VERNONIA EAGLE THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT VOLUME 1 LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor :r.r NUMBER 3 I head and turned around at the first ths of the yawning chasm. > BIG BOULDER BAFFLES CHAMBER OF CONVERSE This was done the next morning stopping place and came back to About twenty paid up members by Archimedes Puck, who practic­ Cactus Flat. He stopped In front of th* postoffic* and told the as­ and three dogs assembled en masse ed sculpture while in college. sembled citizenship what he thought at the municipal hall Monday night of California and mountain road* Local New* to discus* the big rock which rolled off the middle of the Cactus Flat- Ebenezer Squills, a dirt farmer in general, and said that anybody San Francisco highway, completely, of upper Mud creek, says he wishes with a lick of sense would straigh­ blocking all traffic except goats this flexibile tariff he has heard ten out their roads so that tourists would be attracted to the country. and burros. so much about would flex occasion­ Rattlesnake Ike told Mr. tourist Constable Twist Newton, who ap­ ally in his direction. that the only way to straighten Prof. Flyleaf Adkins states that pointed himself a board of super­ Out a road up the side of a hill visors to log the rock, reported a chair of United States History like WUldsat Mountain would be that the rock was of gigantic stat­ is planned for the University of to tie a rope to the lower end of ure and also spread out considera­ London, and that we can at least the road and pull it down into bly. He suggested that the only tell them who won the Revolutlon- the valley where the land is level, method of surmounting the dif­ 'ary war. and he would take the matter up Hurd Howe writes from Wash­ ficulty was not to surmount it at with the next legislature. all, but'to go around it. He said ington that the Honorable William This answer did not seem to that the most feasible plan was Hoots, who has been talked of satisfy the tourist, who turned to begin construction of a new as a presidential posibility in 1928, away in disgust and headed off road at the head of the canyon will reopen his peanut stand in in the general direction of San about a mile above the rock and that city. Francisco. Henry Eckles writes from Shang ­ cut across the canyon, building the new road on the hill across hai that despite the barriage laid Social News the creek from the rock and in- down by non-participating nations, Miss Goldie Boone, the charming secting the old road about three the Chinese are still threatening to daughter of Bearcat Boone, the quarters of a mile below the rock. take the city. tonsorial barber and expert horse- Hobe Towner writes from Chic­ shoer, returned from San Francisco He estimated that the new road would cost about ten thousand dol­ ago that the bootleggers have land­ Monday with a new fur coat, which lars for labor and material and ed and have the situation well in set her back nineteen dollars and dynamite to blast a tunnel through hand. ninety-eight cents. She will ap­ Scotty MacPherson went over to pear in person at the big dance a sharp point of the hill where it was too close to the edge of the hot springs the other day to at Whiskey Slide Saturday night the bluff to go around and too boil a pot of coffee. at which time Bob Cutler's Cow-| Miss Goldie Boone had the hem bell orchestra will fill the air with! steep to go over if a man had of her skirt torn by a giraffe at all the latest jazz features in music any sense. Bearcat Boone raised un ob- the circus Tuesday. and dance tunes. The management Rattlesnake Ike’s bootleg empor­ of the dance wishes to state that j ection to the constable’s plan, maintaining that the new road ium was raided by officers Sat- bootleggers will, not be allowed to would be an economic waste of urday night and twenty quarts were peddle their wares inside the dance the taxpayers’ money, in that it consumed. hall. Constable Twist Newton will Stokes Cole, who lost the road bo there with hiB posse of intrepid would traverse no agricultural coun­ I try, while a road around the base the other day while driving to deputies to enforce the order. of Piute Peak, which, on account the village dump, has decided to MESCAL BILL’S FAMOUS of the lay of the land, would go run his car for