VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, July 14, 1927. recently purchased from the Gilby Smith, E. F. Messing, and H. Washburn. Motor company. Reithrrer’s The Vernonia Bakery is a Ver- L. R. Norris and L. R. Boyer __ very .... life de-' arrived in Vernonia Monday, from nonia institution, Its Mississippi. They expect to stay pends upon the business that you C. S. Hoffman was a Portland if they can find suitable work. as a resident of Vernonia or sur- i visitor the early part of the week. rounding country give to it. It H. G. Phelps is acting as city produces only quality goods at a Mrs. N. H. Tisdale returned home marshal in the absence of W. J. fair price. Does not such an lp- from a visit in California last week. Kelly, who is away on his yearly situation deserve your loyal support. Your businesses appreciated and we vacation. Roy Clark was a Portland visitor try to give you service as well as this week. Ray Emmott, G. C. Mellinger quality. Use home products and you V» .a. llayden recently purchased I and Wm. Aspland left last week can do this by insisting that your a Chevrolet sedan from the Gilby i for a 10-day fishing trip in south- grocer sell you Mother’s Bread. ern Oregon. Let him give you no other—the motor company. money that helps you and the city M. E. Carkin attended the dance of Vernonia is that money which Gene Purney recently bought a given by St. Helens post of the new Oakland coach from the Gilby you keep in circulation here, not American Legion on the Swan Tues­ Portland or some other town.— Motor company. day night. Vernonia Bakery.—adv. Will Smith of Portland was a recent cnller on O. E. Dent who When you need more than the is confined to his bed with cancer. regular pound loaf ask for Mo- j ther’s bread in the sandwich loaf Born: To Mr. and Mrs. A. L. i size. It is an unusually fine loaf Bowman, July 1, a girl. Her name for the table as well as for sand­ is Greta June. wiches. Ask for mother’s—adv. Mrs. Arthur Walker and baby Mrs. Dollie Anderson and daugh­ are visiting in Kelso, Wash., with ters spent the week end of July her mother. 4 with her father in Klickitat, Mr. ant Mrs. A. C. Knauss re- Wash., returning they stopped in turned from their honeymoon trip Scappoose two days, reaching home to Yosemite park Sunday. Sunday. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. H. B. K. A. McNeill is attending the Church, July 7, a boy. His name druggists convention in Bend this is Richard Jerome. week. He and Mrs. McNeill plan Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Disamore are to drive into California before re­ 10-day vacation in turning home. spending a Washington. When you need an extra quan- Born: To Mr. and Mrs. H. F. tity of any one of our products Beaver, July 9, a boy. The lad will you not give us your order has been named Edward Marion. a day ahead and thus help us to supply you and thereby avoid dis­ Leona McGown of Forest Grove appointment on both sides, Ver- was a visitor at the home of Mr. nonia Bakery.—adv. and Mrs. A. Corey last week. D. B. Reasoner received a post Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dexter of card this week from Mr. and Mrs. Portland were Sunday visitors at R. Buhler, who are on their way the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. to Switzerland for a visit. The Moe. I card wps written on board the S.S. In Mother’s Bread you get all Montcairn, and was mailed from that you should get in a high qual­ Southhampton, England. ity loaf. Ask your grocer for it Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fenner will and be sure you get Mother’s—adv. leave Sunday for La Grande to We wish to express greatful thanks to our many friends and i neighbors, and particularly mem- bers of the city council, for their many acts of kindness during our recent bereavement and the beauti­ ful floral tributes tendered in mem- ory of i our beloved wife and mother. D. . B. Reasoner and family. Fined for Being Drunk Otis Ware was arrested by Mar- shal H. G. Phelps Sunday and char- ged with being drunk. Upon his plea of guilty before Judge Reas- cn.r Mrnday morning he was en the minimum fine of $2ö. Radioed From USDA Hoffman Maidware Co Foo Many REFRIGERATORS H H We’ll have some hot