VERNONIA EAGLE She Urnwmia Sagte Issued every Thursday $2 per year in Advance Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 MARK E. MOE, Editor SHUN THE PEDDLERS Either common or mungarlan fare. Each Fjurth marks a year in wh ch vetch is most commonly used with many useful nen and women have cross ed oats for silage. Both make a ' h.igh- the line, too is enshrined, or should je, qu; lity feed, yield well and , --------------------- --- —- ----- -—---- the interest and confidence of their pros­ treasuries of many of them, is said to exist e g ces nuine appearance. Some are such Is the seller so eager to part with his pects. I. O. O.F.— V eknonia L odge , N o . 246, uk imitations that they are easily property, even to the extent ot making because “the people demand all the things t r cognized, but others defy detection it easy for a new owner to farm it?’ meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 They are of many varieties and with as done by the government.” on the closest investigation by The answer is that the land is not o’clock, in Granee Hall many kinds of merchandise to sell.There Is this a fact, or do the constantly in­ a e ;cept i expert. The only safe procedure Is worth the selling price, nor will the O. E. Enstrum, N.G. is the oil cloth salesman who travels about creasing number of boards, commissions, ti investigate under competent advice. profits derived from It be anywhere Literally millions of dollars are lost G. B. Smith, Sec't'y. in truck and delivers the goods “on spot.’’ functions and officials that are foisted up­ ne ir as large as promised. American savers annually as the More often than not his goods are of am on the taxpayers by legislatures and the to buying into the fox business, the o itcome of buying into something—a inferior character and the yardstick that) 1 politicians who want jobs for their friends, f audulcnt farm promotion, a business poultry business, the dairy busines that is nothing more or less or any kind of business is risky unless AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY he uses is far short of standard. The pur-! pile up the debt burden slowly but surely? o t .an a job you deal with reliable persons or firms a set-up to catch suckers. chaser usually finds both to bo the case Often the savings of a lifetime whose word is as good as gold. Watch Meet« first and third Mon­ The average politician recognizes no but always too late, for the bird has flown. obligation to economize along the line of a u lost by buying unimproved the seller who iseinsistent In forcing days of each month at lands with the understand- a sale upon you. Look at Lis proposi Then there is the “sailor” who “happens to President Coolidge’s theory of government f I t g >m that the Legion Hall. the seller, or a service tion from every angle. Just because be in port for a few days,” as he says. He, in federal affairs. McGraw, President c mpany promoted by him, will he makes glowing promises is no as too has a good stoi-y. For he tells his pros­ When a public deficit is created, it is F ant the farm to trees or vines, surance that he is not the world's c re for them, market the crop and champion exaggerator. Extravagant pect that he has smuggled in a few suit referred to as “the grave financial t rn the profits, which, it is promised, an’ exaggerated claims are the ear patterns which, because they have escaped wisely big, over to the owner. But mi rks of the take investment. It Vernonia Po«t dilemma of the state.” The situation is t v i ill is be dream never comes true. Tie you want to go into farming or buy the payment of duty, he offers to sell at at 119, American Le- once seized upon as an excuse for pro­ E ■( ailed guaranteed big profits are into a business, investigate before you gion. Meets second an attractive price. Often he says there is posing new laws to raise more taxes and, E >er realized. If people would only in -est. Write to the National Better and fourth Tues- enough in the patterns for a three piece incidentally, Business Bureau, New York, or con op long enough to consider all an- S create more jobs which add £ es of an offer like that before in- su t your local banker. If they are days each month, 8 suit. One may be lucky enough to get two to the permanent p.m. H. E. Me- overhead expense of without information on your proposed v .sting they would see the folly of Graw, Commander. of the three. And usually its wearing government. Budget-makers create de­ I tinging blindly into such a proposl- investment, wait until they can get qualities are far below par. Inferior ar­ ficits and legislatures appropriate money t on. Lot them ask themselves only the facis and report to you They t iis one question: “If it is true that have no interest at stake except to ticles of these and many other kinds are is not in the treasury to spend. eich big profits are to be made, why to estall crooked games. peddled about hither and yon during the which