Grange meets on th ■econd Saturday of every month a 7:30 P. M. Any members of th ’■range living in or near Vernonia or visiting in the community, ar ■ordially invited to attend. Mrs. Minnie Malmsten, Secretary Weather forecast: More summer. 4 meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 o'clock, in Grange Hall O. E. Enstrum, N.G. G. B. Smith, Sec't'y. VERNONIA vcina 1 I-, Vernonia Trading Co L r M. D. COLE DENTIST Vernonia Oregon MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in Granite and Marble At Reduced Prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. Fourth and MAin St Hillsboro. Truck Line INSURED CARRIER Vernonia Office \t the Brazing Works on Rose Avenue. Phone MAin 343 Portland Office Auto Freight Terminal E. Water and Yarfihill Streets ¿Ast 822« Office No. It DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR 4*