VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, July 7, 1927. .spent the week end at Seaside, been announced taht St. Helens land Red, White Flemish, and Chin­ They report a very enjoyable time. I post of the Legion is giving a chilla rabbits are the varieties most , „ _. _ ,, ' dance on the Swan July 12. extensively bred in the United Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meyer, re- ________________ * States for meat and fur. Rabbits | cently of Medford, arrived here Successful rabbit raising requires of these varieties are usually bred good stock and proper management Mr and /Murray and week- Mr' Me*er “ the new at from 7 or 8 months up to 4 family spent July 4 al Seaside. j manager of the Shell Oil company j The American White, American years • of age. Four litters a year L. Blackburn visited in Astoria PIant he\e; Wm’ Lee’ who h“ been Blue, New Zealand White, New Zea- i are raised ordinarily. 1 i i driving the truck for the local over the week end. I , plant, has been transferred to Go- Mrs. D. W. Keasey, Miss Julia I and Junior Keasey returned to their ( home in Roseburg last week. | Our contention that Mother’s Born: To Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bread is good bread is borne out i Crabtree, June 27, a boy. He has ! when we have regular customers ’ been named Jack Russell. who live in Portland and who buy Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pringle and Mother’s Bread every time they I VERNONIA’S PROGRESSIVE STORE j family attended the rodeo at Deer are in Vernonia. They tell us it LEADERS OF STYLE AND QUALITY is the best bread they ever ate i Island July 4. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gaines vts- ! and they wish they could buy as ited Mr. Gaines’ parents in Hills­ ' good in Portland. When such cus-' boro over the week end. 1 tomers have dozens of different Clearance Sale of Ladies Silk Dresse. 1 Lot o? Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Aldrich and kinds of bread to choose from 1n family attended the celebration tn Portland does it not indicate to Ladies Silk Dresses Consisting of Satin, Crepe, Hillsboro over the week end. you that Mother’s Bread Flat Crepe and Georgette. Light and Dark Colors. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. G¡«'w, a’-' good and way above the I Friced for Quick Saie at $9.75. tended the rodeo in Vancouver, —adv. Wash., the 4th. These summer days are the days The Vernonia Bakery has a ninn­ when it is nice for the house-wife bèr of lard barrels ami also a to loaf a little. Why stand over couple of hard-wood barrels for a hot stove and bake when you sale—adv. 1 can buy such delicious bakery S. G. Ratcliffe. A. L. Ratcliffe, Just a few more ladies coats left in stock. Very goods of all kinds from the Ver- • and Margie Ratcliffe, attended the nonia Bakery. Only quality Ingred- good styles and colors. We have marked these rodeo in Vancouver, Wash., July i ients enter into our goods—you 4. ! could buy no better yourself and coats below cost. Do not fail to take advantage Chas. Mellinger left Monday foi- the goodness of the finished pro- ; Weiser, Idaho, to live for a time of this sale. Coats at $4.75-$9.75-$12.75 and up. duct is beyond question—adv. with his daughter, 1 Mrs.’ Agness Hall. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Wilbum Hall and | We wish to thank our many| If- . TTT T» TT ,11 >4. 1 1 i. — ' li «inu. «f • iiali utvi-iiuta , inends anu neignoors, and the I church in Portland Sunday of last Knights of Pythias and Pythian I “Style Without Extra- week. I Sisters lodges, for the many kind-1 vagance” Ail colors O. Goertzen, formerly of Goble, I nesses extended during the illness, is now the truck driver for the I and floral tributes tendered In | I and prices. To econo­ Shell Oil company plant in Ver­ kindly remembrance at the time of j nonia. the death of our wife and mother. mizei on your hosiery You make no mistake when you Chas. Mellinger, buy Mother’s Bread it is as good Mrs. Agness Hall. bills insist on Rollins a loaf of bread as you can buy Dr. 1 Luzader Here July 11, 12. anywhere. Ask for Mother’s Al­ for every member of ways—adv. .On account of the 4th fall- the family. Miss Wilma Chandler of Grove­ ■^5>-ing on his regular monthly ton, Texas, is spending her va­ visit, Dr. Luzader Eyesight special- cation with her sister, Mrs. M. F. ' ist will be at Kulalnders Jewelry Wall. | store Vernonia on Monday and A. J. * ~ --- Raymer, who left - Vernon-! Tuesday July 11, 12. All those who ia a few months ago for a visit ' wish to see him will please note through California has returned to ’ the change in date. Kindly make j appointment with Mr. Kullander to Vernonia. Mrs. Flavel Cameron and sister . avoid waiting and have your eyes A va' Sell of Washtuena, Wash., examined.