THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1927. Shr llrnuntia izaglr Issued every Thursday $2 per year in Advance Entered as Sec .d Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the Post Offi< - at Vernonia, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 MARK E. MOE, Editor V RNONIA STORES line are doing. Businessmen are not ashamed to fol ow the pathfinder. The greater he man, the more frankl does he acknowledge his debt to men sti greater than himself. Plato sat at the feet of Socrates, Aristotle at the feet of Plato. Raphael learned his art from Angelo, and Corregio from Rapheal. None but a fool feels himself to be self- sufficient. The best of men must acknow­ ledge their masters. Few there are in the galaxy of world stars that shine by them­ selves without the added luster -of bor­ rowed glory. It is not weakness to has a pathfinder, but rather a mark of good sense. Retail steres are doing business today THE CRIME OF CRIMES on a smaller margin of profit than ever. The high r range of prices prevailing since the v»:.r has stimulated competition Americans usually take the side of the and has forced retail trade to remodel its weaker. This characteristic shows itself in system of operation and to make every sports, in business and in everyday life possible improvement and economy in its generally. It is a national trait of good I methods. The stores are saving a margin sportsmanship. Unfortunately, however, I for the pub1 c as a result of improved dis­ it sometimes gets warped; it sometimes tribution ihethods. creeps in where crime is concerned. This Merchant today are putting more brains attitude may be re. tonsible in a measure in their wo -k. They get bettter expert ad­ for the public’s indifference toward arson vice, they u derstand markets better, they and incendiarism in the past. train their employees to render better ser­ Yet there is proof that this attitude is changing. “There r ver was a time,” as­ vice. The best way to make the people of serts the National Hoard of Fire Under­ Vernonia realize the fine quality of the writers, “When the man who started a I service they get from their stores is by fire for gain to himself had less public consistent a lvertising of those stores. As encouragement. The public is making it- they read t e newspaper, advertising peo­ self felt in the number of successful pro­ ple learn i bout special chances to buy secutions in arson cases.” goods which they would never have For the man who in the heat of anger, or in dire necessity, commits a crime some known ab< v.t otherwise. They learn that stores are carrying sympathy may be felt. His deed may be 1 lines that they knew nothing about. They eternally wrong and yet be tinged with get information warning them of condit­ an element of pity. But no excuse what­ ions that tend toward higher prices, and ever can be offered, no prison term can showing them now they can save money bo too long, for the man who in cold by prompt purchasing. They learn that blood applies the torch to serve his own r- their home merchants have been scouring greedy ends. the country to obtain the best merchan­ To destroy American property which dise obtainable. They discover that their in many cases can never be replaced, to home stores are working mightily to pro­ end’Mger life, to strike at the economic vide the necessities and conveniences of welfare of the countiy, all this the arsonist life at the lowest possible price consistent does. And why? Merely to benefit him­ self or another through the collection of with substantial merit. insr ance. The adveitised store is the appreciated H mce it is that we say to The National store. Board of Fire Underwriters, to the Fire Marshals of America, to every force en­ DEATH TO THE FLY gaged in fighting the source of arson : “Go on; follow every avenue that may lead If there is no breeding place for flies to improved conditions, to more certain there will be no flies. The almost total retribution.” Vast as is America, there is disappearance of stables from cities has no room here for the arsonist, for the per­ removed a prolific source of fly propaga­ petrator of the crime of crimes. tion. But not all the spots which assist the fly in preserving his species were in USE MARRIAGE PROTECTION the vcinity of stables. Where there is filth there will be flies and where flies go there The custom of going to Washington to will some of the filth accompany them. get marired apepars to the average citizen Time was when flies were endured as of this state as the height of folly. Per­ an in -vitable annoyance without an ap- haps the w’ord “custom” is an exaggera­ preciai’on of the menace to health their tion in this sense, but one hears of these is. They swarm because no ef­ journeys so often that it seems sometimes fort was made to eradicate them. That to be the rale rather than the exception. era is past but there are those still who Oregon gives the young women of this tolerat) conditions which in effect are state the protection against veneral di­ not inimical to the interests of the fly. sease that their future spouces may have Not ev«ry house occupant can prevent by requiring