VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, July 28, 1927 always wanted sometfilng beautiful in my home. And with Aunt Araminta’s legacy to spend, I wasted no time in having this one room made perfect, It is, isn’t it? There wasn’t enough, though, for pictures, and I begged that old print from Dick. Simply begged It. for he was determined to buy Bill a rndlo with the money. A I radio would only draw a lot of hnvq into the house, too—look how they (£) by D. J. Wal»h.) ali flock to the Salmons. So I made INTA BASSETT raised the It plain that this room had to be far right.” window shades just enough to let in what she “Yea—If you’ll step out first I’ll thought was . 11.iicicnt light io draw the shades again—these dra- r.-j display to advantage her newly fur­ per les will fade I’m perfect!y sure. nished parlor. although the decorator assured me ‘‘Though they call them living rooms they would not. You’ll stay for sup­ 4 now, Dora, I had that decorator at per, Dora?” the Golden Rule do everything exact­ No. Dora would not. Somehow the ly right. It cost a pretty penny, too. nlr of the house seemed like a funeral. Amazing increase in Pontiac Isn’t that a handsome shade of lav­ That closed room with its long swoon­ Six value made possible by the ender in those draperies?” ing draperies of lavender silk. Its shin­ economies of the world’s new­ Dora Hilton said yes, very nice In­ ing tables and tanestried chairs had deed. And tightened her lips a bit made her unconsciously look about for est and finest motor car factory as she said it. She had noted the the hearse and mourners. absolute neatness of the room and 1 1- Xn. J’!l bn getting b:v’; .ar mere wondered how Mima managed It with home. It’s quite a drive over to beautiful Pontiac Six at butp >-tr : reductions two such active youngsters as Bill Leesburg and I might have an acci­ was an unexpected sensation. Due to increasing and Belle Bassett. dent after dark—the new road isn’t production in thencwSl 2,000,000 Pontiac Six p’ant, “You must have just finished here, nearly finished, you know.” savings were being ci. ^ctej. And these were passed Minta? An hour of one seventeener Accidents and evil chances loomed to the public together with the additional value like Bill would turn the whole ¡»lace high after that depressing best room. of new Duco colors! upside down, and from what I can see, Living room? Dining room. Dora Belle Is only worse. That mahogany Now the Pontiac Six is the only Icwpriced gloomily thought. table is beautiful, but a session of six offering: Bodies by Fisher—the largest engine She was still conning over the lesson-getting with calidy and gum used in any six priced up to $1,000—and an oiling dreary things which trooped through as assistants would make the top look her mind as she steered her little system which forces 250 gallons of oil an hour like the map of Europe after the I car down the side street which led through the engine at 35 m. p. h.l World war. How do you—” 1 to Leesburg. She fo o-i reed t'» Imr- These are only a few of the features which reveal “How do T? Why. the ’d?a. Dora! , ry a bit to r :ch h i.;e by even bed We don’t use this room for common. ’ time and she had planned to stay all how much MORE you get ui toe rontiac Six at The dining room is plenty good enough night with Minta and have a good, new low prices! for a couple of young animals like old-fashioned visit. Neto Lower Prices on Ail Poster ver Cry Pcdv Types . ... ‘.V t x<> tn.r.k she could change so over Coupe - - $745 Sport Caoriolst $795 the quality of this rug—the best of 1 a few hundred dollars spent In fur­ $845 Sport Roadster $745 Landau Sedan its kind, the decorator told me. See nishing that room, it was suHi a cozv the shades in it—like the insides of i place before, with the faded, humpy De Luxe Landau Sedan $925 hyacinths. A regular picture! I’ve sofa and the sleepy-hollow chair that Pontiac Six De Luxe Delivery, $585 tn $770. All price» at factory, Delio- ered prices include minimum handling charges. Easy to pay always wanted something like this— petted every tired bone to rest as soon on the General Motors Time Payment Plan. beautiful—to come and look at. as one dropped into it. Oregon ?No, Belle, you can’t come in. I’m i “And now they sit In the dining just showing Auntie Hilton the new I room ’ — GILBY MOTOR COMPANY room. I “No more of those jolly sings they «upper? Ind<>ed “The girls up for ; n.