Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 30, 1927, Image 6

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Thursday, June 30, 1927
C. Scott purchased a new Ford
coupe from the Crawford Motor
company recently.
Ice will keep your vegetables
cool this summer. Phone Davidson’s
Good, clear ice now being made Ice & Creamery Co.—adv.
in Vernonia. Phone Davidson's Ice
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. James
& Creamery Co.—adv.
tf Poole, June 13, a boy. He has been
Blair Keller recently purchased named James Irwin.
a new master five-passenger coupe
The Oregon Telephone company
Buick from the Thomas garage.
recently purchased a new light de-
Guy Mills and D. B. Reasoner livery Ford roadster from the Craw­
motored to Vader, Wash., Satur-' ford Motor company.
day, returning Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McGraw <rt
It is cheaper to renew your oil Portland were Sunday visitors at
than to repair your motor. Ver­ the home of Mrs. McGraw’s parents,
nonia Service Station.—adv.
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lolly left
Samuel Plumer and family of
Monday for Weiser, Idaho, for a Kelso, Wash., were here visiting
two-weeks vacation.
his parents, Rev. and Mrs. G. *W.
Mellinger’s Hardware
Is Giving You A
FREE Chance on a
Butterscotch flavor is made by
posters entitled, “Sentinels of For­
Vernonia recently.
Plumer, last week.
Oliver Burris made a quick trip est Safety,” calling attention of ' melting together 1 cup of brown
Mountain Heart Rebekah club
public to necessity of reporting for­ ■ sugar and 2 tablespoons of butter
will hold a cook food sale Satur­ to Vernonia one day last week.
day July 2nd in the building next
Mr. and Mrs. Newe were visit­ est fires quickly to nearest fire i until the mixture is waxy. It can
to the Post Office.
ing at the Burris home Thursday warden. Company has made ruling > then be used to sweeten and flav-
that forest fire calls be treated as i or many desserts such as ice cream
The city water was turned off afternoon.
The Grover Devine children are emergency calls and take prece­ - cornstarch pudding, custardB,
most of Monday afternoon because
dence over all others.
I gelatin.
of a leak in the main at the cor­ ill with the measles.
Tom Johnson of Birkenfeld was
ner of Bridge and State streets.
A birthday party in honor of a business visitor at the Burris
Mrs. Judson Weed was held in the home Saturday.
Tom Johnston’s little boy had
grove on the Weed homestead Sun­
day at which a large number of the misfortune to fall off of a
horse and break his right arm last
friends were present.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rosa and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap were
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brady visited
Mr. Brady’s brother and family,
Miss Annie McMullen is visit­
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Brady over the
week end. A chicken dinner was
i this week.
served Sunday.
The Natal Granger’s are going to
Clearance Sale of Ladies Silk Dresses. 1 Lot of
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. I have a basket picnic in the Natal
Ladies silk dresses consisting of Satin, Crepe, Flat
Lee of Sutherlin, Ore., June 19, a I grove the 4th. A jolly time is ex­
and Georgette. Light and Dark Colors. Pric­
girl. Mrs. Lee came to Vernonia pected.
for the occasion to be attended by
ed for quick sale at $9.75.
Dr. R. I. Hall.
Better Service and
The Women’s Missionary society
More Tire Mileage
of the Evangelical church will hold
Changing tires around from time
their next meeting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten to time will result in longer tire
on Wednesday evening, July 6. All life and better all ’round service,
members and their husbands and according to Roy Clark of Vernonia
Just a few more ladies coats left in stock. Very
families are invited to be present. Service station Firestone dealer.
“When a motorist buys a new
good styles and colors. We have marked these
The Pythian Sisters lodge of
spare, we recommend that he put
Vernonia will send a chest of clo­
coats below cost. Do not fail to take advantage
thes to needy folk in the southern it on the right rear and give that
part of the Mississippi valley in
of this sale. Coats at $4.75-$9.75-$12.75 and up.
“The other tires should be chang­
the near future. Persons having
old clothes they wish to donate are
Each wheel puts certain strains on
asked to notify Mrs. J. W. Brown.
I a tire different from that of the
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Borton of | otj,er wheels, and by using the tire
srlav June
, .
