VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, July 14, 1927, i The role i f a boob disguises centrally located and U provided and evangelists will participate In Hoot Gibsen’s mission of a cowboy with conveniences for campers, I the meeting. A good choir and or­ LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor VOLUME detective in “Hey! Hey! Cowboy,”i chestra will render music. ; a Universal-Jewel which comes ner.- ’ Evangelist T. S. W iney with the The old fashioned Holy Ghost THE OCEAN THE HALL OF FAME | to the Majestic theatre Thursday Evangelistic association of Portland will be preached without any eq­ INVINCIBLE BARBER HAS NEW EQUIPMENT formerly a well knewn pastor of Bill Smith lost a valuable sad­ and Friday. His exciting advenlures uivocation. The meeting will be By WAMPUS PETE dle horse Saturday night when he , start when he is kicked from a ! North Portland Babtist church, will inter-denominational and a cordial To my patrons and patronesses, (Silver Penned Poet of the Sierras) drew- to a split straight. .freight train right into the heart I be in charge of the campaign. As­ invitation is extended to all earnest and all other persons or people who I like to sit upon the sands, Miss Goldie Boone will make her (of a dyed-in-the-wool Western feud. sisting will be Evangelist Chas. R.1 Christians and interested seekers have their hair cut, clipped, shingl­ And watch the ocean’s foam; * debut in society jusf as soon as Kathleen Key plays the leading Dillon, aconverted movie actor of of gospel truth. ed or bobbed: I like to see the mighty ships; • she can learn to inhale a cigarette, I feminine part with a featured cast Hollywood, and Helen I. Dillon his have This is to notify you that I That never have no home. Mrs. Bill Pie we has prepared a directed by Lynn Reynolds, includ­ i Wife, the former a most powerful I Establishment of industries near just received a new pair of scis- nice budget for her household, ing “Slim” Summerville, Wheeler i exponent of the fundamental gos- the raw product means saving In sors, f.o.b. Chicago, which I wil] I like to %ee the hefty waves, which will be put into effect just Oakman, Monte Montague, Clarke 1 pel of Jesus Christ, and the latter freight charges, growth of a pop­ use in my tonsorial barber shop Their giant breakers thrust; as soon as Bill gets a raise in sal- Comstock, Jim Corey, Nick Cogley from Angelus Temple. Los Angeles, ulation which will consume agricul- to cut people’s hair with. The new- I like to see the white-caps rise, with ringing messages of Salvation,, turai crops, and all-round develop- ary. and Millla Davenport. And hit the rocks and bust. scissors were bought with the sole and a most wonderful ministry in ' ment of the region surrounding the Jeff Jones, an aviator in the the purpose of keeping up with healing the sick. Other ministers industry. world war, hung up another non­ I like to see the stars at night, Page, Line and Paragraph march of progress in the barber stop record the other day when he down through the That shine business. You will find out, if A tightly built barn will be damp fell out of a tree. black, you get another one of our up-to- Wild Bill Mullens writes that and foul unless ventilation is pro- the salty brine, I like to sail .fite haircuts, that the new scissors Aimee McPherson encountered no vided. And fish for kippered snack. will work much better than the old difficulty in finding sinners while! pair of sheep shears I have been holding a revival in Chicago. \ Th,e eas‘ern red cedar shou,d not LOCAL NEWS using the past four years. You will be planted anywhere near apple or­ to Archimedes Puck has decided HECK TOMBS MOVES not be in so much danger of los­ chards because the disease known as become a dog fancier and has pur ­ TO CACTUS FLAT cedar rust spreads from tills tree ing one of your ears or xof having The Catamount is proud to chron­ to the leaves and fruit of apple the sharp point of a pair of rusty chased a half interest in Abe Bar­ icle the spectacular and history­ trees. sheep shears jabbed into the back low’s hound. of your neck. With the new sciss­ Gale Clow saved his life in a making arrival of Heck Tombs and The diseases of cabbage also oc­ ors, which cost me the stupedous spectacular manner Tuesday by family and flock of pedigreed cur on cauliflower, turnips, Brus­ and colossal sum of 49 cents, cash striking out and swimming to shore hounds, who moved en masse into sels sprouts, kale and on some of STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA down, I will be able to cut your when he fell overboard while fish­ our thriving metropolis Monday af- I did with hair much faster than ing in Alkalali Lake. the sheep shears, and you won’t Clem Slaw took advantage of have to wait so long, My profits will also be increased to sucn an an opportunity to cultivate his rose ing out a living with a very dry ! w,lth cabbage and all related weeds enormous extent that I may not bushes Sunday while digging bait. farm, which left them in somewhat. oud be keP‘ down- have to stay open on Saturday Henry Hosmeyer, who has been straitened circumstances, so they. Producers can increase their ef- ----- u__ j _______ • bad _ì to U . tret BCt together ‘7ather a a few few simnle simP’e * 4»,.