Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 23, 1927, Image 1

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Ucrnoma £a0lc
ltuLereU at Vernonia, Oregon,
Postoffioe ai Second-Class Matter.
Council to Vote
Milk Ordinance
Ben Owen« Elected New
Director of District 47
An unexpectedly large turnout
was present for the annual school
election of district 47 Tuesday af­
ternoon. Quite a number were too
late to vote for part of the elec­
tion and a number missed out al­
together. It was said that some
thought the polls would be open
from 2 p. m. to 7p.m., but as
this is not a first class school dis­
trict, it is only required that the
election start at 2 p.m. Ben Owens
received 42 votes for director and
Ed Tapp 32.
The race for clerk was more
closely contested, Mrs. Franklin
Rogers receiving 42 votes as
against 39 for the retiring clerk,
Mrs. J. W. Brown. During the
counting of the votes for clerk
about five persons came in late and
expressed a desire to vote. Before
they had cast their ballots an ob­
jection was raised that the polls
were closed when the counting had
begun. But Chairman Poynter over­
ruled the objection and allowed
the ballots to be cast.
Giants Smothered
All-Stai s Score Winning Summar White House in O. -A. Rainier
Sunday 15 to 5
Runs in Early Part of Black Hills Adjoins Big
Baseball Game at St. H.
acre Forests
The baseball team of Rainier lost
to the Oregon-American Giants here
Sunday by the decisive score of
15 to 5. The Giants led in
the scoring throughout the entire
■ ■■ e
game, starting off with a lead of
Vernonia Team Win» by Score ef Black Hill» and Harney Nationql
two in the first inning. They scored
8 to 4; Will Play Deer Island
Forest» Set A»ide by Präsident
each inning thereafter except the
Cleveland in
1897 as Reserve. Second. Bradley of the Giants, with
on the Local Ground» Sunday
The Vernonia All-Star defeated
The “Summer White House” in two two-base hits to his credit,
St. Helens on the St. Helens field Custer State Park in the Black scored four runs. Forrest ef Rain­
Sunday by a score of 8 to 4. By Hills of South Dakota, khere Presi­ ier knocked the only two-base hit
bunching three hits coupled with dent Coolidge will spend the sum­ for his team.
The lineup;
misplays by the St. Helens team, mer months, adjoins the Black Hills
Vernonia got off with a six-rua National Forest and the Harney
2 2 1
lead in the first inning and was National Forests, which are not only J. Mackel, ws
0 0 C Income Tax Bill la Moat Ditcu»« id
never headed.
rich in Indian lore and pioneer his­ Tranky, rf ...........
4 4 0
State Beard cf Health, Say»
Vernonia scored two more runs toric interest but furnish one ot Bradley, If ........
Of Measure» to Be Voted Upon
2 3 1
in the second inning, while St. Hel- the earliest examples of forest man­ P. Johnson, 3rd
There is No Sate Raw Milk
In Special State Election.
ens scored one run in each of the agement in the United States. The
1 1 1
first four innings. Afterwards, nei- Présidant will therefore have the N. Machen, cf ...
Randuff, 1st .......
2 1 0
their team was able to score. Brown opportunity both of enjoying the
'There was much discussion at
The annual meeting of the vot-
1 2 0
of St. Helens and McGregor of hospitality of the state of South
thf Monday night meeting of the
i ers of Union high school distr.ct
Vernonia pitched airtight balls in Dakota and of makipg himself at
•city council over the necesity of
H R E ; No. 1 will be held in the local h gh
the last five innings. Two fast home on a million-acre Federal for­
■passing an ordinance here in re­
Jessee, 3rd
0 0 1 school Monday from 2 p.m. to 7
gard to selling milk. An article
Ingold, as
1 1 1 p.m. for the purpose of electing
field and a sensational running
published in the Oregonian June
The state park of 60,000 acres, Cooper, c ..!
1 0 1 one director for a term of five
catch by Nance helped McGregor
16 was read at the council session.
where the Summer White House is Hammer, cf
0 0 0 years. H. M. Condit is the ret r-
hold St. Helens in check.
It was written by Dr. Fredrick D.
