Entereu al \ emonia, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-Class Matter. La Grande Hosl To Legion Horde VOLUME 5, NUMBER 51 VERNONIA. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1927. Construction Starts on New Telephone Building I From Birkenfeld Team Scappoose Men Want New Road Work started this week on tne The Vernonia All Stars defeated Jewell, a combination team of new telephone exchange for the Birkenfeld and the O.-A Giants Oregon Telephone company on the Sunday on the Vernonia diamond lot east of the location of the by a score of 11 to 9. The game exchange at present on Bridge was featured by the heavy hittinf street. The building is to be 2T by 55 feet and will be built of I Route Through Beaverton, Bank* Supply in United States Small, Will and loose playing of ’bò'th te«»! of Never be Over-production Vernonia knocked Red Machen, and Vernonia Proposed by Clat- hollow tile, with inside metal latnes. local O.-A. twirler, out of the box The front will be of red rub faced Product; Advantages Here. •op Retident* Would Cut Time. in the sixth inning when they brick. In an address delivered in Port­ scored seven runs and overcame Construction of a new inland Besides the telephone exchange, the building will contain a garage highway between Portland and Sea­ land recently by Charles C. Durkee, I an early Birkenfeld lead. The local team ha? no Sfarne and living quarters in the rear, side, placing Portland within 2% industrial engineer, the Pacific John R. Coulter of Portland is hours from the beaches and short- northwest is pronounced an ideal scheduled this Sunday, but ploys foreman in charge of the construc­ ening the present route by 40 territory for the manufacture of the Neiel grange team of Astoria miles, is being promoted by prom­ paper and pulp. He says in part: ac Vemon'i on Auguit 7. Scappoose, Chapman and Vernonia Returning Delegate* Proclaim the tion. inent business men of the Clatsop In answer to the question whether R H E Representative* Ride Horseback “Battle of 1927” to be Best beachs. the building of new pulp and pa­ Birkenfeld . 9 12 8 71,000 Pounds Pyrotol Over Proposed New Route Convention Given 11 13 6 of the intentions per plants in the Pacific north­ Vernonia ... Is County’s Allotment of Announcement Batteries : Machen, Larson and the beach men to “strike out” west is likely to result in an over­ The 1927 American Legion con- In the interest of determining Word has been received from for a new road was made recent­ production we may say, as to local Berg; McGregor and Graven. veijtion at La Grande was the the feasibility of establishing a ly in Portland by O. W. Taylor, markets, yes, probably; but as to the O. A. C. extension service that best ever given in the opinion of new market road between Scap- general manager of the Hotel Gear­ American demand as a whole, em­ Wilark Man Drowns returning delegates to Vernonia Columbia county’s allotment of py­ hart, who was in the city confer­ phatically no. The following quota- poose and Vernonia, through the Sunday in Big Eddy Chapman district, representatives the first of this week. The meet­ rotol for this year, beginning July ring with members of the state tion from bulletin 1241 of the ing lasted from Thursday to Sat­ 1, is 71,000 pounds for land clear­ highway commission on matters | United States department of agri- John Coutu, 24, of Wilark was of the three places were accom- urday of last week, and was at­ ing purposes. During the last year I pertaining to the Roosevelt hlgh- culture contains a very succinct drowned Sunday afternoon in the pained by the county roadmaster Columbia county used 128,550 tended by the following from the Big Eddy, a deep hole in the Ne- on a horseback trip over the trail way. i statement of the facts: local Legion and Auxiliary posts: pounds of pyrotol for land clearing. halem river vetween Vernonia and between Chapman and Vernonia Survey to Be Asked “American forests supply less Mist. It was said that he was Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGraw, Mr. When the present supply of gov­ No official mention of the pro- than half of the pulp wood need­ swimming over the deep place un- and Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Mr. and ernment powder is exhausted, it Those making the trip were W. Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. will be the last of the government posed inland highway to the Ciat- ed for all the sulphite, mechanical, der water and never came up.| W. Weist and Ross Shreve of the A. L. Fenner, Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ powder, according to present re- I sop beaches has been made to the ! and sulphate pulp we use, but Those who have dived into the hole ; Scappoose Chamber of Commerce, highway commission, even though four-fifths of that needed for soda for some distance have found that I Mr. Kingsley, Chas, Snupe and Mr. ence Nance, Mrs. Wayne Lappe, ports. Orders will be taken the support of the project is wide­ pulp. Of what is needed for news-1 the water is many degrees colder I Knott of Chapman, and E. L. M. E. Carkin, J. A. Harp, E. M. Murphy, Dan Nelson, Harry Zim­ Nelson of St. Helens, county agent, spread among the business men print paper they furnish one-third, a short distance under the surface, | Smith, Wm. Aspland