Nehalem Cha: pier 153, O. E. S. Is there no moral responsibility in pub ­ summer months. The automobile has been lic office? Do constitutional limitations on Regular communi- cation first and a great aid to this kind of chicanery for amount of taxes that can be levied and third Wednesdays after he has landed a few gullible pros­ collected have any meaning to the law­ of each month. pects a day’s journey will take him far makers who create illegal deficits? Is All visiting sisters away and beyond the reach of the buyer and brothers wel­ no obligation to so manage public who discovers that he has been victimized. there come. affairs that the burdens of the taxpayer By DAN H. OTIS Bessie Tapp, W. M. What better insurance can there be than may be reduced? Leona McGraw, Secretary. Director Agricultural Commission, American Bankers Association buying from the home town merchant? If Cartoonists and would-be wits poked lines suffer became of inefficient firms, whose for any reason the article proves unsatis­ fun at President Coolidge’s New England “ f, NDUSTRIAL cling to old methods ar d place goods on the market, VERNONIA GRANGE factory he is ready and willing to correct thrift, but he has worked with Congress < ven officers at a loss, to compete with t le more efficient institutions. the trouble and satisfy his customer. Not to constantly reduce taxes and reduce de­ The Vernonia Grange meets on th Agriculture, tco, has this problem to face. so with the peddler, he is gone tomorrow ficits by paring appropriations, and has We find farmers who fight new methods. second Saturday of every month a • They retard the prosperity of other farmers 7:30 P. M. Any members of th or yet today if the chase gets too hot. He toiled with his budget-making department by throwing tn the market poor quality Grange living in or near Vernonia is not seeking to satisfy his customer, he to maintain a surplus in the national treas­ or visiting in the community, ar products, freqi.ently produced at a loss. is after the money alone. The home town ury and constantly reduce taxes. State of­ The nature of the banker’s business cordially invited to attend. merchant stakes his reputation and his ficials could employ a little of his thrift Mrs. Minnie Malmsten, Secretary places him in a position to help this type of success on his record for fair and honest to the great benefit of local taxpayers. farmer as well as the more progressive farmer. At the same time the banker can dealing. He may be found at his place of Just as it takes brains to have a private MOUNTAIN HEART assure himself of good loans based on the business day in and day out, year in and business show a profit, so does it take farm as a going concern. REBECCA LODGE No. 243. I.O.O.F year out. There is nothing elusive about brains to operate a state on a solvent basis A study of t ie investments, sources of in­ Meets every second and Fourth him. When folks want support and con­ without constant and increasing assess­ come and expenses of the successful farm­ Thursdays in Grange Hall—Vernonia tributions for this and that, they know ments on the taxpayers. Visitors always welcome ers in his community will give the banker a measuring stick by which to gage the haz Mrs. Edna Kilby, N. G. where to find him and he gives willingly Public officials blaming “the people” ard entailed in furnishing loans to other MRS. IRENE SPENCER, Sec’y and generously. Did anyone ever hear of for the taxation dilemma, is on a par with farmers. This study is readily accomplished the itinerant merchant contributing a sin­ the officers of an army blaming the sol­ through the ure of summaries of farm rec­ gle cent for the advancement of a local diers for ill-advised campaign tactics. Both 1 WZ.Ttvnagr ords. In the absence of good records, survey J. MASON DILLARD cause? There is one real way of insuring the people and the soldiers follow their D.H.OTIS blanks which can be obtained from the agri­ cultural colleges, may be used for collecting the information. good goods at reasonable prices, one way leaders. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW A banker in a dairy district would use data similar to Next to Carkin Cleaning Work* (of getting good value for the dollar ex­ I armer A’s summary in the following table as a measuring Here Every Wednesday pended and that is to buy of the reputable ...u to ... judge the condition of _j Farmer v----------------------------------------- e * ick even The habit of saving is itself an L: home town merchant. =?= sity of income. Notice that the lead greater asset than the savings; for a habit Farmer Farmer in; source ot income, dairy products, A B is for life, and a sum of money or meas­ 1 Farm receipts DR. ELLA WIGHT 22,214 constitutes less than one-halt of the . 15,4« ESPECIALLY THE FOURTH arm expenses, . 