Thursday, June 23, 1927 VERNONIA EAGLE absence of Hon. J. A. Eakin, cir­ visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. at Umatilla and First avenue vhen giv rn the bride and groom. proper. This summons is served upon cuit judge. it started to roll. In jumping off -Ir. and Mrs. Elias plan to live R. Sessman. Date of first publication T treni- by publication for six consecu­ he fell in the path of a wheel. He in Astoria, where they will con- you tive weeks in the Vernonia Eagle, day, June 23, 1937. Date of last Ice will keep your vegetables was taken to a hospital at F orest du t a lingerie store. Mrs. Elias in pursuance of an order of Hon­ publication Thursday, August 4. cool this summer. Phone Davidsor.'s Grove. asl ed that her best regards be sent orable John Philip, judge of the 1927. Dillard & Dillard, attorneys for county court for Columbia county, tf Ice ii Creamery Co.—adv. to her many Vernonia friends. ............. Residence and post of- Powell is spending Card of Thanks. < Oregon, made and entered on the plaintiff. ton. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill will 22nd day of' June, 1927, in two weeks in Portland visiting rel­ We wish to express our sincere return Saturday from a two-weeks gratitude for the kindness and flor­ atives and friends. vacation trip, visiting their parents al offerings during the illness and ■TO Good, clear ice now being made in Seattle and Prosser, Washington. death of my beloved wife and in Vernonia. Phone Davidson’s Ice friend. Especially the American A woman was found murdered Piles and tonsilB can be remov­ & Creamery Co.—adv. tf Legion, the Auxiliary and the em­ in his apartment. He is accused ed by Electria Dehydration. No an ! jailed. Circumstantial evidence Guaranteed vulcanizing service at cutting, bleeding or loss of time. ployes of the O.-A. mill. da kens the path to freedom. The *Roy McKillip, cit * turns against him. Only one lowest prices. Vernonia Service Sta­ New process. Dr. M. M. Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tyrone. w< man sticks—and she, the daugh- VERNONIA’S .PROGRESSIVE STORE tion.—adv. 209 Panama bldg., Portland, Ore- JN tei of a millionaire, renounces her gon. . tf EVANGELICAL CHURCH clrim to a fortune. Then — comes a LEADERS OF STYLE AND QUALITY Mr. and Mrs. * W. A. McClurg prise climax. Don’t miss “New The pastor, Rev. G. W. Plumer, . • i su' left Vernonia Tuesday for their The Ladies Aid of the Christian York," on Saturday, featuring Ri- will preach both morning and ev- ' ca Cortez," Lois"'wiison“ and Ev­ new home in Eugene. church will meet at the home of Mrs. A. J. Sitts Wednesday, June ening at the Evangelical church, tel e Taylor.________ Mrs. C. E. Robertson of Port- .’a,hionB of the year Ju,t open. 29 at 2 p. m. Refreshments will The subject for the morning will: land visited with friends here over be, “Inducing Pleasures,' and the ¡ni are a feature of Colleen be served. Sunday. UYViuii|j incinc “ vui ixu&iuw ocu, , su- utc ’ a s uuv evening theme Our Narrow SelfM'ore newest picture, “Orchids The annual Sunday school pic- an ' * ” Ermine,' ,” coming Sunday. The plan of the excursion will Miss Bessie McDonald attended « be t^o leave Columbia county early nic of the Evangelical church will Che pearly gates of the Elysian the rose carnival in Portland Thurs­ Saturday morning and assemble in be held Saturday. They will meet fields were opened ____ __ not __ so __ long „ ago day. ’ :..j front of the Astoria hotel at 10 at the church at 10 a.m. and go to ai1 ® a thousand ’ lost souls ________ marched inf o the Kingdom of Heaven. Mrs. Rose Keasey is here with o’clock, at which time the excursion the picnic grounds at Sheeley grove “Sorrows of Satan,” Tuesday See or her daughter Julia and son Dow will leave promptly for the station. where dinner will be served at W dnesday. One Lot of ladies and childrens coats, up-to-date ; Adolphe Menjou, Rl- 12:30. All are welcome. ______ ____ _____ r ___ ___ jea do Cortez, Carol Dempster and styles, twills and tweeds reduced below cost. Every Joseph Loeb, attorney for the The Children’s day program at de Putti have the featured Vernonia Light & Power company, coat a wonderful value. If shopping for a coat, do roles. ______ the church last Sunday evening who spent last week here on bus- not fail to see these bargains. was a great success. The offering I Tort Hays, one of the historic iness, returned to his home in I ol< western outposts of the early for general missions was $30. Portland. 