1 0 0 ing director.
Double Wedding Anniver­ Vernonia plays Deer Island on located, is adjacent to the Harney Watson, If
Stricker, secretary of the state
National Forest and r. few miles Forrest, 2nd
1 1 1
The special election for the state
local grounds Sunday and all
board of health and pointed the
Kult, rf ....
0 1 0 of Oregon has been called for Tues-
the fans are asked to come out south of the Black Hills National
necessity of having both pure milk
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Meyer with
Forest. This park was the southeast C. Hintzel, lot ..................... s 2 0 day, June 28, when a number of
and pure water. Vernonia has good Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kirk celebrated and give the boys their support. corner of the Harney National For­
Summary: Giants, struck out 14; measures will be voted on by t ie
water, because it is treated with a double wedding anniversary Sat­
est until the Federal Government «¡-base hits by Bradley, 2; D. Mac­ people. The one which has been
lime, but a test was made of some urday evening at Mr. and Mrs.
one at 5:30. Captain Jack Nance exchanged it, as a solid block, for hen, Rnnduff, N. Machen; base on Che most widely discussed is the
local milk recently and it showed Meyers’ home at Pleasant Hill.
ncome tax bill, which has as its
says if there are any ball play- state landB scattered throughout the balls, 3.
some impurity. The article read
Rainier, struck out 6; 2-base hitB purpose to levy annually a pro­
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer were marri­ era who would like to try out federal holdings. The two forests,
as follows:
ed 15 years ago on the 18 of June with the team, he would be glad set aside by President Cleveland in by Forrest; base on balls, 4.
gressive state income tax upon net
“A recent epidemic • or typhoid at Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. to have them come out at one of 1897, have a net area of 1,135,167
ncomes of persons and cozporq-
acres of Government land, 50,000 Only Nine Days Left For
fever in a small city of eastern Kirk were maried four years ago the practice sessions.
tions resident and non-resident in
acres of .which are in the Theodofe
Veterans to Apply For
Oregon was caused by a break in on the same date also at Vancouv­
the state, from every source wlth-
The lineup:
. a defective pipeline. This should er. Kirk and Meyer are neighbors. Vernonia
AB R H PO A E Roosevelt Game Preserve and Bo,-
Insurance Reinstatement n the Bate; exempting from net in­
: serve as a warning to city officials A midnight supper was served at Laird, ss ........... 5 1 1
come of a single person, $1000 ;
1 3 1 000 acres in a federal game reruge
Urging World war veterans of married person, head of family, or
t throughout this state to take im­ which there was a lovely anni­ Nance, 2b ....... 4 2 2
I 1 1 adjoining the state park. Within
mediate steps to survey their wa­ versary cake made by the Vernon­ MeGregor, p....... 4 1 ’1
husband and wife together, $2000.
0 1 0 the present boundaries or the ror-
the inevitable last-minute rush ot and for each child or dependent un­
iter systems and make such changes ia Bakery.
Kotula, 3b ......... 4 2 0 2 1 0 ests there are also 240,457 acres
War-risk insurance reinstatement,
will insure safe water for the
Those present to help Mr. and Hollyfield, If ..... 3 1 I 0 0 2 of patented lands, some of them Kenneth L. Cooper, Portland reg­ der certain conditions, $400; and
.communities which they serve. Wa- Mrs. Meyer and family also Mr. Drorbaugh, lb
submitting to the legal voters
4 0 Q 11 0 V in prosperous farms and ranches
'.ter-borne typhoid is absolutely pre­ and Mrs. Kirk and family celebrate Linn, cf ........... 4 1 Q o 0 1 on the stream bottoms, some tlm- ional manager of the U. 8. Vet­ whether the state shall raise by
ventable and therefore absolutely were: Mr. and Mrs. Bain Thompson Graven, c ........ 4 0 0 10 0* 0 berland more or less abused by erans’ bureau is giving last minute taxation during 1928, $2,000,000
warning that July 2 of this year
1 0 0 hard cutting and fire, and some is the last day that the govern­ n excess of the six per cent lim-
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster, rf ..... . 4 0 0
mining claims.
tation provided in the constitution.
“City water supplies can be ren­
ment policies, by reason of having
dered safe by chemical purification les and family, Mr. W. J. Terrian,
This measure is fostered by Gov-
had war insurance, take action i in
and filteration. For those who are Mr. J. B. Eifort, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, ss
0 2 1 given to the. region by the Sioux this matter at tne earliest possible •rnor Patterson, who states th it
Unfortunate enough to live in com­ Wm. Brown and family, Mr. and Blair, lb ........... 5 0 0 10 0 2 Indians. In their tongue, it .was moment In order that every appli­ t is the only remedy to pull the
munities where the water supply Mrs. Charles Justice and family Lund, 2b ........... 4 0 0
>tate out of its present indebted-
1 2 I “Paths Sapa,” in allusion to the cant may be taken care of.
is not properly protected, safety Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morris and Bellville, rf ....... 5 0 2
Those opposed to the tax
1 0 0 ¿ember appearance of the forest
“The expiration date set by Con­ ness.
can be assured by boiling the wa­
Ameson, If ....... 5 0 0 1 0 0* clad heights as seen from the plains. gress for reinstatement of war in­ lay that the classification is un­
ter before it is used for drinking.
Rester, cf ....... 4 0 0 0 0 0 The Harney Forest was named for surance is only nine days off,” fair. It is expected that the vote
Similarly in all communities, milk Gants, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Kjlbey McDonald, c ... 4 0 1 13 0 3 General Harney who was one of said Mr. Cooper. “There are hun­ will be very close on this measure.
should be boiled or pastuerized, for
Ramsey, 3b ....... 5 1 0 0 3 1 the early explorers of the region.
dreds of ex-service men in this
The Portland school district tax
there is no safe raw milk any liam Hodge.
Brown, p
4 1 1
1 S 0
state who intend to take advantage levy amendment affects only Port­
The President will have oppor­
Mr. Justice kept the company Mason, cf
more than there is safe untreated
1 0 1 0 0 0
of this government benefit before end schools and is a question of
tunity to see how National Forests
laughing with a comic song and
July 2, us shown by requests for their being permitted to raise nec-
Summary: Two-base hits, Bell­
are administered and developed. He blanks
It is expected that the ordinance
ville, Mason, McGregor; double
and forms. Action should ■ssary funds. It is understood that
can see how timber sales are made
old time dances. Both Mr. and
hot be delayed until the last min- the Portland district is in favor of
will be drawn up meanwhile to be in
Mrs. Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Kirk plays, Kotula to Nance to Dror- under methods that keep the for­
baugh, Smith to Laird; base on
ute. There is bound to be a rush this bill.
voted on by the council at Its received many lovely gifts.
est growing; how grazing is reg­
of applications during the last two
next meeting July 5.
balls, off McGregor, 1; struck out
It has been pointed out n^t the
ulated to keep the range green;
or three days, therefore, it is urged
The council granted a petition Thomas North Graduates
by Brown, 13, by McGregor, 10;
and how land more valuable for
criminal information amenument it
for street lights and vacated a
hit by pitcher, my McGregor (Mc­
From Riverside, Calif.,
farming than for timber growing
passed would decrease the expenses
strip of land abutting the railroad
Donald) ; passed balls, McDonald,
has been made available for home­
of many trials in case the defend­
to Davidson's Ice & Creamery Co.,
5, Graven 2; stolen bases, Nance,
“The privilege of converting term
steading. The first timber sales In
ant wishes to waive jury trial and
and the United Railways company.
Riverside, Calif.,
any National Forest were In the
plead guilty, in circuit court. This
Umpires, Duvall and Jackson.
of veterans throughout the country,
June 16, 1927.
Black Hills in 1899 and 1900, and
cannot be done at present and of­
,W. R. C. Delegates Leave
into the five-year level-premium or
To the Editor: I am sending you
the timber to be cut was so care-
ten incurs costly delay.
one of the permanent government
For Encampment at Salem a marked program of my son Tom­ Portland Wants Favorable fully
under scientific for-
The Nestucca bay fish closing
The Womens Relief Corps held my’s graduation from the Riverside
policies is also limited to July 2.
Vote to Put School Fi­ entry, selected,
that the area can be cut
which aims at prohibiting com­
■their regular meeting in the new Polytechnic high school. Since the
nances on Sound Basis again by 1935. About 25,000,000 Six forms of endownment and life bill,
mercial fishing in that section, has
Legion hall Thursday, where their North family was a pioneer family
Measure 302 on the ballot for board feet of logs are cut each
meetings will be held thereafter on in the upper Nehalem, and well
private insurance companies highly given rise to some controversy. Pro­
the specis) election to be held June year from these Federal timber-
ths third Thursday of each month. known, I thought you might like
these policies show their ponents claim that the place should
28 is a constitutional amendment lands under the same methods, with
Mrs. Emma Miller and Meda Hall to publish an article about Tom­ which provides that the Portland
value. Veterans who are hesitating be kept preserved for sportsmen
such an improvement to the forest
and that in no other state or cou.i-
will leave this week as delegates my’s graduation with such high
school district may be restricted in that the foresters expect to main- to reinstate because of financial try is net fishing permitted in
from John Bucher 49 Womens Re- honors.
its special tax levies as is every tain this annual harvest forever,
streams of this size.
lief Corps to the G. A. R. encamp­
Tommy is 17 years of age. For other school district in Oregon only and even to increase it to 40,000,- year policy which allows conversion
Those opposed to the measure
ment at Salem.
the last two years he was a mem­ by what is known os the 6 percent 000 feet. This is partly because
say that there are 80 fishermen
At this meeting it yvas voted to ber of the champion debating team
limitation amendment to the state the old defective trees in the vir-
serve luncheon on Saturday, July 9, of the Citrus Belt league consist­
Application blanks and Instruc­ making their livelihood in the Nes­
constitution. The voters of the state gin forest are removed in the first
may be secured from the local tucca and that it will completely
ing of the following high schools: of Oregon in 1916 passed an cut, and the thrifty sound treys
chapter, American Leg­ destroy a community industry.
Riverside, Corona, Pomona, Colton, amendment to the constitution of left to grow. When the logger
ice & Creamery Co. To
Redlands, Ontario and San Bernar­ the state which amendment pro­ comes back 35 years later, the ion post or by letter from the re­
Start Milk Deliveries dino.
vides that no tax levying body may timber he then gets is much more gional office of the Veterans’ bu­
Local folk were surprised this
Davidson's Ice & Creamery com-1 Tommy’s grandfather, Thos. H.
levy a tax for one year which ex­ free from rot and other defects
week to learn of the marriage in
panv plans to start making regular North, came to the Nehalem valley
ceeds by more than 6 per cent than was that cut the first time. Oregon.
Portland Saturday of Miss Mirabel
deliveries of pasteurized milk the in 1890 and settled nine miles
the tax levy of the year previous. Also, young timber is coming In
Goodin to Fred Brewer in the home
first of next week, according to south of Vernonia on Clear creek.
In 1917 it was estimated that a on old burns and other barren
O. B. Davidson. Most of the equip­ His father, Fred North, came there
Peaceful in Vernonia of the bride’s parents at 7:30 p.
six mill school levy would be suf­ places and will thus increase the
m. The young couple left immedia­
ment is already in readiness for as a boy and later graduated at
ficient to meet the requirements areas which can be cut over every
“Saturday night was the qultest tely for a honeymoon trip to Rain­
operation, and regular routes will Pacifie
later taking of the Portland school district with­ 35 yean.