and Emtl at any time from now on until all of the district. It is understood, of that for wrapping paper two- merman, R. La Rocque. the powder is gone. The first ship­ however, that a movement is on [ thirds, and of that for boards and and it is presumed he was seized Messing of the Vernonia Chamber with cramps while swimming under of Commerce, and G. G. Hall of M. E. Carkin was advanced to ment will probably not be made foot to ask the highway commis­ book paper slightly more tl an half. the surface. the rank of grand conducteur in St. Helens, county roadmaster. until the last part of September sion to make a survey. “Canada furnishes pulp wood for the state 40 et 8 organization, or the first of October. Attempts to dive to the bottom The Vernonia men met the Scap­ “ Agitation for a new road to the j 37 per cent of our entire paper j He lost by a close margin of De­ All the pyrotol must be used up Clatsop beaches,” said Mr. Taylor requirements, and about equally in [ were fruitless, due to the coldness poose delegation at the latter place ing elected state vice commander by January 31. Any powder not I Friday, “has been brought about the form of pulp wood, pulp and of the water, It is estimated to at 8:20 Sunday morning and the of the American Legion to Earl be about 25 feet deep at that five drove to Chapman, At the taken by Columbia county at that . by the inability of the Lower Co-1 paper. McSherry of McMinnville. George place Rescue workers came to Kingsley place, which is the end time will be alloted to other coun­ i lumbia highway to care adequately I E. Love of Eugene was elected “The inability of the middle At­ town to get hooks to drag the hole, of the road, the nine men mounted ties. The price of pyrotol for this for the beach traffic with the state comamnder. Carkin was pre­ lantic, New England and lake but these did not get the body.! horsles and started towards the year is the same as last year. present narrow pavement and sharp | states to meet the demands of the sented with a large silver cock­ Finally a diver was called from J tunnel of the logging railroad a curves. The new highway, making pulp mills has led to imports of tail mixer for his record in sign­ Fire Destroys New Home Astoria. F ” ’ ’ here ” ' J j short distance away. This was to He reached Monday a short-cut inland, could probably ing up the greatest number of Canadian pulp wood, 85 per cent afternoon and in a few minutes avoid climbing the high h5,l at that Of O. H. Graves Friday be constructed at an expenditure legionnaires for this year. His re­ I spruce and the remainder aspen. brought the body up from the bot­ place. The tunnel is 2000 feet long. cord is 291, and he has signed a The new home of O. H. Graves not exceeding the cost of widen­ It is clearly apparent, however, I tom of the hole. The body was From the Kingsley place to Ver­ I few more since the affidavit of was completely destroyed by fire ing and straightening the Colum- that the situation in both New turned over to the coroner at St. nonia by the trail was estimated I bia highway, Such a highway that number was sent to state at 10:30 p. m. Friday when the York and Pennsylvania is extreme­ Helens Monday. to be ■ 12.5 miles, which would headquarters July 10. Carkin re­ flames were believed to have would bring our most populous ly critical. The gradual exhaustion Among those who witnessed tne make the total distance from Scap­ ceives permanent possession of this spread from a defective flue to beach centers to within 2V4 hours of local supplies, regardless of any drowning were the man’s wife, No poose to Vernonia 23 miles. The cup. the walls in the center of the of Portland; it would open up a other developments, promises to children survive, He was an eu>- rich fertile land that lies in this delightful route through the moun- make the future situation worse The attendance at the mammoth house. No one was in the house tains and coast valleys; would rather than better. Any develop­ ploye of the mill at Wilark. Tne section is among the best in the af-1 at the time. A fire bad been left parade in La Grande _ Saturday ______ ____ bring Saddle Mountain park into ment which produces or accentua­ body has been shipped to British county, according to Mr. Messing, ternoon included nearly 5000 out [burning in the kitchen stove and who stated that he had never seen use, and greatest of all, would re- tes a shortage of supplies will in­ Columbia for interment. of town visitors and delegates. | Mr. . Graves had returned to the crops of better quality in any lieve congestion on the Lower Co- evitably tend to stimulate the de­ Gibson-Mitchem Nearby towns and cities added to mill to work. The fire had gained lumbia highway. The proposed locality. I In- velopment of the industry in other Miss Lena Gibson became the the nearly 3000 conventionists. such headway by the time it wa3 land route Approximately 65 families now would be about 85 parts of the United States.” bride of R. F. Mitchem at a wed- live in the Chapman district, and The parade, featuring drum corps, discovered that attempts by both miles from Portland to Seaside, solemnized in floats, etc., was declared the the city and mill fire departments against 125 Vancouver, the only thing that prevents 1000 Whenever the production of pa­ ding