«*; fectiveness by dem-easing costs of nights after six o’clock, and if 1 holding down a position on the had close at six sharp, I won’t be late postoffice steps for teh past three belongings and leave for parts un’ production, In every region there I are some ’ producing’ at much at the poker game over the Light- -years left Monday for Roaring Riv- known at the time. The Tombses will move into the cost than the great majority ening Livery Stable any more. Last er on a vacation. During his ab- u....... on Tara„. theh. ntiM.hbora whereaB Qthers Saturday night I was two hours sence his place will be occupied by Porterhouse Kelly hous tula avenue, which r was recently producing at costs much above late and the gang had skinned a Harve Lawson. vacated by Cliff Gilmore, as soon average. sucker from Oakland out of nine­ 20 % Reduction on DIANA Arch Sole will start to college as the floors can be swept into teen dollars and eighty cents, and It is well for the hog grower I didn’t get in on the split, I al- this fall to prepare for a position some semblance of respectability Ivory Single Piecest STATIONERY ways like to be on hand when in the filling station at Whiskey and the grease scraped off the to select from his pig crop each tables and walls where Cliff’s pack year, if possible, a few gilts that Slide. opportunity knocks. Sets 69c Per Box of children i smeared their hands. will improve the breeding herd. An With my new equipment, which The members of the volunteer ever and anon without any in- outstanding animal may sometimes will have my personal supervision NEW LIFE fire department enjoyed a nice terference whatever from their be picked out soon after weaning, at all times, I now have the most shower bath Tuesday evening when parents, whose place it should be but generally it is best to wait un­ BOX — Wine Tonic up-to-date and majestically accoun- the hose broke. to bring up their offspring so they til the pigs are from 5 to 6 months Tonic and System tred tonsorial barber shop between CAMERAS Whiskey Slide and San Francisco. Bill Lemon left this morning for wouldn't threaten the very founda- of age. Builder Give me a share of your pat- the county seat where he will seek tion of our government. $1.00—$1.50 $1.00 per Bottle W’hen weather conditions such as Mr. Tombs will look around a ronage and I will give you a share employment for his wife. bit and if anything offers that hail, drought, or frost prevent the of my own. maturing of corn for the silo, it Scotty McPherson went over to strikes his fancy he might go to may BEARCAT BOONE be cut while still immature and the county seat Saturday to bor ­ work. Barber and Horseshoer. produce a fair grade of silage. A row the time of day. STOKES COLE WILL good practice is to mix such com Porterhouse Kelly, who is confin­ RUN FOR OFFICE with which is more mature. Silage STATE NEWS ed to his bed with a charge of Stokes Cole announces that he from immature corn will be more PAPER PLATES WAX PAPER Rattlesnake Ike says the real buckshot states that after this he has been looking around for a va­ sour than usual and more laxative NAPKINS ICE CREAM DISHES cation for some time now, but that when fed in large quantities, a reason the Red Sea went dry was will raise his own chickens. he hasn’t yet found anything that trouble that can be avoided by care because Los Angeles needed the Bearcat Boone’s pet rattlesnake CUPS FORKS water. is learning to drink out of a bottle. appeals to his artistic nature, and in feeding. that he will let the matter rest Fluke Hoat, of the Inperil Val- __ Cleanliness is absolutely essential Elmer Whipple has opened a in abeyance until next year, at ley, writes that the Colorado River printing to the successful raising of calves. shop in Whiskey slide, which time he ‘will run for office. flood has missed them so far this where he Nearly all disorders or diseases of will specialize in printing Stokes says that all the businesses summer. envelopes in competition with the and professions he has investigated the calf are caused either directly or indirectly by lack of cleanliness, Government of the United States not only demand a large expend­ It is important that all milk and iture of capital, of which he is ra ­ BOOK REVIEW Archimedes Puck got a closer ther short at present, but that other feeds be fresh and clean, Miss