170 s, was reproduced in all its pic- JUST ARRIVED I tu’ esqueners for “The Flaming CHRISTIAN CHURCH t Miss Betty Van Doren, bookkeep­ Fr intier,” coming Thursday and Í The Bible school is showing a Fr day* er and stenographer in one of the —____________________ \ very good interest for the summer Wool worth stores in Portland, is ’ tstoria—New Knapga-Svensen el- Next Sunday the men’s I here on a tow-waeks vacation vis- months. part ecfric service will reach '*"> 125 fam- class will have a little extra •ting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Tim- mens and her parents, Mr. and in the opening exercise. ’t- Helens—Moat & Swift saw­ The pastor will preach for both' Mrs. C. C. Van Doren, who have . mi 1 reopened to cut 40,000 feet Every mother will be interested in these quaint morning and evening. leased the McTecs ranch on Rock be, Jay- The evening message will _ , creek. styles, sizes 2 to 8 years, priced at .$1.25, $2.00. “Salvation—God’s Road to Heav- j SUMMONS c en.” Thia will be a chart sermon, Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke Optic­ The public is cordially invited to In the Circuit Court of the State >f Oregon for the County of Co- I al Co., 304 Salmon St., Portland, attend. umbia. Ore., eye sight specialists, will be Christian Endeavor at 7 o’clock/JOi eph W. Clark, Plaintiff, vs. in Vernonia all day and evening, everyone invited. I | Ca -rio -rie Clark, Defendant. To Carrie Clark, the above nam­ Monday, June 27, at the Hotel Hy- Pleasant Hill defendant: ed Van, on his regular monthly trip. In order to make room Mrs. ’ n ^e name of the state of Ore- Sunday afternoon Mr. and Dresses possessing the most desirable style fea­ See him about your eyes. — adv. for a special line of W'illiam Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk got: You are hereby required to tures in prints, voiles and batiste ,at prices you ap >ear and answer the complaint goods we are making and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. fil d against you in the above en- afford Mrs. E. H. Washburn resigned Heppler were invited over to help tit ed suit on or before Saturday great price reductions Í as secretary of the American Leg­ Mr. and Mrs. Meyer and family th: 6th day of August, 1927, said of the stock on hand. 1 da e being more than six weeks af- ion Auxiliary pest here Monday finish the ice cream cake and some ter the date of the first publica- night because of lack of time to strawberries. ' tio 1 of this summons herein; and property attend to the duties of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heppler and if you fail to appear and answer her office. Mrs. Annetta Eason was Mr. Lee Hall have been visiting at or otherwise plead to plaintiff’s elected secratary for the remainder Mr. and Mrs. Kirks for a few days. sai 1 complaint, for want thereof th« plaintiff will apply to the court of the year. , Earl Snyder, Harry Wilson and foi the relief prayed for in his Misses Birdie and Lou Lester of Geo. Bennett were on a fishing co> iplaint, to-wit, for a decree for- Mail orders filled same day received. Seattle are visiting here for the trip last week. They reported fair ev, r dissolving the bonds of mat- | rin ony now existing between plain- Phone 801 Vernonia, Oregon Take advantage of this summer months with their sister catches. ' tif' and defendant, and for such Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snyder and otl er’andUfurther‘‘reief“ as" to “the and brother-in-law, Mr. and • Mrs. wonderful opportunity Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson went' coi rt may seem equitable and E. H. Washburn. to make a saving in !» out in the valley for a short visit buying ready-to-wear G. C. Sale, a former resident Sunday. articles that you need. of Vernonia and now owner of a Mrs. Lee Hall, Mrs. Clines and furniture and hardware store at another aunt made Mr. and Mrs. Clothing For Both Men Ro: kaway, was here Tuesday on Kirk a visit Sunday afternoon. ) business and visiting old friends. and Women Kitchen Shower Given. Ì • Mayor Guy Mills, accompanied A kitchen shower was given on We have all the latest D June ...ell at the home of Mrs. N. | by his mother, Mrs. Fmma Mills, INCORPORATED spring a n d summer Trussler and Mrs. G. H. Sitts, attended the Williams, in honor of Miss Sheila STORES AT -TORES AT who