Thursday, July 28, 1927. VERNONIA EAGLE FARM REMINDERS The Majestic Home planting of fruits of dif­ ferent varieties appeals to .many Oregon home owners. Some of the advantages pointed out by the ex- periment station horticultural de­ partment are the economic value of the crops and the pleasure of picking one’s own fruit. The 1'or- mer saves expense of buying fruits thus supplied and the latter adds to the enjoyment of the home. Fresh fruit direct from the garden in a fully ripe condition has de­ cided advantagos over other fruits Irene Rich appears as a tem- bought in the market, says the de- pestuous Spanish noblewoman i of partment report. a century ago in “The Climbers,” Oregon grows principally two her lat< st starring vehicle for types of hay says a receipt ex- Warner Bros, directed by Paul L. periment station peport, alfalfa, Stein. F>.rrest Stanly. Myrna Loy, and grain vetch mixtures, and Anders Randolph, Clyde Cook, Dot Some clover and grass hays are Farley, Flobelle Fairbanks, Hector likewise produced to some extent. Sarno and Joseph Striker compose Much of the crap is marketed in the supoprting cast. “The Clim­ bales which may be made to grade bers” a Warner Bros, production higher and bring better prices by comes to the Majestic theatre next bailing good hay and doing a good Sunday. job of bailing. Lime helps crop production under Comedj is the essential thing in film entertainment—this fact Is ad­ certain Oregon conditions not alone mitted by most producers. First by sweetening acid soils but by National Pictures is living up to conditioning root membrane for ab- the theory with such high-grade sorbing essential plant food nut- laugh-getters as “See You in Jail,” rients, says Dr. W. L. Powers of which comes to the Majestic the­ the experiment station soils de- atre next Monday Jack Mulhall is partment. It helps neutralize acids featured. P.ay Rockett produced the and toxins not alone in the soils film and Joseph Henabery held the but likewise in the plant tissues. Some available lime in the soil megaphone. solution at every stage of the plant “Drums of the Desert,” adapted growth. Liming has caused marked from Zane Grey’s “Desert Bound” increase in nitrate formation in will be shown at the Majestic the- trial plats at the station, atre Tuesday and Wednesday. Ad- Best plans for control of bee vance reports call it bigger than diseases in Oregon call for acknow­ any W estern which has yet been ledgement of the present disease made with two possible exceptions, situation in the state, say3 II. A. “The Co cred Wagon” and “The Scullen, bee specialist of the ex­ Vanishing American.” The picture periment station. Most keepers deals with those same Navajo In­ know only the situation in their dians who played so large a part , own neighborhoods or at least in the Richard Dix vehicle. Only bounties. American foul brood is in this production, however, it is present in many of the districts and the redskin who finally comes out knowledge of the fact would be on tap. useful in preventing further spread. Vetch and oats for Oregon sil­ How Naw York entertains itself age is best put into the silo as between the exit marches of the theatres and the parade of milk soon as possible after harvesting, The farm crops department of the wagons in the early morning is experiment station says. Leaving vividly revealed in “Broadway this crop in the sunshine for sev­ Nights,” Robert Kane’s new film eral days before putting it up featuring Lois Wilson and Sam causes increase in weight and feed Hardy at the Majestic Thursday value. Sharp knives and ample and Friday. power are required to handle the Tillamook—Modern concrete bus­ material which is heavy and which may otherwise cause a great deal iness structure being built here. Klamath FaU^—Great Northern of trouble. Railroad to begin work at once on Garibaldi—New road built to Klamath rail terminal. Garibaldi Beach Hotel. A prisoner in the swamps, ac­ cused of stealing diamonds from the mine where he is foreman ; stripped of his decorations and I drummed out of the French army, wrecked on the shoals of a pas­ sionate love! Finally winning hap­ piness and honor once more. This is an outline of the adventures of Milton Sills in “Framed” at the Majestic theatre Saturday. It is a First National Picture. Notice of School Meeting’ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of Union High School District No. 1 of Columbia county, State of Oregon, that a school meeting of said district will be held at school building, on the ¿Oth Qay of August, 1927, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon for the pur­ pose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board, an