examination of all males ap­ flies f om seeking entrance but everyone plying for a license to marry within 10 can keep them on the outside. It is within days before making that application. the pr. vince of all to refuse to purchase Without asking a sense of loyalty to the food products which are accessible to I state, the young women is foolish who does not use this protection that is of­ flies. Were everyone to eliminate breeding fered, which in a few cases might relieve ■ places on his own premises and to screen her of a life of agony and rained hap­ and swat, the fly soon would become as piness. completely extinct as the monsters of which we know only through their fossil The laying on of hands may have cured remain;. The fly is small but he makes few diseases, but it worked wonders in up in indus‘. y persistence what he lacks chronic cases of impudence. in size. We become alarmed when an epi­ demic threatens, yet too many of us tol­ It takes all kinds of people to make a erate the fly when we know his capacity world, so almost anyone should be able as a d.sease carrier. Because he is no nov­ to fit in somewhere. elty we minimize the peril which he may transmit. The man who slaps your face instead of your back plays fair. Ethics permit THE PATHFINDER you to swat him in return. No man liveth unto himself alone. All Next to persons who know how to ran need pathfinders. Newton. the scientist, a newspaper probably are those who are said, "If I have achieved anything in sure they could write a book if they had science it is because I have stood on the time. shoulders of giants.” The young student takes it as a mat It does absolutely no good to try to ter of course that he shall follow the old guess a woman’s age. No man would hhve masters. If music, he sits at the feet of the courage to tell the truth if he were great guides, Bach, Beethoven, Chopin. certain of it. If art, he works for horn's before copies of the great masters, Raphael, Michael- With the girls all working, young whip- Angelo, Murillo. The student not only ne’-snappers may get the notion that a knows the value of the pathfinder, but is , helpmeet is one who will help meet the happy to acknowledge the debt he owes expenses. these immortals. So it is in business. The man who Long hair, says a woman’s page note, gets to the front in industrial or com­ will come back slowly, if at all. Bobbed mercial life is the man who is closely in young ladies who are trying to grow it touch with everything the leaders in his already knew’ that. PLANER ENDS Oregon-American, de­ livered during July, August and September for $1.50 PER LOAD. Phone 253 Oregon American Lumber any W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 655 meets every Monday night at seven thirty at the Grange Hall. Visiting members welcome. A. F. KOSTER C. C. C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. i A. M., meets at Grange Hall every Second ant Fourth Thursday nights. Visitors Welcome K. A. McNeill, Secretary I. O.O.F.—V ernonia L od GE, No. 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8:0 o’clock, in Grange Hall O. E. Enstrum, N.G G. B.. Smith, Sec’t’j \MERICAN LEGION AUXILIAR’ Meet, first and third Mor, days of each month a the Legion Hall. -k McGraw, Preside! Vernonia Port 119, American L» gion. Meets secon and fourth Tua days each month, p.m. H. E. M. Graw, Commande ’lehalem McCormic Deering Agency MOWERS RAKES SEPARATORS CULTIVATORS PLOWS Chapter 153, É. O. : Regular commun cation first an third Wednesdaj of each mont All visiting sistei and brothers we come. Bessie Tapp, W. M. Leona McGraw, Secretary. VERNONIA GRANGE The Vernonia Grange meets on th second Saturday of every month s 7:30 P. M. Any members ef th (¡range living in or near Vernonk or visiting in the community, ar cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Minnie Malmsten, Secretar, MOUNTAIN HEART REBECCA LODGE No. 243. I.O.O. Genuine I. FL C. Partsand Twine. Meets every second and Fourt Thursdays in Grange Hall—Vernon! Visitors always welcome Mrs. Edna Kilby, N. G. MRS. IRENE SPENCER. Sec' J. MASON DILLARD Vernonia Trading Co. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Next to Carkin Cleaning .Wor Here Every Wednesday uxz DR. ELLA W'lGHT DR. C. J. WIGHT Kills 'em dead CHIROPRACTORS Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomaci Liver and Intestinal Troubles comte ?I.Y SPRAY flies, mosquitoes, votiflies&mofhs, etc. Delayed Menstruation LESTER SHEELEY Attorney-at-Law Vernonia =^-=-= e = e -- STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Oregi ■—r l DR. W. H. HURLEY DENTISTRY AND X-RAY Evenings by Appointment Office over Brown Furniture St< Vernonia — Ore, • i _ 1 ji . ------------------ M. D. COLE DENTIST Vernonia Oreg< 4" ........ MARK EVERY GRAVI Memorials in Granite and Mar At Reduced Prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS MRS. M. N. LEWIS & C Fourth and MAin St. Hillsbo PORTLAND - VERNONI Truck Line INSURED CARRIER Vernonia Office At the Brazing Works on Avenue. R' Phone MAin 343 Portland Office Auto Freight Terminal E. Water and Yamhill Streets £Ast *22« Office No. DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR