VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, June 23, 1927. T—----- “ THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT NUMBER 4 LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor VOLUME 1 - . ■<----------------------- FOURTH ! Mobile Bay and waited for the elementary grades has been eatab- TO BE CELEBRATED Robert E. Lee. It was on this day, lished in the Cactus Flat school. that high taxes became a national | Professor W indstorm Brown, wno Th« committee on arrangements j menace instead of a foreign curse, teaches in an eastern college and for the spectacular and pyrotech- It was on this day that Kid Liberty ' came to Cactus Flat to lecture on n'.cal celebration to be held in Hog-| dolled up in its swaddling clothes “The Future of America, ,” had L_J to Eye Haines’ sylvan horse pasture and stalked forth to break its lance cancel his engagement on account on the Fourth of July has every­ on the brazen helmets of Restric­ of a lack of attendance, as there thing in readiness for that most tion and Suppression. There will was a man in town on the same gala of gala occasions. Constable also be a baseball game between . , night who could play a tune on Twist Newton will be marshall of the Cactus Flat Invincibles and the ' a saw. the day and the fore part of the Whiskey Slide Slide Imperators. It “President Coolidge is also ad- night, and Officer Twist and his was on this day that the American vised that there is a town in Cali­ poasee of intrepid deputies will be Eagle was born. Fried chicken will fornia named Tranquillity, if he is on-hand to keep the crowd back be served by the Methodist ladies still looking for a nice, quiet place from the race track and the lemon­ near the eighteenth hole of me to spend his vacation,” said Old ade barrel. The Cactus Flat Silver golf course. Two-bits per plate. It Quib Skills today. Cronet Band will dispense patri­ was on this day that the embattled WHERE THE WEST BEGINS otic music that has survived the farmers charged into cannon’s (By Wampus Pete, Silver Penned onslaughts of time and civilization. mouth and dumped a whole shipload Poet of the Sierras) Professor Flyleaf Adkins will read of tea into the briny ocean. Ice Out where the farmer puts in a the Declaration of Independence in cream will be served at ten cents crop -- a voice of sonorous power, while per dish in the pavilion. It was on For the jackrabbits brood and Miss Goldie Boone will sing “Hail this day that the Indian war whoop old grass-hop; to the Chief, the Gang’s All Here,” and the college yell became bro­ Where the rains never start ‘and will also be prepared to re- thers. Dancing will be held in the the floods never stop— 'Bpond to an encore of applause evening under the auspices of Mes­ ThaPs where the west begins. • from the enraptured patriots who cal Bill and his intrepid fiddle. It Out where the farmer is the will throng together in unison on was on this day that E. Pluribus tion’s goat, that unimpeacable day. Unum emblazoned his name on the Where his worldly rights are waiv­ The Catamount urges that every coin of a newbr^ \ nation. Bear­ ed by note, law-abiding citizen and resident of cat Boone’s black hoss will race And the statesman plays for the the Sagebrush Belt be on hand that Wampus Pete’s sorrel filly for a farmer’s vote— day to help celebrate the glorious purse of ten dollars and a plug of That’s where the west begins. and hilarious Fourth. Lemonade will tobacco. New Summer Style* be dispensed free, cooled with Ice. Let us all celebrate to the call Mescal Bill, who puts in We shoifld feel it our imperishable •to arms. Let us celebrate in unison duty to fill the air with skyrockets adlimitum. Let us ring the welkin time during the fall and winter and cannon balls and in other ways and sound the tocsin. Let us whoop trapping skunks on Roaring River, to render mute testimony to the ’er up as she has never before and who migrates to his summer shack in Cactus Flat when the fur brave boys of '76 who freed our been whooped. The Honorable fair land- from the velp of the Wadleigh Porter will also deliver begins to slip, has announced the tyrant and the iron heel of the a patrotic address to all those who summer styles for gentlemen. A shirt of doubtful color with amber octopus. It was on this day that care to listen. streaks down the front, unbuttoned Patrick Henry stood on the banks at the neck and with sleeves rolled Shrubs For Salo of the Wabash and shouted: "A I have lots of arnamental plants up, will be worn by him augmented horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!” It was on this day that the on my ranch for sale cheap. Grease­ with the hat which he bought at father of his country swam the wood plant, sagebrush plant, bear the second hand store in the county , Deleware and dispersed the rebel grass plant and jimpson weed plant, seat a few years ago, and most foe that hovered in his wake. It Miss Lena Shanks, Florist and any kind of pants he can get hold of, tucked into boots that reach I was on this day that John Hancock Shrubbist. Also tatting done. halfway to the knee. The pants made a noble and stupendous ef­ Social News will be held daintily into place with fort' to glom the front page with Alf Stude overestimated his cap- a belt fashioned out of an old [ his gothic signature. It was on this acity Saturday night and was taken hame-strap. Socks will be worn 0:1 day that Old Ironside steamed Into home in a comatose condition. Sundays and to all dances. Next I Burglars entered the office of Winter will find radical changes in the Devil’s Den Developer Satur­ the matter of dress, says Mescal, day night and looted the safe of Shirts will be buttoned tightly at Casey’s Rheumatic Remedy 'v.o uoila.s anck twenty cents, which the throat and a chic redbandana A BLOOD TONIS s considered quite a big haul In handkerchief will be tied in grace­ Drive» out the poison newspaper circles. ful folds about the neck. Rheumatism, n>- ii Neuritis, 1 bafo, reduces pain and swell­ ing of joints. Purifies the blood. Sold on a money • back guarantee by the VERNONIA DRUG CO. Exclusive agent for Vernonia PARABASE MOTOR OIL 100 % Paraffine base Any oil . the will first give 200 service or300 for miles, but It takes a good oil to lu­ bricate of a end the last 1000-inile of the run few hundred run.—It's that the counts. PARABASE WILL RUN 1000 MILES WITHOUT ADDING NEW OIL For sale at Vernonia i Service Station Local News Cliff Gilmore rose to great heights Friday morning when an oil stove exploded. Jeff Jones, an aviator in the world war, was forced to land In a hayfield Tuesday, when he was thrown by a mule. The first rodeo of the season was held Tuesday when the Hop­ kins boy was bucked off into a cactus patch by a yearling calf. “Confronted by the Yellow Peril, the Red Menace, the Blue Farmer, the Green-Eyed Liquor Monster, the Brown Nicaraguan and the Drab Outlook, President Coolidge is con­ templating a trip from the White House to the Black Hills for a much needed rest,” said Old Quib Skills today. The Honorable Roscoe Spilvens, who has served a term and a half as congressman, has resigned and will seek useful employment. Tobe Elkins, who recently fin- ished a four-year -course in land­ scape gardening in an eastern col­ lege, has accepted a position to grub roots for Ebenezer Squills. A class in draw poker for the -----* G ilby M otor C o . Ö The Weed Postno Bills, public weightmaster scaled the heights of ambition Tues­ day. “Iaside” OAKLAND, PONTIAC, CHEVROLET, STUDE- BAKER. • Goodyear Tires Good Room and Board . at the NEHALEM HOTEL With our splendid facilities for handling meals we are certain you will be especially pleased with the service we can give you regularly. Informatioa A slight scorch may frequently be remedied if moistene«^ and hung in the sun to bleach. When pancakes stick to an alum­ inum griddle it may be because the recipe does not include enough fat. Add a little more and the trouble may be corrected. Cranky prejudices about certain foods increase the burden of the mother who must plan the meals. Train the children to like and eat all good wholesome foods. Any true mayonnaise, made with egg, oil, acid and seasonings will keep as long as a week in a re­ frigerator. It’s a good idea to make up a sufficient quantity to last a