Wrnxmia faille Entered at Vernonia, Oregon, Postoffiae as Second-Class Matter. Rains Keeping Crops Behind % VERNONIA. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1927. Paul Robinson Buys Western Clackamas Review Word was recently received from Paul Robinson, former editor of the Eagle, and later of the Central Point American and Ashland Amer­ ican, which subsequently sold, that he has purchased the Western Clac­ kamas Review at Oswego, Oregon. The Review is a newspaper and job plant and Mr. Robinson states that it is a good looking proposition and near Portland or Oregon City, It is presumed that Mr. and Mrs. Robinson plan to live in Oswego. Their many Vernonia friends wish them the best of luck in their new venture. VOLUME 5, NO. 49. Vernonia Stage Depot To Have New Quarters I St. Helens 4 to 2 That the Vernonia stages will j soon have a new depot here is the assurance of H. H. Hixon own­ Opportunity Given Public to Climb Sunday’s Gams Was the First That er, who states that the Sword Mountain at Small Expense and Local Team Has Lost This Sea­ building, which was recently oc­ cupied by the Central garage, will With But Little Equipment. son; Will Play at Astoria Sunday be remodeled to accommodate an Following a “mountain carnival” The Vernonia All-Stars met their up-to-date waiting room, ticket of­ at the city of Hood River on Fri­ first defeat of the season Sunday fice, private office, rest rooms, etc. day, July 15, the Hood River Post on the local grounds when St. Hel- It is also planned to make pro-I of the American Legion will stage ens handed them a 4 to 2 trim- vision for loading and unloading] the annual Mount Hood Legion ming. Kotula pitched a great game the stages indoors during incle- climb on Saturday and Sunday,'but received erratus support, five ment weather. July 16 and 17. errors being charged against the In the opinion of many local To the annual mid-summer re­ local team. Vernonia had several folk, the changes will be welcom- Vernonia Post Wins Second Leg of Secretary Jardine Says Possibility creational venture, launched by the oportunities to score but each time ed in Vernonia, inasmuch as the District Trophy For Greatest Hood River Legion Post in 1921 St. Helens stopped her with a appearance of Bridge street will of Rising Interest Rates Later New Pulp Bulletin and which has become nationally double play. Ramey of St. Helens be materially improved. Mr. Hix­ District Membership. Shows Processes known in mountaineering and Leg­ and McGregor of Vernonia made in the Year. on has set a tentative date of A new circular of Interest to ion circles, several unique features several sensational plays. July 18 as the probably time of Mrs. Clarence Nance, a delegate THE LINEUP: making the change. Further an- to the state Auxiliary convention Corn, potatoes and spring grains the northwest is department of ag­ will be added this year. Vernonia All-Stars, The ascent of the peak will be nouncements concerning the change at La Grande from the Auxiliary are still behind although good pro­ riculture bulletin 1485-D, “The AB R H PO A American Woods for held on Saturday, and on Sunday will appear in next week’s Eagle. unit of Vernonia post 119, Ameri­ gress was made in June and mois­ Suitability of >> 3 0 0 1 3 when parties will be escorted to Laird ss can Legion, was elected Princess ture supplies are generally favor­ paper pulp.1 4 0 0 2 0 At present the spruces, firs hem- glacial ice and snow fields, the Nance 2b KEEP MOVING Vernonia to represent this post at able. Haying and harvest of win­ McGregor If 4 1 3 2 0 IF George Washington and the the parade in La Grande next ter wheat is well under way. Yields locks are drawn upon for 77 per Legionnaires will stage a race to Kotula p 4 1 2 0 3 continental army had lost hope and week end, when a float representa­ of hay and grass are goo lowers of the cause honestly be- convention in Marshfield last year, California, Oranges reported ex­ description of the behavior of each charge I Welch to Larson, Ramey to Polsen, lieved that a great principle ' was he is likely to provide more than cellent in Sacramento valley and wood when pulped by the sulphite The Hood River Post inaugerat- Ramey to Polsen to Ramey’ Stolen envolved and determination to win one good stunt during the three satisfactory elsw'here. process, the sulphite process, the ed the Mount Hood Climb, In or-ibases' Llnn 2’ Graven’ A' McDonald was written upon the brow of days of the convention. The general exchange value of all soda process (in the case of the der to popularize