Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, July 21, 1927, Image 2

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    Thursday, July 2 1, 1927.
Safety Campaign Waged
tographs transmitted over the At- Play Ground Contest On let others follow; a drinking foun­
Crater lake last Monday.
tain, a bake oven, benches and
Little Wet Oil Road
(Continued from page) 1
For Pede..^., Driver.
a table are needed to complete the
Motorists will have little trouble
his mew of the London Daily Mirror, cording to Dr. Ella Wight, chair­ picnic grounds.”
Each individual must do
Aviator* Aided in Making Prepara­ with oil splashing their cars, as I
I had been the case during the past share if 1927 is to mark the most and Col. M. D. McFarlane, affili- man, and let it be the slogan of
The park board especially asks
tion* for Honolulu Flight
weeks on several of the highways, successful campaign ever conduct-] ated with the Pacific & Atlantic all Vernonia. The park board com­ the boys and girls who go swim­
' The Mount Hood loop road is nowed in the cause of safety. Nation- Photos of New York.
menced active work this week on ming in the park not to dig holes
Among all so-called “firsts,” and
al agencies are preparing to launch I The process is intricate, but in- the play grounds and have to date in the new grading or start fires.
exclusive privileges, here, Indeed,
vigorous attacks on the careless1 tensely interesting. It consists es- had the stumps blown and piled The board has been busy the pase
was an enviable “first and only,*' excellent detour takes the motorist
the conversion
i around a stretch of wet oil near pedestrain and the careless motor- ______
„ of
_ ____
_________ of
__ an to burn, trees trimmed and the few days taking pictures of Im-
credited to a smart Oakland two-
ordinary pholograpn
photograpn into a five- grading started.
wet stretches —* u.-u their main objective will oruinary
provements and these will be sent
door sedan, the only privileged
of oil reamin in the state at the be to gain cooperation of individ­ i minute telegraph tape, and the rt- I “Let everyone get the spirit and to the foundation to compete for
character in the form of an auto­
present time, between Seaside, and uals in both classes.
production of the photograph from we’ll soon have a play ground,1 the prizes.
mobile in attendance to their maj­
Hamlet, Hebo and Neskowin and
This prospect is linked up with the tape after the tape signals continued Dr. Wight, “that all Ver-
esties the conquerors of 2100 miles
Hebo and Beaver.
the season of “good associations” have been transmitted telegraphi-' n°nia will be proud of. The park
w An- -p«ce between the Pacific
| board asks all lodges who have'
who declares that “citizens can cally.
shores and Honolulu, T. H.
All persons who start fires or
Use Oversize Tires
uo no more in the interest ofi First, the photograph is printed
, 40 P1*®8 apparatus and
Darting here, there, everywhere,
I, a
For More Mileage safety than making and keeping a on metal sheets
in such
a man­ money for certain purposes to re- dig holes or in anyway destroy
this motor car served quickly and
tone” differentia-i P°rt same to the board and a loi' anything within the playgrounds
resolution to contribute their share ner as to “gi've
in good stead the wisnes of its
“The use of oversize tires will by driving and walking in ooeu-
_ .
will be arrested and prosecuted
tion. This is obtained by making ca4i°n J®. t^e__pJa'*. wi“.,bet giv
Master Sergeant Alfred enable many motorists to get much ience to the law.”
them. The - grand flag
pole - by
by the park board and city mar-
Barnhart, U. S. A. in charge of greater satisfaction
and longer
“Like all other problems involv­ the same negative. These prints■ Amerlcan Legion is the beginning; shal.
all aerial repairs of denizens oT mileage than with regular tires,”
the mass, safety narrows down consist of conducting and insulat-
the air at the Presidio’s Crissy according to Roy Clark, manager
field, whose task on the day of of the Vernonia Service Station. to the individual,” says Mr. Brane-, ing portions according to the lights
enburg. “We can have sound re- and shades of the original photo-
the immortal Oakland, Honolulu Firestone dealers in Vernonia.
gulations governing traffic and still graph,
flight was by no means the least
“Motor cars are equipped with nave tue same number of accidents
tires that are ample for any cr­ if individuals persist in taking re ex-1 The metal prints are next placed
The Oakland sedan is Sergeant Uinary use, provided they are in­ less chances. At present, the main on a series of rotating cylinders, i
is now
each of which has a needle in
Barnhart’s own car, and he finds flated to the correct pressure, How- issue too
often is lost to sight in electrical contact, much as the
it useful in many ways besides his ever, most motorists abuse their the maze
of argument that is of- needle in friction contact with
own personal transportation to and tires by overloading them and fered by
both sides to prove the the record of a cylindertype phon­
from air service headquarters at through
to keep them other to blame for the rising tide
ograph. The needles are connect­
Crissy Field.
