¡I* ¥ Entered at Vernonia, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-Class Matter. Mrs. D. B. Reasoner Dies Suddenly in Hillsboro County Nnrse to Hold Free Clinic r 4 * VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1927 VOLUME 5, NUMBER 48. i Member­ Boys and Girls Cluii All Stars Win Baseball Tennis Club ship is Still Open Milk Ordinence Summer School in Gor- Game Independence Day Not Yet Passed vallis Proves Popular Al Ml 18 to 4 The many Vernonia friends of With the probable prospect of having good weather for the next' Mrs. D. B. Reasoner, were griev- three months, a group of local ed Tuesday morning to learn of tennis enthusiasts met Friday after­ her sudden death in Hillsboro ar noon for the purpose of organiz­ the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. ing a tennis club. J. N. Bush was L. Beach, where Mr. and » Mrs.! Reasoner were visiting at 7:30 p. Betty Bennett of Vernonia Won a The Score Was Tied 4 to 4 at the elected president, and Mrs. Fred End of the Sixth Inning: Al! Brewer secretary-treasurer. Gold Star in Swimming; Good In­ m. July 4. Heart trouble was given as the cause of death. struction» Given Boys and Girls. Stars Scored 12 During Seventh. It is proposed to improve the courts at the high school, and for A number of local folk plan to (By Elizabeth Murray) The Vernonia All Stars defeated I this purpose it was decided to levy attend the funeral which will be Saturday evening June 25, the the Jewell team by a score to 18 j enough dues to pay for the lm-1 held at the Limber undertaking parlors in Hillsboro this afternoon Columbia county delegation return­ to 4 on the Jewell diamond July provements. Local interest in ten- ul 2 p. in. Interment will be m ed from the tv. o weeks trip to the 1. The Vernonia sluggers seemed nis has been raised somewhat late- the Presbyterian cemetery near boys and girls club summer school to have their batting eye as every ly by the announcement of resi- Free Matinee Movie in Majestic Scotch church at Tualatin Plains. held in Corvallis. They all report man connected with from one to dents on the O.-A. hill that they Council Lays Ordinance on Table Julia Janeway was born March a fine time. Those attending were four hits. Kotula led the attack expect to organize a club there Theatre For Women on Friday To Give Dairymen Time to 31, 1862, at* Kellog, Iowa. She was Elizabeth Powers and Mary Jane with a double and three singles, , and construct courts. It is likely at 3:30 P. M. Suggest Improvements llazen from Scappoose, Mary El ­ The game was a snappy affair the j that tournaments will be arrang- the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben­ len Turley of Warren, Clotilda first innnings, the score being 4 | ed later in the summer. Miss Nina H. Little of St. Hei- jamin Janeway. She became the Pierce and Irene Wilburn of Fern What was expected to have a to 4, but in the seventh Jewell bride of D. B. Reasoner March 1 The membership of the club has clash between the city council and ens, county Red Cross nurse has Hill, Betty Bennett, Joy Bush and announced that there will be a 6, 1881. For the past several years Margaret McDonald from Vernonia, blew up with a bang and when the been kept open for a time. Those local dairymen over the proposed free clinic for children under scnooi Mr. and Mrs. Reasoner have lived Merle Lloyd and Duncan McPher­ smoke cleared Vernonia had cross- wishing to join are asked to com- new milk ordinance requiring that age conducted in the Brown build­ in Vernonia where Mr. Reasoner son John Welch, Robert Russell, ed the plate 12 times. Then for municate with Mrs. Brewer. The 1 retailers and wholesalers of milk ing Friday and Saturday, July 8 is city recorder. Previous to that and Charles Stewart from Deer Is­ good measure Vernonia added two courts will be open to the public in the city be subject to inspect­ and 9, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 1 they resided in Hillsboro, where land; also Miss Alice Eaton of more scores in the ninth. After except during certain afternoon ion of their barns and milk houses the fourth inning McGregor tight­ hours, when club members will have to 4 p. m. each day. The children they still have many friends. Vernonia and Miss Elizabeth Mur­ and naming certain tests for the Beside her husband, one son and | ray, county school superintendent, ened up and, aided by airtight sup­ preference in playing. will be given