VERNONIA EAGLE THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT VOLUME 1 LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor NUMBER 6 Th* Desert EDITOR MAKES FLYING In a race between the Volunteer TRIP THROUGH FIELDS (By Wampus Pete, Silver Penned Fire department of Cactus Flat and * 4 Posltry Meat Jal, 6-8 The fifth annual poultrymen’s convention will be on the Oregon Agricultural college campus July 6-8 and the meeting of the Oregon Poultryman’s association July 7. The program will deal with econ­ omic egg produetion, the feeding problem and poultry farm manage­ ment principally. Dr. E. ■». Mc­ Collum nutrition expert of John Hopkins university, will speak on practical nutrition of poultry. Whiskey Slide, the home boys won Poet of the Sierras) While making a flying journey by a hose. The desert's covered up with sand, through the towering corn fields That sinks you to your knees; Mescal Bill has become known and prune vineyards last Saturday after the rollers on the pres's had Where vicious Gila monsters live, as the one man band since he has And rattlesnakes and fleas. learned to accompany himself on been washed up and salted down has no friend the fiddle by stamping his foot The .parching desert and stood in a corner, the editor To shed a bitter tear, on the floor. of the Catamount took occasion to The Rev. Ananias Etherblazer When it is burning up with heat observe the progress that is being Glad Flowers Need Care For six months of the year. preached a whacking good sermon made in the farming region. The sands of time are o’er it spread, on sin last Sunday night, at which Comemrcial 'growers cut gladio­ He believes that some of the And have for long been thus. time three hijackers and a yawyer lus flower stems at a slant to boys are going to make a fair crop I The burning desert’s blighting each promised to lead a better life. leave all the foliage possible since in spite of all they can do. That breath Wall-Eyed Watkins, a cowpunch­ food in the leaf returns to the place on Ebenezer Squillses farm Sure is a wicked cuss. • er from the Diamond-A ranch, ar­ corm as it matures. The general where the creek overflowed its rived in Cactus Flat Monday to practice is to leave at least one- banks and irrigated quite a patch, SOCIAL NEWS have himself and saddle-horse re- third of the foliage on each plant will produce several sacks to the Centipede Clark was the survivor shod. as the corm is weakened if more acre, and if Ed don’t watch out of a roadhouse party Saturday A benefit performance for Hen- is removed. Gladiolus corms being he will have a job gathering it night. ry Ford was staged Tuesday when not hardy, are dug in the fall be­ this fall. Bearcat Boone’s lease Miss Goldie Boone announces two flivvers came together on Main fore the ground is frozen. Corms on the Hopkins forty could stand ir­ that no change in rolled stockings street. harvested with the leaves and stems rigating, but it would be useless will be made this summer. I attached are stored in a dry shed and futile and a waste of breath Ole Crow of Piute Peak, who ! WILD BILL MULLENS or basement. When the foliage has to tell him about it. Also Alf Studes [ has just divorced his second wife, WRITES FROM CHICAGO withered it is removed and the pumpkins would bear more froit if states that he will announce himself Wild Bill Mullens, who won great corms are separated, cleaned and they were not covered up with in favor of a third term. fame in the Sagebrush Belt a few placed in a cool, dry place. Corms goard vines. Rattlesnake Ike’s | years ago when he first started are planted in Oregon as soon as grapes are doing well and if he BASEBALL NEWS | his ■ career as a western bandit, the killing spring frosts have pass- has goon luck he oi.rht to produce Split Pease writes from New ed. about four barrels to the acre. York that Babe Ruth is slipping. has been spending a few weeks in Chicago, where he journeyed for Miss Lena Shanks will have a good He said that the Babe went^ to Honey Recipe Get» Prize crop of foxtails and puncture vine bat four times in a game that he the purpose of completing his edu- The .prize winning fudge re- I cation under the tutelage of the which should be rjady for market witnessed and only knocked one cipe at the Watertown, Wis., na- soon, If Horsehide Hopkins don't home run and a. couple of measley more advanced criminals of the tional honey cooking contest held big city. He wrote a letter the other plow his beans pretty pronto he three-baggers. by the G. B. Lewis company has day to a friend in Cactus Flat, In wont have enough to bile for sup- Wiley Hawse writes from Boston just been determined, says H. A. per. If Jeff Jones would get to that the Boston Americans staged which he says that if he can pass work on his wild raspberries and | a batting rally in a recent game his grades' he will be permitted to | Scullen, bee specialist of the Ore. pick a few for exporting to the when one of the players beat out enter politics and in such case, he fton experiment station, as follows: will become a permanent resident [ Two cups granulated sugar, 1-4 cup county seat instead of hanging a bunt. Chi. He writes that he will rc. [honey; 1 square chocolate 3-4 cup nrnvrd th»» po«*-nffice steps and toll­ I runt Rock writes from the eastjceive diploma as soon as he can ! iiuix; 1-4 cup cream 1 teaspoon ing every stranger that comes along I that he