«c hay crop being harvested here. Harrisburg—New section of high- pleasant n the Imi Elkton—Bridge across Umpqua way costing about $7,500 o til! River iis place will cost $29,- completion. vnu nt home. ONLY for Oregon myrtle wood for furni- for week ended July 9 are 3,700,- ture. 000 feet. 1 St. Helens—Cornerstone laid for Klamath Falls — Weyerhaeuser company will rush plans for great new $35,000 Pythian Templ^ pine mill. Portland is ninth among Ameri­ Astoria—Market road to Svensen can cities for May volume of build­ will be built of asphalt type con­ ing. crete. Gold Beach — Rapid progress Klamath County inspectors find made on Pistol River bridge, Roose­ not a single case of bovine tuber­ velt Highway. culosis. UNFADING FLOWERS feSS I M Gold Beach—Work begins on new Grants Pass — Famous Green­ Dunham store building. back mine sold to Los Angeles buyers. Condon—New town of Klnzua will soon have logging railroad and St. Helens—Lumber shipments Kinzua mills. Our store has a larger stock of this week to buy women’s wearing ing daily. There will be Many New Bargains for Saturday and Monday The store with the fairest prices. Compare qual­ Vernonia, ities with those found elswhere. ^lie New and Finer my?“ Beile had t Bill was *i: been enlarged to accomodate goods. We went to the market the latest goods in men’s and apparel. New goods are arriv­ Corey Economy Store i Central Garage is now Open For Business ¿te § We Specialize in 4 Penning Brakes and keeping their, properly adjusted FREE of charge. You are assured the best cf experienced mechan­ ical work. Pounds Tires and Tubes Store Remai " open ur.til S p.m. Saturday till 10 p. m. L41AL4À O p till 10 p. m. Richards and Clapshaw Goes Out Of Business 500 Spools thread all colors white and black included ?5c 8 spools ................................... 27x40 Double Thread Qfic Turkish towels BUY THESE FOR $1.00 8 yards hope muslin ............. $1.00 8 yards unbleached muslin .... $1.00 2 yards 9-4 Pequot sheeting.. $1.00 8 yards cotton challies............. $1.00 Silk Bloomers ....................... 89c Silk Vests ................................. 59c 300 Nashua Blankets 64x76 g5c all colors, your choice ....... $1.00 SILK HOSE, 3 pairs OUTING FLANNEL, $J.OO 8 yards _________ __ ____ — 1 ■ ■ i .'I DRESSES $3.50, $5.00, $7.00 Ladies Hats 10c $1.00 Ladies Coats $5., $7.50 $2.95 $14.75 V 4 m A, v • i • t W 1»* ’ j ¡12,000 worth of mer- :handise must be sold 1 3uy $5.00 save $5.00 :OME TOMORROW Richards & Clapshaw vvitii Its curtains that fade and the flowers that Hie sun will chase out of the tapes; ry I I wish we hud our old I prior—and fun. and candy-makes and 'lances! Belle ne'er listened to t'.iese fast guys before—and there's plenty decent ones If we could stay at home." Dora resolutely forced back the tears that came to her eyes as she helped Bill get Belle from the large machine into her own small roadster. “I’ll take her home—and 111 make sure that her mother sees her first. You can bring that car. if you like. Bill. Only keep on being as sensible as you are now.” Sensible? Dora fiercely wondered If there was any sense tn the world any more. Lavender hangings, hyacinth tapestries. Imported rugs were of more value than the Immortal eonla of a boy and girl. She said something IQte that and a great deal more te Mlota B a sse tt while she was helping get Belle to bed. What she said hurt, but It cured, as such things do. When she went heme the neat day sbe had the satisfaction of seeing the “living roosn" door wtde open and a crowd of Jolly boys and girls admiring and envying Bill's new radio set. just ln- .tall eg that momiag. BUI hurried out to beg cay with her and as he gave her a farewell hug. whispered: “Gee! Auntie Hilton! Tou'rw the best ever! Not only on account of that dandy set. but because moth* Is human again.. She never said a word when I spilled the eandj box on that ehair. "You bet you. home’s good ixiw !“ It sounded Uke it. Doga reflected as ape started away to the tune of happy laughter. And It was worth doing without that new set of ehtnts end paper for her own living room. Kven la an old maid's rooms, she thought, there should be only unfading fiowera W«t Linn—Union being remodeled Seaside—Work % school 115 - 000. once Forest Grove, Oregon. high at cost of on naw will $25,000 begin west at side water system. Marshfield—Heavy demand made Expert W ashing r ' j “Kills 'em dead ” flies.mosquitoes,roaches,inoths Í ■Í I * 1 i it »1 it