weather yet—and you’ll H never get a better time and opportunity—We x H must unload—compare size and prices then X X you’ll buy here. S-fl M H X H H H X H Solid, Oak W hite Moun tain Refrigerators X REGULAR $29.50 CLOSE OUT at $23.75 H X H 100 FOUNDS ICE FREE M X H H REGULAR $21.00 CLOSE OUT PRICE $17.45 H H 10( ) POUNDS 1 ICE FREE H H REGULAR $15.40 CLOSE OUT PRICE $13.60 H H 10( ) POUNDS ICE FREE H H H M 10C 1 POUNDS ICE 1 FREE SEE WINDOWS FOR SAMPLE DISPLAY H N H H H H See Hoffman About It H H “IT PAYS” H N HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX Ladies Rayon Bloomers. Heavy Quality well reinforced, full sizes. Colors, peach, flesh, orchid, nile and gold. Special $1.29 pr Coats and Dresses Final Clearance of summer coats and silk dresses priced below cost. Do not fail to see them. Confidence FOR SALE FOR SALE—late 1925 Buick coach in A-l shape mechanically. Bumpers and motomctcr. Will trade for light 6 coupe. Price $950. In­ quire Wm. Devine, Hotel Vista. 493* FOR SALE—Belgian rabbits. In­ quire A. H. Tisdale on the Corey hill. 491* FOR RENT—5 room house, east of the high school, one block; bath toilet and basement. Will be at the place Sunday and Monday next. M. E. Schumerhorn, Foiest Grove. FOR SALE OR TRADE—1 4-room house in Block 4, lot 2, East side addition, will sell or consider a trade-in on Roadster or coupe. For particulars write D. J. Pankratz, Box 385, Vernonia. 474 FOR SALE—2 Registered Holstein Bull calves, good breeding. Roy Hanson, Birkenfeld, Ore. 483* rooms. Old established business. Can 1 be kept full all the time. Excellent | location. Will take 4 or 5-room I house as part payment. Selling on account of ill health. Apply of Mrs. Webeter at 641 First’ street. Ver­ nonia, Ore. tf404* MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Woman for general house work. Telephone 641. 491* WANTED—Music studio room in Vernonia by International Music Stadios. address 420 Union Ave. N„ Portland, Ora. 472* VERNONIA LOTS for sale. phoae Portland, A Twa tor 2784. 474* For Beauty’s Sake in one’s appearance brings natural loveliness and poise, which are the most envi­ able attributes of feminine charm. Rollins Run-Stop Hos iery. AH Colors and Prices. FORMFIT , GIRDLEIERES give that comfortable, yet snug confinement which adapts the figure to the straight modish lines now in vo^ue. iWe have a wide selection of Formfit gar­ ments. __ Jj Headquarters for Ladies and Children’s Shoes. Vernonia, Oregon Phone 801 Miller Mercantile Company STORES AT CORVALLIS HILLSBORO McMiNNVILLE MONMOUTH NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA EVERYTHING TO WEAR oiyic quality and Price BACKED BY SERVICE Beaver Knit Hosiery Classified Advertising SALE OR EXCHANGE—Suc­ H REGULAR $27.00 CLOSE OUT PRICE $20.20 H i FOR cessful boarding house of 12 H Special Card of Thanks Speaking before a recent session attend the Legion and Auxiliary conventions. From there they will of the international congress of drive to Wyoming to visit Mr. Fen- soil science held in Washington, an eminent Dutch soil scientist told ner’s parents. the delegates that the absolute Among those from Vernonia who population limit of the human race The Gilby Motor company re­ cently sold a cnhrolet Chevrolet attended the funeral of Mrs. D. B. is about 8 billion persons. He based to Harry Benson, a cook at the Reasoner» in Hillsboro Thursday his conclusions on a very intensive were: E. W. Holtham, Mrs. W. F. study which he has made of crop Koster camp. Cronister, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. capacities of all sections of ilie Mrs. K. A. Estes is now driving Gooding, Guy Mills, J. C. Lindley, world. He says “the land of the a new Chevrolet coach which was R. Sessman, C. C. Clay, E. L. earth will feed 8 billion people if the most efficient farming methoas now being used are applied to all NZMEKXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX land which wall raise a crop.” require less work. Hay and X peanuts small grain crops are usually pro­ a duced with the least labor. s Farmers who want a copy of the H new 1926 Yearbook of agriculture had bettter write their Congrcss- h M | men at once. About 400,000 copies j of the book will be printed and H a»' l .".ost of t'-c'T will be