recently witnessed a bril-] a couple of more notches on ! vanilla; butter size of walnut, 1 cup who won the war, he might be en­ liant play in the Great American nuts. Boil sugar, milk and chocolate abled to put himself in a luirative game. Schultz was out, Casey to his gun. for five minutes. Add honey and position so he wouldn’t have to Cohen. BEARCAT BOONE BAGS butter boil until soft balls forms borrow all of his tobacco from Porterhouse Kelly writes from FEROCIOUS CHIPMUNK in cold water. Cool, beat and add hard working citizens. New York that Keinesseee Moun­ Bearcat Boone oiled up his old nuts and flavoring. Pour on but­ The farming region as a whole tain Landis has bought a pair of double-barreled shotgun Saturday tered pan and when hard cut in is rather satisfactory and the Cat­ supporters and will suspend his njorning and started out in pursuit’ squares. amount wants it editorially under­ socks. of a marauding chipmunk that has stood that garden truck will be Farm Reminders created great havoc among the LOCAL NEWS took on subscriptions at par value. Cultural practices that Elm Slivtrs, a lion tamer for . peaeful residents of Cactus Flat the control of strawberry root weevil a big circus who is visiting in L past few weeks. The vicious rodent in Oregon are not to be neglected, Cactus Flat, was chased up a tree , was in the habit of stealing into says the experiment station even Casey’s Rheumatic Remedy by Abe Barlow's collie pup the , the homes of the sleeping citizens though applications of poison bait in the dead of night and biting show promise of giving good re­ A BLOOD TONIS other day. Drives ‘ out the poison of Lawyer Lilikell, who planted a t holes in the flour barrels and also turns. Selection of good viborous Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lum­ I garden early in the spring, has | a slab of bacon in Hog-Eye Haines’ plants, use of fertilizers and cover bago, reduces pain and swell­ succeeded in raising a point of • smokehouse had one corner mysteri­ crops with systematic rotation help ously chewed off of it. Purifies the ' order. ing of joints, by keeping the plants in condition. Bearcat scorned the advances of blood. Sold on a money Jeff Jones, an aviator in the , Weeds not only harbor diseases back guarantee by the late war, who hopped off Monday , several adventurous hunters who of- and insects harmful to garden , fered to accompany him, and said VERNONIA DRUG CO. on a flight around the world, was plants but also starve and shade Exclusive agent for Vernonia forced down at Whiskey Slide on ( he would go alone, as he had no them and spoil the flower effect. , fear of any animal that every walk ­ account of a shortage of gasoline Successful gardeners remove weeds ed the earth. Armed only with his roots and all and turn them under and change. trusty shotgun and an elm club, or otherwise destroy them to give Bearcat turned his back on home the plants full benefit of soil nu­ and fireside and a few mighty stri­ trition and direct rays of sunlight. des carried his manly form into the For best results in Oregon poul­ depths of the dark forest where on­ try is allowed 4 square feet of floor ly the sounds of the wild were to space per fowl for the average | be heard. His faithful pothound, size flock. The space per fowl is Sniffing Sallie, soon took up the reduced in large flocks and increas- trial, Bearcat knew he was on the ed in small ones. right trail' for one toe was missing Annual seedlings and bienniaf from the right forefoot of the ani­ and perennial plants need water on mal, it had been caught in hot days and will respond readily a mousetrap. Into the dark and to frequent weeding and cultivating' [ gloomy and foreboding jungle went by producing stronger growth and j Bearcat and Sallie. An occasional therefore better flowers, says the yowp from the keen-scented dog O. A. C. campus florist. signaled victory to the stalwart A lean flat face without wrin­ hunter. A few more yards and the kles and a bright eye are 'indic­ dog came to a stop beneath a ations of the laying hen. A mighty greasewood plant that tow­ which appears to be masculine ered in the heavens. Sallie bayed dicates a poor layer. ns though her heart would burst. Bearcat, gun in hand, and every Radioed From USDA sense alert stalked forward. He Sanitation in . the houses peered into every branch of the poultry runs helps in the control. many limbed bush. Finally two of certain diseases among poultry. black eyes, like glistening beads Since only young chicks are sub­ of ebonite, rewarded his vigilant ject to gapeS' one of the serious peering. Slowly he raised his gun causes of chick deaths, and since] to his shoulder. Cocking his shot­ turkeys of all ages may carry the gun and his eye he measured the gapes parasite chicks should be dist^pce between himself and his kept away from turkeys and the prey. It was about six feet. An premises used by turkeys. unfair advantage, thought Bearcat, The department of agriculture so the intrepid westerner backed has a new leaflet on the preven­ off a few feet to give the shot tion of round-worms in pigs. The a chance to scatter. Taking careful common roundworm causes a lot aim he fired. The bang of the gun of digestive trouble in pigs. It also [ reverberated into every corner and slows up the .growth and develop­ crevice of the forest and stirred ment, and in other ways interferes EVERYBODY COME