I ‘pumped up.’
We Specialize in
of highway mishaps.
ed electrically with a tape per­
On the day Lieutenants Lester
Oversizing allows a much great-
“We are certain to see in 1927 forator such as is used in auto-,
Maitland and Albert Hegenberger er margin of safety, and in the the most intensive campaign in
rnatic tlegraphy, and the perfora­
took off on their Pacific Ocean long run justifies the extra ex­ , the interest of safety. The Ameri-
tions made in this tape, as the
hop, the Oakland services were pense. There are many advantages | | can
can Automobile
Automobile association, with1 cylinders rotate constitute a record
and keeping them properly adjusted FREE of
piaelkully indispensable, and this to using oversize tires, including' w-hjch this club is affiliated, and of the picture,
was the only automobile of tnous- inoye comfortable riming, be4:er
The tape is then delivered to
ands parked around Bay Farm Is-1 j breaking with less tendency to other national organizations are
laying the groundwork for a nation! the Western Union,
__ , and is trans- i
You are assured the best of experienced mechan­
land Flying field that was allowed' skid, and less tire trouble. The
wide educational campaign looking mittad exarflv
exactly as if it were
"'.. J..'..
. ”nes,” A photographer larger tire L not ¿u
so easily cut or
ical work.
toward individual cooperation in ordinary cable message, over the
at the field, scoring a "news beat” j bruised and the tread wears much
the movement.
| I highspeed Permalloy type cables
Tires and
several photo- longer.
for Oakland, took
“No thinking person will quest- recently laid in the Atlantic. The
praphs of the car stoDDed
stopped close
close 1 “Last but not least, the oversize
to the giant tri-motored Fokker tire will average far greater mile- ion the need for action., The sit- (signals are received at the distant
uation would be appalling were it end of the cable in the form of,
plane while fueling and other last , ■ mge,
_ , which in terms of cost per
— ' mi]ej means economy. In tires as not for the hopes raised by the a perforated tape identical with
minute preparations were t"
tremendous amount of thought the original sending tape.
| in every thing else, it pays to buy
given to the subject.
I The received tape is taken to the
Sergeant Barnhart’s Oakland se- dependable,
“It is up to each individual, old Bartlane machine and run through
dan is the latest model, and a me- and Firestones have a i long estab-
the reproduction apparatus. A high-
chanism in which he takes as much lished reputation for ■ being the or young, motorist or pedestrain,
man, woman or child to thing saf­ powered light is projected through
pride as he does in the winged leader in that field.”
_ ,
ety and gorven hi severy move on the holes of the moving tape so1
craft with which he has become So
The principal food of termites or the street or highway accordingly. that it registers upon a photogra-I lVltlKC tllis O
i while ants is cellulose. With the
-so Mv-te. New rear Kwiuuvn phic film, and the picture is built
up on the film in accordance with
tms could be made.
Motor Assn. Completes
the record of the tape. The time
t *
quent destruction oi
of tneir
their natural I
required to transmit a photograph
Log J OUT of UregOB breeding places in dead trees, de- How Photographs of
is about 35 minutes, and the cost
The Oregon State Motor associa-* cayin£ stumps, and logs, termites
Lindberg Were Sent
is in the neighborhood of $100.
tion has completed an extensive iog become increasingly destructive to
Over Atlantic Cables The Bartlane system is suscew-
tour of the highways in Oregon, the woodwork and Contents of
While New York still thrilled tile of use on land lines as well
The tourist travel in the state will buildings, telephone poles, fences,
reach its peak in two weeks and j or any timber in contact with the ] with the first news that Col. Chas. I as Permalloy cables, and is actually
will continue at that peak until ground, as well as to living veg- A. Lindberg and the “Spirit of St. in operation between New l'or;;,
the fjrst of September, in the op- station, including not only fruit I Louis” had reached Paris, a mo-, Chicago, Washington and other
and torcycle messenger sped from the large cities.
inion of A. E. Shearer, Manager and shade trees,
of the touring department of the flowers. but also truck and field | Western Union cable office at io|
“Inside” Information
Oregon State Motor association, j crops. Information as to control Broad street, New York city, to
menu when you
the Pacific and At-
The vacationist setting out on
have over-night guests, cantaloupe,
his summer outing will find the may be obtained from the United lantic Photos, Inc., with a small waffles and butter and bacon, ma­
finest Oregon roads in the history] States department of agriculture, package.