mountaineering! ’ arsen> every one who participated in the M. E. Carkin, district committee- farm products in terms of all non- hardwoods), and the mechanical ! engagements. Farm Market Review man. is being boosted for a higher agricultural commodities advanced process. Under the common name among the folk of Oregon, and a America is today the scene of office in state Legion circles. His another point in May to 84 per of each species is also given its cordial invitation is extended to I Wool—Further strengthening with cent of the pre-war five-year ave­ botanical name, its range, a list of the general public to attend this some definite advances on the Bos- another conflict, a battle, having name has been suggested for both year’s mountain party.. ton market and considerable act- for its final aim the firm establish­ comamnder and vice commander. rage, just three points below May local names applied to the same itity in wool producing districts ment of another great principle, to Because of his record in working _ 1926. For June the general level woo(j jn different parts of the Production of Oakland i n it i I and abroad feature latest wool wit, that in this great democracy democracy ' I ^or the good of the organization of farm prices advanced four points country, ¡ts weight per cubic foot, Motor Cars to be Doubled market ° be Uout)le(1 market news. Prices in foreign1 peace and prosperity cannot be I he has become well known through- to 130, this being the largest ad-' and its fiber length- Pontiac, Mich., , July 11.—Facili-'markets are stiU above the parity I attained by keeping one part of | 1 out the state and is believed to vance made in a single month Copies of the new publication, ible the present \ ^ the be ® B° os s t°n market. More mohair I the people in financial bondage be a popular candidate, Carkin since March 1925. The increase was j while the SUpp]y lasts, may be ob- ties that will double due to better prices for fruits and tained from the U. S. forest/ pro­ production of Oakland motor cars | bas been shipped abroad out of I with high taxes while the remainder signed up 291 members for the vegetables, grains and-cotton, and (|ucts laboratory’, Madison, Wis. or are announced as completed by the1 f°re’Fn mohair stored in bond in collect dividends of gigantic pro­ local post this year, and will pro- in the main reflects adverse weath- ■ the • forest - service, — United States de- huge Oakland Motor Car company American ports and some small lots portions at the expense of those bably win the cup offered to the er conditions which have prevailed I . partment partment of agriculture, Washing- „ j here, after improvements and new of Texas mohair. Wool mill act­ thus crippled and are determined to individual making the best record, Most of the local delegation plan evade the duty of loyal citizens during the spring. Meat animals,' ton. D c . or copies may a]so be ] construction totalling $2,000,000 ivity is greater than last years. Hairy vetch seed—Prices have and pay their share of taxes for to drive to La Grande, which Is dairy products and poultry pro- ] pur’chased from the superintendent have been built into the Oakland about a 350-miIe trip. A few will ducts as groups lost ground during |of nublic documents, Washington, I faetory’ Tbis announcement, on the shown little change during the past govermental activities. June D a ~ take advantage of the low train ; heels of the roi'anflv recently annnnw*nd announced month,, eastern importers quoting The state tax commiss ; on for Jlu,000,900 expansion program that $15.50-$16.50 per hundred, The Oregon reported as follows: $42,- fares and the pullman accomoda­ The Situation in Oregon Discuss Firemen Aid included an entirely new Pontiac outlook is favorable for the new 000,000 and pay no tax to Sup­ tions provided at La Grande dur­ All reports indicate that the I crop both in United States end ing the convention. Pullman cars Six ................ factory, makes the production - .......... “«f> — — V« «W. WSVSa of —o. iumo —' *— adequate A means of raising revenue or plants of the Oakland company Europe. Stocks of old seed are low port governmental activities for will stay in the city to relieve the school city, county and state. About practically all parts of the state ¡the Vernonia fire department was | rank high among the big producers in Europe and imports into the $200,000,000 could be added to housing situation there. The con­ and in some localities there is a discussed at the meeting of tbelof the entire automobile industry. United States moderate. vention will open Thursday, July 21 the assessed valuation of the . .. surplus, a situation which has not chamber of Commerce held in the Butter—Good grades were steady if all property was fairly and state and close Saturday. Local folk plan According to construction engin­ Just- prevailed for several years. Cur-( Horseshoe cafe Thursday noon. A, at 41t4 to 42 cents in San Fran­ to leave not later than Wednesday tailment of production in other in-j committee was appointed to meet eers, the new Oakland plant, im­ cisco but poor grades draggy. Sup­ ly assessed.” for the long drive to the eastern proved with new buildings and ma- We know that it is right that Oregon town. dustries is partly responsible fot-with the council and offer sugges- I chinery, is now unsurpassed by any plies are liberal considerable moved this situation. j tions by which the business men factory in the automotive industry. into storage. Eastern markets first all should contribute to our gov- ernmental activities according to ‘"Weather conditions have been of the town could cooperate with These improvements in the Oak­ unsettled but closed steady to firm. Factory favorable for pasture and hay crops the city in cleaning the city’ streets land factory have been completed in Storage continues heavy and trade 1 benefit derived and ability to pay. Trurt a-d To Ee Built et Pontiac generally during the past month with reimbursement to the fire fund, the record breaking time of two estimates now place the total slight­ I We know that it is great injustice | to those who now pay taxes to and grains have made good pro-i weeks. Some of the activities In­ ly above a year ago. Production A new factory will be built by gress. Here and there a little Fire insurance companies exper­ volved were the movement of 775 has passed the peak aparently but ¡carry the above me itioned free the Yellow Truck and Coach man­ damage has been done by too much ienced a net underwriting loss of individual machines, purchase and is still running ahead of last 1 riders. Do we feel o- ■’>u aged be- ufacturing company at Pontiac, I cause we lost the f t Ivv-.’es ini moisture but on the whole all 2.95 per cent on earned premiums installation of hundreds of thous­ year’s somewhat. Michigan, for the manufacture of crops have done well. A substan­ for five years ended Dec. 31. 1926. ands of dollars worth of new ma- Livestock—Cattle and hegs ad­ ¡skirmish for equalize 1 'ax-;’? No.1 General Motors trucks :;s well as We would be, ral.rs to our cabs, which tial increase in tate potato acre­ | chinery, construction of a new mo-I vanced sharply on light receipts and the sp:rlt $8,000,000. will cost more than age has been planted. Strawberry last estimate of butter production ! tor conveyor assembly line, with and lambs were steady on the I selves, our count growers experienced some difficul­ reveal increases over last year. The new facilities also for motor block ] Portland market. Receipts wert I of 1776 if we o not coniinne The new his for a., will be the plant when completed ty in marketing the large crop last estimate of butter production i tests, overhead conveyor systems light in San Francisco with good to battle for equ . largest of its kind in covering May is an increase of 6 produced. Hungarian vetch Is in- grades strong. Eastern markets and special privilege to none as the world, The future home of and new lighting. the fathers of our country did in creasing in popularity as a hay per cent over May of last year truck, taxicab and coach manufac­ While these improvements were were strong on all good livestock crop in western Oregon, Clover and receipts of butter at principal , going on, the entire interior of with receipts light following the 1776. The right of women to vote, turing borders on the city limits markets since then, which are some rural free mail delivery, parcel seed crops are promising at this l the Oakland plant was repainted, holiday lamb prices advanced, with to the south of Pontiac. It will time in all sections reportea. I index of production, have been run­ in itself an enormous task. The I little activity in feeder and Stocker post, postal saving, prohibition, measure 700 feet across the front ning almost 5 per cent above those eight hours on all government work Heavy production and low price« company has now also completely j cattle. and extend back 1600 feet. It also together with advancing feed costs of last June, Increased market re­ electrified its plant equipment, us- Grain—Light receipts or grains and