up a smart sized echo. It was dead. with the well-being of pigs. That’s] Baseball Games, Fireworks, Boxing Two ounces of shot reposed in its especially so in case of the younger carcass. ones. Swinging the kill over his left The milking equipment should be shouldert Bearcat turned his broad sterilized. The milk itself should bs 26 ROUNDS OF FIGHTING back on the black forest and strode quickly cooled , i 50 degrees or back to Cactus Flat, where deep below and kept cold in a sterilized Main Event homage was paid to him by the container until sold, IT you use a. CHIC ROCCO vs. LEX JOHNSON neighbors. milking machine, you should take| Clatskanie 134 lb. Portland 134 lb. Clay Wilkins, a former Cactus special precautions to wash and Flat carpenter, writes from Florida sterilize it. Semi-Final Event It has been found that blight-; that construction work on the foun­ BILL STEVENS BILL ELLINGSWORTH vs dation of a big new hotel building, killed chestnut is being largely re-1 Vancouver, 168 lb. Tillamook 168 lb. on which he is employed, was held placed naturally by oak, red oak,[ up for several days on account of chestnut oak, black oak, or scarlet I Special Event oak. i a shortage of papier mache. ADOLPH SUN Shell color has no effect on the YOUNG BIRKY v3 Bob Cutler, who drew three Ilwaco Clatskanie to a pair of sixes in the poker quality of an egg, but it does make game Saturday night has made the a difference in the price. Some markets prefer white eggs. Others Two Other Fast Preliminaries first payment on a new car. pay higher prices for brown eggs, Oregon produced $334,700 In Naturally, size does make a dlf- gold, silver, copper and lead, in ference on most markets. An ave-, 1926. rage egg should weigh about 2 Hillsboro— Ray-Maling Cannery ounces or about 1 *4 pounds to adds $82,000 worth of machinery the dozen. NOVELTY AND STUNT RACES Nearly 2,000,000,000 dozen eggs to pack 516,000 cases fruit this year. are produced in this country each Thursday, June 30, 1927 year. Ninety nine per cent of them cream dressing is delicious. Whip are chicken eggs. half a pint of double cream, season with 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, “Inside” Information 12 drops of tabasco, 1H teaspoons When a baked potato is done, salt. 1*4 teaspoons sugar, a little work it until the skin is loose, jab scrapped onion, and 3 tablespoons a fork into one side and make an ground horseradish, This must be opening to let out the steam. Drop made just before serving time. in a lump of butter and serve at Combine with 3 cups of shredded cabage. If the dressing is allowed once. Apple butter may be jnade with to stand, on the cabbage the juices or without cider and is a good are drawn from it and the dressing means of using up windfall and becomes too thin. Serve very cold. imperfect apples that must be cook- It is attractive served in a head ed to be saved. The U. S. depart­ of red or curly green cabbage. ment of agriculture will tell you Forest Grove—Western Oregon how to make it. Packing company will build $15,- Cheese straws are made much 000 plant addition. like pastry. Use as much grated cheese as you have flour in your[ Proper inspection of buildings pastry recipe' season with cayenne j during construction would do much pepper, and cut half the cheese! to lessen the residental fire haz- into the flour and fat. Roll out; ard in our country. the pastry and sprinkle the top1 Astoria—First salmon troll fish- with half of the remainder of the j ing begins, with good year’s pros- sheese and roll again, repeating’ pect. until all the cheese is used. Roll I Forest Grove—Building addition out finally about a quarter of an I made to News-T.mes printing plant. inch thick and cut into narrow [ strips or any desire shape and bake. Biscuit dough is useful in many ways other than for making hot Truck Line bread. It has no equal for making fruit shortcakes, or for chicken INSURED CARRIER shortcake. It can be used for a crust for a meat pie or a fruit Vernonia Office cobbler. Sweetened and sliced, with raisins added, it is transformed in­ At the Brazing Works on Rose Avenue. to tea cakes. Pinwheel buns are made by sprinkling the surface of Phone MAin 343 the rolled out dough with sugar, cinnamon, nuts, and raisins, and Portland Office then rolling it up, to be cut across like jelly roll. These pinwheels are Auto Freight Terminal sprinkled with more nraniileto'l on- E. Water and Yamhill Streets gar and baked, and are wholesome EAst 8226 Office No. 11 for lunch or afternoon tea. DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR Cabbage salad whipped Fastidious HATS These are HATS that the smart miss will eagerly want, since they present a most charming array of the newest styles at prices much less than usual. Model Millinery HOTEL VERNONIA and HOTEL NEHALEM G ilby M otor C o Meals Served Family Style MODERN ROOMS OAKLAND, PONTIAC CHEVROLET, STUDE BAKER We Try To Please Hot and Cold Running Water Goodyear Tires Harry G. Phelps, Manager Our Service ADDS MILES TO THE LIFE OF YOUR TIRES TO »? CELEBRATION July 2nd, 3rd and 4th ✓ Clatskanie, Oregon Dancing We Make No Charge For Inspecting Tires for Cuts-Bruises Inflating Tires to Proper Pressure Properly Mounting New Tires Changing Your Tires From Rear to Front I Our Stock of Tires Tubes Is Complete in All Sizes Buy Firestone Tires Now At Their Unusually Low Prices Vernonia Service Station R. G. CLARK. Mgr.