a physical examina- milk, resolved itself into a question tion by local physicians and while two daughters survive: Ray Reas- attended This is the largest re­ port, held the Jewell batters help­ -a ...k-*- ■ VA H.iU» 1HV-.UU1VQ klUUuiU V MV VwuUiJ less. the desire to reach the cnii- hew rian ot High School j to protect it is I oner of Gold Hill, Oregon; Mrs. j presentation that Columbia county those dairymen who are dren who are to enter school this F. L. Beach of North Plains, Ore-J ever has had. We hope to have Vernonia will play St. Helens Credit for Music Study selling milk that passes the state fall, all ages will be admitted. gon, and Mrs. Ina Bowman of Hills­ more communities represented next on the local field Sunday. From requirements from competition a- Music teachers wishing their pu- Special invitations have Deen boro. year. There were about 600 club all reports St. Helens is determin­ gainst those who are not. -of the pre ­ pils sent to the mothers to receive high school credit ed to avenge the 8 to 4 lacing Electric brooders have been found members and chaperons in atten­ State Inspector Here school age group, according to which Vernonia handed them re­ are required to make an applica- dance. satisfactory if operated properly. tion for certification for the com- State Dairy and Food Inspector Miss Little, but as it is ompossible Wednesday and Thursday nights cently. This promises to be one of to obtain all names, everyone will It costs usually more than oil for were given over to stunts put on the best games of the season and ing year according to Elizabeth J. D. Mickle of Portland was pres­ Murray, county school superinten­ ent at the meeting and was instru­ be welcome. Miss Little will con­ breeding but eliminates most of by the various counties, which were all the local fans are asked to dent, under a revised plan recent­ mental in pointing out the merit duct the clinic, assisted by local the labor and fire hazard. Results judged originality, state presence come out and help Vernonia win. of the use of electricity for in ­ ly issued. women. of having such an ordinance in Summary: Three base hits, Mc- creased egg production and fcr of actors and sequence of events Free Matinee For Women every community. He explained that The new plan requires that ap ­ with club work as a basis. Prizes Gregor; two base hits, Rotula, breeding have been published by Through the courtesy of J. H. plications be filed with C. A. How­ the state department has Insuffic­ the state college experiment sta­ were awarded as follows, First Nance, Scales; Sacrifices, Nance, Bush, a free matinee for women Lane county; . second Columbia McGregor; double plays, Scales; ard, superintendent of public in­ ient inspection force to cover the tion poultry department. will be given Friday, July 8. at county; third, Jackson county, base on balls, off McGregor, 2, struction, at Salem, Oregon, on state more than twice a year, and 3:30 p. m. in the Majestic theatre. Mrs. M. Lane called on Mrs. with Marion, Tillamook and Mult­ off Larson 3; struck out by Mc­ or before July 15. Blanks for this! that his work can be done by the purpose are furnished by the state 1 local health officer. Samples of Special films have been obtained M. C. Dent Tuesday of last week. nomah receiving honorable mention. Gregor 6, by Larson 3; hit by pit­ from the extension division of the department of education at Salem, milk would be taken from time In athletics all the boys were cher, by McGregor, Tweedie; by Oregon Agricultural college on This plan of certification does t° time and sent to the inspector’s members of the champion teams. Larson, Gordon; by Scales, Welch; “Old and New Ways of Treating Betty Bennett won a gold star in stolen bases, Gordon, Kotula, Mc­ not invalidate certificates now in I office for analysis, i Diphtheria and Value of Annual “The dairymen should welcome swimming, performing 15 different Gregor, Scales; wild pitch Mc­ force which were issued to private Physical Examination.” Another water feats and won third place Gregor; passed balls, Graven 2. music teachers from the state sup­ such an ordinance,” said Mr. Mic­ film on maternity entitled “Well erintendent under a previous ar- kle. “It gives the dairymen some treading water. Umpires, C. Nance, Cardiff, Teed- Born” from the childrens bureau rangement. protection against the inroads on After the boys and girls arriv- (By Geo. A. Nelson) erman. of