later became the styles. Make your sel- rose festival in Portland Friday. bride of O. L. Bateman. ectioq now, before it Those present were Mrs. N. CORVALLIS NEWBERG Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gooding Trussler, ....... ................. Mrs. ..................... Robt. Williams^ Mrs. .. i is too late. HILLSBORO SALEM Chas. Hampton, Mrs. Judd Green ­ were accompained by their daughter McMiNNVILLK SHERIDAN Mrs. ” *R. man, Mrs. Curtis Johns, Mrs. R. 1 and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nel­ MONMOUTH V. Lilly, Mrs. C. L. Bateman, Mrs. VERNONIA son, in motoring to Portland Friday J. N. Bush, Mrs. A. S. Schultz, to view the rose festival. Mrs. Carl Gibson, Miss Lena Gib­ son, Miss Louise Simmons, Miss Jackie, small son of A. E. Adams, Ruth Holaday, Miss Luella Wil-i suffered a broken leg Thursday liams, Miss Lucille Hills, Roberta when it was run over by a wagon. Williams, and Eleanora Fiala. He was playing on a lumber wagon A pretty social affair of last week was the bridal shower honor­ ing bride-elect, Gladys Malmstan, HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX which was given by Miss Louise Malmsten, and Mrs. E. E. Garner at the home of the former, on H Thursday, June 16. H The rooms were prettily decora­ H ted with syringa and wild roses, H and a color scheme of pink and white was used throughout the af­ H Our entire stock of Ladies Hats go 25 Ladies Dresses to be sold at just ternoon. H The shower was a surprise to on Sale at just one-half price. These One-Half Price. Friday the 24th, H Miss Gladys Malmsten, who arrived Come in and choose your dress and are new spring and summer hats H after the other guests were as­ your choice at One-Half Price. Hat and pay One-Half Price. H sembled, and she was forced to hunt for her giftB from cellar to H garret, as the gifts had previously More of those .heavy, Fancy Bor­ H been hidden. dered bath towels at 25c. Rayon Silk Bed Spreads at $3.75. H Those present were the honor guest, Miss Gladys Malmsten, her Ladies Pure Silk Hose $1.00 Now is the time to have one or two of these Ruffled Curtain Nets 30c-35c a yd. mother, Mrs. Elon Malmsten, her H kettles on hand and can fruit and vegetables— H cousin from Minnesota, Miss Miller, Miss Lillian Condit, Miss Lois Malm- H sten; and Mesdames Wolfe, Geo. H Extra Special Heavy Aluminum, McDonald, Roy Smith, Leland H Thompson, Edwin Condit, Altce H 8 Qt. aize regular $1.50 seller now Malmsten, Knause, and the hostess, Louise Malmsten, and Mrs. E. 10 quart Heavy Aluminum, H Miss H E. Garner. Many others who had Now ................................ Mens waist or bib heavy blue denim Overalls Cut full and roomy union been invited were unable to at­ H tend, but responded with gifts. H made, $1.15—Mens Blue or gray Chambry work shirts, no limit 50c ea. 12 quart Heavy Aluminum Miss Gladys Malmsten will be a bride of the near future, and Now ............................... H all her friends joined in wishing H 14 oz. Red Wrist one piece back canvas gloves 2 pair 25c. her well. The Majestic Reithner’s COATS Extra Special The Closing- Out Sale A New shipment of Dainty Dresses for the Kiddies * Is still in pro «fress Ladies Afternoon and Porch Dresses We Specialize in Ladies and Childrens Shoes Entire Stock Is Being- Sacri ficed I Miller Mercantile Company 71 Corey Economy Store H Hoffman Hardware Co MILLINERY One-Half Price LADIES SILK DRESSES One-Half Price Preserving Why Pay More 98c $179 $1'89 H H H H X H X H Extra Large and Heavy Alum'num. A Life time Kettle years of service $2-75 H H Funnels — Strainers — Tin Covers ders — etc. Collan­ ti H H See Hoffman About It H “IT PAYS” H H HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX Geo. A. Nelson, county agent, who was a Vernonia visitor the early part of the week, reports that he noticed a good stand of alfalfa on the Judson Weed farm here that is quite encouraging. Some have contended that alfalfa will not grow successfully here. Many Attend Wedding Party A wedding party for fMr. and Mrs Joseph Elias was attended by nearly 350 relatives and friends in a hall on Knot street, Portland, Sunday. Mrs Elias is a daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. A. Corey of Ver­ nonia. Many beautiful present« were' f r Boys Athletic Union Suits 50c • - •» , Jantzen Swimming Suits Mens Athletic Union Suits 75c and $1.00. ¿jJ** Vernonia’s Leading Store Star Brand Shoe«