I have seen thia year,” said Mar­ ier national park.
aeon be established.
graduate work at the University of out levying the full amount per­
shal Kelly Monday morning when
Miss. Goodin was a teacher in the
It is planned to use the same Chicago and is now an instructor
mitted by the constitution. In ac-
asked concerning the police activ­ local high school the past year and
•delivery service on both the milk in the Riverside high school and
cordiance with • this estimate the and Harney National Forests are ities of the week end. “There were coach of the girls basketball team,
and ice. The first delivery of the junior college. Tommy has spent
legislature enacted a law which many points of scenic or recreation­ no arrests over Saturday and Sun­ who enjoyed a very victorious se is
day, starting at 4 a.m., will be several summers in the Nehalem on
limited the Portland sohool district al interest. The famous Hot Springs day, and there were not even many on the past year. It is understood
of milk. After that there will be the old homestead and loves the
to an annual six mill tax levy, at the southern end of the Black automobiles in town in contrast that she will continue her teachin"
an ice delivery. The second trip region around Vernonia. The Ne­
which two years later was increased Hit's are visited by thousands, and to the usual Saturday night diffi­ duties next fall.
wfft the ice will start late in the halem river is the river of his
to 6 1-2 mills. For the past seven! the Wind Cave National Park and culty in finding parking space. It
afternoon and will be followed with childhood. The late Edwin B. North
Fred Brewer is a member of the
years this tax levy has been in­ Jewel Cave National Monument al- was probably due to the Portland
another milk delivery.
firm of Brewer 4 Visnaw, owneis
is his uncle and Francis North, adequate to meet the growing de­ so are well known. Harney Peak, rose festival.”
The plant has been making lee who recently lived in Vernonia, Is
of the Vernonia Bakery. He is a
mands of the school district. In the, highest point in the United
A good sized crowd attended the
for several weeks past which is his cousin.
veteran of the World war and
other words, the original estimate States east of the Rocky Moan- regular Legion
meeting with favor among local
Very sincerely
was too low to meet the increased tains, Custer Peak, the "Needles,1 night, but outside of that there was holds the office of chaplain in Ve>
consumers because of its clearness.
Fred North. demands for school funds brought and Sylvan Lake are other pointe little activity in the town. It is nonia post, American Legion.
of interest, as well as the old min­ believed by some that the raid held
It is said that after the honey­
Legion Auxiliary Picnic Held
The program enclosed, included about by a large increase in school
A crowd of about 50 members the name of Thomas North, with population and the voters of Port­ ing town of Keystone, where Is by federal officers here recently moon Mr. and Mrs. Brewer will
of the local American Legion Aux­ those of nine others, under the land have year after year voted located the famous Holy Terror had a quieting effect on local “par­ be at home to their friends i t
the Cherrytree apartments.
iliary posts held a picnic at Tim­ heading of "graduates with honor.” special taxes above those permitted mine, from which came the richest ties.”
ber Tuesday evening, with Second A notation stated that these would by the limiting statutes. All other gold ore ever found In the world,
Chamber Meets Today
Vice Commander Zimmerman of be made life members of the Cali­ taxing units in Oregon are restrict­ Tradition says this mine was named
The Chamber of Corwmeree will Experiment Station Trip Saturday,
Timber master of ceremonies. Those fornia Scholarship Federation and ed in tax levies by the 6 per cent
’ hold its rsgular meeting at noon
County Agent Geo. A. Nelson
attending reported an unusually would receive a gold pin and gold constitutional amendment and the
today at the Horseshoe cafe, ac- of St Helens was here Tuesday
good time. Splendid music was ren­
Portland school district is asking
Accompanied by their son Charles i cording
_ to President _
R. ._
Aldrich. on business and incidentally to in­
seal on their diplomas.
dered by Timber and visiting leg­
that its tax levies be restricted by and daughters Kathryn and Allee, An important question to tome be- terest a number of local folk in
Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Cole returned the same general constitutional pro­ Mr and Mrs C 8. Hoffman left fore the chamber to the problem of taking the annual farmers excur­
The local Legion post has more recently from a three-weeks vaca­ vision. This measure affects no Sunday for Belknap Springs, on additional cemetery facilities. The
sion to the John Jacob Astor ex­
than 20 members living in the vic­ tion trip to Idaho, where they vis­ other district in Oregon than the the McKenzie river,, tor a swo- present cemetery is
reported to be periment station near Astoria Sat­
inity of Timber.
ited relatives.
Portland school district.
weeka vacation trip.
completely filled.
Discuss Need ot Requiring All
Milk to Pass Purity Test
July 5 Is Next Meeting
Here Next Week
Annual Meeting of UrJin Hi^h
Schcol District 1
A Special State Elecik n