Washington, D. C., will be their business made by the one- ed at Corvallis, the boys registered The annual Columbia county ex­ THE LINEUP: shown. cow dairy, which can never hope at the Cauthorn Hall and girls at cursion to the John Jacob Astor Vernonia AB R H PO A Miss Little states that she hopes to meet the state requirements of Waldo Hall. They were then divid ­ I experiment station, at Astoria, was Laird ss. many will Jake advantage of see­ I conducted June 25 with about 30 6 3 2 3 4 cleanliness and is responsible for ed in groups of 25 according to Nance 2b ing these educational pictures. This 5 2 2 0 3 spreading much disease.” Mr. MIc- matinee is given in connection with people from the county. The car­ their ages and whether they pre- McGregor p 5 2 2 1 3 as a Kotula 3b avan arrived ferred sewing or cooking , kle cited a number of large dalr- at the station at the children’s free clinic. 6 3 4 0 1 about 10:30 a. m., where they were ijiajor project. A leader was placed Gordon If The volume of business in Ver-l’es which have been built up from 5 2 2 2 1 shown around by Albert Engebret- in charge of each group who check- Welch cf nonia is on the increase according modest beginnings, but they sold Union Pacific Gives 2 2 110 director of the station. Mr. ed the attendance at each of the 1 to Emil F. Messing, local postmas- a large volume of milk because of Graven c Northwest’s Attractions . sen, 6 13 7 0 Engebretsen explained to the visit­ classes, so it was always an easy I ter, who, upon making out his an- their reputations and this was there- Drorbaugh lb 6 1 1 13 0 In a recently issued folder pub­ ing farmers that the station is matter to ascertain their where- 1 nual and monthly reports for the of observing strict cleanliness. Linn rf 5 2 2 0 0 lished by the Union Pacific sys- ' carrying on work adapted to the abouts, anytime during the day. post office department, states thatj The dairymen asked the council Total 48 18 19 27 12 tern, the scenic beauties and In- i coast section of the state, which ln- ! the local office has done a greatly, to lay the ordinance on the table Classes were conducted, by the Jewel AB R H PO A dustrial opportunities of the Pa­ ciudes part of Columbia county. regular O. A. C. instructors and , increased volume of business for until the next meeting, July 18, 4 0 14 1 The first visit was made to the representatives of standard com- V. Berg c cific northwest are attractively set I the fiscal year ending June 30,1 so they might meet together mean­ McFarlane lb 4 0 017 0 forth. The folder, entitled “Out­ j variety plots of vetch and oats, panies. The daily program carired |1927, than during the previous while to discuss its provisions and 2 0 0 1 2 ings in the Pacific Northwest,” has ! which included common vetch, Hun- out durihg the two weeks as fol­ Teederman 3b , year. He states many persons view j suggest beneficial changes. Scales 2b, p 3 3 2 3 3 been distributed, widely through­ ’ garian vetch, wooley podded vetch, lows : the local post office as a good | The usual grist of monthly bills Tweedie rf 3 110 0 out the east. It describes Portland I Tangier peas, and Hungarian peas. 6:45 Rising bell, 7:15 breakfast, criterion of Vernonia business con­ Pophan If were passed upon with but little 4 0 110 and the Columbia River highway, ’ The common and Hungarian vet- 8:45’ to 11:50 regular classwork ditions. 4 0 112 Mount Hood, Mount Rainier, Mount i ches are the outstanding varieties 11.50 dinner, 1.30 general assemb- Tichnor 53 In June, 1927, the money orders discussion. The council approved 2 0 10 1 St. Helens, Mount Jefferson and I of vetches, while the Hungarian ly (singing, .speeches, stunts, etc.) A. Berg p, 2b issued amounted to $11,293.69, as the _appointment of H. G. Phelps 2 0 0 0 1 Mount Adams. Some attention is peas, which are a new variety that 3.00 5:00 (swimming, tennis, vol­ Fergson 3b compared to $10,069.13 for June, as deputy marshal by the city mar- Total 33 4 7 27 10 given to the history of the Ore-, have proved quite successful at the ley ball, floor work, ditneing etc.) 1926. The payments totaled $1380.- shal. In honor of Mrs. D. B. Reas- oner, whose funeral will be held gon and Washington country. The station. Austrian peas produce well 6:00 supper, 7:30 movie, dance, or 22 as compared to $828.18. Teddy Leavitt Returns wonderful scenic drives such as and stand considerable freezing party, 10:00 lights out, everybody For the fiscal year ending June today in Hillsboro, the city hall Rev. Teddy Leavitt, will fill the 30, 1927, total money order re- will be closed all afternoon today. the Mount Hood Loop and Colum-' weather and make a very good asleep. bia River highway arc given ample ‘ yield of soiling crop or hay. The $156,771.31, _________ , as com- O. A. C. extension service spar- pulpit of the Christian church Sun­ ceipts were T grade Holsteins. attention; the Wallowa lake wonder- next trials that were shown were ed no time or expense for the en­ day, July 10, to continue in the pared with $132,795.16 for the| ' inijd and the skyline trail to Crater the rate of planting, which was or joyment of tilóse present and Jud-' pastorate for the next year. A fiscal year ending June 30, 1926.' For the herds from 10 to 20 | oats and vetch. The amount of oats ging from the response of the chil- double reception will be held In Payments totaled $13,737.72 as. cows, Paul Welter, of Goble, was ake are also described. first with an average production The beach resorts of the nort'n- and vetch that have proved the dren it was well worth the nn-1 the social rooms of the church to- compared to $14,257.21. of 1122 pounds of milk and 41.8 west, North beach, Clatsop beaih, best combination was of 50 pounds tiring effort of those in charge, night in honor of Rev. O. L. Cur­ The Eastern Star Social club will pounds of fat for 16 grade Hol­ Tillamook and Newport beaches and of oats and 60 pounds of vetch tis, the retiring pastor, and Rev. hold a picnic at Shetlay’s grove steins. J. F. Johnson, of Birken- all others are not neglected in per acre, and 60 pounds of oats ed in a mixture with other grass­ Leavitt, at 7:00 p. m. July 13. All member- and visit­ feld, was second with r n average the new folder: nor are the cities and 60 pounds of vetch per acre, es, but it has continued to it tab- of Seattle, Tacoma, Astoria, 01ym-| Other plots visited were those I lish itself over the plot on which Chamber of Comemrce Meets Today ing sisters are invi cd to attend. production of 753 pounds of milk The Chamber of Commerce will: The group will meet at ; Mac’s Phar- and 37.5 pounds of fat for II pia, Spokane, Vancouver and Vie- showing the comparison of fall it was first seeded. The Lotus is where there registered Jerseys. Loren Johnson, toria. Rainier nati >nal nark is ill- plantings and spring plantings and a late pasture crop, but does not meet in the Horseshoe cafe at noon macy at 10 a. i today, according to President R. will be cars to t; 1- i j to the p;c- of Scappoose, was third with an ustrated with some remarkably fine it showed that the fall plantings i give any great promise so far. Other important forage crops M. Aldrich. Discussion will be con­ nie. gave much better yields than the average production of 1074 pounds new photoirhaphs. ■ spring plantings. We then visited that are being tried out are the tinued on the cemetery question, All members are requested of milk and 37.3 pounds of fat Bennett-Lindsey I the fertility plots which has been root crops, of which they have a- and it is expected that the sub­ bring something for the lunch. for 17 registered and grade Hol­ Another Vernonia romance blos- carried on since 1919 in 4 year bout 48 different varieties planted. ject of aid to the Vemenia fire steins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Hall of somed into wedding bells Saturday rotation showing oats, vetches clov-' The crop which has so far proved department will be discussed. For herds of more than 20 cows Boise, Idaho, spent a few days when Miss Lucile A. Bennett, 18, ers and root crops. itself best adapted at the station for Beeson Brothers, of Clatskanie, Miss Drusilla Franz of Portland last week visiting his father and became the bride of Clarence Lind­ I Variety combinations of fertili­ yields and production of milk, are were first with an average pro­ mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Hall. say, 21, in Portland. The bride zer used were barnyard manure, the turnips of * which Ponieran is visiting Miss Virgie Ueie. ............. the — duction of 1046 pounds of milk Mr. Hall is state service officer of wore a Un silk wedding )ime ------ _ — ---- --------- „ dress and nme, superphosphate, nitrate of white globe and the imperial green I and 46.2 pounds of fat for 28 Hems Made Fly Spray the American Legion in Idaho. carried a bouquet of yellow rose- 8oda and 8ulfur. There were