week. | • Learn how many servings can be expected from each kind of food you buy, and you will go a long way toward economical manage­ ment of the food supply. Buy by weight or number when you can. When steaming a pudding in a coffee can, the lid must be se­ curely fastened on, but if a small hole is pierced in the top to let the steam eseape there will be less need of tying the lids on and the pudding will not become too mom. Oregon will have more fish and game this year than for yean past. if Distribution 'Without Waste, Playtime Vacation days arfe with us and one of the nicest ways to spend them is out on the long trail, touring from one section of the country to the other. With your car and a camp outfit you can go anywhere you please, stay as long as you like and come back when you get ready. You are under no limitations except those you choose to impose upon yourself. For such trips the Safeway Man is prepared to supply you with a suit­ able variety of wholesome foods at a compartively small cost. He is trained in packing your purchases in the safest and most convenient manner and he is coinpetient to advise with you in making your selections. The savings he offers will help a lot in paying the expenses of-your trip. Opportunities to Economize ( Friday, Saturday and Monday Tea Skaggs Green (Japan) tea is a deliciously refreshing beverage at this season. Contains only the finest selected, uncolored leaf, packed under our own su­ pervision. We vouch for the quality, if you don’t like it bring it back. Note the saving prices. Sugar The present market on sugar is very firm with a strong probability that it will go still higher. Wholesalers’ price is $6.65 per hundred pounds. We foresaw this rise and protected our customers by making a huge pur­ chase while the price was low—just another illustration regularly performs Pure Cane granulated. 100 10 Nuisance The fair streets of Cactus are again overrun by weeds, just as they were last summer and the summer before last and all the summers that have come and went since Heck was a pup. Is this nuis­ ance to continue forever? Is this blot going to blight our fair young village until Gable sounds his horn? i Is this shining spot in the glorious country conceived by Washington, preserved by Lincoln and pickled by Heinz going to remain an eye­ sore to tourist with pockets full of money who happen to get on the wrong road occasionally? Have we no civic pride? Have we no com­ munity spirit, no taste for art, no desire to make our beautiful city a city beautiful. Is it more honora­ ble for our mayor to sit on a ary goods box and whittle on a pine stick than it is for him to take a hoe and whittle down a few on- noxious weeds that are forever flaunting their virtues in our faces? The time to act is upon us. It has been upon us for some weeks. Let us girt up our lions and saun­ ter forth to battle. Yea, let us go forth and slay the armies of encroaching weeds even as Sandow slew the Phillistines. A A GLORIOUS LB. SC. $6 39 1 2 57c 29c lb. pkg. lb. pkg. Carnation Mush Wheat flakes. An ideal summer breakfast food. Large package Each We bake our own bread in a fine sanitary plant under the supervision of experts. Only the finest ingredi­ ents are used and there is no better loaf baked. Try it once and you will want it always. White or “Health” bread—full 24-oz. (1%-lb.) loaf. No limit—buy all you want. . 27c Pineapple Fig Bars Standard broken sliced, me­ dium heavy syrup. Fresh stock. Very healthy food for the children. 2 2 39c cans Cheese Mustard Oregon full cream. White Star brand.— Light meat ; excel­ lent quality. cans .... 29c 29c lbs. 35c 2 2 Paste Heinz Prepared Large bottle for 25c Catsup Redwood brand. Sardines Made Spaghetti or Maca­ from firm, 15 oz. oval cans. ripe tomatoes. 14-oz. roni. Buy it in bulk. Guaranteed quality bottle. lbs. 2 25c 3 ca»3.. 29c Each Wonderful Savings At Our Market Bacon Squares Fancy Sirloin and T-Bone Steaks, From Baby Beef. Delicious PER lb. 25c PER Pure Lard Bacon Backs These are skinned and sugar cur­ ed,' no waste. 1 lb. *o 3 lb. Lean lb.............................. At thia very low price 8 2 lbs. lbs. $1.25 32c