dozens of other laws for the borders the right-of-way of the ceipts the past two months have welfare of all the people was only have caused some let-down in the ing electrical unit driven mach- with considerable uncertainity as won by the spirit of 1776 which (Grand Trunk Railway System, as- enthusiasm for i expansion of the been sufficient to bring the total inery exclusively. to out-turn of winter wheat caus­ ■ suring excellent shipping facilities. for the calendar year to about knows no defeat. poultry industry, The dairy indus- ed a firm tone generally. Corn Spur tracks will lead separately to Fined for Drunken Driving The income tax carried In Ore- try is enjoying < fairly remunera- 3 per cent over the same period In and spring wheat made generally those sections of the factory where 1926, but it is interesting to note Corneilus Pruitt was arrested by tive returns as a result of the' urr.c =3 favorable progress. Rye and barley gon outside of Multnomah county lumber and other raw materials that close to half of the actual Marshalls Kelly and Phelps late harvests are beginning with favora­ and received two to one better close adjustment between supply j ¡nd'demand "in "the” United Stated increase has ««cured during the Saturday night in Vernonia for ble prospects but oats are not so support than any other proposed are received and where the finish­ ed product is shipped. driving a car while intoxicated, good and the market tended to tax at the different times before and cljeap feed in the form of tion which has been lagging be ­ Work Start« on Tonnia Court« When arraigned before Justice of strengthen. The flax crop is mak­ the people. abundant pasturage, Range live- Work of improving the tennia stock is generally in good condition hind for some time has apparently the Peace Hill he plead guilty to ing good progress. London's wheat An equitable income tax that picked up, although the net dif­ the charge and was fined $150 and advanced about 2 cents a bushel treated everybody alike and avoid­ court» at the high school started with abundant grass. ference as compared with last year 90 days in the county jail. His reflecting European demand from ed double taxation would receive this week and it is expected that The Dairy Situation is still slight. Until the past month, driver’s license was also revoked delayed harvest. The new European the support of the class of people a number of the members of the With the month of June gone, however, cheese production has for one year. crop is expected to be better than who nearly always vote. What I newly formed club will donate their there is more evidence now of been considerably less than that Upon Pruitt's complaint that the last year’s but not so good as two have in mind is an income tax labor to have the courts ready for this year's production trend. The of a year ago. The greatest in­ fine was rather heavy Judge Hill years ago. Domestic demand waa with a property offset and a flat playing within the next week. New summer months, which are import­ crease seems to be condensed and replied that ‘‘drunken drivers courts are being built next to the I ant from a production standpoint, evaporated milk, with the month the greatest menace the public Ere good especially for high protein on rate that would compare with the offices of the Oregon-American has which premiums advanced. Large rate now levied on property, A are still ahead and should unusual of May reported as 19 per cent on the highways” and that if he Lumber company for the club that weather conditions prevail, unexpec­ heavier than 1926. Favorable weath­ is ever brought up on a similar ?rop prospects on the Pacific coast state income tax should only be ha» been recently organized the>r. weakened the market and very lit ­ collected from those who are not ted changes in production may oc­ er and pasture conditions in dairy charge he will get the limit The tle business for Immediate ship­ paying their portion of taxes. cur. Gold Beach—-Good gold and plat­ 1 sections have contributed very Lar>- judge also stated that this should ment was do»« 31.37 to $1.38 a The above is my reply to queries inum ore reported near Agnes», Nearly ail reports on production ely to the above mentioned increas- be warning to others who choose bushel being bid for August, Sept- in regard to the income tax. Electrolytic outfit will be Installed reveal increases over last year. The es. l to mix beoza with gasoline. Please turn to P«r« 2 O. HENRT OLSEN to treat ores. Mrs. Clarence Nance is Named Vernonia Representative