ple sirup, strawberry preserves or
| The package contained a roll of blackberry jam, milk or coffee.
of the motor association officials I Washington, D. C.
paper tape, some 350 feel long,] To shorten a pattern for a small
who have just completed an ex­
tensive logging tour of the state. I cords made by the Bureau of | live-eighths of an inch wine, and
person, fold a tuck in it half way
The delayed summer, which held up Dairy Industry have shown that perforated crosswise with a mul- j between the armseye and the waist
traffic on many mountain roads,
I titude of tiny holes.
line, and another tuck halfway be­
”“ by Producing ability at approximately
No single item in motoring
has repaid for its tardiness
Less than an hour later, news-' tween the waist line and the bot­
give you a greater feel­
placing practically all of the state 5 1-2 years of age and the decline papers were on the streets with the tom. In cutting straighten
in production starts at about 10^
roads in excellent condition.
security, will give you
a short-
The only roads of importance [ A German
i and his plane landing in Le Bour-' er sleeve is required than that of
greater confidence in your
scientist, says the
now blocked by snow are Reliev­
get aviation field ouside Paris.
car and free you from the
forest service of the U. S. depart-I During the days that* followed I the pattern take tucks half-way
ed to be the Crater Lake rim road
between the elbow and armseye
ment of a~r irvltrre found thetj
worry of possible delays and
and the short cut from Cra.e.-
ecblcd "bote—--!-- were pu
ij-t'vecen t' f Cl.r.W
n open areas b4 per cent of die
inconvenience, than n e w,
Lake to Diamond Lake, both of
and wrist, so that the elbow al­
water precipitated in annual rain-j
road-worthy tires.
which will probably be blocked for
fall filtered into the earth, while | ceiving the plaudits of enthusias- ways remains in the correct posit­
_ .j, o A
to this, the fact th
several weeks. One of the drifts forest land
L-.i. u
having similar soil and;
on the Crater Lake-Diamond cut­ topography
| London, and still later there were fully fitted to the person before
your degree of comfort in
soaked up 74 pcoc .
* —.
, ,.
, , •
off is believed to be about 52 feet of it. Thus
, ,
■ views of Chamberlin and Levine in the material is cut.
motoring depends upon the
woodlands on land noil . ..
deep .This does not materially
Shoes that are too large are a
, 1 r ln’ Similarly, pictures of the
needed for
flexibility of your tires—and
i Lin
hamper travel to Diamond Lake, vent floods.
Lindbergh receptions in Washing- misfit. The foot is not snugly sup­
as access may be gained from the
----- ------------------ ton
1 and New York appeared in ported. Blisters are often formed, there can be but one conclusion — buy FIRESTONE
Pacific highway on the east side
St. Helens—Three new buildings European newspapers only a few especially on the heels, and stock­ Full-Size Gum-Dipped Balloons now and your problem,1
of the mountains. Crater lake !s will be erected for county fair.
hours after the pictures were tak- ings are needlessly worn into holes. is solved.
accessible both from Klamath Falls
Central Oregon wheat promises en.
Shoes should be correctly and care-
Firestone Balloons now insure utmost Safety, Com»
and Medford. About 150 cars at a record yield this year.
These pictures were actual pho- fullly fitted.
Oakland Performs Service
Central Garage
Open For Business
Relining Brakes
Vernonia Stage Depot
Real Motoring Season
Equip with
Ji restonc
Fuil-S ze Gum-Dipped Balloons
fort and Economy.
Hot Elate f aporizer W ill Give You
More Miles per Gallon
When the intrepid trans.Pneiflc flyers. Tester Maitland and Albert
Hegenberger. started their epochal flight to the Hawaiian Islands
in the “Bird of Paradise,” tai leg-off from Oakland, California. one
of the most Interested and useful spectators of the event was a two-
door Oakkind sedan, belonging to Master Sargeant Alfred Barn­
hart, V. s. A. Scenes at the start: Toper left—Hegenl*. rer and
Maitland: upper right—The giant Fokker “taking off.” Other
photos show the ship being fne’ed and taking oa supplies for the
trip, with the Oahlaud in the ion jiouud.
More Power------ Smoother Operation
Less Carbon------- Easier Starting
Less Crankcase Dilution
Bring in your Ford today and let us put one on.
Installation Extra.
Crawford Motor Co.