Vernonia entertained Sunday
on each in turn the wear is evenly
19, 1927. Those present were: Mes­ distributed and the tire lasts longer
sers, Pat Fest, Jack Fest, Casey and gives better service.
“Style Without Extra­
Fest, Carlos Wymore and Mr. and
“It is also important to have
Mrs. James Fest. Refreshments were tires looked over frequently for
served and a good time was had minor cuts and bruises, etc. and to
and prices. To
by all. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart En- have small repairs made promptly.
gin were afternoon guests.
Tires should be inflated to the cor­
mize on your hosiery
A number of business establish­ rect pressure as under-inflation of
bills insist on Rollins
ments in Vernonia have had a new a few pounds will often result in
cc^it of paint applied recently, the loss of hundreds of miles of
for every member of
among them being Lincoln’s Candy useful service. Valve caps, screwed
Kitchen, Aspland Plumbing, Mel­ down tightly by hand, should al­
linger Hardware and Baker’s Place. ways be used to prevent air leaks.
It is reported that others are con­
“If motorists will give their tires
templating brightening up the ap­ ordinary care and attention they
pearance of the business district.
will have less trouble and enjoy
Fire Marshal Smith states that greater tire satisfaction.
it is strictly against the city or­
Of the 90,000 people accidently
dinance o ignite firecrackers or
similar explosives within the city killed in the United States in 1920,
limits at any time. Warnings have I 48,000 deaths occured on streets
Mail orders filled same day received.
been given to a number of children I or in other public places, 19,000
Phone 801
Vernonia, Oregon
who have insisted upon celebrating in industry and 23,000 in homes.
Pacific Telephone company has
the Fourth before July arrives that
they must stop the practice now published 50,000 forest protection
and forever after to reduce
fire hazard.
Rollins Hosiery
A ticket is given with each purchase of
$1.50 of Cutlery of any kind. When
300 tickets are sold there will be a
drawing to determine the lucky number.
The ticket you buy may be the one to entitle you
to receive this beautiful NEW RADIO.
Wonderful Cutlery
See Our Window.
Mellinger Hdwe
Hoffman Hardware Co
Canning Days
Canning work is a comparatively easy task
you have plenty of utensils with which to work. X
Everything needed costs so little here that you
cannot afford to wok without them.
See Hoffman About It
Headquarters For Ladies and
Childrens Shoes.
Evangelical Church
Miller Mercantile Company
The pastor wil deliver a patriotic;
sermon Sunday morning, July 3,
on “The Nation We Love and Why.”
The sermon in the evening will be
“A Wasted Life.”
Sunday school at 9:45. Preaching;
service at 11 a. m. Evening sermon
The Majestic
“Frisco Sally Levy,” a sparkling!
comedy romance of Irish-Jewish life1
with Sally O’Neil and Roy D.Arcy,
comes to the Majestic theatre Sat­
Will the next era in social cus-
nmq hp ono of the unlicensed free­
dom or will it be a reaction of Pun­
tauical standards’ In “Butterflies
in the Rain,” which opens at the
Majestic theatre on Sunday Ed-
ward Sloman, director, has depicted
a modern situation which might
lead to either result. Laura La
Plante and James Kirkwood co-star.
If one can imagine the laughs
which are bound to arise when Bebe
Daniels and Chester Conklin get to­
gether, then you may well visualize
the treat that’s in store for local
movie goers at the Majestic on Mon­
day when Bebe's latest Paramount
farce, “A Kiss in a Taxi,"
vealed for the first time.
You'll root for Rinty
I never rooted! He is the Big-Bow-
Wow in a wild, woolly, western
film—"Tracked by the Police” at
the Majestic theatre Tuesday and
Wednesday. Rinty at his ramping,
roaring best!
Ruthless cattle barons, adventur­
ing pioneers, covered wagon cara­
vans, the coming of the law—these
are some of the romantic history
hits of the United States in the
West. They are also the basis for]
"The Land Beyond the Law” • starr-
i ing Ken Maynard at the Majestic
I Thursday and Friday.
Natal Grange held its meeting
Saturday' evening with a good at­
tendance. After the business hours
I they danced until the wee hours of
j morning. There were a number of
Birkenfeld grange visitors present
and a good time was enjoyed by
County agent George Nelson wao
in the valley on business last week.
Mr. Newer purchased a horse tn
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