three globe have proved the best var- grade Guernseys and Jerseys. Bor- Dairymen are often interested In buds. ' cheek plots in which no fertilizers ieties. lin & Trachsel, of Deer Island, a formula for a good home-made S72 Cows Tested in June Mr. Lindsay is a graduate were used. The total returns from The handling of a dairy herd fly spray and the following Is the flood con- were second with an average pro- On account of the Benson Polytechnic institute of I the check plots in 4 years were so as to maintain herd production recommended as an effective one dition on Sauvies island, only 572 duction of 934 pounds of milk Portland and is now employed shown by Mr. Engebretsen to be was discussed by Mr. Engebretsen far keeping the flies away from cows were tested in June, accord- and 39.1 pounds of fat for 55 his father’s mill in Vernonia. from about fifty to fifty-four dol­ and he explained that the system the stock. ing to the report of L. J. Barthol- grade Holsteins and grade Guern­ Mrs. Lindsay is a daughter lars. Combinations of lime, man­ of soiling crops rtiised on the sta- 1 Gallon "Kreso dip.” omy, the tester, T(heir average seys. Hammer Brothers, of Deer Mr. and Mrs. T. Bennstt and Mr. ure and potash gays returns of tion was a big help in maintalnlng a was 824 pounds of milk land, were third with an average gallons light zerolene, production Lindsay a son of Mr. and Mrs. around 140 to 154 dollars per acre the production of the cows during i gallon gasoline, and 33.6 pounds of fat. 134 cows production of 1125 pounds of milk Wm. Lindsay. They returned to over the cost of the fertilizer dur­ the summer months. Cows that had i pound carbon bisulphide produced over 40 pounds of fat and 88.4 pounds of fat for 27 only pasture, would decline in pro­ Vernonia after a short honeymoon ing ths 4 year period. registered Holsteins. 3 ounees horse mint or ■■y during the month. duction in dry months from 35 The pasture visited was where spent in Portland, and are bow other aromatic compound For herds of less than 10 cows, sim- The high pure cow for the month living in a small house on State a number of grasses and clovers to 50 percent, while those fed soil­ Jack Anliker of Goble, was first of June was Komdyke Milly, wars being tried out in mixture ing crops only lost about half this dar. street. Fly Petsea with an average production of 1141 5 year old registered Holstein, Mrs. Lindsay is a graduate of as a pasture crop, which included amount. Good fly poison can be mixed pounds of milk and 46.2 pounds owned by the Hammer Brothen, We were also shown the concrete Astoria high school. For the past Ladino clover, which was imported according to the following formula: of fat for 6 registered Holsteins. of Deer Island. Her record »»» several months she has been sec­ from the Po valley in Italy, and manure pit, which is used at the Fritz Anliker, of Goble, was second 1404 pounds of milk and 83.2 1 ounce sodium arsenate, station for conserving the manure two species of Lotus imported from retary of the Vernonia Credit as­ 3 quarts com syrup (Karo) with an avearge production of pounds of fat. sociation and a stenographer In the Australia. The ladino clover which so as to prevent losses from leech­ 1159 pounds of milk and 46.1 5 gallons water. Nigger, an 8 year old grade Office of the chamber of com- has been grown for the last 7 years ing so that it would have a greater Do not use as a spray, as it Is pounds of fat for 5 registered Hol- Holstein, was high grade cow for amount of fertility returns, which has proved a valuable pasture grass meree. She plans to continue her steins. A. R. Melis, of Mist, was the month of June. Her record in that it is early, produces well, is a big factor in maintaining pro­ very poisonous. present duties. Very poisonous; place in shallow third with an average production was 1377 pounds of milk and 73.0 continues throughout the season fitable production. Lester Collins was a Portland and is very palatable to stock. The The basket dinner was enjoyec ->ans out of reach of stock as well j of 1140 pounds of milk and 39.9 pounds of fat Her owner is Loren visitor last week. Ladino clover was originally seed- by all during the noon hour. as dogs and cats. ’ pounds of fat for 5 registered and Johnson of Scappoose. Free Examinations cf Children Friday and Saturday Dairymen Present Find Little Fault With tiew Requirements To Be in Brown Building Given First Reading Only i