another year, HOUND GETS CHEWED UP Wild Bill Mullens, a successful around the mountain about half Great excitement prevailed in the a mile below Cactus Flat and back bandit of the foothills district, has UP to the town, which said road gone to Chicago to take a post­ household of Mescal Bill Sunday mck-ning when his wonder dog, Lop- not only pass by three homesteads graduate course. Eared Lizzie, limped into the house and an abandoned mining claim, FLAT LAND TOURIST in a fearful state of delapidation. but would give the people five OBJECTS TO CURVES more miles of road to brag about. Lizzie had been out on the trail A tourist from the middle west, of a wildcat and had not been The debate promised to wax warm, when Prof. Flyleaf Adkins, who has spent all of his life where home for two or three days, and principal of the Cactus Flat high the country is flat and where a when she did come homo she look school, suggested that i't would be bump on the landscape no bigger ed as downeast as a ripe tomato a far better plan to take a sledge than an ant hill is called a moun­ that had been run over by a truck. hammer and break the colossal rock tain, tried to negotiate the sinuous Her left ear was torn to shreds into minute chunks and heave the curves up Wildcat Mountain the and her right eye was closed and fragments into the cavernous dep- other day, but he got dizzy in the swollen up with a lump as big as a prizefighter’s demand. The skin had been ripped off her back in several places and both forelegs THE NEW ;1 . look like they had been run through a sausage mill. Her neck and shoul­ der* were chewed up and clotted with blood and she looked as for- lorn and despondent as a native son who has been defeated for office. It is feared that Lizzie has met with foul play. CACTUS FLAT PLUMBER ............ ..................... ATTENDS CONVENTION Slocum Hoppin, Cactus Flat’s handsome and talented plumber, at­ More Miles per Gallon tended he plumbers’ convention at the county seat last Friday, at which time, he states, many impor­ More Power------- Smoother Operation tant matters were almost finished. No record was kept of the meeting Easier Starting Less Carbon stated Mr. Hoppin on account of the secretary having forgot to bring . Less Crankcase Dilution his books. Slocum said that the matter of who owned the pipe that was left Bring in your Ford today and let us put one on, over from a job was threshed over considerably but no agreement was reached. It was agreed, however) that the man who had the plumb­ ing done was to pay fer the pipe, and that unless a law suit was ln- • i. Installation stituted, the plumber waa entitled to all the pipe left over. He is entitled to his, said Slocum, for his sagacity in making the pipe stretch as far as possible and for using economy where economy is needed. As long as the plumber gets the left over pipe, says Slo­ cum, it will not be necessary to figure too close on a job and the downtrodden plumber and his fam- ily can stave off the wolf from their door. Hot Plate Vaporizer Will Give You $9.00 Extra. Crawford Motor Co ORONITE "Kills 'em dead" flies,mosquitoes,roachesjnoths OAKLAND, PONTIAC, CHEVROLET, STUDE­ BAKER. Goodyear Tires Th. Hall of Fame Jeff Jones, who was in instruc­ tor of recruits in the late war, has accepted a commission to drill postholes for Horsehide Hopkins. Lawyer Lilikoll, our local orator, has decided to adopt a more forco- ful manner of speaking and will take up golf. Herb Price, leader of the Cactus Flat Silvar Cornet Band, is revis­ ing the chromatic scale, to meet the requirement* of a piece of music he has written. At a meeting of the Literary club held recently several delight­ ful hours were spent in social conversation. Miss Goldie Boone’s short skirt* coming in for their share. (From page 1) measure on the ballot which can be shown by the votes cast for the two measures. And to behold the Morning Oregonian can see the light and favors the income tax in the coming election; but some of the followers of Chap- nftn’s Oregon Voter are toe dense to see the light or learn. Thursday, June 16, 1927 A wise man changes his mind a tax and let the non tax payer sometimes but a fool never. continue to be on the free list. Income tax is only collected on I challenge anyone to a senes net incomes above what Is con­ of four debates on