miles via the Colum- greatest in Oregon Legion history. to extinguish it were unavailable. bia route.” per pulp on the Pacific coast ex-1 Wash., Saturday. They are now families from living in the section All the furniture and household ceeds the demands of local con­ living at the Vernonia hotel. is suitable .roads to market. Mr. Canyon Rout« Proposed sumption, there will always n Kingsley has an eight-year-old ap­ George Thayer, Guy Mills, E. goods were lost, it was stated. The The proposed route would leave ple orchard that is in the best of W. Holtham and D. B. Reasoner property was said to have been Portland via the Canyon road, profitable outlet in those sections condition. With an elevation of left in the latter’s automobile quite well covered with insurance. would pass through Beaverton, of the east where existing paper about 750 feet and plenty of rain, yesterday for a vacation trip tn Hillsboro swing northwest to Banks mills are dependent on imported with but little cold weather, it Is southern Oregon. They plan to and Buxton, and then swing north1 supplies of pulp. There can be no believed to be ideal for the grow­ visit Diamond lake, Crater lake, , to Vernonia. From Vernonia the doubt that rail and water rates ing of fruit and small fruits, as the Oregon caves and other piaces I highway would go practically due to such mills will be adjusted to well as many other agricultural undecided. They plan to be away west to Seaside via the present meet the situation when business At the regular quarterly meeting about three weeks. Rock Creek road, through Jewel], is offered in sufficient volume, of the boapd of directors, the Ore­ commodities. The Chapman district has a good respect to supply and demand j the Fishhawk creek, Saddle moun­ In the paper industry today is In gon State Motor association took school which last year housed 56 Members of the Vernonia fire tain, the Lewis and Clarke river, By E. E. Faville far different situation from the a strong stand against any change nupils. Mr. Messing stated that department burned the remains of and into Seaside over the county Former Editor of the Western lumber industry, and the danger in the license fee system until such from one place where they stop­ i road. the old Coyle dance hall Tuesday Farmer, Portland time as the state highway program evening. It was almost completely New construction would be nec- in the northwest is not that we is finished and the obligations of ped their horses to view the coun­ “Give me the post-office address try there were at least 10,000 acrs shall have an >v,-;prcy sion of pulp and paper making in Why change this satisfactory was ejected president, and the so­ room and let her1 inside. respond. Women may now take as themselves. Many of them are large the Pacific northwest, and at the condition for an unknown quantity. ciety is ready for diligent work. Logs were strung along the track high as $10,000 in benefits instead commercial plants. The numtier ts ame time complete disappearance I The first meeting was held at Things are progressing satisfactori­ i for about 100 yards before the of the former $5,000 certificate, increasing annually. of refuse burners from our saw­ ly along the lines planned when 7 o’clock last Sunday evening with train could be stopped. A new Reo also reincorporation was made per­ mills. In place, of burners there But by no means do all out the bond issue was voted by the Mrs. A. C. Knause as leader. A petual instead of 30 years as for­ farms put “all the eggs in one roadster that *as said to have be­ will be mills devoted to the manu was evidenced, people and we are pledged to this good attendance longed to an employe of the Stan ­ merly. feature of valuable building and basket,” either literally or figura­ plan until the highway program is considering that it was the first dard Oil company, was ^bent on Supreme President West left the tively. Since the World war there ndustrial materials out of the re­ i meeting for so long. Next Sunday completed and bonds retired." convention to accept Governor Fred has been a considerable growtn one side when a large log crashed fuse which the burners formerly I evening, the meeting will be led against it. The ’ c ause of the acci ­ W. Green’s invitation to attend tne in the number of diversified one- consumed. paper making in the Pacific north­ by Mrs. E. E. Garner, and tne dent has not been determined. annual Governors’ Conference Ban­ family farms. These farms avoid In view of all the available west is destined to reach very large lesson is on missions. Everyone .i quet. July 26, at Mackinac Island, all the great staples like wheat, Spmpten—Work begun on tele- facts, statistical and geographical proportions, and to give rise to very cordially invited and urged as Republican National comittee- com and cotton, staples which phone improvements between this we can not escape the conclusion a new era of industrial expan- to attend this meeting and help woman for Michigan. , . ' Please turn to page 6 1 city and Canyon City. that the development of pulp and «ion and prosperity. make it a success. Short Route Between Scappoose M. E. Carkin Wins Individual Honors at Convention Open Up NewRich Country We Don’t Have It as Hard as the Easterners Do Motor Assn. Does Not Approve the Change in Fees