VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, July 21, 1927. of the comforts of life than they put of the great centers of pop- could in the congested centers of ulation. LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor the great cities. Electricity con- Scappoose Business Men Visit I INDIAN CHIEF INTERVIEWS tributes to the recreational facili- HENRY FORD PULLS COUNTY HOSPITAL E. E. Wist president of the GREAT WHITE FATHER ties ot smaller communities, and BRILLIANT COUPE DE ETAT HAS RECORD RUN tied up with the auto and radio, its First National bank, J. G. Watts, The Catamount is colossally and The hospital at the county seat The Catamount has received tel- younger brothers, provide all the j and Mr. Allen, druggist. all of stupendously gratified with the he­ broke all records for attendance egraphic report of the speech made advantages of the large cities to' Scappoose made an unannounced roic stand Henry Ford has made late Saturday night and early Sun­ by Chief Tan-In-The Sun to his the country dwellers. call on a number of local business in taking back everything he has day morning, when the week-end intrepid tribe after a visit to men yesterday talking in the in- said in the past ten years about ■ party at Rattlesnake Ike’s boozori- President Coolidge’s two-hundred-1 The industrial output of smaller terest of good roads. the Jewish race. Never before tn | um got well under way. The first room retreat in the Black Hills, cities and “country towns” is grad- | ually surpassing in volume the out- Mrs. Woodley Stephenson and history of our nation has one of man to bite the dust was Centi- The speech follows: our intrepid countrymen et his' pede Clark, who is reputed to I “Brother Warriors of the Great > * words with such an evident relish have had two or three under his Tribe of Eski Mopie I have seen for the dish. Henry has become a belt when the party started. Mr, the great White Father, who stands martyr to truth and veracity by, Clark casually called Bearcat five-feet-six in his striped socks.' saying he really didn’t know what I Boone a liar, and the nearest thing I have talked with him. I have was going on in the world and we | handy was a flower vase, which gazed with awe upon his mighty hope he stumbles upon another gi- Bearcat wielded with unerring aim countenance. I have listened with taking Centipede just behind the rapture to his crisp comments up­ gantic truth sometime. After persecuting the Jews for right ear, with effective and im­ on the weather. I have come away ten years in periodical and pham- mediate results. Three stitches and filled with the wisdom of the white phlet, we feel that it was a big, a new vase were necessary. About man. Our preliminary remarks were broad and magnanimous stroke for twelve o’clock Wampus Pete drop­ uttered with the simplicity of our Henry to come out flatfooted and ped cut from natural causes and different natures. I said: How? says he didn’t know aything about struck his head on a pool table as How? He countered with: ‘How?’ it, and that besides it was not done he went down. He was followed My heart beats for him. He is the by him, but by his hired help I shortly after by Scotty MacPher- only white chief in the history of v i he had paid i to do i it. •. w»» A-lncn our tribe who hasn’t tried to do son, xxrrirt who Lori had Lnar» been filling Vtia his glass whom We CCin can imagine the chagrin, the heart too full for several snorts. Soon all the talking. He held up his end anguish that befell that noble Na­ after the first casualties were re­ of the powwow with a couple of poleon of flivvers when he happen­ ported. men began to fall like flies. questions, while I laid the history ed to pick up a copy of his maga­ The meat market truck was com­ of the redman at his feet. His zine and discovered that the Jews mandeered for an ambulance, with manner appeals to me. His silent were getting it in the neck, and Alf Stude as driver, and with Arch­ reserve is characteristic of the Finest Creamery White Wonder that he was morally albeit, not imedes Puck on the front seat to deep pools of thought that lie hidden in his bosom. His calm, intellectually responsible. We are hold Alf steady on the curves. By three o’clock every room in quiet logic struck me with tha sure that Henry has found out the Jews are kind to their fam­ the hospital was taken and the force of the west wind when the ilies and did not deserve the cruel standing room only sign was hung great bear of the mountains gets lb............. thrusts that his stuff of literary out, but with no qualified take«. cn the jot. It I hat’ to "otc T bars According to the Catamount’s so- would cast it for him, be the term giants had hatched up against them. We further hope that Henry will | ciety editor the party was the what it may. He is the only pale­ »s Per case 100 Bars find time from his multifarious i crowning event of the social seas- face statesman in captivity who $3.29 duties to take a walk through his I on and all previous capacity records has ever been able to pump an Indian. Brothers, let us whoop. factory some day and count the were smashed to atoms. missing doors in the celebrated Booths SPORT SECTION LOCAL NEWS cars that his men have been man­ Lawyer Lilikell, who holds the “ Speaking of sky-pilots, ” said the ufacturing without his knowledge. Full Cream golf championship of the Sage­ Rev. Ananias Etherblazer today Then the mighty monarch of mo- tordom will be at liberty to offer brush Belt, broke a plate glass “this Lindbergh chap has got us old Mustard or Tomato window last Tuesday while trying war horses roped and hogtied.” an apology to the twelve million to swat a fly. persons who have bought cars with Arch Sole will take a four-year Mrs. Phoebe Bones writes from one door missing. The rectification college course to qualify for en­ ibs............ Florida that her husband was at ­ of this mistake, we feel, would tacked by bedbugs in a Palm listment in the army. be more of a national benefit Beach hotel, but escaped with his “Owing to a scarcity of mur­ than admitting that the Jews are life. Imp. Norwegian ders,” said Old Quib Skills today, people. Elmer Whipple, who runs a job “the newspapers had to give a Campbells printing shop in Whiskey Slide, part of their front pages to those ALAS! O, HECK was underbid on a thousand en- fellers who flew across the ocean.” By Wampus Pete (Silver Penned Poet of the Sier*as) velopes Tuesday by the govern- The Catamount lost a valuable ment of the United States. in pure olive oil Down in the Hayfork Valley, 18 ounce size Mrs. Bearcat Boone is learning subscriber the other day when Rufe Beneath a silver moon, Weddams fell over a cliff. to drive the car from the front Sat Mr. Samuel Hoskins, cans Bearcat Boone’s pet rattlesnake And Bill Murphy’s daughter June. seat. cans Dee Kleine, who ate one of his caught a severe cold Saturday night When Samuel popped the question, girl wife’s lovely biscuits, will be when the baby kicked the cover “No, no—no no,” said June; “I don’t mean nothing serious— I released from the hospital Tues­ off on the floor. Sliced w • day. I just came here to spoon.” Ole Crow, of Piute Peak, was Buckeye brought into court Tuesday and SCIENCE AND ART THE POLITICIAL CRISIS If. they don’t nominate Al Smith, Nate Heath, who went to Day­ tried before a jury of twelve men Wiley Hawse threatens to bolt the ton to lecture on evolution, writes who had never been known No. 2 i/o size ticket and leave the Demoncratlc that he is being held without bail. form or express an opinion. party flat on its back. The crowning event of the as- Scotty MacPherson, who lost a Old Quib Skills, who during the tronomical season was held recent- valuable gold ring while bathing cans lb. bag past twenty-five years has put his ly when Cactus Flat stage d an at a coast resort, is making ar­ faith in Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, eclipse of the moon. rangements ti dredge the Pacific Harding and Coolidge, is looking Cube Root took up an observa- o< can. about for someone to put his faith I tory position on Wild Hoss moun- Alf Stude will try out some meri in in 1928. tain Tuesday lo watch the flight of Rattlesnake Ike’s liquor just as Hurd Howe writes from Washing­ of time. ton that President Coolidge was “Actuated by purely a'tru!< t!c soon as Lawyer Lilikell finishes so busy packing his suitcase for --------- motives . ” says Mescal ____ ..... drawing up his will. Bill, "the his vacation that he didn’t have citizens of Los Angeles left a part Herb Miller had the misfortune h’'-'f concern* of the water in the Pacific ocean to lose a valuable wife Tuesday by ing a third term. when they dug their harbor.” divorce. V0LUME 1 THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT NUMBER 8 daughter Claribel are house guests of Mrs. Stephensons mother, Mrs. L. H. Cates of thia city. Mrs. Earle M. Blylie who is ill at St. Vincents Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cates mo- tored to Portland Monday to spend the day attending to business. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff ac- companed by Mr. Wolff’s mother and father have returned from a motor trip to Crater lake and vi­ cinity. KAGC ». 'Wif/towt Wasfie / 1 Butter ¿lAf 2 87c Soap —34c A Q Sardines 4 cans 49c Sardines 4 49c Cheese 2 55c Pork and Beans 6 50c Pineapple Rolled Oats 4 89c ,-49c 9— Pure Cane Sugar 10 lfcs ... 67c 100 ib. sk. $6,39 -------------------- , Maximum Spinach No. 2^2 size 3 cans 50c Church’s Grape Juice Pts.......... 29c Qts........57c Hoodys Peanut Butter 5 lb. tin $1.10 2 lb. tin --47c Save Money and Buy at Skaggs-Safeway Market Features for Friday and Saturday O. B. Davidson Missing O. B. Davidson, proprietor of Davidson’s Ice & Creamery com­ pany, who drove to Redmond last week, has not been heard from since Sunday when Mrs. Davidson received a telegram from him ask­ ing her to meet him at Lebanon. He was driving by way of the McKenzie pass. He has not been heard from since, and some an­ xiety is expressed for his safety, since he was known to have been bothered with heart trouble. Ed Holgate left here Tuesday to go over the pass in search of Mr. Davidson. Mrs. Davidson did not report the matter until a day after he was supposed to arrive at Lebanon, when his continued absence made her think he had met with an accident. Birthday Party for Mr«. Ritz Just as the country towns and smaller cities hold the preponder­ ance of newspaper circulation in the nation, so the thousands of smaller industries of these towns hold the preponderance of payrolls in a few highly specialized except in a few highly specialized industries, remarks the Phatagraph, of Bloomington, Illinois^ This remarkable industrial growth has taken place largely within the past twenty-five years, and has been concurrent with the far-reach­ ing development of electrical pow­ er and distribution. Large power plants at central points are linked to far remote places, to smaller1 towns and even to the open coun­ try regions. All this tends to result Forest Grove—New Oregon Tel­ in men employed in industry be­ St. Helens—Exceptional hay crop ephone office building nears com­ ing able more and more to find pletion. homes where they can have more being harvested here. FINNEY OF THE FORCE By F. O. Alexander Shortening Hams Srnall Communities Develop Mrs. William Garman of Port- land gave her mother, Mrs. A. L. Ritz, a birthday party Tuesday, She was 60 years old. A merry time was reported by the group of young folks who attended. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vincent, Miss Iris G. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Mont­ gomery, all of Portland; C. H. Ritz, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snipe, Mrs. W. J. King, Mrs. Wm. Lind­ say and son, Thurman Williams, Mrs. Wm. Keller, Frank Spencer, Bobbie Whitaell. Mrs. Ritz expressed sincere thanks for the many kind remem- brances and the huge bouquets of carnations and rosebuds. 6 Small Eastern Sugar Cured 1 Half or whole Per lb White Ribbon 29c $1.25 Hot Weather Lunch Meats Swifts Swifts Swifts Swifts Swifts Swifts Swifts Cooked Corned Beef Fancy Weiners Fancy Bologna Fancy Veal Loaf Fancy Head Cheese Fancy Minced Ham Fancy Pressed Ham fl 4 to 8 oounds Drumming Up Business