the income tax sidered sufficient for living ex­ who is a legal voter in Columbia penses but it is different with the County. property tax. The bread winner P. S. 1 hope that the editor of may be sick or the family under the St. Helen* Miet will favor me the care of a physician and still With a series of four debates at the law requires the tax collector the following place* vis: St. Helens, to sell their home at public auc­ Rainier, Clatskanie and Vernonia. tion if property taxes are not O. HENRY OLEEN paid. Not *o with the income tax. You are only required to pay on From page 1 a net income above a sufficient most impossible for the fish to exemption for a living expense. reach grounds, The state tax commission report­ We are informed that in no other ed net incomes of $42,000,000 from state or country is net fishing per­ persons and corporations who did mitted on so small a stream as not pay any property tax. The the Nestucca river. Opponents of best way to reach these persons the pending bill are giving no and corporations is by an Income thought to the future. The salmon tax to help pay the expense of on the Atlantic coast have been government. practically exterminated by reason It is not necessary to raise the of failure to use protective meas- base for state tax levy on pro­ ures. We want to prevent such perty if the $50,000,000 of asses- happenings in Oregon. able property which is not now on It Is for these reasons that our the tax roll is assessed and the organization, in cooperation with $42,000,000 net income pays a fair Similar groups and interested in­ tax to the state of Oregon, dividuals, are bespeaking support Other states have income tax for ihe measure before the voters payers league ever suggested to of the state. take care of the state deficit? Tax Respectifully, those more who are now paying David Robinson, I. Chairman Nestucca River Referen­ dum Bill. Radioed From USDA An average of 12 dozen market­ able eggs a year from each hen should give a good return. Hens that produce less than 100 eggs a year barely pay their expenses. Leghorn hens will eat about 70 pounds of grain a year. Larger breeds, such as Plymouth Rocks, will eat about 86 pounds, W. T. Pope, horticulturist of the Hawaii agricultural experiment station, says that recent investi- gation shows that the banana was one of the earliest food plants cul- treated by man. It was formerly known as “The Apple of Paradise.’’ If a well-fed animal becomes un­ thrifty, parasitism is to be suspect­ ed. Probably about 10 per cent cf all livestock losses are due to worms and other parasites, There are 12 important pai v sites of chickens in this country. There are 40 or 50 parasites of cattle, And there a e 50 to 60 found in horses. Tillamook—Veneer plant opened June 6 with 60 employes. Ground broken for new Grange hall at Fern Hill. ♦ A A ^Difirihution "Without If You Could Sit In Meetings of all salesman, managers, district managers and others connected with our stores and markets are held in each district reg­ ularly. If you, as the patron, coud sit in at one of these meetings and hear the plans and discussions of ways and means for con­ stantly improving our ser- vice to you and eliminating waste, would readily understand why our stores and markets are so much more desirable places at which to buy all of your foods. The whole thought at these meetings is “How can we give the public better merchandise and better service at less cost?” and the free exchange of ideas enables us to solve this problem. Saturday and Monday Features Sugar Fly Spray Malt Pure Cane Black flag liquid small size “Blue Ribbon can 10 lbs. 100»* $6.49 can 3 1 can i Large Size can 3 for.......73c 2 1 lb tin...... 38c 2 lb. 85c for.... 43c 5 45c 59c Quart Jars jar 43c Jar Rubbers 4 Campbells large tins tins Sweet and Juicy doz.......... Sweet Pickles 1 Safeway Label lbs. for Pork and Beans Malted milk 1 25c Butter Chocolate GHIRARDELLIS Oranges 45c 50c PINEAPPLE Large tins, sliced 15c Medium Size Pineapple No. 2 tins broken Sliced cans for.. 1 Double Lip pks. for... 25c Sunbiite Cleanser 0 cans Unusual Values In Our Market Pork Roasts Choice shoulder cuts from young hogs, Bacon Back Sugar cured, y2 or whole Per pound Per pound Swifts Shortening 2 8 White Ribbon pounds pounds Weiners and Bologna 25c 99c Per pound pounds 20c 35c