—adv. Mail orders filled same day received. daughters of J. H. Sell, arrived The American Legion Auxiliary last week for a few days visit Phone 801 Vernonia, Oregon will hold a special meeting Friday with their father. Remember that we have a large evening in the Legion hall. It has assortment of good things for that ■wun week-end picnic. Sandwich buns for the sandwiches; rolls, cookies, cakes and pies. Make it a real picnic and let us supply you with the "eats” < Vernonia Bakery—adv. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Blindbury of Greenville, Mich., are spending INCORPORATED the summer with Mrs. Blindbury's STORES AT STORES AT son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. NEWBERG Glaude Knapp. CORVALLIS SALEH HILLSBORO Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Hurley, SHER,DAN M c M innville Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bateman and VERNONIA MONMOUTH Emil Messing drove to Occanlake EVERYTHING TO WEAR over the week end. They visited a number of beaches from Newport on South. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff and daughter Dorothy, accompained by Mr. Wolff’s parents from Idaho, State Laundry Company FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK xl We call and deliver TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Well Tailor, Phone MAin 891 Reith tier s THE NEW Hot Plate f aporizer ¿it O1Í-C? COATS More Miles per Gallon More Power----- Smoother Operation Less Carbon j Easier Starting Less Crankcase Dilution Bring in your Ford today and let us put one on. Rollins Hosiery Installation Extra. Crawford Motor Co G ilby M otor C o Headquarters for Ladies and Childrens Shoes OAKLAND, PONTIAC CHEVROLET, STUDE BAKER Goodyear Tires n : : H si ■ N H Miller Mercantile Company Hoifman Hardware Co MILLER^ Too Many REFRIGERATORS Our Everyday Prices Classified Advertising H S We’ll have some hot weather yet—and you’ll H H never get a belter time and opportunity—We S H H must unload—compare size and prices then H H H M Ï H H you’ll buy here. H Solid, Oak White Moun tain Refrigerators H H REGULAR $29.50 CLOSE OUT at $23.75 H 100 POUNDS ICE FREE H H H REGULAR $21.00 CLOSE OUT PRICE $17.45 H 100 POUNDS ICE FREE H H H REGULAR $15.40 CLOSE OUT PRICE $13.50 H 100 POUNDS ICE FREE H H REGULAR $27.00 CLOSE OUT PRICE $20.20 H H H 100 POUNDS ICE FREE H H SEE WINDOWS FOR SAMPLE DISPLAY H H H M H See Hoffman About It H M X H H HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX ‘TT PAYS” HOPE MUSLIN 36” Standard Weight FOR SALE FOR SALE OR TRADE—1 4-room house in Block 4, lot 2, East side addition, will sell or considei a trade-in on Roadster or coupe. For particulars write D. J. Pankratz, Box 385, Vernonia. 474 15c Yard FOR SALE—2 Registered Holstein Bull calves, good breeding. Roy Hanson, Birkenfeld, Ore. 483* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Suc­ cessful boarding house of 12 rooms. Old established business. Can be kept full all the time. Excellent I location. Will take 4 or 5-room house as part payment. Selling on account of ill health. Apply of Mrs. Webster at 641 First street. Ver- | nonia, Ore. tf404* FOR RENT—5 room house, east of' the high school, one block; bath toilet and basement. Will be at I the place Sunday and Monday next. M. E. Schumerhorn, Forest Grove. MENS BLUE and GREY CHAM- BRY Work Shirts, Sizes 14% to 17. A Real Rayon Bed Spread. Size 84” x 108” Yellow, Nile Rose, Orchid. MENS HICKORY STRIPE WORK NATURAL COLORED, 12 M. M. Pongee. 33” Width 75c Yard NEW MUSIC STUDIO in Vernon­ ia. Spacial courses under Euro­ I pean trained teachers on violin I clarinet, comet, saxophone or any orchestra or band instrument. Les­ sons $1 to 12. We furnish the in­ strument with violin course. This is a rare opportunity for the be­ ginner or advanced music student. For information and appointments, address International Music Stud-i | ios, 420 Union Ave. North, Port- ’ 1 land. Ore. I ’ 472* 50c SHIRTS, Double Back 2 Pockets $100 Mens Black Sateen Shirts Dynamo Special 90c Mens Can’t Bust ’Em Whipcord Trousers. LADIES ATTENTION Why pay more for Kotex? When you can buy San-O-Nap for Days Whipcord Trousers 25c $350 SEE OUR RUFFLED CURTAINS. Per pair complete with tiebacks MENS 14 oz. REDWRIST CAN- VAS Gloves One Piece Back $1- Butterick Patterns - $115 -------------------------------------------------- JULY CLEARANCE OF Ladies Hats Price $3- 75 Each MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Music studio room in Vernonia by International Music ' Studios, address 420 Union Ave. I N.. Portland. Ore. 472*| VERNONIA LOTS for sale, phone, Portland, ATwater 2784. 474* j Mcns Overalls, Waist or Bib, Full Cut Union-Made 220 wt. Denim. 50 $300 2 Pair Vernonia's Leading Store 1 1 25c Star Brand Shoes