2.122 1,079 total Income. The various enterprises DR. C. J. WIGHT ure of any other valuable thing is a mere th it make up Farmer B ’ s diversity ot Tec’pts above expenses 23,343 21.135 CHIROPRACTORS incident, replaceable once or a score of Interest on total invest­ business all show marked decreased The Fourth of July is the anniversary Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, ment 5 per cent.. 1,070 989 income. times by a habit of saving. of the Declaration of Independence of Liver and Intestinal Troubles Net Income after de­ Quality of Business Shows Leaks ducting interest........ 22,273 2145 Delayed Menstruation these United States. It is a holiday. The < ' 127 130 Farmer Farmer - otal investment........... 221,400 219,773 average citizen and his family expect to It is pleasant to think of the Garden of Operating A B capital (ma­ Receipts per cow......... tuo 2« chinery, livestock, enjoy a “rest,” by motor, by rod and line, Eden, without taxes, reformers, working Receipts per livestock equipment) .................... ....... .. 6,8C2 4,473 units other than I umber of cows............... 18 11 by golf-club, by swimming-suit, by picnic­ hours or relatives. iswa ............................ 94 32 Investment in cows.... 12,302 LESTER SHEELEY 21.205 Under the heading, "Quality ot basket, by the noisy and futile fire-cracker The total investment of Farmer A Bi slness," Farmer B shows that his Attorney-at-Law some, perchance, by a good old snooze at II moderate with a large percentage cows are bringing In 162 less per year A pedestrain should always have him­ ( !7 per cent) of operating or working than home. Farmer A’s. The 168 a year which Vernonia Oregon capital. Farmer B is low in operating they are producing is undoubtedly be The two facts remain; the Fourth of self under control. c-ipital. Tho number of cows Is also low the cost of feed and keep. The 1 w, which is reflected in the farm 1 e ome per live-stock unit is still July is an important anniversary; it is a ceipts, these being |3,251 less than worse, and while this farm needs DR. W. H. HURLEY holiday. How would it be for every Ameri­ Famous last words: “I believe that’s his t r -ose of Farmer A. The expenses of w cows to increase its volume ol can to combine, for as little as five min-j left headlight burning, 1 irmer B, although about one-half of more DENTISTRY AND X-RAY business, it would be financial suicide t ¡ose of Farmer A, are, nevertheless, to Invest in the same type of cow utes, those two facts; devote part of the] ------ Evenings by Appointment high in the ratio to receipts. biliday to thoughtful consideration of the It is presumed that picnic ants never Tilts poor farmer must weed out his Office over Brown Furniture Store. The only way to Safeguard a loan poor cows and- feed the balance pro Vernonia Oregon anniversary? . heard of the law of supply and demand. t > Fanner B is to consider assets and perly to get results before money it Do we commemorate this Fourth the tot Income. Before any loan should lo ined io him to Increase bis herd at all the banker and with good stock. fathers who were the heroes of a magnifi-' It can be proved without insurance sta­ t te ie considered ivi. D. COLE farmer should go over the situa- An analysis of the farmer's records cent event; or do we celebrate rather the tistics that careful drivers live longer, t on, uncover the leaks and outline a w.ll bring out many other leaks which fruits of their efforts? Would the Fourth; --------- L flnite program of improvement the farmer may not have noticed. He DENTIST may be paying high prices for feed be the great day it is if their efforts had A gentleman fanner is just like any Diversity of Business Good Sign when less money spent for fertilizers come to naught, or if the United States other kind except that he loses more Vernonia Farmer Farmer and lime may enable him to raise the Oregon A B had become a less imposing people? The money. I come from crop«. .. 21.474 2*51 right kind of feed on his own farm I om dairy pr-wluct«.. 2,343 752 at d stop this drain on bls pocket truth is, we celebrate both; both the fath­ t de of livestock (In­ book. MARK EVERY GRAVE cluding Increased in­ ers who founded and the wonderful thing - -About the only thing a man can achieve ventory) ................. 1,554 280 3arrtng temporary emergencies, i. .eceluvneoiui income.. 327 181 that has grown from that foundation. In without some inspiration is whiskers. farm loans bandied on the basis oi Memorials in Granite and Marble A good diversity of Income serves income, indicating a going concern, At Reduced Prices other words, we are remembering all good t > protect the farmer against years would hasten tremendously the day ol WRITE FOR PARTICULARS citizens of that day and since that day One of the interesting features of Amer­ o' over production of any one farm a permanent and prosjmrous agri­ who have contributed to the national wel- ican penal institutions is the gateway. product. Farmer A has a good diver­ culture. MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. Fourth and MAin St. Hillsboro.