Rosie Rootentoot, who likes view of the comet a few nights ago they also demand a generous out­ Keep calf pens clean and filled to read novels, says that her fav­ by climbing up on the water tank. lay of hard work. Stokes says that with plenty of dry bedding. Exer­ cise great care in washing the calf orites among women writers are The Rev. Ananias Etherblazer de- he doesn’t mind work when there pails. Scald these thoroughly with Zona Gale and Zane Grey. is nothing else to do but he doesn ’ t 1 livered a scorching sermon Sunday, Wiley Hawse writes from Boston during which he emphatically ad- feel that he can devote his en- boiling water, or sterilize them with that Upton Sinclair, a California mitte d that he was not even re- tire time and talents to such pleb- steam if possible. oil magnate, was threatened with motely related to a monkey. eian pursuit. Stokes hasn’t decid- Remove discarded feed from the arrest recently for trying to sell ed which office he will run for, but feed boxes, and thoroughly brush Capt. Enoch Hornsby, was de- he states that he will scout around and Clean the boxes each day. a copy of the Bible to a policeman. Mrs. Mescal Bill says she lilted corated for bravery while holding and feel out public sentiment and Our farm w-oodlands generally Main Street and Babbit and Arrow­ down a job in Washington during bust loose and throw his hat in the smith, but that she really doesn’t the late war, has joined the Cac- ring immediately after the first of contain many crooked, forkeo, di­ care to read another book like this tus Flat Rifle Club, and will learn January so as to be in on the seased trees which should give way to straight, sound ones. Right cut- to shoot a gun. here Elmer Gangster. ground floor. ting includes also the removal of From the South Seas to New Long Island society miss who oe- large sound trees whose growth is York came “Aloma.” In other words, lieves herself capable of writing .-low, because they are nearing or Gilda Gray’s second Paramount a crook play superior to any show­ have reached maturity. Following a starring vehicle, “Carbaret,” which I ing on Broadway. To prove her thinning, the remaining trees show A fight film that is reputed to reaches the Majestic theatre Sun-1 ability, she engages a quartet ot an increased growth, and the wnole have all the punch of the real day takes place on Broadway, Gilda noted crooks to visit her home tn woodland is enchanted in value, thing, plus the well-known Dix is given remarkable support by a order that she may study their With an active market for cord brand of huhior comes Saturday company headed by Tom Moore habits. wood and with the use of treated to the Majestic theatre when and Chester Conklin. Robert G. fence posts and poles an oppor- “Knockout Reilly” opens, “The Yankee Clipper,” Rupert tunity is afforded for thinning Vignola directed. I J Julian i ’ s newest production for Ce- overcrowded stands, especially old- Adapted from a story by Albert Mildred Davis returns to the cil B B. De Mille, which will be field pine and clearing out the l.-i Payson Terhune, “Knockout Reilly” stars Dix as a young steel puddler screen for the first time in four shown at the Majestic theatre Tues- ferior trees. who after many vicissitudes at- years at the Majestic theatre on day and Wednesday, was filmed Tent Camp Meetings tains to a pugilistic championship. Monday in Paramounts “Too Many against a background of the fam- The greatest tent camp meet­ Mary Brian and Jack Renault are Crooks” a Fred Newmeyer pro­ ous tea-trade races of the “fifties,” featured. The film is said to be duction filled with comedy, gasps when commercial rivalry on the ing perhaps ever held on the Ore­ as exciting as that classic of all and thrills. Lloyd Hughes is co­ seas ran highest between America gon Coast is announced as begin­ Dix pictures, “The Quarterback,” featured with her in the photo­ and Great Britain. William Boyd ning July 20 and continuing to which but lately took the country play as are George Bancroft and. and Elinor Fair play the leading August 20 at Newport, Oregon, by storm. Malcolm St. Clair direc­ El Brendel, the funny Swede. roles. C. Gardner Sullivan supervis­ on the Municipal Campground of The story concerns a wealthy ed the production. this popular resort city, whleh Is ted. * âi 1 THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT NUMBER 7 Kills insects by the roomful Oronite FLY SPRAY Kills fries, mosquitoes, moths broaches, X etc. Drug’ Store Items At Mac’s Pharmacv Picnic Supplies Oregon American Lumber Company The Majestic F"------ 7 A h HOvJ is L i TTLG JAMES'. MISSUS < DoOGLE ? y ' / not able To GOTO , i / SCHOOL INlbUJELV - HES I \ T h (2 ov 3 leù \ wiù . CATABBW / / GoGQ'ASo , OI me S ilf / , FAITH, Ol v ? a S ALWAYS BOTHERED W i TA IT..- LET ME SEE • /